예제 #1
        //in case the speakers need to be swapped
        public void swapSpeakers()
            PhysicalEntity_Agent temp = initiatingSpeaker;

            initiatingSpeaker = respondingSpeaker;
            respondingSpeaker = temp;
예제 #2
 public int add(PhysicalEntity_Agent k)//TODO definitely need a better ID function. e.g. once that actually gives unique id codes and one that always gives the same object the same ID
     k.ID = k.GetHashCode() /*k.nodeName + r.NextDouble().ToString()*/;
     return(k.ID);//now the game has a copy of the ID used to identify this object
        public FarewellMode farewellMode;//none, 2stroke, 4stroke

        //public enum PolitenessMode { friendly, normal, polite }

        //constructor chooses default settings
        public ConversationalParamaters(ConversationType cType, PhysicalEntity_Agent participantOne, PhysicalEntity_Agent participantTwo, World world)
            r = new Random();
            userSpecifiedTopicsList = new Queue <Topic>();
            //participantsArray = new ArrayList(2);//default only two participants
            this.participantOne = participantOne;
            this.participantTwo = participantTwo;
            this.world          = world;

            greetingMode = GreetingMode.twoTurn;
            //smallTalkMode = 0;
            farewellMode = FarewellMode.simple;
            autoGeneratePairParamaterss = false;//off by default

            //TODO use this somehow
            discourseType = DiscourseType.@default;

            //TODO choose register in a more inteligent way
            registerType = RegisterType.casual_register;

            //contains one case for every type of conversation
            switch (cType)
            case ConversationType.helloOnly:

            case ConversationType.businessShortExchange:

예제 #4
        private void newWorld()
            worldManager = new WorldEngine();
            worldManager.newWorld("Hello World");

            //insert objects
            PhysicalEntity pe0;

            pe0            = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("area"));
            pe0.properNoun = "Europe";
            pe0.oneOfAKind = true;
            int europe = worldManager.world.add(pe0);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe;

            pe            = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("country"));
            pe.properNoun = "Germany";
            pe.oneOfAKind = true;
            pe.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe0);
            int germany = worldManager.world.add(pe);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe2 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("state"));

            pe2.properNoun = "LowerSaxony";
            pe2.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe);
            pe2.oneOfAKind = true;

            int lowerSaxony = worldManager.world.add(pe2);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe3 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("state"));

            pe3.properNoun = "Osnabrück";
            pe3.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe2);
            pe3.oneOfAKind = true;

            int osna = worldManager.world.add(pe3);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity nrw = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("state"));

            nrw.properNoun = "North Rhine Westfalia";
            nrw.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe2);
            nrw.oneOfAKind = true;

            int nrwInt = worldManager.world.add(nrw);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe4 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("area"));

            pe4.properNoun = "Westerberg Campus";
            pe4.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe3);
            pe4.oneOfAKind = true;

            int westerberg = worldManager.world.add(pe4);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe5 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("area"));

            pe5.properNoun = "Schloss Campus";
            pe5.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe3);//in osnabrueck
            pe5.oneOfAKind = true;

            int schloss = worldManager.world.add(pe5);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe6 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("area"));

            pe6.properNoun = "Mensa";
            pe6.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@on, pe4);
            pe6.oneOfAKind = false;

            int mensa = worldManager.world.add(pe6);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe7 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("banana"));

            //pe4.properNoun = "Westerberg Campus";
            pe7.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe6);
            pe7.oneOfAKind = true;

            int banana = worldManager.world.add(pe7);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe8 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("coffee"));

            //pe4.properNoun = "Westerberg Campus";
            pe8.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe6);
            pe8.oneOfAKind = true;

            int coffee = worldManager.world.add(pe8);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe9 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("mango"));

            //pe4.properNoun = "Westerberg Campus";
            pe9.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe6);
            pe9.oneOfAKind = true;

            int mango = worldManager.world.add(pe9);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe10 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("banana"));

