public static EGMSPermission Create(int permissionId, PermissionName permissionName, PermissionDescription permissionDescription, bool isActive) { return(new EGMSPermission { Id = permissionId, PermissionName = permissionName, PermissionDescription = permissionDescription, IsActive = isActive }); }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name, IUserInfo user) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } return(GetPermission(self, name, user.CurrentChannelId, user.UserId)); }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name) { if (self == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("self"); } return(self.PermissionsProvider.GetPermissions(-1).CheckPermission(name)); }
internal static void CreatePermission(ISession session, PermissionName name, int userId, int channelId, bool allowed) { session.SaveOrUpdate(new Permission { Allowed = allowed, Name = name, UserID = userId, ChannelId = channelId }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PermissionState" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">Name (required).</param> /// <param name="Description">Description.</param> /// <param name="Allowed">State of the named permission. `true` to allow, `false` to deny, missing to inherit. .</param> public PermissionState(PermissionName Name = default(PermissionName), string Description = default(string), bool?Allowed = default(bool?)) { // to ensure "Name" is required (not null) if (Name == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Name is a required property for PermissionState and cannot be null"); } else { this.Name = Name; } this.Description = Description; this.Allowed = Allowed; }
private EGMSPermissionRM CreateEGMSPermission(Commands.V1.EGMSPermission.Create cmd) { if (_repository.PermissionExists(cmd.PermissionName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Permission with name {cmd.PermissionName} already exists"); } EGMSPermission permission = EGMSPermission.Create(_permissions++, PermissionName.Create(cmd.PermissionName), PermissionDescription.Create(cmd.PermissionDescription), cmd.IsActive); _repository.AddPermission(permission); return(Conversions.GetEGMSPermissionRM(permission)); }
private static string GetPermissionName(PermissionName pe) { switch (pe) { case (PermissionName.AirPermission): return("Air"); case (PermissionName.UserPermission): return("User"); case (PermissionName.SupermanPermission): return("Superman"); case (PermissionName.MasterPermission): return("Master"); case (PermissionName.HeavenPermission): return("Heaven"); } return("Unknown"); }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name, IConnection connection) { if (self == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("self"); } if (connection == null) { return(self.GetPermission(name)); } IUserInfo user = self.Users[connection]; if (user == null) { return(self.GetPermission(name)); } return(self.GetPermission(name, user.CurrentChannelId, user.UserId)); }
public override async Task <bool> ExecuteCheckAsync(CommandContext ctx, bool help) { //TODO: Fix This if (help) { return(true); var group = await ctx.Member.GetGroupAsync(); var pattern = PermissionName.Replace(".", "\\.") + "($|\\..*)"; var permissions = await group.EvaluatePatternAsync(new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern)); return(permissions.Any(p => p.State == StateType.Allow)); } //So we will always check the most specific one first, so we will append the channel id to the end of our permission. string perm = PermissionName + (RestrictChannel ? "." + ctx.Channel.Id : ""); return(await ctx.Member.HasPermissionAsync(perm, AdminBypass, OwnerBypass)); }
public GetPermissionCompleteAction(PermissionName permissionName, PermissionStatus permissionStatus) { PermissionName = permissionName; PermissionStatus = permissionStatus; }
public PermissionAttribute(PermissionName action) : base(typeof(PermissionActionFilter)) { Arguments = new object[] { action }; }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name, int channelId, int userId) { if (self == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("self"); return self.PermissionsProvider.GetPermissions (userId).CheckPermission (channelId, name); }
private async Task <PermissionStatus> CheckPermissionAsync(PermissionName permissionNameToCheck) { var crossPermissionsStatus = await permissions.CheckPermissionStatusAsync(permissionNameToCheck); return(crossPermissionsStatus); }
