public IEnumerator ShrinkOverTime(float length)

        float elapsedTime = 0.0f;

        float startLife, endLife, currLife;

        startLife = currLife = ps.startLifetime;

        endLife = endLifetime;

        while (elapsedTime < length)
			ps.startLifetime = currLife;
			currLife = Mathf.Lerp(startLife, endLifetime, elapsedTime / length);
			// alpha stuff
			CurAlpha = Mathf.Lerp(CurAlpha, EndAlpha, elapsedTime * 0.1f / length);
			ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.maxParticles];
			int numParticles = ps.GetParticles(particles);
			for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
				particles[i].color = new Color(particles[i].color.r, particles[i].color.g, particles[i].color.b, CurAlpha);
			ps.SetParticles(particles, numParticles);
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

        ps.enableEmission = false;
	/// <summary>
	/// Move all the alive particles to there positions on the unit
	/// </summary>
	public void moveParticls(){
		emissionRate += 0.05f;
		ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emission = PS.emission;
		ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve rate = emission.rate;
		rate.constantMax = emissionRate;
		emission.rate = rate;

		moveOverTimeMultiplyer += 0.02f;
		float tempParticalMoveAmount = particleMoveAmount * moveOverTimeMultiplyer;
		particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[PS.particleCount];
		int numberP = PS.GetParticles(particles);
		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < numberP; i++){
			tempParticalMoveAmount *= particles[i].startLifetime - particles[i].lifetime;
			particles[i].position = Vector3.MoveTowards(particles[i].position, endLocations[x, y], tempParticalMoveAmount);
			if(x >= widthOfParticals){
				x = 0;

		if(numberP == numberOfParticles){
			if(!timeHasBeenFound && particles[numberOfParticles - 1].position == endLocations[widthOfParticals - 1, widthOfParticals - 1]){
				Destroy(gameObject, 0.1f);
				/* Debug.Log("Time to compleat is " + time); //uncoment this to find time
				timeHasBeenFound = true; */

		PS.SetParticles(particles, numberP);
예제 #3
    // An alternative collision system from within the particle system's script
    // It's butters slow!!
    void CheckCollision()
        bool hitSummat = false;
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[_particleBullets.maxParticles];
        int numParts = _particleBullets.GetParticles(particles);

        if(numParts == 0) return;

        for(int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
            Collider[] hit = Physics.OverlapSphere(particles[i].position, particles[i].size * 0.5f, enemyLayer);

            if(hit.Length == 0) continue; // next iter if no collision

            foreach( Collider col in hit) // hit enemy
                CollisionTestWall wall = col.gameObject.GetComponent<CollisionTestWall>();
                if(wall != null) wall.Die();

            particles[i].lifetime = 0; // kill particle
            hitSummat = true;

            _particleBullets.SetParticles(particles, numParts);
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update ()
		ParticleSystem.Particle[] currentParticles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().particleCount];

		for(int i = 0; i < GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().particleCount; i++)
			//Get vector from particle position to transform position
			Vector3 particleVector = currentParticles[i].position - transform.position;

			//Change vector into local space
			particleVector = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation)*particleVector;

			//Remove z from local space
			//This is so falloff will only take X and Y distance into account
			particleVector.z = 0.0f;

			//Chanve vector back into world space
			particleVector = transform.rotation*particleVector;

			//Alpha falloff based on X/Y distance
			float alpha = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f,0.0f,particleVector.sqrMagnitude*distanceFalloffMultiplier);

			Color newColor = currentParticles[i].color;
			newColor.a = alpha;
			currentParticles[i].color = newColor;

		GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles(currentParticles, GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().particleCount);
예제 #5
 public static void Hit(float accuracy)
     ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[singleton.circlePs.particleCount];
     singleton.circlePs.SetParticles(particles, singleton.circlePs.particleCount);
     singleton.circlePs.Emit((int)( 10 * accuracy));
예제 #6
    public void OnBlow()
        GameObject fogGO = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Fog");

        if (!fogGO) return;

        ParticleSystem emitter = fogGO.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

        if (!emitter) return;

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[emitter.maxParticles];

        SphereCollider collider = vision.GetComponent<SphereCollider>();

        List<ParticleSystem.Particle> particleList = new List<ParticleSystem.Particle>();

        foreach (ParticleSystem.Particle particle in particles)
            if (!collider.bounds.Contains(particle.position))

        emitter.SetParticles(particleList.ToArray(), particleList.Count);
예제 #7
    void Update()
        var particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[_particleSystem.maxParticles];
        int aliveParticleNumber = _particleSystem.GetParticles(particles);

