예제 #1
        public ActionResult PetUpdate(Guid petGuid, [FromForm] PetCO request)
            var sonuc = new ResultDTO();

            if (request == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("You have not sent any data!");

            if (petGuid == default(Guid))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Submit valid pet information!");

            var pet = _petService.GetByGuid(petGuid);

            if (pet == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentNotFoundException("Pet not found!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Pet name cannot be empty!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PlaceOfBirth))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Pet place of birth cannot be empty!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Birthdate.ToLongDateString()))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Pet birthdate cannot be empty!");

            if (request.UserGuid == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("User guid cannot be empty!");

            var user = _userService.GetByGuid(request.UserGuid);

            if (user == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentNotFoundException("User not found!");

            pet.UserId      = user.Id;
            pet.DogumTarihi = request.Birthdate;
            pet.DogumYeri   = request.PlaceOfBirth;
            pet.Name        = request.Name;
            pet.User        = null;

            var durum = _petService.Update(pet);

            if (durum > 0)
                sonuc.Status = EDurum.SUCCESS;
                sonuc.Message.Add(new MessageDTO()
                    Code        = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Status      = EDurum.SUCCESS,
                    Description = "The pet has been successfully updated."
                sonuc.Data = new { pet = new { pet.Guid } };
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("The pet could not be updated!");

예제 #2
        public ActionResult PetCreate([FromForm] PetCO request)
            var sonuc = new ResultDTO();

            if (request == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("You have not sent any data!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Pet name cannot be empty!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PlaceOfBirth))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Pet place of birth cannot be empty!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Birthdate.ToLongDateString()))
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Pet birthdate cannot be empty!");

            if (request.UserGuid == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("User guid cannot be empty!");

            var user = _userService.GetByGuid(request.UserGuid);

            if (user == null)
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentNotFoundException("User not found!");

            var picturePath = Path.Combine("Assets", "defaultPet.jpeg");

            var dto = new PetDTO()
                Guid        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Deleted     = false,
                Actived     = true,
                CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                DogumTarihi = request.Birthdate,
                DogumYeri   = request.PlaceOfBirth,
                Name        = request.Name,
                User        = null,
                UserId      = user.Id,
                Resim       = picturePath

            var durum = _petService.Create(dto);

            if (durum > 0)
                sonuc.Status = EDurum.SUCCESS;
                sonuc.Message.Add(new MessageDTO()
                    Code        = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Status      = EDurum.SUCCESS,
                    Description = "Pet was created successfully."
                sonuc.Data = new { pet = new { dto.Guid } };
                throw new PetClinicAppointmentBadRequestException("Error adding pet!");