public static bool CheckPermission(this IEnumerable <Permission> self, int channelId, PermissionName name) { return(self.Any(p => p.Name == name && p.IsAllowed && (p.ChannelId == 0 || p.ChannelId == channelId))); }
internal static void CreatePermission(ISession session, PermissionName name, int userId, int channelId, bool allowed) { session.SaveOrUpdate (new Permission { Allowed = allowed, Name = name, UserID = userId, ChannelId = channelId }); }
public Permission(PermissionName name) { this.Name = name; }
// 接收事件 public void GroupMessage(object sender, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { int sid; double qq = 0; List <Native.Csharp.Sdk.Cqp.Model.GroupMemberInfo> mem; Random r = new Random(); string ques = ""; int hIndex = -1; MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg hhmsg = new MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg(); Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")Message:" + e.FromQQ.Id + "," + e.Message.Text, ConsoleColor.Cyan); //Artifical Repeater long hothander = 0; MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg hmsg = new MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { hmsg = (MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg)[i]; if ( == e.FromGroup.Id) { hhmsg = hmsg; hIndex = i; break; } } string fstr = ""; string estr = ""; string[] qtemp; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { nexthmsg: if (i >= { break; } hmsg = (MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg)[i]; //是否在目标群 if ( == e.FromGroup.Id) { if (hmsg.delaymsg) //延迟复读 { if (hmsg.hasre == false) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Delay repeat:" + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Yellow); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(hmsg.msg); hmsg.delaymsg = false; hmsg.hasre = true; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Conntinue-repeat:" + hmsg.delaymsg, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } if (e.Message.Text != hmsg.msg) {; } //如果当前的发言和上句发言不同,上句发言热度-1 //如果当前的发言和上句发言一直,上句发言热度+1 if (e.Message.Text == hmsg.msg) { hothander =; // 不是同一个QQ在刷屏 if (hmsg.qq.IndexOf(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";") < 0) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Heat:" + hmsg.msg + " , hot :" +; hmsg.hasup = true; hmsg.qq = hmsg.qq + e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";"; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Members:" + hmsg.qq);; if (hIndex > -1) { if ( >= { hhmsg = hmsg; hhmsg.hasup = false;[hIndex] = hhmsg; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Broke records! :" + hmsg.qq + "," + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Green); } } else { hhmsg = hmsg; hhmsg.hasup = false;; } } else { hmsg.banqq = hmsg.banqq + e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";"; int bancount = GotCount(hmsg.banqq, e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()); Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Boring-repeat:" + e.FromQQ.Id + " x " + bancount, ConsoleColor.Red); if (bancount > 2) { if (e.FromGroup.Id != 490623220) { TimeSpan bantime = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 33); e.FromGroup.SetGroupMemberBanSpeak(Convert.ToInt64(e.FromQQ.Id), bantime); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "不许刷屏"); Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")This human is too too boring:" + e.FromQQ.Id, ConsoleColor.Red); } } } //如果发言冷却,移除 if ( <= -2) { if (hmsg.hasup) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Disapper repeat:" + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Red); }; goto nexthmsg; } //发言热度越高,越容易引发复读 if (r.Next(0, 100) > 100 - * 20 * ( / 2)) { hmsg.delaymsg = (r.Next(0, 10) > 6); //设置延迟一回合 hothander =; if (!hmsg.delaymsg) { if (hmsg.hasre == false) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Repeat:" + hmsg.msg + ",impossible:" + (100 - * 20 * ( / 2)), ConsoleColor.Yellow); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(hmsg.msg); hmsg.hasre = true; } } else { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Delay set:" + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } if (i >= { break; }[i] = hmsg; } } //如果当前发言没有被处理,则加入新热点 if (hothander == 0) { = e.FromGroup.Id; hmsg.msg = e.Message.Text; = 1; hmsg.delaymsg = false; hmsg.qq = e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";"; hmsg.banqq = ""; = DateTime.Now.Ticks; hmsg.hasup = false; hmsg.hasre = false;; } else { if (hIndex > -1) { if ( == { hhmsg = hmsg; hhmsg.hasup = false;[hIndex] = hhmsg; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")Stay breaking record ...", ConsoleColor.Green); } } } //Random Topic string tsay = ""; if (e.Message.Text.IndexOf("[CQ:") < 0) { if ((r.Next(0, 100) == 50) || (FailAI == true)) { try { tsay = ArtificalAI.Talk(e.Message.Text, "tieba"); if (tsay == "") { FailAI = true; } else { string[] tsa = tsay.Split('。'); FailAI = false; e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(tsa[r.Next(0, tsa.Length)]); } } catch { FailAI = true; } } } //Lock Processing sid = Manager.LCards.SearchFor(e.FromQQ.Id); if (sid != -1) { Log("Lock target:" + sid, ConsoleColor.Yellow); string tname =[sid + 1].ToString(); if (e.FromQQ.CQApi.GetGroupMemberInfo(e.FromGroup.Id, e.FromQQ.Id, false).Card != tname) { if (e.FromGroup.SetGroupMemberVisitingCard(e.FromQQ.Id, tname)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "检测到您的群名片与主人设定的群名片不相符,已强制修正为:", tname); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(1361778219), "强制修正目标群员的群名片失败,可能本机没有权限操作。"); } } return; } //Console Processing PermissionName pe = PermissionName.AirPermission; string pename = ""; if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("intallk")) { sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(e.FromQQ.Id); if (e.FromGroup == 490623220) { if (sid == -1) {;; Manager.CPms.SaveData(); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您已通过此群的特殊地位拿到访问权限:User"); sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(e.FromQQ.Id); } } if (sid == -1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您没有任何权限,禁止访问Intallk QQ机器人控制台。"); return; } try { pe = (PermissionName)Convert.ToInt64([sid + 1].ToString()); pename = GetPermissionName(pe); string[] p = e.Message.Text.Split(' '); if (p.Length < 2) { string cmdstr = ""; if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "msdn", "搜索", "资料", "文档", "国外", "微软", "巨硬", "microsoft")) { cmdstr += "*msdn [content]] 检索msdn并返回页面内容(容易失败)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "csdn", "搜索", "资料", "文档", "国内")) { cmdstr += "csdn [content] 检索csdn并返回页面内容(阅读效果不佳)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "壁纸", "桌面", "背景", "图片", "风景")) { cmdstr += "wallpaper 获取一张随机桌面壁纸\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "404", "睡觉", "晚安", "关机", "强制")) { cmdstr += "#forcesleep 强制设定404的电脑在2分钟后关机\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "禁言", "违规", "刷屏", "shit")) { cmdstr += "*ban [qq] [time] 设定群成员禁言(分钟)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "禁言", "违规", "刷屏", "shit", "全员", "所有人")) { cmdstr += "*allban [bool] 开关全体禁言\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "危险", "祝福", "超级", "问候", "全员", "所有人")) { cmdstr += "#supergoodnight [content] 将所有成员艾特一遍发送指定消息\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "危险", "祝福", "超级", "问候", "全员", "所有人")) { cmdstr += "#supergoodnightfancy♂ [content] 将所有成员私聊一遍发送指定消息\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "新", "任命", "我要", "提权", "权限", "地位")) { cmdstr += "#manager [qq] 设置新的管理员\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "撤", "罢免", "我要", "降权", "权限", "地位")) { cmdstr += "#unmanager [qq] 解除管理员\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "permission", "令牌", "修改", "系统", "更改", "权限", "地位")) { cmdstr += "!permission [qq] [pid] 设置权限\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "聊天", "无逻辑", "无聊", "百度", "搜索", "骚")) { cmdstr += "talk [content] 无逻辑谈话(百度贴吧)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "聊天", "无逻辑", "无聊", "百度", "搜索", "骚")) { cmdstr += "talk_old [content] 无逻辑谈话(百度知道)\n"; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "关于黑嘴Intallk稽气人(1.4.6),垃圾臭狗机器人的同义词。\n制作:Error 404(QQ1361778219)\nGithub地址:\nPowered by CoolQ\n\n支持的指令:\n" + "(无标注的指令至少需要User权限,*至少需要Superman权限,#至少需要Master权限,!至少需要Heaven权限)\n" + "***您当前所持权限:" + pename + "(级别:" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")***\n" + "*honor [content] 给予自己永久头衔\n" + "*praise 为自己发送10个赞\n" + "*lockcard [qq] [name] 检测到指定全员名片与设定不符时自动修改\n" + "pop 输出今日本群最热发言\n" + "其他功能:智能复读,刷屏检测,自主发言等。"); return; } switch (p[1]) { case ("pop"): if (hIndex > -1) { qtemp = hhmsg.banqq.