private void DestroyBasic()

                TxtSave             = null !;
                IconTitle           = null !;
                IconUrl             = null !;
                IconCategories      = null !;
                IconSubCategories   = null !;
                IconUsersPost       = null !;
                TxtTitle            = null !;
                TxtUrl              = null !;
                TxtCategories       = null !;
                TxtSubCategories    = null !;
                SubCategoriesLayout = null !;
                MAdapter            = null !;
                MRecycler           = null !;
                RadioEnable         = null !;
                RadioDisable        = null !;
                LayoutManager       = null !;
                CategoryId          = null !;
                SubCategoryId       = null !;
                PagesId             = null !;
                DialogType          = null !;
                UsersPost           = null !;
                PageData            = null !;
                PublisherAdView     = null !;
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #2
        public JsonResult Search()
            // SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request["sqlSet"]);
            //String sortField = Request["sortField"];
            //String sortOrder = Request["sortOrder"];
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "ClientUser";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = "Id";
            List <ClientUser>           list2 = OPBiz.GetPagingData(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic   = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = ClientUserSet.Id.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            string d = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic);

            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private void InitData()
            HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["qx"];

            if (cookie != null)
                qx = cookie.Values["qxid"].ToString();
            if (qx != "1")
            int PageIndex = 1;

            if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null)
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString(), out PageIndex);

            int    PageSize   = 10;
            int    TotalCount = 0;
            string strWhere   = " 1=1 ";

            if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null)
                subordinate_course_id = Request.QueryString["pid"];
                strWhere += " and subordinate_course_id=" + subordinate_course_id;
            DataTable dt = H_Detail_CourseClass.GetList(PageSize, PageIndex, strWhere, out TotalCount);

            this.Repeater1.DataSource = dt;
            this.LiteralPage.Text = PageClass.BuildPage(PageIndex, TotalCount, PageSize);
        private void DestroyBasic()

                TxtSave             = null;
                IconTitle           = null;
                IconUrl             = null;
                IconCategories      = null;
                IconSubCategories   = null;
                IconUsersPost       = null;
                TxtTitle            = null;
                TxtUrl              = null;
                TxtCategories       = null;
                TxtSubCategories    = null;
                SubCategoriesLayout = null;
                MAdapter            = null;
                MRecycler           = null;
                RadioEnable         = null;
                RadioDisable        = null;
                LayoutManager       = null;
                CategoryId          = null;
                SubCategoryId       = null;
                PagesId             = null;
                DialogType          = null;
                UsersPost           = null;
                PageData            = null;
                PublisherAdView     = null;
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #5
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1)
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            int countOnPage = 3; //количество фильмов на странице

            pc.pageMovies   = db.Movies.OrderByDescending(x => x.ID).ToList().Skip((page - 1) * countOnPage).Take(countOnPage).ToList();
            pc.currPage     = page;
            pc.pagesAvaible = new System.Collections.Generic.List <int>();

            int pagesCount = (int)(db.Movies.Count() / countOnPage);
            int ost        = db.Movies.Count() % (countOnPage * pagesCount);

            pagesCount += ost > 0 ? 1 : 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                if (page + i <= pagesCount)
                    pc.pagesAvaible.Add(page + i);

                if (page - i > 0)
                    pc.pagesAvaible.Add(page - i);

            pc.currUser = Session["currUser"] != null ? Session["currUser"].ToString() : "";

        public JsonResult Search()
            // SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request["sqlSet"]);

            Where += " and (isDeleted=0)";
            String    sortField = Request["sort"];
            String    sortOrder = Request["order"];
            PageClass pc        = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "FileId";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "TT_FilesInsuran";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            DataSet ds = OPBiz.GetPagingDataP(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("rows", ds.Tables[0]);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 单位可用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        ///   [HttpPost]
        public JsonResult PersonnelFile_Units()
            int    pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int    pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 1000 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            string Where     = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request["sqlSet"]);