        Blob blob;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < aliveParticleNumber)
            if (i >= _blobs.Count)
                var blobGameObject = new GameObject("Blob");
                blobGameObject.transform.parent = transform;

                blob = blobGameObject.AddComponent<Blob>();
                blob = _blobs[i];

            blob.transform.position = _particleSystem.transform.position + _particleSystem.transform.rotation * particles[i].position;

        while (i < _blobs.Count)
            blob = _blobs[i];
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		timer += Time.deltaTime;
		if (timer >= detonateDelay && !isDestroy) {
			detonate ();
		if (isDamage) {
			damage_timer += Time.deltaTime;
			if (damage_timer >= 0.21f) {
				AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (detonateAudio.clip,transform.position);
				takeDamage ();
		if (isDestroy) {
			explosionEffectLight.intensity -= 1;
			ParticleSystem.Particle []particleList = new ParticleSystem.Particle[explosionEffectParticle.particleCount];
			for(int i = 0; i < particleList.Length; ++i) {
				byte r = particleList [i].color.r;
				byte g = particleList [i].color.g;
				byte b = particleList [i].color.b;
				byte a = particleList [i].color.a;
				particleList[i].color = new Color32(r, g, b, a);
			explosionEffectParticle.SetParticles(particleList, explosionEffectParticle.particleCount);

			destroy_timer += Time.deltaTime;
			if (destroy_timer >= 1.6f)
				destroy ();
예제 #9
    public void AddProject(KSProject project, string positioning)
        MasterSettings ms =;
        ParticleSystem.Particle temp = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
        int arraySize = particleSystem.GetParticles(particles);

        temp.size = ms.WindowSize;
        temp.color =[project.parentCat];
        temp.startLifetime = int.MaxValue;
        temp.lifetime = int.MaxValue;

            case "scatter":
                temp.position = ScatterPosition(project);
            case "bar":
                temp.position = BarPosition(arraySize);

        Array.Resize<ParticleSystem.Particle>(ref particles, arraySize + 1);
        particles[arraySize] = temp;

        particleSystem.SetParticles(particles, arraySize + 1);
    void LateUpdate()
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
            timer = 0f;
            Mesh baked = new Mesh();

            int index = 0;
            int total = 0;
            Vector3 pos =;
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] gos = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particleSystem.particleCount];
            total = particleSystem.GetParticles(gos);

            while(index < total){
                pos = gos[index].position;
                int indexV = (int)(((float)index/(float)total)*baked.vertices.Length);
                pos.x = baked.vertices[indexV%baked.vertices.Length].x;
                pos.y = baked.vertices[indexV%baked.vertices.Length].y;
                pos.z = baked.vertices[indexV%baked.vertices.Length].z;
                //pos = objectToPutParticlesOn.transform.TransformPoint(pos);
                gos[index].position = pos;

예제 #11
	private IEnumerator FadeParticles()
		float startTime = Time.time;
		ParticleSystem particleSystem = mousePathRenderer.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

		while (Time.time < startTime + mouseTrailFadeOutTime)
			//This sets up an array container to hold all of the particles
			ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particleSystem.particleCount];

			//get the particles

			byte a = Convert.ToByte(255f*Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, (Time.time - startTime)/mouseTrailFadeOutTime));

			Color32 newColor = new Color32(255, 255, 255, a);

			//then iterate through the array changing the color 1 by 1
			for(int p = 0; p < particles.Length; p++)
				particles[p].color = newColor;

			//set the particles back to the system
			particleSystem.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);

			yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

		particleSystem.SetParticles(new ParticleSystem.Particle[0], 0);

예제 #12
	void ParticlePull ()
		float sqrPullDistance = PullDistance * PullDistance;
		ParticleSystem.Particle[] x = new ParticleSystem.Particle[gameObject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().particleCount+1]; 
		int y = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().GetParticles(x);
		for (int i = 0; i < y; i++)
			Vector3 offset = MagnetPoint.localPosition - x[i].position;
			//creates Vector3 variable based on the position of the target MagnetPoint (set by user) and the current particle position
			float sqrLen = offset.sqrMagnitude;
			//creats float type integer based on the square magnitude of the offset variable set above (faster than .Magnitude)
			if (sqrLen <= sqrPullDistance)
				x[i].position = Vector3.Lerp(x[i].position, MagnetPoint.localPosition, Mathf.SmoothStep(0, 2, (Time.deltaTime / 0.1F)));
				/*Lerping moves an object between two vectors (syntax is FromVector, ToVector, Fraction) by a given fraction. In our example 
                 we take the position of particle i, of particle system x, and the local position of the MagnetPoint transform, and move the 
                 particles in from x[i] towards MagnetPoint over time. Lower the Time.deltaTime / # value to increase how fast the particle attracts*/
				if ((x[i].position-MagnetPoint.localPosition).magnitude <= 30)
					x[i].lifetime = 0;
		gameObject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles(x, y);
    void Update()
        for(int j = 0; j<systems.Length; j++){
            ParticleSystem system = systems[j];
            Transform t = system.transform;
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[system.particleCount];
            for(int i=0; i<system.particleCount; i++){
                Vector3 pos = particles[i].position;//t.TransformPoint();
                Debug.DrawLine(pos, transform.position, new Color(1,0.5f, 0.5f, 0.25f));
                Vector3 dir = transform.position - pos;
                float amount = (1 - dir.magnitude / radius) * power / maxPower;

                float amount = Mathf.Clamp01(dir.magnitude / radius);
                dir = dir.normalized * power;
                particles[i].velocity = Vector3.Lerp(particles[i].velocity, dir, amount * Time.deltaTime);

