private void Update() { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("MainMenu")) { PlayAudio?.Invoke("ThemeSong", 0f); StopAudio?.Invoke("ExpositionSong"); StopAudio?.Invoke("GameSong"); } if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("Exposition")) { PlayAudio?.Invoke("ExpositionSong", 0f); StopAudio?.Invoke("ThemeSong"); StopAudio?.Invoke("GameSong"); } if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("GGJ")) { PlayAudio?.Invoke("GameSong", 0f); StopAudio?.Invoke("ExpositionSong"); StopAudio?.Invoke("ThemeSong"); } if (input == null) { input = FindObjectOfType <InputController>(); SubscribeToInput(input); } if (MissedDeliveries >= LoseState) { GameOver(Score); } }
public void OnRelease() { if (currentGrabItem != null) { currentGrabItem.Release(currentInput); currentGrabItem = null; CallAnimationTrigger?.Invoke("", null); PlayAudio?.Invoke("Release", 0f); } }
private void DetermineAudioCall() { if (isDashing) { PlayAudio?.Invoke("Dash", 0f); CallVFX?.Invoke(this.transform.position - new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Quaternion.identity, .1f); } else { if (currentInput != { PlayAudio?.Invoke("Walking", .1f); } } }
private int apuFrameTicksBeforePlayAudio = 40; // church, delay before play private void WriteFrameCounterAudio() { if (apuFrameTicksBeforePlayAudio >= 1) { apuFrameTicksBeforePlayAudio--; } if (apuFrameTicksBeforePlayAudio == 0) { PlayAudio.Invoke(); } float paAudio = 0f, pbAudio = 0f, trAudio = 0f, nsAudio = 0f, dmAudio = 0f; for (var i = 0; i < samplesPerAPUFrameTick; i++) { if (r.Status.PulseAEnabled || pulseA.LengthCounter != 0) { paAudio = pulseA.GetAudio(); } if (r.Status.PulseBEnabled || pulseB.LengthCounter != 0) { pbAudio = pulseB.GetAudio(); } if (r.Status.TriangleEnabled && triangle.LengthCounter != 0 && triangle.LinearCounter != 0) { trAudio = triangle.GetAudio(); } if (r.Status.NoiseEnabled && noise.LengthCounter != 0) { nsAudio = noise.GetAudio(); } if (r.Status.DmcEnabled) { // dmAudio = modulation.GetAudio(); // disabled, not impl. reason: No games with DMC on Mapper 0 (NROM) } // TODO: impl. APU Mixer instead of (n + n + n + n + n) / 5 (Buffer as AudioBuffer).Write(((paAudio + pbAudio + trAudio + nsAudio + dmAudio) / 5f) * 0.85f); } }
private void Update() { if (Dropping) { DropBoi(); } if (joint != null) { if (joint.connectedBody != null) { isGrabbed = true; } else { isGrabbed = false; } } if (motor != null && Time.timeScale != 0) { if (motor.velocity.magnitude >= .1f) { if (isGrabbed) { StopAudio?.Invoke("Pushed"); PlayAudio?.Invoke("Drag", 0f); } else { StopAudio?.Invoke("Drag"); PlayAudio?.Invoke("Pushed", 0f); } } else { motor.velocity =; } } }
public void OnGrab() { if (character == null) { return; } Ray ray = new Ray(this.transform.position, lookDirection.normalized * character.GetInteractionRange()); RaycastHit2D hitBox = Physics2D.CircleCast(ray.GetPoint(character.GetInteractionRange() / 2), character.GetInteractionRange() / 2, lookDirection.normalized, character.GetInteractionRange(), interactionLayer); if (hitBox) { RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(this.transform.position, hitBox.transform.position - this.transform.position, character.GetInteractionRange(), interactionLayer); if (hitInfo) { IGrabbable item = hitInfo.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <IGrabbable>(); if (item != null) { currentGrabItem = item.Grab(motor, hitInfo.point); CallAnimationTrigger?.Invoke("", null); PlayAudio?.Invoke("Grab", 0f); } } } }
private void Start() { PlayAudio?.Invoke("ThemeSong", 0f); }