private static bool CheckMobs(PGameObject harvest) { int mobs = ObjectManager.GetUnits.Where( unit => unit.Location.DistanceFrom(harvest.Location) < 25 && unit.Reaction == Reaction.Hostile). Count(); if ((mobs > 0) && HasRessSickness()) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("there are mobs close to the node and we have ress sickness", harvest); FlyingBlackList.Blacklist(harvest, 120, true); return(false); } if (FlyingSettings.AvoidElites && ObjectManager.GetUnits.Where( unit => unit.Location.DistanceFrom(harvest.Location) < 30 && unit.IsElite && unit.Reaction == Reaction.Hostile).Count() != 0) { Logging.Write("周围有精英怪,就不落地了"); FlyingBlackList.Blacklist(harvest, 120, true); return(false); } if (Convert.ToInt32(FlyingSettings.MaxUnits) < mobs) { Logging.Write("周围怪太多,这个点被加入黑名单"); FlyingBlackList.Blacklist(harvest, 120, true); return(false); } return(true); }
internal static void TellAbout(string text, PGameObject pGameObject) { if (!HasTold(pGameObject)) { Logging.ExtendedDebug("Not picking up node {0} due to: {1}", pGameObject.Name, text); } HasToldAbout(pGameObject); }
internal static bool DismountAndHarvest(PGameObject harvest, Ticker timeOut) { if (!LazySettings.BackgroundMode && !harvest.Location.IsFacing()) { harvest.Location.Face(); } if (Mount.IsMounted() && !ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsInFlightForm) { Mount.Dismount(); timeOut.Reset(); while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsMoving && !timeOut.IsReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(500); } Logging.Debug("Going to do harvest now"); harvest.Interact(true); Latency.Sleep(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.UnitRace != "Tauren" ? 750 : 500); if (!ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsCasting && ObjectManager.MyPlayer.UnitRace != "Tauren") { harvest.Interact(true); Latency.Sleep(750); } if (CheckFight(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("正在战斗状态", harvest); return(false); } timeOut.Reset(); while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsCasting && !timeOut.IsReady) { if (CheckFight(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("正在战斗状态", harvest); return(false); } Thread.Sleep(100); } if (CheckFight(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("正在战斗状态", harvest); return(false); } if (Langs.SkillToLow(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.RedMessage)) { Logging.Write("技能太低"); HelperFunctions.ResetRedMessage(); if (FindNode.IsMine(harvest) || FindNode.IsHerb(harvest)) { SkillToLow.Blacklist(harvest.Name, 240); } return(false); } return(true); }
private static void RetryMailOpen(PGameObject node) { MoveHelper.StrafeLeft(true); Thread.Sleep(500); MoveHelper.StrafeLeft(false); node.Location.Face(); Thread.Sleep(100); node.Interact(false); Thread.Sleep(1500); }
internal static bool CheckFight(PGameObject gameObject) { if (CheckDruidFight(gameObject)) { return(true); } if (ObjectManager.ShouldDefend && !ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsInFlightForm) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void init(PGraphics graphics) { g = graphics; g.beginKeep(); obj = g.prefab("unitychanP5"); //obj = (1); //obj.addRigid(); obj.transform.Rotate(0, 90, 0); obj.rigidBody.constraints |= RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ; g.endKeep(); }
protected void SetupInputController(KeyCode primaryKey, KeyCode secondaryKey) { InputController = PGameObject.GetComponent <TwoButtonInputController>(); if (InputController == null) { InputController = PGameObject.AddComponent <TwoButtonInputController>(); } InputController.SetControls(primaryKey, secondaryKey); Keys = new KeyCode[] { primaryKey, secondaryKey }; }
internal static bool CheckDruidFight(PGameObject gameObject) { if (ObjectManager.ShouldDefend && ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsInFlightForm) { if (FlyingSettings.DruidAvoidCombat) { Logging.Write("Druid - avoiding combat - blacklisting node"); FlyingBlackList.Blacklist(gameObject, 300, false); return(true); } Mount.Dismount(); return(false); } return(false); }