                particles[i].velocity = Vector3.Lerp(particles[i].velocity, dir * speed, amount * Time.deltaTime);
            system.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
예제 #14
	void Start () {
		// Cache transform and particle system to improve performance
		_cacheTransform = transform;
		_cacheParticleSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
		// Calculate the actual spawn and fade distances
		_distanceToSpawn = range * distanceSpawn;
		_distanceToFade = range * distanceFade;
		// Scale particles
		if (_cacheParticleSystem == null) {
			// Throw an error if the object of this script has no particle system
			Debug.LogError("This script must be attached to a GameObject with a particle system. It is strongly recommended " +
							"that you use the SpaceParticles or SpaceFog prefab which have suitable particle systems)");
		// Spawn all new particles within a sphere in range of the object
		for (int i=0; i < maxParticles; i ++) {
			ParticleSystem.Particle _newParticle = new ParticleSystem.Particle();					
			_newParticle.position = _cacheTransform.position + (Random.insideUnitSphere * _distanceToSpawn);
			_newParticle.lifetime = Mathf.Infinity;
			Vector3 _velocity = new Vector3(
				Random.Range(minParticleDriftSpeed, maxParticleDriftSpeed) * driftSpeedMultiplier, 
				Random.Range(minParticleDriftSpeed, maxParticleDriftSpeed) * driftSpeedMultiplier, 
				Random.Range(minParticleDriftSpeed, maxParticleDriftSpeed) * driftSpeedMultiplier);			
			_newParticle.velocity = _velocity;						
			_newParticle.size = Random.Range(minParticleSize, maxParticleSize) * sizeMultiplier;								
예제 #15
    void Update()
        particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[MAX_PARTICLES * MAX_PARTICLES];

        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES * MAX_PARTICLES; i++)
            particles[i] = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
            particles[i].startLifetime = 10;
            particles[i].size = 1;
            particles[i].lifetime = 10;
            particles[i].color = Color.white;

        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PARTICLES; j++)
                float x = i;
                float y = j;

                particles[j * MAX_PARTICLES + i].position = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
                particles[j * MAX_PARTICLES + i].startLifetime = 10;
                Color color = Color.white;

                color.a = Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, Vector3.Distance(particles[j * MAX_PARTICLES + i].position, new Vector3(MAX_PARTICLES * 0.5f, 0, MAX_PARTICLES * 0.5f)) * 0.2f);

                particles[j * MAX_PARTICLES + i].color = color;
        system.SetParticles(particles, MAX_PARTICLES * MAX_PARTICLES);
	//ordered from least to greatest
	private void orderParticlesByCurrentDistance(){
		int pNumb;
		ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[PS.maxParticles];
		pNumb = PS.GetParticles(particles);
		orderOfParticlesByDistance = new int[pNumb];

		float[] particleDistance = new float[pNumb];
		for(int i = 0; i < pNumb; i++){ // simple sort
			orderOfParticlesByDistance[i] = i;
			particleDistance[i] = particles[i].position.x;

		int offset = 1;
		while(particleDistance[offset] < particleDistance[offset - 1]){ //move current particle down the list
			int temp1 = orderOfParticlesByDistance[offset - 1];
			float temp2 = particleDistance[offset - 1];

			orderOfParticlesByDistance[offset - 1] = orderOfParticlesByDistance[offset];
			particleDistance[offset - 1] = particleDistance[offset];

			orderOfParticlesByDistance[offset] = temp1;
			particleDistance[offset] = temp2;

		currentSizeIndex = pNumb - 1;
예제 #17
 public static void Beat(float amount)
     ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[singleton.squarePs.particleCount];
     singleton.squarePs.SetParticles(particles, singleton.squarePs.particleCount);
     singleton.squarePs.Emit((int)((ScoreManager.singleton.Combo+10) * amount));
예제 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Uses ColorsOnPainting evenly accross all particles in this particle system.
    /// </summary>
    private void setColors()
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] ParticleList = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particles.particleCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < ParticleList.Length; ++i)
            //cycle through available colors
            ParticleList[i].color = ColorsOnPainting[i % ColorsOnPainting.Length];

        particles.SetParticles(ParticleList, particles.particleCount);
 public override void UpdateSystem(MusicLoader ldr)
     sysMySys.startSize = ldr.fKickPower * 2.0f;
     ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[sysMySys.particleCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
         //particles[i].size = Mathf.Lerp(particles[i].size, ldr.fKickPower * 2.0f, 0.1f * Time.deltaTime * Time.timeScale);
         particles[i].size = (ldr.fKickPower * 2.0f) + 1.0f;
     sysMySys.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
예제 #20
    void Update()
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particleList = new ParticleSystem.Particle[pSystem.particleCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < particleList.Length; i++)

            pSystem.SetParticles(particleList, pSystem.particleCount);
	void SetParticles() {
		if (sources != null) {
			ParticleSystem.Particle[] parts = new ParticleSystem.Particle[sources.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < sources.Length; i++) {
				parts[i] = sources[i].particle;
			particleSystem.SetParticles(parts, parts.Length);
 private void LateUpdate()
     int particlecount;
     ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().particleCount];
         particlecount = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().GetParticles( particles );
     for ( int particle = 0; particle < particlecount; particle++ )
         particles[particle].velocity = ( transform.position - particles[particle].position ).normalized * Time.deltaTime * 10000;
     GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles( particles, particlecount );
예제 #23
	// Member Methods
	public void OnGalaxyCameraShifted(GameObject _GameObject, Vector3 _Translation)
		foreach(ParticleSystem ps in GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>())
			ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.particleCount];
			int num = ps.GetParticles(particles);
			for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
				particles[i].position += _Translation;
			ps.SetParticles(particles, num);
예제 #24
    private IEnumerator RandomlyColorParticles()
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ ps.particleCount ];