            Where += "  and (isDeleted=0) ";
            string table = "TF_PersonnelFile";
//            if (UserData.UserTypes != 1)
//            {
//                Where += " and ( UnitsId='" + UserData.DepartmentId + "')";
//                table = "v_TF_PersonnelFile_Units_Out";
//            }
            String    sortField = Request["sort"];
            String    sortOrder = Request["order"];
            PageClass pc        = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = table;
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            DataSet ds = OPBiz.GetPagingDataP(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = TF_PersonnelFileSet.Id.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", ds.Tables[0]);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页获取用户 未添加店铺的用户
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult getUser()
            // SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request["sqlSet"]);

            Where += " AND (UserId not in (SELECT UserId from TT_ShopAppUser where isDeleted=0)) ";
            String    sortField = Request["sort"];
            String    sortOrder = Request["order"];
            PageClass pc        = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "UserId,LoginName,TrueName,WeiXinId";
            pc.sys_Key       = "UserId";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "TT_User";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            DataSet ds = OPBiz.GetPagingDataP(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("rows", ds.Tables[0]);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #9
        public JsonResult GetList()
            int    pageIndex = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["page"]) ? 1 : int.Parse(Request.Form["page"]);
            int    pageSize  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["rows"]) ? 10 : int.Parse(Request.Form["rows"]);
            string Where     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["sqlSet"]) ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request.Form["sqlSet"]);
            String sortField = Request.Form["sort"];
            String sortOrder = Request.Form["order"];

            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields = "*";
            //pc.sys_Key = "id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "rms_buttons";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder))
                pc.sys_Order = " order by " + " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            DataTable ds = RMS_ButtonsService.Instance.sqlToDataTablePage(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("rows", ModelConvertHelper <rms_buttons> .ConvertToModel(ds));
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 角色类型
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RoleTypes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String GetList(string RoleTypes)
            int pageIndex = 1;
            int pageSize  = 500;
            //String sortField = Request["sortField"];
            //String sortOrder = Request["sortOrder"];
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "RMS_Role";
            pc.sys_Where     = "RoleTypes=" + RoleTypes;
            pc.sys_Order     = "Id";
            if (!UserData.RoleId.ToString().Equals("fb38f312-0078-4f44-9cda-1183c8042db8"))//不是系统管理员,不请允许显示系统管理员
                pc.sys_Where += " and Id!='fb38f312-0078-4f44-9cda-1183c8042db8'";

            List <RMS_Role>             list2 = RDBiz.GetPagingData(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic   = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = RMS_RoleSet.ControlId.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);

            return(JsonHelper.ToJson(dic, true));
예제 #11
        public JsonResult Search()
            // SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request["sqlSet"]);

            Where += " and (isDeleted=0)";
            Where += " and (CreateManId='" + UserData.Id + "')";//只能返回自己添加的
            String    sortField = Request["sort"];
            String    sortOrder = Request["order"];
            PageClass pc        = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "v_TS_Shop";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            List <v_TS_Shop> list2 = OPBiz.GetPagingData <v_TS_Shop>(pc);

            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            return(MyJson(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #12
        public string GetByPostIdPage(HttpContext context)
            // SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            int    pageIndex = context.Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(context.Request["page"]);
            int    pageSize  = context.Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(context.Request["rows"]);
            string PostId    = context.Request["PostId"];
            string Where     = " PostId='" + PostId + "' and (isDeleted=0)";
            String    sortField = context.Request["sort"];
            String    sortOrder = context.Request["order"];
            PageClass pc        = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "Comment";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            List <Comment> list2 = OPBiz.GetPagingData <Comment>(pc);

            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            return(JsonHelper.ToJson(dic, true));
예제 #13
        private void DestroyBasic()

