public void Bind(int Page) { member = (Member)Session["Member"]; int NumberOfPhotos = Photo.GetPhotoCountPhotoCollectionID(DefaultPhotoCollectionID); photos = Photo.GetPhotoByPhotoCollectionIDWithJoinPager(DefaultPhotoCollectionID, Page, 10); PhotoCollection LocalGallery = new PhotoCollection(DefaultPhotoCollectionID); GalleryName = LocalGallery.Name + " (" + NumberOfPhotos + ")"; // bit if a hack to get the webphotocollectionID photoCollections = member.PhotoCollection; for (int i = 0; i < photos.Count; i++) { PhotoCollection photoCol = GetLocalGalleryByPhotoColletionID(photos[i].PhotoCollectionID); photos[i].WebPhotoCollectionID = photoCol.WebPhotoCollectionID; } Pager pager = new Pager("/myphotos/", Page, NumberOfPhotos); pager.PageSize = 10; pager.MiscParameterString = (DefaultWebPhotoCollectionID != null) ? "pc=" + DefaultWebPhotoCollectionID : string.Empty; PagerHTML = pager.ToString(); PhotoRepeater.DataSource = photos; PhotoRepeater.DataBind(); }
protected void PhotoCallbackPanel_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { List <AdvertPhoto> photoList = new List <AdvertPhoto>(); DataTable PhotoTable = new DataTable(); int rowIndex = int.TryParse(e.Parameter, out int result) ? result : -1; if (rowIndex >= 0) { int ads_photo_id = PhotoGridView.GetRowValues(rowIndex, "ads_photo_id") as int? ?? 0; using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { cnn.Open(); using (var cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM dbo.AdvertPhotos WHERE ads_photo_id = @ads_photo_id"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@ads_photo_id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ads_photo_id; PhotoTable.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader()); foreach (DataRow row in PhotoTable.Rows) { photoList.Add(new AdvertPhoto() { ads_photo_id = int.Parse(row["ads_photo_id"].ToString()), ads_id = int.Parse(row["ads_id"].ToString()), file_name = row["file_name"].ToString(), photo = (byte[])row["photo"] }); row["url"] = string.Format("~/PhotoHandler.ashx?ads_photo_id={0}", row["ads_photo_id"].ToString()); PhotoTable.AcceptChanges(); Session["photo_url"] = photoList; PhotoRepeater.DataSource = PhotoTable; PhotoRepeater.DataBind(); } } } } }