        int length = ps.GetParticles( particles );

        for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
            particles[i].color = new Color( Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, 1f );

        ps.SetParticles( particles, length );
예제 #25
	private ParticleSystem.Particle NewPoint(Vector3 center)
		var result = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
		result.position = Random.insideUnitSphere * radius;

		var colorVal = 0.8f + 0.2f * Random.value;
		result.startColor = new Color(colorVal, colorVal, colorVal);
		result.startSize = size;

		result.position += center;

		return result;
예제 #26
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		ParticleSystem.Particle[] p = new ParticleSystem.Particle[snow.particleCount+1];
		int l = snow.GetParticles(p);

		int i = 0;
		while (i < l) {
			p[i].velocity = new Vector3(-1*Util.percentDiff(-1*p[i].velocity.x,*speed,0.05f),
				p[i].velocity.y, p[i].velocity.z);

		snow.SetParticles(p, l);  
예제 #27
	/// <summary>
	/// Alter trancperincy of particals at random
	/// </summary>
	private void flickerParticals(){
		ParticleSystem.Particle[] particals = new ParticleSystem.Particle[100];
		int pNum;
		pNum = PS.GetParticles(particals);
		for (int i = 0; i < pNum; i++) {
			if(Random.Range(0,4) == 3){ // less likely to be clear
				particals[i].startColor = Color.clear;
				particals[i].startColor = Color.white;
    void Start()
        this.numPoints = (int)Mathf.Clamp(this.numPoints,10,500);
        points = new ParticleSystem.Particle[numPoints];

        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            ParticleSystem.Particle part = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
            part.position = new Vector3((i+1)*this.transform.localScale.x/numPoints,0f,0f);
            part.color =;
            part.size = 1.0f/numPoints * this.transform.localScale.x* 10.0f;
            points[i] = part;
	private void AlterParticle( ParticleSystem _ParticleSystem )
		ParticleSystem.Particle [] parray = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ _ParticleSystem.particleCount ] ; 
		int num = _ParticleSystem.GetParticles( parray ) ;
		Debug.Log( "num" + num );
		for( int i = 0 ; i < num ; ++i )
			parray[i].position = ;
			parray[i].color = ;
			// Debug.Log( "parray[i].position=" + parray[i].position ) ;
		_ParticleSystem.SetParticles( parray , parray.Length ) ;
 public override void UpdateSystem(MusicLoader ldr)
     sysMySys.startSize = ldr.fKickPower * 2.0f;
     ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[sysMySys.particleCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
         particles[i].size = Mathf.Lerp(particles[i].size, ldr.fKickPower * 2.0f, 0.1f * Time.deltaTime * Time.timeScale);
     sysMySys.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
     renSystemRenderer.material.color = Color.Lerp(renSystemRenderer.material.color, new Color(0.0f, 1.0f * ldr.fKickPower, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.1f * Time.timeScale * Time.deltaTime);
     sysMySys.startColor = Color.Lerp(sysMySys.startColor, new Color(0.0f, 1.0f * ldr.fKickPower, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.1f * Time.timeScale * Time.deltaTime);
    void Update()
        for (int i = 0; i < particleSystems.Length; i++)
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] particleArray = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particleSystems[i].particleCount];

            for (int j = 0; j < particleArray.Length; j++)
                //Vector3 particleWorldPosition = particleSystems[i].transform.TransformPoint(particleArray[j].position);
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(particleArray[j].position, transform.position);
                if (distance <= radius)
                    Vector3 difference = transform.position - particleArray[j].position;
                    particleArray[j].velocity += difference * intensity;
                    //particleArray[j].position = new Vector3(particleArray[j].position.x, particleArray[j].position.y, -1);
                    particleArray[j].startColor =;
예제 #32
            internal double GetSplinePercent(Wrap wrap, ParticleSystem.Particle particle, MotionType motionType)
                float lifePercent = particle.remainingLifetime / particle.startLifetime;

                if (motionType == MotionType.FollowBackward)
                    lifePercent = 1f - lifePercent;
                switch (wrap)
                case Wrap.Default: return(DMath.Clamp01(startPercent + (1f - lifePercent) * cycleSpeed));

                case Wrap.Loop:
                    double loopPoint = startPercent + (1.0 - lifePercent) * cycleSpeed;
                    if (loopPoint > 1.0)
                        loopPoint -= Mathf.FloorToInt((float)loopPoint);
예제 #33
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isSimulating)
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] fluidParticles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particleCount];
            bool r = AcessDLL.ReadMemoryShare(memMapName, dataStream);

            int particleIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < dataStream.Length; i += 3)
                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(dataStream[i], dataStream[i + 1], dataStream[i + 2]);
                //fluidParticles[particleIndex].color = colors[ii];
                fluidParticles[particleIndex].position = newPos;
                //Debug.DrawLine(newPos, new Vector3(newPos.x + 0.1f, newPos.y, newPos.z));
            psFluid.SetParticles(fluidParticles, fluidParticles.Length);
예제 #34
    // draw one mouse click, one brush to canvas
    void DrawPoint(Vector3 p)
        var particle = new ParticleSystem.Particle();

        particle.position = p;

        if (selectedColor < 10)
            particle.color = allColors[selectedColor];
            particle.color = PickRandomColor();