                TxtSave         = null !;
                IconCompany     = null !;
                IconPhone       = null !;
                IconLocation    = null !;
                IconWebsite     = null !;
                IconAbout       = null !;
                TxtCompany      = null !;
                TxtPhone        = null !;
                TxtLocation     = null !;
                TxtWebsite      = null !;
                TxtAbout        = null !;
                PagesId         = null !;
                PageData        = null !;
                PublisherAdView = null !;
            catch (Exception e)
 public OptionClass(PageClass P)
     Title     = P.OptionTitle;
     Option    = P.UniqueID;
     Condition = P.Condition;
     Action    = P.Action;
예제 #15
        private void BindLogData(int pageIndex)
            T_User user = new T_User();//Static.GetUserForCookie();

            if (user != null && user.UserType == 0)
                    PageClass pageClass = new PageClass();
                    pageClass.TableName = "t_logs";
                    pageClass.ShowField = "*";
                    pageClass.WhereText = "";
                    pageClass.OrderText = "LogTime desc";
                    pageClass.PageSize  = 10;
                    pageClass.PageIndex = pageIndex;

                    var data = logBLL.SelectForPage(pageClass);
                    AspNetPager1.PageSize    = pageClass.PageSize;
                    AspNetPager1.RecordCount = pageClass.DataCount;
                    repLogList.DataSource    = data;
                catch (Exception ex)
                loglist.Visible = false;
예제 #16
        public JsonResult GetList()
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //String sortField = Request["sortField"];
            //String sortOrder = Request["sortOrder"];
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "RMS_Buttons";
            pc.sys_Where     = "1=1";
            pc.sys_Order     = "Id";

            List <RMS_Buttons>          list2 = OPBiz.GetPagingData(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic   = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = RMS_ButtonsSet.Id.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);

            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #17
        private void DestroyBasic()

                TxtSave         = null !;
                IconFacebook    = null !;
                IconTwitter     = null !;
                IconInstagram   = null !;
                IconVk          = null !;
                IconLinkedin    = null !;
                IconYouTube     = null !;
                TxtFacebook     = null !;
                TxtTwitter      = null !;
                TxtInstagram    = null !;
                TxtVk           = null !;
                TxtLinkedin     = null !;
                TxtYouTube      = null !;
                PagesId         = null !;
                PageData        = null !;
                RewardedVideoAd = null !;
                PublisherAdView = null !;
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #18
        public JsonResult GetList()
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //String sortField = Request["sortField"];
            //String sortOrder = Request["sortOrder"];
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "PushMessage";
            pc.sys_Where     = "1=1";
            //if (!UserData.UserInfo.RoleId.ToString().Equals("fb38f312-0078-4f44-9cda-1183c8042db8"))//不是系统管理员,限制一个医院
            //    pc.sys_Where += " and YH_HospitalId='" + UserData.UserInfo.YH_HospitalId + "'";

            pc.sys_Order = " AddTime Desc";

            List <PushMessage>          list2 = OPBiz.GetPagingData <PushMessage>(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic   = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = PushMessageSet.Id.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);

            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #19
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

                SetTheme(AppSettings.SetTabDarkTheme ? Resource.Style.MyTheme_Dark_Base : Resource.Style.MyTheme_Base);

                // Create your application here

                PageId = Intent.GetStringExtra("PagesId");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Intent.GetStringExtra("PageData")))
                    PageData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PageClass>(Intent.GetStringExtra("PageData"));

                //Get Value And Set Toolbar
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #20
        public DataSet GetPagingDataP(PageClass pc)
            DbParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@tableName",    SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200),
                new SqlParameter("@strGetFields", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200),
                new SqlParameter("@strOrder",     SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200),
                new SqlParameter("@PageSize",     SqlDbType.Int,       16),
                new SqlParameter("@PageIndex",    SqlDbType.Int,       16),
                new SqlParameter("@TotalCount",   SqlDbType.Int,       16),
                new SqlParameter("@strWhere",     SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)

            parameters[0].Value     = pc.sys_Table;
            parameters[1].Value     = pc.sys_Fields;
            parameters[2].Value     = pc.sys_Order;
            parameters[3].Value     = pc.sys_PageSize;
            parameters[4].Value     = pc.sys_PageIndex;
            parameters[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            parameters[6].Value     = pc.sys_Where;
            using (var db = GetDb())
                //  db.DebugEnabled = true;

                DataSet ds = db.ExecuteProToDataSet("sp_PaginationEx", parameters);
                pc.RCount = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[5].Value);
                pc.PCount = pc.RCount / pc.sys_PageIndex;
예제 #21
        private void DestroyBasic()

