public void LoadHashTable() { if (!isProxyValid()) { return; } string _tag = uniqueTag.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tag)) { _tag = Fsm.GameObjectName + "/" + Fsm.Name + "/hashTable/" + reference; } ES2Settings loadSettings = new ES2Settings(); if (loadFromResources.Value) { loadSettings.saveLocation = ES2Settings.SaveLocation.Resources; } Dictionary <string, string> _dict = ES2.LoadDictionary <string, string>(saveFile.Value + "?tag=" + _tag); Log("Loaded from " + saveFile.Value + "?tag=" + _tag); proxy.hashTable.Clear(); foreach (string key in _dict.Keys) { proxy.hashTable[key] = PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(_dict[key]); } Finish(); }
public override void OnUpdate() { if (web.isError) { errorMessage.Value = web.error; errorCode.Value = web.errorCode; Fsm.Event(isError); Finish(); } else if (web.isDone) { Fsm.Event(isDownloaded); List <string> source = web.LoadList <string>(_tag); if (localFile.Value != "") { web.SaveToFile(localFile.Value); } Log("Loaded from " + saveFile.Value + "?tag=" + uniqueTag); proxy.arrayList.Clear(); foreach (string element in source) { proxy.arrayList.Add(PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(element)); } Finish(); } }
public void LoadArrayList() { if (!isProxyValid()) { return; } string _tag = uniqueTag.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tag)) { _tag = Fsm.GameObjectName + "/" + Fsm.Name + "/arraylist/" + reference.Value; } ES2Settings loadSettings = new ES2Settings(); if (loadFromResources.Value) { loadSettings.saveLocation = ES2Settings.SaveLocation.Resources; } List <string> source = ES2.LoadList <string>(saveFile.Value + "?tag=" + _tag); Log("Loaded from " + saveFile.Value + "?tag=" + uniqueTag); proxy.arrayList.Clear(); foreach (string element in source) { proxy.arrayList.Add(PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(element)); } Finish(); }
public override void OnUpdate() { if (web.isError) { errorMessage.Value = web.error; errorCode.Value = web.errorCode; Fsm.Event(isError); Finish(); } else if (web.isDone) { Fsm.Event(isDownloaded); Dictionary <string, string> _dict = web.LoadDictionary <string, string>(_tag); if (localFile.Value != "") { web.SaveToFile(localFile.Value); } Log("DownLoaded from " + saveFile.Value + "?tag=" + _tag); proxy.hashTable.Clear(); foreach (string key in _dict.Keys) { proxy.hashTable[key] = PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(_dict[key]); } Finish(); } }
public bool ParseNode() { if (!isProxyValid()) { return(false); } if (xmlSource.Value == null) { Debug.LogWarning("XMl source is empty, or likely invalid"); return(false); } // I am not clearing to allow for default values, could be handy, else you can always clear before using this action. //proxy.hashTable.Clear(); // get attributes first: XmlAttributeCollection attCol = xmlSource.Value.Attributes; foreach (XmlAttribute _att in attCol) { proxy.hashTable["@" + _att.Name] = PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(_att.InnerText, propertiesTypes.GetPropertyType("@" + _att.Name)); } // get the node properties foreach (XmlNode _childNode in xmlSource.Value.ChildNodes) { proxy.hashTable[_childNode.Name] = PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(_childNode.InnerText, propertiesTypes.GetPropertyType(_childNode.Name)); } return(true); }
public static void StoreNodeProperties(Fsm fsm, XmlNode node, FsmXmlProperty[] properties) { int prop_i = 0; foreach (FsmXmlProperty prop in properties) { string _property = DataMakerXmlActions.GetNodeProperty(node,; PlayMakerUtils.ApplyValueToFsmVar( fsm, prop.variable, PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString(_property, prop.variable.Type) ); prop_i++; } }
static public bool GetParsePropertyToFsmVar(ParseObject _object, string property, Fsm fsm, FsmVar fsmVar) { if (_object == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(property)) { return(false); } if (!_object.ContainsKey(property)) { return(false); } if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Bool) { PlayMakerUtils.ApplyValueToFsmVar(fsm, fsmVar, _object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Float) { PlayMakerUtils.ApplyValueToFsmVar(fsm, fsmVar, _object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Int) { PlayMakerUtils.ApplyValueToFsmVar(fsm, fsmVar, _object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.String) { PlayMakerUtils.ApplyValueToFsmVar(fsm, fsmVar, _object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Color) { fsmVar.colorValue = (Color)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.GameObject) { fsmVar.gameObjectValue = (GameObject)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Material) { fsmVar.materialValue = (Material)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Quaternion) { fsmVar.quaternionValue = (Quaternion)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Rect) { fsmVar.rectValue = (Rect)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Texture) { fsmVar.textureValue = (Texture2D)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Vector2) { fsmVar.vector2Value = (Vector2)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } else if (fsmVar.Type == VariableType.Vector3) { fsmVar.vector3Value = (Vector3)PlayMakerUtils.ParseValueFromString((string)_object[property]); } return(true); }