        // a little organic swelling
        particle.size = brushBase + brushMultiplier * brushSize;        //*Random.Range( brushBase, (brushBase * 100) );// * Random.Range( 0.5f, 1.5f );

        particle.rotation = Random.Range(0f, 359f);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
        if (timer >= detonateDelay && !isDestroy)
        if (isDamage)
            damage_timer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (damage_timer >= 0.21f)
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(detonateAudio.clip, transform.position);
        if (isDestroy)
            explosionEffectLight.intensity -= 1;
            ParticleSystem.Particle [] particleList = new ParticleSystem.Particle[explosionEffectParticle.particleCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < particleList.Length; ++i)
                byte r = particleList [i].color.r;
                byte g = particleList [i].color.g;
                byte b = particleList [i].color.b;
                byte a = particleList [i].color.a;
                a--; a--;
                particleList[i].color = new Color32(r, g, b, a);
            explosionEffectParticle.SetParticles(particleList, explosionEffectParticle.particleCount);

            destroy_timer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (destroy_timer >= 1.6f)
예제 #36
    static int get_angularVelocity(IntPtr L)
        object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1);

        if (o == null)
            LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1);

            if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE)
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name angularVelocity");
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index angularVelocity on a nil value");

        ParticleSystem.Particle obj = (ParticleSystem.Particle)o;
        LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, obj.angularVelocity);
        private void OnEnable()
            if (particles == null)
                particles = gameObject.EnsureComponent <ParticleSystem>();

            mainNoiseModule = particles.noise;

            ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emission = particles.emission;
            emission.rateOverTime     = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(0);
            emission.rateOverDistance = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(0);
            emission.enabled          = true;

            ParticleSystem.MainModule main = particles.main;
            main.loop            = false;
            main.playOnAwake     = false;
            main.maxParticles    = Mathf.Min(maxParticles, GlobalMaxParticles);
            main.simulationSpace = ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.World;

            ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shape = particles.shape;
            shape.enabled = false;

            MainParticleRenderer.sharedMaterial = lineMaterial;
            MainParticleRenderer.enabled        = true;

            // Initialize our particles
            for (int i = 0; i < mainParticleArray.Length; i++)
                ParticleSystem.Particle particle = mainParticleArray[i];
                particle.startColor        = Color.white;
                particle.startSize         = 1f;
                particle.startLifetime     = float.MaxValue;
                particle.remainingLifetime = float.MaxValue;
                particle.velocity          =;
                particle.angularVelocity   = 0;
                mainParticleArray[i]       = particle;
예제 #38
    static int get_color(IntPtr L)
        object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1);

        if (o == null)
            LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1);

            if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE)
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name color");
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index color on a nil value");

        ParticleSystem.Particle obj = (ParticleSystem.Particle)o;
        LuaScriptMgr.PushValue(L, obj.color);
예제 #39
    void CreateParticles()
        fragments = new List <Fragment>();

        var cols   = inputTex.GetPixels();
        var width  = inputTex.width;
        var height = inputTex.height;
        var offset = new Vector3(-width, -height) * 0.5f;

        for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 2)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 2)
                var col = cols[x + y * width];
                if (col.a > 0)
                    var f = new Fragment();
                    f.home = (offset + new Vector3(x, y, 0)) * 0.05f;
                    f.col  = col;
        particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[fragments.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < fragments.Count; i++)
            var p = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
            p.position      = fragments[i].home;
            p.color         = fragments[i].col;
            p.color         = new Color32(p.color.r, p.color.g, p.color.b, 255);
            p.lifetime      = float.PositiveInfinity;
            p.size          = 0.4f;
            p.startLifetime = float.PositiveInfinity;
            particles[i]    = p;
        ps.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
        Debug.Log("Count: " + fragments.Count);
예제 #40
    public void InitializePS(int count, Transform targetTf)
        // Parent the effect to the target GameObject
        this.transform.parent        = targetTf;
        this.transform.localPosition =;
        this.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        //lerpFactors = new float[count]; // lerp Based
        bRandomOffsets = new float[count];
        distFromTarget = new float[count];
        noiseFreq      = new float[count];
        noiseAmp       = new float[count];

        // Creates particles
        if (count >= 50)
            Debug.LogError(count + " verts for new " + + ". CPU said  :'(");
            print(count + " verts for new " +;

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[count];

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            // lerpFactors[i] = Random.Range(minMaxLerp.x, minMaxLerp.y); // lerp based
            bRandomOffsets[i]     = Random.Range(1 - (bVelOffset / 2), 1 + (bVelOffset / 2));
            noiseAmp[i]           = Random.Range(bMinMaxNoiseAmp.x, bMinMaxNoiseAmp.y);
            noiseFreq[i]          = Random.Range(bMinMaxNoiseFreq.x, bMinMaxNoiseFreq.y);
            particles[i].position = targetTf.position;