                TxtSave         = null;
                IconCompany     = null;
                IconPhone       = null;
                IconLocation    = null;
                IconWebsite     = null;
                IconAbout       = null;
                TxtCompany      = null;
                TxtPhone        = null;
                TxtLocation     = null;
                TxtWebsite      = null;
                TxtAbout        = null;
                PagesId         = null;
                PageData        = null;
                PublisherAdView = null;
            catch (Exception e)
        private void DestroyBasic()

                TxtSave         = null;
                IconFacebook    = null;
                IconTwitter     = null;
                IconInstagram   = null;
                IconVk          = null;
                IconLinkedin    = null;
                IconYouTube     = null;
                TxtFacebook     = null;
                TxtTwitter      = null;
                TxtInstagram    = null;
                TxtVk           = null;
                TxtLinkedin     = null;
                TxtYouTube      = null;
                PagesId         = null;
                PageData        = null;
                RewardedVideoAd = null;
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #23
        public JsonResult GetInsuranItermSeel()
            // SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : SelectWhere.selectwherestring(Request["sqlSet"]);
            string Where = Request["sqlSet"] == null ? "1=1" : GetSql(Request["sqlSet"]);

            Where += " and (isDeleted=0)";
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "ItermSeelId,TName,Rates,SCode,Formula,ClaimAmount,Describe";
            pc.sys_Key       = "ItermSeelId";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "TT_InsuranItermSeel";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + pc.sys_Key + " desc";
            DataSet ds = OPBiz.GetPagingDataP(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("rows", ds.Tables[0]);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            //    sb.AppendFormat("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ItermSeelId\" value=\"{0}\"> <label style=\"width:120px;\">{1}</label> <label style=\"width:120px;\">{2}</label> <label style=\"width:200px;\">{3}</label> <input type=\"text\" value=\"\" class=\"easyui-validatebox\" onkeyup=\"clearNoNum(this)\" data-options=\"valueField:'ItemValue',textField:'ItemName',required:true\"> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ce\"> <br> ", item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]);
            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #24
        public virtual void Export_OnInit(PageClass page, Control control, string exportDataType)
            Button btn = control as Button;

            //Determine if we're exporting json or xml
            ExportMode exportMode = ExportMode.JSON;

            if (String.Equals(exportDataType, "xml", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                exportMode = ExportMode.XML;

            //must force a full postback so that we are sending the file back on a valid Response stream
            ForceFullPostback(page, control);

            //TODO: Maybe some day do double-submit prevention
            //UtilityFunctions.DoubleSubmitPrevention(page, btn);

            //Wire up the click event to export the data from all childforms
            btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                //Initialize the ExportService with the current page's form key and FacadeClass
                ExportService export = new ExportService(page.szFormKey, page.oFacadeObject, exportMode);

                //Get the Xml version of the data
                var xmlExport = export.GetDataXml();

                //Write the Xml data to the response stream in JSON or XML
                export.WriteFileToResponse(xmlExport, HttpContext.Current.Response, $"DataExport_{page.oFacadeObject.GetValue("cst_recno")}");
예제 #25
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                SetTheme(AppSettings.SetTabDarkTheme ? Resource.Style.MyTheme_Dark_Base : Resource.Style.MyTheme_Base);


                // Create your application here

                PageId = Intent?.GetStringExtra("PageId");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Intent?.GetStringExtra("PageData")))
                    PageDataClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PageClass>(Intent?.GetStringExtra("PageData"));

                //Get Value And Set Toolbar

            catch (Exception e)
예제 #26
        private void BindUserList(int pageIndex)
            string name      = txtSeach.Text;
            string whereText = " 1=1 ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                whereText += " and (LoginName like '%" + name + "%' or TrueName like '%" + name + "%' or Email like '%" + name + "%')";
            PageClass pageClass = new PageClass();