internal static bool PlayerToClose(int distance, PGameObject gameObject) { if (!FlyingSettings.AvoidPlayers) { return(false); } if ( ObjectManager.GetPlayers.Where(obj => !obj.Name.Equals(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Name)) .Any(obj => FindNode.GetLocation(gameObject).GetDistanceTo(obj.Location) < distance)) { Logging.Write("Player to close to node"); FlyingBlackList.Blacklist(gameObject, 300, false); return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool GatherNode(PGameObject harvest) { if (FindNode.IsSchool(harvest)) { return(GatherFishNode(harvest)); } if (ApprochNode(harvest)) { Logging.Write("靠近[矿/草]点"); HitTheNode(harvest); if (!CheckMobs(harvest)) { return(false); } if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("is blacklisted", harvest); return(false); } if (MoveHelper.NegativeValue(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Z - FindNode.GetLocation(harvest).Z) > 1) { Logging.Write("下降中......"); DescentToNode(harvest); } if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("is blacklisted", harvest); return(false); } if (FindNode.GetLocation(harvest).DistanceToSelf2D > 5) { ApproachPosFlying.Approach(harvest.Location, 4); } if (FindNode.GetLocation(harvest).DistanceToSelf > 10) { Logging.Write("距离矿/草太远,放弃"); return(false); } if (!DismountAndHarvest(harvest, TimeOut)) { return(false); } return(true); } ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("过不去啊!!!", harvest); return(false); }
public static PGameObject SearchForNode() { try { if (ReloadCache.IsReady) { _cached = from u in ObjectManager.GetGameObject where (((_herbs.Contains(u.Name) && FlyingSettings.Herb) || (_mines.Contains(u.Name) && FlyingSettings.Mine) || (FlyingSettings.Fish && u.GameObjectType == 25 && u.Location.DistanceToSelf2D < FlyingSettings.FishApproach)) && !FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(u) && !SkillToLow.IsBlacklisted(u.Name) && !LootedBlacklist.IsLooted(u)) select u; ReloadCache.Reset(); } if (FlyingSettings.Fish) { PGameObject school = (from h in _cached where h.GameObjectType == 25 select h).FirstOrDefault(); if (school != null) { return(school); } } IOrderedEnumerable <PGameObject> orderedObjects = from p in _cached orderby p.Location.DistanceToSelf select p; if (orderedObjects.Count() > 0) { PGameObject searchForNode = orderedObjects.ToList()[0]; if (!MarkedNode.IsMarked(searchForNode)) { Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Found possible node: {0} : {1}", searchForNode.Name, searchForNode.GUID); MarkedNode.MarkNode(searchForNode); } return(searchForNode); } } catch (Exception e) { //Logging.Write("SearchForNode: " + e); } return(null); }
internal static bool IsMarked(PGameObject target) { if (target != null) { try { if (HasTold(target.GUID + "")) { return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Write("Marked: " + e); } } return(false); }
public static bool IsLooted(PGameObject target) { try { if (target != null && LootedDic.ContainsKey(target.GUID)) { Check(); if (LootedDic.ContainsKey(target.GUID)) { return(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Write("IsLooted: " + e); } return(false); }
public static void Looted(PGameObject target) { if (target == null) { return; } try { if (!LootedDic.ContainsKey(target.GUID)) { lock (LootedDic) { LootedDic[target.GUID] = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20); } } } catch { } }
internal static void HitTheNode(PGameObject nodeToHarvest) { Face.Reset(); ToLongRun.Reset(); _oldDis = FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).DistanceToSelf; while (!ToLongRun.IsReady) { MoveHelper.Forwards(true); _distanceX = Math.Round(Math.Abs(FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).Y - ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y)); _distanceY = Math.Round(Math.Abs(FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).X - ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X)); if (_distanceX <= 3 && _distanceY <= 3) { break; } if (Face.IsReady) { FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).Face(); Face.Reset(); } Thread.Sleep(2); if (_oldDis < FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).DistanceToSelf) { break; } } if (nodeToHarvest.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 2.9) { if (nodeToHarvest.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 2) { Thread.Sleep(150); } else if (nodeToHarvest.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 1) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } MoveHelper.ReleaseKeys(); }