            //pe4.properNoun = "Westerberg Campus";
            pe10.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe6);
            pe10.oneOfAKind = true;

            int banana2 = worldManager.world.add(pe10);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe11 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("bar"));

            pe11.properNoun = "Sauber von Oz";
            pe11.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, worldManager.world.findByProperNoun("Osnabrück"));
            pe11.oneOfAKind = true;

            int svo = worldManager.world.add(pe10);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity pe12 = new PhysicalEntity(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("beer"));

            //pe11.properNoun = "Sauber von Oz";
            pe11.setSpatialParent(Preposition.@in, pe11);
            pe11.oneOfAKind = true;

            int thingy = worldManager.world.add(pe12);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity_Agent pe13 = new PhysicalEntity_Agent(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("human"), "John", "Snow", PhysicalEntity_Agent.Gender.male);

            //pe11.properNoun = "Sauber von Oz";
            pe11.setSpatialParent(Preposition.on, pe4);
            pe11.oneOfAKind = true;

            int agent1 = worldManager.world.add(pe13);//int is the ID of the object

            PhysicalEntity_Agent pe14 = new PhysicalEntity_Agent(worldManager.typeDictionary.tryGetValue("human"), "Mary", "Jane", PhysicalEntity_Agent.Gender.female);

            //pe11.properNoun = "Sauber von Oz";
            pe11.setSpatialParent(Preposition.on, pe4);
            pe11.oneOfAKind = true;

            int agent2 = worldManager.world.add(pe14);//int is the ID of the object

            /*END adding objects*/

 private String renderOpinionReason(Opinion opinion, PhysicalEntity_Agent speaker, PhysicalEntity_Agent interlocutor)
     return("because " + renderDescriptor(opinion.reason));
        }                                                   //default politeness 6

        public PairParamaters(PhysicalEntity_Agent initiatingSpeaker, PhysicalEntity_Agent respondingSpeaker, int politeness)
            this.initiatingSpeaker = initiatingSpeaker;
            this.respondingSpeaker = respondingSpeaker;
 //constructor chain with default politeness value
 public PairParamaters(PhysicalEntity_Agent initiatingSpeaker, PhysicalEntity_Agent respondingSpeaker)
     : this(initiatingSpeaker, respondingSpeaker, 6)
 }                                                   //default politeness 6
        /*helper function renders verb object
         * paramaters: a verb object to render. A physicalEntity which is the speaker
         * knowing who the speaker is is important, we check the speaker against the subject and objects of the verb
         * for conjugation and pronouns
         * this function does three things
         * 1. first render the base verb
         * 2. then check if there is an object, if there is, render that too
         * 3. then check if there is a second object, if there is render it as well
         * each object can be either an entity or a type of entity.
        private String renderVerb(Verb v, PhysicalEntity_Agent utterer, PhysicalEntity_Agent interlocutor)
            String output = "";

            /*first - base verb*/
            output += v.adverb + " ";//TODO in some sentences the adverb should come after the verb. He quickly sits down. He sits down quickly

            if (v.subject != utterer)
                output += v._verbThirdPersonSingular + " ";
            else//subject is same as speaker
                output += v._verbInfinitive + " ";

            output += v.intransitive_preposition + " ";

            if (v.object_one != null)
                /*check for any pronoun possibilities
                 * first check for you/me/he/she
                 * then check for reflexives
                 * then check for ownership
                 * TODO any kind of plural

                //first check if its you or me, but not reflexive
                if (v.object_one == utterer && v.subject != utterer)
                    output += "me ";

                else if (v.object_one == interlocutor && v.subject != interlocutor)
                    output += "you ";

                //second check for reflexives
                else if (v.object_one == v.subject)
                     * if the subject is the same as the object it needs to be reflexive
                     * there are 3 possibilities for singular
                     * 1 the subject and object are me
                     * 2 the subject and object are you
                     * 3 the subject and object are sombody else
                     * TODO plurals