            pageClass.TableName = "T_User";
            pageClass.ShowField = "*";
            pageClass.WhereText = whereText;
            pageClass.OrderText = "CTime desc";
            pageClass.PageSize  = 1;
            pageClass.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                var data = userBLL.SelectForPage(pageClass);
                AspNetPager1.PageSize    = pageClass.PageSize;
                AspNetPager1.RecordCount = pageClass.DataCount;
                repUserList.DataSource   = data;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void InitData()
            string     strWhere = " 1=1 ";
            HttpCookie cookie   = Request.Cookies["qx"];

            if (cookie != null)
                qx = cookie.Values["qxid"].ToString();
            if (qx == "2")
                string username = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(cookie.Values["user"].ToString(), Encoding.UTF8);
                strWhere = "username='******'";
            if (qx == "3" || qx == "4")
            int PageIndex = 1;

            if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null)
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString(), out PageIndex);

            int PageSize   = 10;
            int TotalCount = 0;

            DataTable dt = H_ServiceClass.GetList(PageSize, PageIndex, strWhere, out TotalCount);

            this.Repeater1.DataSource = dt;
            this.LiteralPage.Text = PageClass.BuildPage(PageIndex, TotalCount, PageSize);
예제 #28
        public JsonResult GetList()
            int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            //String sortField = Request["sortField"];
            //String sortOrder = Request["sortOrder"];
            PageClass pc = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "V_Role";
            pc.sys_Where     = "1=1";
            pc.sys_Order     = "Id";
            if (!UserData.RoleId.ToString().Equals("fb38f312-0078-4f44-9cda-1183c8042db8"))//不是系统管理员,不请允许显示系统管理员
                pc.sys_Where += " and Id!='fb38f312-0078-4f44-9cda-1183c8042db8'";

            List <V_Role> list2             = RDBiz.GetPagingData <V_Role>(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = RMS_RoleSet.ControlId.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", list2);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);

            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #29
        public JsonResult GetUnitsNotOut(string Id)
            int    pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]);
            int    pageSize  = Request["rows"] == null ? 1000 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
            string Where     = " Id not in(select UnitsId from TF_PersonnelFile_Units_Out where PersonnelFileId='" + Id + "')";

            Where += " and (isDeleted=0) ";
            String    sortField = Request["sort"];
            String    sortOrder = Request["order"];
            PageClass pc        = new PageClass();

            pc.sys_Fields    = "*";
            pc.sys_Key       = "Id";
            pc.sys_PageIndex = pageIndex;
            pc.sys_PageSize  = pageSize;
            pc.sys_Table     = "TF_Units";
            pc.sys_Where     = Where;
            pc.sys_Order     = " " + sortField + " " + sortOrder;
            DataSet ds = OPBiz.GetPagingDataP(pc);
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // var mql = TF_PersonnelFileSet.Id.NotEqual("");
            dic.Add("rows", ds.Tables[0]);
            dic.Add("total", pc.RCount);
            return(Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private void InitUserData()
            int PageIndex = 1;

            if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null)
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString(), out PageIndex);

            int    PageSize   = 10;
            int    TotalCount = 0;
            string strWhere   = "id>1";

            if (Request.QueryString["user_name"] != null)
                string user_name = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["user_name"].ToString(), Encoding.UTF8);
                strWhere += "and username like'%" + user_name + "%'";
            if (Request.QueryString["qxid"] != null)
                string qxid = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["qxid"].ToString(), Encoding.UTF8);
                strWhere += "and qxid=" + qxid + "";
            DataTable dt = H_UserClass.GetList(PageSize, PageIndex, strWhere, out TotalCount);

            this.Repeater1.DataSource = dt;
            this.LiteralPage.Text = PageClass.BuildPage(PageIndex, TotalCount, PageSize);
예제 #31
        private void GeneratePageLayout()
            IPageLayout pageLayout = axPageLayoutControl1.PageLayout;
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = pageLayout as IGraphicsContainer;
            IPage pPage = new PageClass();
            pPage = pageLayout.Page;
            pPage.PutCustomSize(36, 24);
            IActiveView pActiveView = pageLayout as IActiveView;
            IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap;

            IMapFrame mapFrame1 = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
            IEnvelope pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            pEnvelope.PutCoords(1.5, 3, 17.5, 20);
            IElement pElement = mapFrame1 as IElement;
            pElement.Geometry = pEnvelope;

            //Map frame 2
            IMap mapDF1 = new MapClass();

            IMapFrame mapFrame2 = new MapFrameClass();

            mapFrame2.Map = mapDF1;
            IElement element1 = mapFrame2 as IElement;
            IEnvelope envelope1 = new EnvelopeClass();
            envelope1.PutCoords(18.5, 3, 34.5, 20);
            element1.Geometry = envelope1;
            //?????element 1 or bot map always hide???