        PS.SetParticles(particles, count);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[pSys.particleCount];
        birdPos = bird.transform.position;


        for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
            Vector3 diff = birdPos - particles[i].position;
            if (diff.y > 0)
                float num = 0.9f;
                particles[i].velocity = new Vector3((particles[i].velocity.x + diff.x) * num, (particles[i].velocity.y + diff.y) * num, (particles[i].velocity.z + diff.z) * num);
                if (particles[i].totalVelocity.y < 0)
                    if (diff.magnitude > 5)
                        particles[i].velocity += diff;
                        float num = 0.9f;
                        particles[i].velocity = new Vector3((particles[i].velocity.x + diff.x) * num, (particles[i].velocity.y + diff.y) * num, (particles[i].velocity.z + diff.z) * num);

        pSys.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
예제 #42
    }     // End of Init

    public override void CreatePoints()
        // Getting the size of the density grid.
        int dim0 = density.GetLength(0);
        int dim1 = density.GetLength(1);
        int dim2 = density.GetLength(2);

        Vector3 indices =;

        for (int x = 0; x < dim0; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < dim1; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < dim2; z++)
                    indices.x = x;
                    indices.y = y;
                    indices.z = z;

                    Color c =;                        // arbitrary
                    c.a = (density[x, y, z] / densityAmplitude); // Somewhat arbitrary too, but guarantees 0 <= c.a <= 1.

                    // Here, we cull.
                    float size = particleScale * inverseDelta.x;                     // Assumes delta.x == delta.y == delta.z. For now, that's true, but it might change.
                    if (c.a > ALPHA_THRESHOLD)
                        ParticleSystem.Particle particle = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
                        Vector3 p = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                        p = Vector3.Scale(inverseDelta, (indices - fudgeFactor)) + origin;
                        particle.position = p;
                        particle.color    = c;
                        particle.size     = size;
    }     // End of CreatePoints
예제 #43
    protected virtual IEnumerator SetRepulsionParticles(GameObject whichCube, GameObject fx, ParticleSystem ps)
        while (ps.IsAlive())
            fx.transform.position = transform.position;

            Vector3 lookPos = new Vector3(whichCube.transform.position.x, fx.transform.position.y, whichCube.transform.position.z);

            float dist     = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, whichCube.transform.position);
            float lifeTime = aFactor2 * dist + bFactor2;

            ps.startLifetime = lifeTime;

            ParticleSystem.Particle[] particlesList = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.particleCount];

            distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, whichCube.transform.position);

            for (int i = 0; i < ps.particleCount; i++)
                dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, ps.transform.TransformPoint(particlesList[i].position));

                if (dist >= distance)
                    particlesList[i].startLifetime = 0;
                    particlesList[i].startLifetime = lifeTime;

            ps.SetParticles(particlesList, particlesList.Length);

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
예제 #44
        void OnPointCloudChanged(ARPointCloudUpdatedEventArgs eventArgs)
            var points = s_Vertices;

            foreach (var point in m_PointCloud.positions)

            int numParticles = points.Count;

            if (m_Particles == null || m_Particles.Length < numParticles)
                m_Particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[numParticles];

            var color = m_ParticleSystem.main.startColor.color;
            var size  = m_ParticleSystem.main.startSize.constant;

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
                m_Particles[i].startColor        = color;
                m_Particles[i].startSize         = size;
                m_Particles[i].position          = points[i];
                m_Particles[i].remainingLifetime = 1f;

            // Remove any existing particles by setting remainingLifetime
            // to a negative value.
            for (int i = numParticles; i < m_NumParticles; ++i)
                m_Particles[i].remainingLifetime = -1f;

            m_ParticleSystem.SetParticles(m_Particles, Math.Max(numParticles, m_NumParticles));
            m_NumParticles = numParticles;
        /// <summary>Called when a particle leaves the trigger.</summary>
        /// <author>Liam Ireland</author>
        private void OnParticleTrigger()
            List <ParticleSystem.Particle> particles    = new List <ParticleSystem.Particle>();
            List <ParticleSystem.Particle> newParticles = new List <ParticleSystem.Particle>(); // an arraycontaining the particles to be added

            foreach (ParticleSystem.Particle particle in particles)                             // for every particle that just left a trigger
                Collider closestCollider = closestStaticCollider(particle.position);
                Vector3  closestPointOnStaticCollider = closestCollider.bounds.ClosestPoint(particle.position);
                // get the distance from the particle to the shock wave origin
                float distanceFromParticleToOrigin = Vector3.Distance(particle.position, particleEmitter.transform.position);
                // get the distance from the closest point on the collider the particle nearlly missed to the shock wave origin
                float distanceFromColliderToOrigin = Vector3.Distance(closestPointOnStaticCollider, particleEmitter.transform.position);
                // if the distance from the particle to the shockwave origin is greater than the closest point to the particle on the collider we're checking to the shockwave origin - it makes sense in my mind, I don't know how to explain it easisly
                if (distanceFromParticleToOrigin > distanceFromColliderToOrigin)
                    // doesn't quite work as intended yet - need to find a better check
                    // TODO - find a better check above
                    if (particle.velocity.y <= 0)   // pretty dumb, need more robust solution
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // create multiple new particles for every near miss of a static collider
                            ParticleSystem.Particle newParticle = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
                            newParticle            = particle;
                            newParticle.velocity   = new Vector3(newParticle.velocity.x + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1), newParticle.velocity.y - (i * 0.75F), newParticle.velocity.z + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1));
                            newParticle.startColor = new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255);
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] oldParticles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particleEmitter.particleCount];
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] finalParticles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[oldParticles.Length + newParticles.Count];
            oldParticles.CopyTo(finalParticles, 0);
            newParticles.ToArray().CopyTo(finalParticles, oldParticles.Length);
            particleEmitter.SetParticles(finalParticles, finalParticles.Length);
예제 #46
    void LateUpdate()
        if (target != null)
            ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.particleCount];