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < qtemp.Length - 1; i++) { estr = estr + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[i])); } qtemp = hhmsg.qq.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < qtemp.Length - 1; i++) { fstr = fstr + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[i])); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("截止刚才,本群今日最热发言:\n" + hhmsg.msg + "\n复读发起人:" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[0])) + "\n复读热度:" + + "\n该热度发言被这些成员复读过:" + fstr + "\n在该热度发言发起时,这些成员太过激动试图刷屏:" + estr); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("截止刚才我群今日暂无最热发言。"); } break; case ("msdn"): //msdn searching if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "该功能正在回炉改造中..."); return; for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "\n" + ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "msdn")); break; case ("csdn"): //csdn searching if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "该功能正在回炉改造中..."); return; if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "\n" + ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "csdn")); break; case ("wallpaper"): if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "您喜欢这个壁纸吗?\n" + Wallpaper.GetWallpaper()); break; case ("forcesleep"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(1361778219), " 滚去睡觉吧!"); ShellExecute(IntPtr.Zero, "open", @"shutdown", "-s -t 120", "", ShowCommands.SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; case ("ban"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 3) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); TimeSpan ctime = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt16(p[3]), 0); if (e.FromGroup.SetGroupMemberBanSpeak(Convert.ToInt64(qq), ctime)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言目标成员成功。"); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言目标成员失败,可能本机没有权限。"); } break; case ("allban"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } bool bswitch = Convert.ToBoolean(p[2]); if (bswitch) { if (e.FromGroup.SetGroupBanSpeak()) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言全体成员成功。"); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言全体成员失败,可能本机没有权限。"); } } else { e.FromGroup.RemoveGroupBanSpeak(); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "解禁全体成员成功。"); } break; case ("manager"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); e.FromGroup.SetGroupManage(Convert.ToInt64(qq)); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "您已被授予管理员。"); break; case ("unmanager"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); e.FromGroup.RemoveGroupManage(Convert.ToInt64(qq)); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "您的管理员宝座被移除。"); break; case ("supergoodnightfancy♂"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } mem = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberList(); for (int i = 0; i < mem.Count; i++) { mem[i].QQ.SendPrivateMessage(p[2]); Log("Wish:" + i, ConsoleColor.Yellow); //e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(atstr, p[2]); Thread.Sleep(500); } break; case ("supergoodnight"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } string atstr = ""; if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } mem = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberList(); for (int i = 0; i < mem.Count; i += 10) { atstr = ""; for (int s = i; s < i + 10; s++) { Log("Wish:" + s, ConsoleColor.Yellow); if (s > mem.Count) { break; } atstr = atstr + CQApi.CQCode_At(mem[s].QQ.Id); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(atstr, p[2]); Thread.Sleep(3000); } break; case ("permission"): if (pe < PermissionName.HeavenPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(qq); if (sid != -1) {[sid + 1] = p[3]; Manager.CPms.SaveData(); pe = (PermissionName)Convert.ToInt64(p[3]); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "\n" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)) + "的权限已经更新。\n" + "权限:" + GetPermissionName(pe) + "(级别:" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")\n" + "权限编号:" + sid + "\n"); } else {;; Manager.CPms.SaveData(); sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(qq); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "成功给予" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)) + "权限!