public bool RecoverFromPenetration(CollisionWorld collisionWorld)
            bool penetration = false;

            collisionWorld.GetDispatcher().DispatchAllCollisionPairs(m_ghostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache(), collisionWorld.GetDispatchInfo(), collisionWorld.GetDispatcher());

            m_currentPosition = m_ghostObject.GetWorldTransform()._origin;

            float maxPen = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_ghostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache().GetNumOverlappingPairs(); i++)

                BroadphasePair collisionPair = m_ghostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache().GetOverlappingPairArray()[i];

                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm != null)

                for (int j = 0; j < m_manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                    PersistentManifold manifold = m_manifoldArray[j];
                    float directionSign         = manifold.GetBody0() == m_ghostObject ? -1f : 1f;
                    for (int p = 0; p < manifold.GetNumContacts(); p++)
                        ManifoldPoint pt = manifold.GetContactPoint(p);

                        float dist = pt.GetDistance();

                        if (dist < 0.0)
                            if (dist < maxPen)
                                maxPen           = dist;
                                m_touchingNormal = pt.m_normalWorldOnB * directionSign;                                //??
                            m_currentPosition += pt.m_normalWorldOnB * directionSign * dist * 0.2f;
                            penetration        = true;
                            //printf("touching %f\n", dist);

            IndexedMatrix newTrans = m_ghostObject.GetWorldTransform();

            newTrans._origin = m_currentPosition;
            m_ghostObject.SetWorldTransform(ref newTrans);
            //	printf("m_touchingNormal = %f,%f,%f\n",m_touchingNormal[0],m_touchingNormal[1],m_touchingNormal[2]);
예제 #2
        public static int GetIslandId(PersistentManifold lhs)
	        int islandId;
	        CollisionObject rcolObj0 = (CollisionObject)(lhs.GetBody0());
            CollisionObject rcolObj1 = (CollisionObject)(lhs.GetBody1());
	        islandId = rcolObj0.GetIslandTag()>=0?rcolObj0.GetIslandTag():rcolObj1.GetIslandTag();
	        return islandId;
		protected void ConvertContact(PersistentManifold manifold, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal)
			CollisionObject colObj0 = null, colObj1 = null;

			colObj0 = manifold.GetBody0() as CollisionObject;
			colObj1 = manifold.GetBody1() as CollisionObject;

			RigidBody solverBodyA = RigidBody.Upcast(colObj0);
			RigidBody solverBodyB = RigidBody.Upcast(colObj1);

			///avoid collision response between two static objects
			if ((solverBodyA == null || solverBodyA.GetInvMass() <= 0f) && (solverBodyB == null || solverBodyB.GetInvMass() <= 0f))

			for (int j = 0; j < manifold.GetNumContacts(); j++)
				ManifoldPoint cp = manifold.GetContactPoint(j);

				if (cp.GetDistance() <= manifold.GetContactProcessingThreshold())
					//                    Vector3 pos1 = cp.getPositionWorldOnA();
					//                    Vector3 pos2 = cp.getPositionWorldOnB();

					Vector3 rel_pos1 = Vector3.Zero;
					Vector3 rel_pos2 = Vector3.Zero;

					float relaxation = 1f;
					float rel_vel = 0f;
					Vector3 vel = Vector3.Zero;

					int frictionIndex = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;

					SolverConstraint solverConstraint = new SolverConstraint();

					RigidBody rb0 = RigidBody.Upcast(colObj0);
					RigidBody rb1 = RigidBody.Upcast(colObj1);
					if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && rb0 != null && debugSolver)
						MathUtil.PrintContactPoint(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, cp);
					solverConstraint.m_solverBodyA = rb0 != null ? rb0 : GetFixedBody();
					solverConstraint.m_solverBodyB = rb1 != null ? rb1 : GetFixedBody();

					solverConstraint.m_originalContactPoint = cp;

					SetupContactConstraint(ref solverConstraint, colObj0, colObj1, cp, infoGlobal, ref vel, ref rel_vel, ref relaxation, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2);

					if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && debugSolver)
						TypedConstraint.PrintSolverConstraint(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, solverConstraint, 99);