            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
                ParticleSystem.Particle p = particles[i];

                Vector3 particleWorldPosition;

                if (ps.main.simulationSpace == ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Local)
                    particleWorldPosition = transform.TransformPoint(p.position);
                else if (ps.main.simulationSpace == ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Custom)
                    particleWorldPosition = ps.main.customSimulationSpace.TransformPoint(p.position);
                    particleWorldPosition = p.position;

                Vector3 directionToTarget = (target.position - particleWorldPosition).normalized;
                Vector3 seekForce         = (directionToTarget * force) * Time.deltaTime;

                p.velocity += seekForce;

                particles[i] = p;

            ps.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
예제 #47
    private ParticleSystem.Particle steer(ParticleSystem.Particle currentParticle)
        var currentPos      = currentParticle.position;
        var currentVelocity = currentParticle.velocity;

        Vector3 alignmentSteering = new Vector3();
        Vector3 cohesionSteering  = new Vector3();
        int     boidsSeen         = 0;

        foreach (var particle in particles)
            float dist = Vector3.Distance(currentPos, particle.position);
            if (dist < perceptionRadius)
                alignmentSteering += particle.velocity.normalized;
                cohesionSteering  += particle.position;
        if (boidsSeen > 0)
            alignmentSteering /= boidsSeen;
            alignmentSteering -= currentVelocity;
            alignmentSteering  = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(alignmentSteering, maxAlignment);

            cohesionSteering /= boidsSeen;
            cohesionSteering -= currentPos;
            cohesionSteering -= currentVelocity;
            cohesionSteering  = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(cohesionSteering, maxCohesion);
        currentParticle.velocity += cohesionSteering;
        currentParticle.velocity += alignmentSteering;
        if (beatsFFT)
            currentParticle.velocity *= beatsFFT.scaledAvgFreq * 10f;
예제 #48
    void Update()
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles =
            new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.particleCount];

        //Debug.Log("ps.particleCount "+ ps.particleCount+ "particles.Length: "+ particles.Length);


        for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
            ParticleSystem.Particle p = particles[i];

            Vector3 particleWorldPosition;

            if (ps.main.simulationSpace == ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Local)
                particleWorldPosition = transform.TransformPoint(p.position);
            else if (ps.main.simulationSpace == ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Custom)
                particleWorldPosition = ps.main.customSimulationSpace.TransformPoint(p.position);
                particleWorldPosition = p.position;

            Vector3 directionToTarget = (target.position - particleWorldPosition).normalized;//normalized:把向量轉換成長度 1 的「單位向量」
            Vector3 seekForce         = (directionToTarget * force) * Time.deltaTime;

            p.velocity  += seekForce;
            particles[i] = p;

        ps.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.tag != "Player" || !doesDamage)
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] splashParticles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[pSystem.particleCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < splashParticles.Length; i++)
            // add the vector from player to this, multiply by random, disperse
            splashParticles[i].position += ((transform.position - other.transform.position) * Random.Range(1f, 5) + Random.insideUnitSphere);
            splashParticles[i].velocity  = ((transform.position - other.transform.position) * 10 + Random.insideUnitSphere);

        GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false;       //turn off the collider to avoid double hits
        Time.timeScale = 0;

        // game over code
        //disconnect the player controller and camera
        PlayerCamera = Move.staticAccess.posObj.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();
        PlayerCamera.transform.SetParent(null, true);
        gameManager.gameOverSplashText.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>()
        .text = "Distance Traveled: " + Move.staticAccess.distance.ToString("#.##") + "m";
        gameManager.gameOverSplashText.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>()
        .text = "Gems Collected: " + gameManager.gems + " X 5 = " + (gameManager.gems *= 5);
        gameManager.gameOverSplashText.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(2).GetComponent <Text>()
        .text = "Final Score: " + (Move.staticAccess.distance + (float)gameManager.gems).ToString("#.##");
        Move.staticAccess.enabled = false;
        //standby for reload
예제 #50
    private void OnParticleCollision(GameObject other)
        int numCollisionEvents = Spray.GetCollisionEvents(other, collisionEvents);

        if (numCollisionEvents > 0)
            ParticleReactor reactiveObject = other.GetComponent <ParticleReactor>();

            if (reactiveObject != null)
                reactiveObject.OnCollision(numCollisionEvents, collisionEvents[0].intersection, collisionEvents[0].normal);
            else if (SpawnCrystals == true)
                ParticleSystem.Particle newCrystalParticle = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
                newCrystalParticle.position   = collisionEvents[0].intersection;
                newCrystalParticle.startSize  = CrystalSize * Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                newCrystalParticle.rotation3D = Quaternion.LookRotation(Random.onUnitSphere).eulerAngles;
                //newCrystalParticle.startLifetime = 10f;
    private ParticleSystem.Particle[] CreateSomePoints(float delta, char axis, float slope)
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] somePoints = new ParticleSystem.Particle[resolution];

        for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
            float variable = i * delta;

            if (axis == 'x')
                somePoints[i].position = new Vector3(variable, slope * variable, 0f);
            else if (axis == 'z')
                somePoints[i].position = new Vector3(0f, slope * variable, variable);

            somePoints[i].startColor = new Color(Math.Abs(variable), 0f, 0f, 0.5f);
            somePoints[i].startSize  = 0.1f;