                    //possibility 1
                    if (v.subject == utterer)
                        output += "myself ";

                    //possibility 2
                    else if (v.subject == interlocutor)
                        //check if it has gender or not
                        output += "yourself ";

                    //possiblity 3
                    else//we already know theyre the same object so no need to check again
                        //if its a typedefinition, THEMSELVES
                        if (v.object_one.GetType() == typeof(TypeDefinition))
                            output += "themselves ";

                        //else its a PhysicalEntity, get it to tell its own reflexive pronoun
                        else if (v.object_one.GetType() == typeof(PhysicalEntity))
                            output += ((PhysicalEntity)v.object_one).reflexivePronoun + " ";
                            //TODO plurals OURSELVES THEMSELVES
                }//end doing pronouns, just render it as a constituent as normal
                    output += v.object_one_preposition + renderConstituent(v.object_one, false) + " ";//TODO only supports singular objects
                output += v.object_one_adverb + " ";

                //repeat process for object 2
                //TODO copy above code and just tweak it to apply to object two instead

                //if (v.object_two != null)

예제 #9
 public Turn(PhysicalEntity_Agent p, string s)
     participant = p;
     utterance   = s;
 //TODO get randomOTHERparticipant(participantOne) returns a random participant other than the one passed in
 PhysicalEntity_Agent randomRespondingSpeaker(PhysicalEntity_Agent initiatingSpeaker)
     //TODO actual algorithm that return random participant
예제 #11
        //get all by type
        //search by preposition + child
        //search by preposition + parent
        //search by adjectives

        //overloadded to not always need an exact person
        //public Opinion getOpinion(String personsName, object thingToOpine)
        //    //WARNING findAgentByName returns null if not found. would result in breaking
        //    return getOpinion(findAgentByName(personsName), thingToOpine);
        public Opinion getOpinion(PhysicalEntity_Agent person, object thingToOpine)
            Opinion result;

            //first see if this agent already has an opinion on this topic (or on a related topic, e.g. a sibling, parent or child)
            //if yes, simply return it
            result = person.tryGetOpinion(thingToOpine);

            if (result != null)

            /*else, make one*/
                //make a new opinion object
                if (thingToOpine.GetType() == typeof(PhysicalEntity))
                    result = new Opinion(person, (PhysicalEntity)thingToOpine);
                else if ((thingToOpine.GetType() == typeof(TypeDefinition)))
                    result = new Opinion(person, (TypeDefinition)thingToOpine);
                    //TODO break

                    //now we have a blank opinion object, we need to populate the fields

                     * algorithm for deciding whether we like or dislike something
                     * check if we already like the parent
                     * check if we already like one of the traits of this object in another object.
                     * check probability of liking it or disliking it, also do the same for the parent
                     * check if it has a common trait/reason with any existing opinions. e.g. i dont like snakes because they're slimy, fish are also slimy
                     * if you make a contradictory opinion, add it as an exception to the existing opinion
                     * reason: a trait, liking/disliking the parent/liking/disliking a sibling with the same trait
                     * comparator: it's the cudliest animal, its the best cake in town, it's my favorite horse
                     * (some kind of fitness function that perfers some reasons and comparisons over others, e.g. not enough evidence)

                    result.likes = true;

                //now create a reason for the opinion
                Descriptor myReason = new Descriptor();
                myReason.verb  = "is";
                myReason.trait = "tasty";
                myReason.value = true;

                //add the reason to the opinion, and add the opinion to the person
                result.reason = myReason;


예제 #12
 public Opinion(PhysicalEntity_Agent opiner, TypeDefinition subject)
     this.opiner           = opiner;
     subjectTypeDefinition = subject;
예제 #13
 public Opinion(PhysicalEntity_Agent opiner, PhysicalEntity subject)
     this.opiner   = opiner;
     subjectEntity = subject;