					/////setup the friction constraints

					solverConstraint.m_frictionIndex = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;

					if (!(TestSolverMode(infoGlobal.m_solverMode, SolverMode.SOLVER_ENABLE_FRICTION_DIRECTION_CACHING)) || !cp.GetLateralFrictionInitialized())
						cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1 = vel - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * rel_vel;
						float lat_rel_vel = cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1.LengthSquared();
						if (!TestSolverMode(infoGlobal.m_solverMode, SolverMode.SOLVER_DISABLE_VELOCITY_DEPENDENT_FRICTION_DIRECTION) && lat_rel_vel > MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
							cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1 /= (float)System.Math.Sqrt(lat_rel_vel);

							if (TestSolverMode(infoGlobal.m_solverMode, SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_2_FRICTION_DIRECTIONS))
								cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2 = Vector3.Cross(cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1, cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
								ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj0, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2);
								ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj1, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2);
								AddFrictionConstraint(ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2, solverBodyA, solverBodyB, frictionIndex, cp, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation, 0f, 0f);
							ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj0, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1);
							ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj1, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1);
							AddFrictionConstraint(ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1, solverBodyA, solverBodyB, frictionIndex, cp, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation, 0f, 0f);

							cp.m_lateralFrictionInitialized = true;
							//re-calculate friction direction every frame, todo: check if this is really needed
							TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref cp.m_normalWorldOnB, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2);
							if (TestSolverMode(infoGlobal.m_solverMode, SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_2_FRICTION_DIRECTIONS))
								ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj0, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2);
								ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj1, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2);
								AddFrictionConstraint(ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2, solverBodyA, solverBodyB, frictionIndex, cp, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation, 0f, 0f);
							ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj0, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1);
							ApplyAnisotropicFriction(colObj1, ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1);
							AddFrictionConstraint(ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1, solverBodyA, solverBodyB, frictionIndex, cp, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation, 0f, 0f);

							cp.m_lateralFrictionInitialized = true;

						AddFrictionConstraint(ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir1, solverBodyA, solverBodyB, frictionIndex, cp, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation, cp.m_contactMotion1, cp.m_contactCFM1);

						if (TestSolverMode(infoGlobal.m_solverMode, SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_2_FRICTION_DIRECTIONS))
							AddFrictionConstraint(ref cp.m_lateralFrictionDir2, solverBodyA, solverBodyB, frictionIndex, cp, ref rel_pos1, ref rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation, cp.m_contactMotion2, cp.m_contactCFM2);
					SetFrictionConstraintImpulse(ref solverConstraint, rb0, rb1, cp, infoGlobal);
예제 #4
        // Portable static method: prerequisite call: m_dynamicsWorld.getBroadphase().getOverlappingPairCache().setInternalGhostPairCallback(new btGhostPairCallback());
        public static void GetCollidingObjectsInsidePairCachingGhostObject(DiscreteDynamicsWorld m_dynamicsWorld, PairCachingGhostObject m_pairCachingGhostObject, ObjectArray <CollisionObject> collisionArrayOut)
            bool addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance = true;     // With "false" things don't change much, and the code is a bit faster and cleaner...

            if (m_pairCachingGhostObject == null || m_dynamicsWorld == null)

            //#define USE_PLAIN_COLLISION_WORLD // We dispatch all collision pairs of the ghost object every step (slow)
            // I thought this line was no longer needed, but it seems to be necessary (and I believe it's an expensive call):
            m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(m_pairCachingGhostObject.getOverlappingPairCache(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatchInfo(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher());
            // Maybe the call can be automatically triggered by some other Bullet call (I'm almost sure I could comment it out in another demo I made long ago...)
            // So by now the general rule is: in real projects, simply comment it out and see if it works!
            // UPDATE: in dynamic worlds, the line above can be commented out and the broadphase pair can be retrieved through the call to findPair(...) below.
            // In collision worlds probably the above line is needed only if collision detection for all the bodies hasn't been made... This is something
            // I'm still not sure of... the general rule is to try to comment out the line above and try to use findPair(...) and see if it works whenever possible....