예제 #52
        private void LateUpdate()

            // GetParticles is allocation free because we reuse the m_Particles buffer between updates
            int numParticlesAlive = m_CachedParticleSystem.GetParticles(m_ParticleSpawners);

            // Change only the particles that are alive
            for (int i = 0; i < numParticlesAlive; i++)
                ParticleSystem.Particle p = m_ParticleSpawners[i];
                if (Vector3.Distance(p.position, m_PrevPosition[i]) > m_DistanceBetweenParticles)
                    m_EmitParams.startSize = p.GetCurrentSize(m_CachedParticleSystem);
                    m_EmitParams.position  = p.position + Random.insideUnitSphere * m_PosDeviation;
                    m_PlumeParticles.Emit(m_EmitParams, 1);
                m_PrevPosition[i] = p.position;

            // Apply the particle changes to the particle system
            m_CachedParticleSystem.SetParticles(m_ParticleSpawners, numParticlesAlive);
    IEnumerator LateStart(float waitTime)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime));

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] parts = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.main.maxParticles];
        // GetParticles is allocation free because we reuse the parts buffer between updates
        int numParticlesAlive = ps.GetParticles(parts);

        // Change only the particles that are alive
        for (int i = 0; i < numParticlesAlive; i++)
            var objToSpawn = new GameObject("treeCollider");
            objToSpawn.isStatic           = true;
            objToSpawn.transform.position = parts[i].position;
            objToSpawn.transform.parent   = transform;
            //Add Components
            CapsuleCollider c    = objToSpawn.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
            Vector3         size = parts[i].startSize3D;
            c.radius = (size.x + size.z) / 2.0f;
            c.height = size.y * 4f;
   = new Vector3(0, c.height / 2f, 0);
예제 #54
    void Update()
        //Alloc but w/e. Simpler this way since we store only the positions
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] _particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[_ps.particleCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < _particles.Length; ++i)
            ParticleSystem.Particle p = _particles[i];
            if (i >= _lrs.Count)
                GameObject   newGo       = Instantiate(LineRendererPrefab, transform);
                LineRenderer newRenderer = newGo.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                _lrs.Add(new LineRendererWithPositions(newRenderer, p.position));

                newRenderer.widthMultiplier = _sizeMultiplier;
    void update_particles()
        int count = grid.GridPointCount(MinSamples);

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[count];

        Vector3f camPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
        int      index  = 0;

        foreach (Vector3f v in grid.GridPoints(MinSamples))
            particles[index].position = v;

            // this doesn't work...
            float fDist = camPos.Distance(v);
            float t     = MathUtil.Clamp(1.0f - fDist / 2.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f);

            particles[index].startColor = new Colorf(t);
            particles[index].startSize  = particleSize;
        currentPS.SetParticles(particles, count);
예제 #56
    private IEnumerator TimeDelay()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ParticleDelay));

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[Particlefollow.particleCount];

        while (true)
            particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[Particlefollow.particleCount];

            // Modifying the particles
            for (int i = 0; i < particles.GetLength(0); i++)
                float ForceToAdd = (particles[i].startLifetime - particles[i].remainingLifetime) * (SpeedMult * Vector3.Distance(Target.position, particles[i].position));
                particles[i].velocity = (Target.position - particles[i].position).normalized * ForceToAdd;

            Particlefollow.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);

            yield return(null);
    void OnParticleTrigger()
        // particles
        List <ParticleSystem.Particle> enter = new List <ParticleSystem.Particle>();

        // get
        int numEnter = ps.GetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Enter, enter);

        // iterate
        for (int i = 0; i < numEnter; i++)
            ParticleSystem.Particle p = enter[i];
            // instantiate the Game Object
            GameObject obj = Instantiate(colliderToSpawn, p.position, Quaternion.identity);
            enter[i] = p;

        // set
        ps.SetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Enter, enter);
예제 #58
    private IEnumerator alterParticles(PlayerController player)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particleSystem.particleCount];

        int count = particleSystem.GetParticles(particles);

        for (float t = 0f; t < 1f; t += 0.1f)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                particles[i].position = player.transform.position + * 0.05f;//Vector3.Lerp(particles[i].position, obj.transform.position, t);
            particleSystem.SetParticles(particles, count);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

예제 #59
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (active)
            if (!built)

            ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[25]; // constantly update particle array, room for optimization here
            partSys.GetParticles(particles);                                       // get particles
            partSys.SetParticles(particles, 25);                                   // set particles
            built = false;
            if (partSys)
예제 #60
    private void LateUpdate()
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] p = new ParticleSystem.Particle[parSys.particleCount + 1];
        int l = parSys.GetParticles(p);

        if (affectedByTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                p[i].velocity = new Vector3(1f, particleVelocity * timeManager.timeVelocity, 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                p[i].velocity = new Vector3(1f, particleVelocity, 1f);

        parSys.SetParticles(p, l);