public void Capture(Mesh mesh, Cloth cloth, MeshBuffer mbuf, AlembicRecorderSettings settings) { if (mesh == null || cloth == null) { mbuf.Clear(); return; } if (remap.Count != mesh.vertexCount) { GenerateRemapIndices(mesh, mbuf); } // capture cloth points and normals vertices.Assign(cloth.vertices); if (numRemappedVertices != vertices.Count) { Debug.LogWarning("numRemappedVertices != vertices.Count"); return; } if (settings.MeshNormals) { normals.Assign(cloth.normals); } else { normals.Clear(); } // apply root bone transform if (rootBone != null) { var mat = Matrix4x4.TRS(rootBone.localPosition, rootBone.localRotation,; NativeMethods.aeApplyMatrixP(vertices, vertices.Count, ref mat); NativeMethods.aeApplyMatrixV(normals, normals.Count, ref mat); } // remap vertices and normals for (int vi = 0; vi < remap.Count; ++vi) { mbuf.points[vi] = vertices[remap[vi]]; } if (normals.Count > 0) { mbuf.normals.ResizeDiscard(remap.Count); for (int vi = 0; vi < remap.Count; ++vi) { mbuf.normals[vi] = normals[remap[vi]]; } } // capture other components if (settings.MeshUV0) { mbuf.uv0.LockList(ls => mesh.GetUVs(0, ls)); } else { mbuf.uv0.Clear(); } if (settings.MeshUV1) { mbuf.uv1.LockList(ls => mesh.GetUVs(1, ls)); } else { mbuf.uv1.Clear(); } if (settings.MeshColors) { mbuf.colors.LockList(ls => mesh.GetColors(ls)); } else { mbuf.colors.Clear(); } }
public void Capture(Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 world2local, bool captureNormals, bool captureUV0, bool captureUV1, bool captureColors) { if (mesh == null) { Clear(); return; } if (world2local != Matrix4x4.identity) { var verts = new List <Vector3>(); mesh.GetVertices(verts); for (var i = 0; i < verts.Count; ++i) { var v = verts[i]; verts[i] = world2local.MultiplyPoint(v); } points.Assign(verts); } else { points.LockList(ls => mesh.GetVertices(ls)); } if (captureNormals) { if (world2local != Matrix4x4.identity) { var meshNormals = new List <Vector3>(); mesh.GetNormals(meshNormals); for (var i = 0; i < meshNormals.Count; ++i) { var n = meshNormals[i]; meshNormals[i] = world2local.MultiplyVector(n); } normals.Assign(meshNormals); } else { normals.LockList(ls => mesh.GetNormals(ls)); } } else { normals.Clear(); } if (captureUV0) { uv0.LockList(ls => mesh.GetUVs(0, ls)); } else { uv0.Clear(); } if (captureUV1) { uv1.LockList(ls => mesh.GetUVs(1, ls)); } else { uv1.Clear(); } if (captureColors) { colors.LockList(ls => mesh.GetColors(ls)); } else { colors.Clear(); } int submeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount; submeshData.Resize(submeshCount); if (submeshIndices.Count > submeshCount) { submeshIndices.RemoveRange(submeshCount, submeshIndices.Count - submeshCount); } while (submeshIndices.Count < submeshCount) { submeshIndices.Add(new PinnedList <int>()); } for (int smi = 0; smi < submeshCount; ++smi) { var indices = submeshIndices[smi]; indices.LockList(l => { mesh.GetIndices(l, smi); }); aeSubmeshData smd = new aeSubmeshData(); switch (mesh.GetTopology(smi)) { case MeshTopology.Triangles: smd.topology = aeTopology.Triangles; break; case MeshTopology.Lines: smd.topology = aeTopology.Lines; break; case MeshTopology.Quads: smd.topology = aeTopology.Quads; break; default: smd.topology = aeTopology.Points; break; } smd.indexes = indices; smd.indexCount = indices.Count; submeshData[smi] = smd; } }