            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(element1, 0);
            //////add map---problem shot
            //mapFrame1.Map = m_MapControltop.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            //mapFrame2.Map = m_MapControlbase.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            //TRY to use ObjectCopy
            //copy map to top mapframe of pagelayoutcontrol
            IObjectCopy objectCopy1 = new ObjectCopyClass();
            object toCopyMap1 = m_MapControltop.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            //IMap map1 = toCopyMap1 as IMap;
            //map1.IsFramed = true;
            object copiedMap1 = objectCopy1.Copy(toCopyMap1);
            object toOverwriteMap1 = mapFrame1.Map;
            objectCopy1.Overwrite(copiedMap1, ref toOverwriteMap1);
            //copy map to bot mapframe of pagelayoutcontrol
            IObjectCopy objectCopy2 = new ObjectCopyClass();
            object toCopyMap2 = m_MapControlbase.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            object copiedMap2 = objectCopy2.Copy(toCopyMap2);
            object toOverwriteMap2 = mapFrame2.Map;
            objectCopy2.Overwrite(copiedMap2, ref toOverwriteMap2);
            mapFrame1.Map.Name = "MapTop";
            mapFrame2.Map.Name = "MapBot";
            //try to change scale

            IGraphicsContainer container = this.axPageLayoutControl1.GraphicsContainer;
            IElement element = container.Next();
            int index = 0;
            while (element != null)
                if (element is IMapFrame)
                    IMapFrame mapFrame = (IMapFrame)element;
                    string sMapName = mapFrame.Map.Name;
                    IElementProperties elementProperties = (IElementProperties)element;
                    string slementName = elementProperties.Name;
                    index += 1;
                element = container.Next();

            //add title
            ITextElement teTitle = new TextElementClass();
            IPoint ptTitle = new PointClass();
            ptTitle.PutCoords(18, 22.5);
            IElement eleTitle = teTitle as IElement;
            eleTitle = MakeATextElement(ptTitle, tbStNum.Text + " " + tbStNa.Text + " Historical Aerial Comparison", 80);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(eleTitle, 0);

            string topYear = cboTopYear.Text;
            string botYear = cboBotYear.Text;
            //Add subtitle
            ITextElement teSubTitle1 = new TextElementClass();
            IPoint ptSubTitle1 = new PointClass();
            ptSubTitle1.PutCoords(9.5, 21);
            IElement eleSubTitle1 = teSubTitle1 as IElement;
            eleSubTitle1 = MakeATextElement(ptSubTitle1, topYear, 45);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(eleSubTitle1, 0);
            //Add Subtitle2
            ITextElement teSubTitle2 = new TextElementClass();
            IPoint ptSubTitle2 = new PointClass();
            ptSubTitle2.PutCoords(26.5, 21);
            IElement eleSubTitle2 = teSubTitle2 as IElement;
            eleSubTitle2 = MakeATextElement(ptSubTitle2, botYear, 45);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(eleSubTitle2, 0);

            //Add Scale Bar
            //Add North Arrow
            AddNorthArrow(axPageLayoutControl1.PageLayout, mapFrame1.Map);
            axPageLayoutControl1.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
예제 #32
    private void _showUpdate(int id)


        //attempt end

        PageClass _page = new PageClass();
        rpt_update.DataSource = _page.getPageByID(id);

           // SubjectClass _subject = new SubjectClass();
          //  rpt_update.DataSource = _subject.getSubjectByID(id);
           // rpt_update.DataBind();

        //ddl_subjectU.DataSource = objSub.getSubjects();
        //ddl_subjectU.DataTextField = "menu_name";
        //ddl_subjectU.DataValueField = "id";