            ObjectArray <BroadphasePair> collisionPairs = m_pairCachingGhostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache().GetOverlappingPairArray();
            int numObjects = collisionPairs.Count;
            PersistentManifoldArray m_manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
            bool added;
            for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)

                const btBroadphasePair& collisionPair = collisionPairs[i];
                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm)
                else    // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
                    printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");
                BroadphasePair cPair = collisionPairs[i];
                //unless we manually perform collision detection on this pair, the contacts are in the dynamics world paircache:
                BroadphasePair collisionPair = m_dynamicsWorld.GetPairCache().FindPair(cPair.m_pProxy0, cPair.m_pProxy1);
                if (collisionPair == null)
                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm != null)
                {       // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
                    //printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");

                added = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                    PersistentManifold manifold = m_manifoldArray[j];
                    // Here we are in the narrowphase, but can happen that manifold.getNumContacts()==0:
                    if (addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance)
                        for (int p = 0, numContacts = manifold.GetNumContacts(); p < numContacts; p++)
                            ManifoldPoint pt = manifold.GetContactPoint(p);
                            if (pt.GetDistance() < 0.0)
                                // How can I be sure that the colObjs are all distinct ? I use the "added" flag.
                                collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
                                added = true;
                        if (added)
                    else if (manifold.GetNumContacts() > 0)
                        collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
예제 #5
            public override void ReportContacts(ChContactContainer mcontactcontainer)
                // This should remove all old contacts (or at least rewind the index)

                // NOTE: Bullet does not provide information on radius of curvature at a contact point.
                // As such, for all Bullet-identified contacts, the default value will be used (SMC only).
                ChCollisionInfo icontact = new ChCollisionInfo();

                int numManifolds = bt_collision_world.GetDispatcher().GetNumManifolds();

                for (int i = 0; i < numManifolds; i++)
                    PersistentManifold contactManifold = bt_collision_world.GetDispatcher().GetManifoldByIndexInternal(i);
                    CollisionObject    obA             = (CollisionObject)(contactManifold.GetBody0());
                    CollisionObject    obB             = (CollisionObject)(contactManifold.GetBody1());

                    if (obA != null && obA != null) // Alan
                        contactManifold.RefreshContactPoints(ref obA.GetWorldTransform(), ref obB.GetWorldTransform());

                        icontact.modelA = (ChCollisionModel)obA.GetUserPointer();
                        icontact.modelB = (ChCollisionModel)obB.GetUserPointer();

                        double envelopeA = icontact.modelA.GetEnvelope();
                        double envelopeB = icontact.modelB.GetEnvelope();

                        double marginA = icontact.modelA.GetSafeMargin();
                        double marginB = icontact.modelB.GetSafeMargin();

                        // Execute custom broadphase callback, if any
                        bool do_narrow_contactgeneration = true;
                        if (this.broad_callback != null)
                            do_narrow_contactgeneration = this.broad_callback.OnBroadphase(icontact.modelA, icontact.modelB);

                        if (do_narrow_contactgeneration)
                            int numContacts = contactManifold.GetNumContacts();
                            //GetLog() << "numContacts=" << numContacts << "\n";
                            for (int j = 0; j < numContacts; j++)
                                // Debug.Log("contacts " + numContacts);
                                ManifoldPoint pt = contactManifold.GetContactPoint(j);

                                // Discard "too far" constraints (the Bullet engine also has its threshold)
                                if (pt.GetDistance() < marginA + marginB)
                                    IndexedVector3 ptA = pt.GetPositionWorldOnA();
                                    IndexedVector3 ptB = pt.GetPositionWorldOnB();

                                    icontact.vpA.Set(ptA.X, ptA.Y, ptA.Z);
                                    icontact.vpB.Set(ptB.X, ptB.Y, ptB.Z);

                                    icontact.vN.Set(-pt.GetNormalWorldOnB().X, -pt.GetNormalWorldOnB().Y,

                                    double ptdist = pt.GetDistance();

                                    icontact.vpA      = icontact.vpA - icontact.vN * envelopeA;
                                    icontact.vpB      = icontact.vpB + icontact.vN * envelopeB;
                                    icontact.distance = ptdist + envelopeA + envelopeB;

                                    icontact.reaction_cache = pt.reactions_cache;// reactions_cache;

                                    // Execute some user custom callback, if any
                                    bool add_contact = true;
                                    if (this.narrow_callback != null)
                                        add_contact = this.narrow_callback.OnNarrowphase(icontact);

                                    // Add to contact container
                                    if (add_contact)

                    // you can un-comment out this line, and then all points are removed
                    // contactManifold->clearManifold();