\n" + "权限编号:" + sid); } break; case ("honor"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } if (e.FromQQ.SetGroupMemberForeverExclusiveTitle(e.FromGroup.Id, p[2]) == false) { throw new Exception("设置您的专属头衔失败,可能没有权限"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "设置成功!"); break; case ("praise"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (e.FromQQ.SendPraise(10) == false) { throw new Exception("点赞失败"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "成功为您刷入十个赞"); break; case ("talk"): if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } tsay = ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "tieba"); if (tsay != "") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + tsay); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "怀疑超出人类认知范围。"); } break; case ("talk_old"): if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } tsay = ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "baidu"); if (tsay != "") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + tsay); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "怀疑超出人类认知范围。"); } break; case ("lockcard"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 3) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); string lname = p[3]; sid = Manager.LCards.SearchFor(qq); if (sid != -1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "目标成员的群名片已经被锁定过了。\n" + "锁定地址:" + sid + "\n上次锁定的名片:" +[sid + 1] + "\n已修改锁定的名片为当前新设定的名片。");[sid + 1] = lname; Manager.LCards.SaveData(); } else {;; Manager.LCards.SaveData(); sid = Manager.LCards.SearchFor(qq); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "锁定目标成员的群名片成功!\n" + "锁定地址:" + sid + "\n锁定的名片:" +[sid + 1]); } break; default: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "'" + p[1] + "'不是有效的指令"); break; } } catch (Exception err) { if (e.FromGroup == 490623220) { string[] statemp = err.StackTrace.Split('在'); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(1361778219), "异常描述:" + err.Message + "\n顶异常堆栈:" + statemp[statemp.Length - 1] + "\n导致异常的指令:" + e.Message.Text); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "给予的指令可能错误。\n异常描述:" + err.Message + "\n请联系QQ1361778219取得解决方案"); } } return; } //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name, IChannelInfo channel, IUserInfo user) { if (channel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("channel"); if (user == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("user"); return GetPermission (self, name, channel.ChannelId, user.UserId); }
public async Task <PermissionStatus> CheckPermissionStatusAsync(PermissionName permissionName) { var pluginPermissionStauts = await currentPermissions.CheckPermissionStatusAsync(permissionName.ToPluginPermission()); return(pluginPermissionStauts.ToMyPermissionStatus()); }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name) { if (self == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("self"); return self.PermissionsProvider.GetPermissions (-1).CheckPermission (name); }
public PermissionActionFilter(PermissionName action, IUserRoleBusinessLogic userRoleBusinessLogic, IOptions <AzureAdOptions> azureOptions) { this.action = action; this.userRoleBusinessLogic = userRoleBusinessLogic; this.azureOptions = azureOptions.Value; }
internal static void CreatePermission(ISession session, PermissionName name, int userId, int channelId) { CreatePermission(session, name, userId, channelId, true); }
public Permission(PermissionName name, bool isAllowed) : this(name) { this.IsAllowed = isAllowed; }
public async Task RequestPermissionsAsync(PermissionName permissionName) { var result = await currentPermissions.RequestPermissionsAsync(permissionName.ToPluginPermission()); //TODO: I should return result, and check it }
public GetPermissionStartAction(PermissionName permissionName) { PermissionName = permissionName; }
internal static void CreatePermission(ISession session, PermissionName name, int userId, int channelId) { CreatePermission (session, name, userId, channelId, true); }
public static bool GetPermission(this IGablarskiServerContext self, PermissionName name, IChannelInfo channel, IConnection connection) { if (self == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("self"); if (channel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("channel"); if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("connection"); IUserInfo user = self.Users[connection]; if (user == null) return self.GetPermission (name); return GetPermission (self, name, channel.ChannelId, user.UserId); }