public static bool IsBlacklisted(PGameObject target) { if (target != null) { try { if (IsBadNode(target)) { return(true); } if (IsBlacklisted(target.GUID)) { return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Write("IsObjectBlacklisted: " + e); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Descents to node. /// </summary> internal static void DescentToNode(PGameObject nodeToHarvest) { var ticker = new Ticker(6000); if (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.InVashjir) { MoveHelper.Down(true); DescentToNodeVashir(nodeToHarvest); MoveHelper.Down(false); } else { if (!ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsFlying) //To avoid sitting on the ground { return; } MoveHelper.Down(true); while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsFlying && !ticker.IsReady) { Thread.Sleep(10); } MoveHelper.Down(false); } }
//Ugly ugly ugly but we have to support vashir internal static void DescentToSchool(PGameObject nodeToHarvest) { var ticker = new Ticker(20 * 1000); var timerDiff = new Ticker(500); float diffSelf = 3; Location oldPos = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location; float diffZ = MoveHelper.NegativeValue(nodeToHarvest.Location.Z - ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Z); while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsFlying && diffZ > 2 && !ticker.IsReady && diffSelf > 0.3) { if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(nodeToHarvest)) { return; } diffZ = MoveHelper.NegativeValue(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Z - nodeToHarvest.Location.Z); if (timerDiff.IsReady) { diffSelf = MoveHelper.NegativeValue(oldPos.Z - ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Z); timerDiff.Reset(); oldPos = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location; } Thread.Sleep(10); } }
internal static void MarkNode(PGameObject pGameObject) { HasToldAbout(pGameObject); }
public StateGather() { _node = new PGameObject(0); }
public static bool FindBobberAndClick(bool waitForLoot) { PGameObject bobber = null; Thread.Sleep(1000); _triedWorldToScreen = false; _saidSomethingManager = false; _tryingSearch = false; while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsCasting) { if (bobber != null) { if (!_saidSomethingManager) { Logging.Write("Located bobber in objectmanager"); _saidSomethingManager = true; } if (LazySettings.BackgroundMode) { if (bobber.IsBobbing) { bobber.Interact(false); Thread.Sleep(1500); if (waitForLoot) { while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.LootWinOpen && !TimeOut.IsReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(1300); } return(true); } } else { if (!Memory.ReadObject(Memory.BaseAddress + (uint)Pointers.Globals.MouseOverGUID, typeof(ulong)).Equals(bobber.GUID)) { if (!_triedWorldToScreen) { Logging.Write("Trying world to screen"); FindTheBobber(bobber.Location, bobber.GUID); _triedWorldToScreen = true; } else { if (!_tryingSearch) { Logging.Write("Trying search"); _tryingSearch = true; } FindBobberSearch(); } Thread.Sleep(100); } else { if (bobber.IsBobbing) { KeyHelper.SendKey("InteractWithMouseOver"); Thread.Sleep(1500); if (waitForLoot) { while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.LootWinOpen && !TimeOut.IsReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(1300); } return(true); } } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { bobber = Bobber(); } Thread.Sleep(100); } return(false); }
internal static bool GatherFishNode(PGameObject node) { if (_reLure == null) { _reLure = new Ticker(600000); _reLure.ForceReady(); } FlyingEngine.Navigator.Stop(); var combat = new StateCombat(); int nearestIndexInPositionList = Location.GetClosestPositionInList(FlyingEngine.CurrentProfile.WaypointsNormal, node.Location); Location position = FlyingEngine.CurrentProfile.WaypointsNormal[nearestIndexInPositionList]; if (!ApproachPosFlying.Approach(position, 5)) { return(false); } node.Location.Face(); if (Bobber() != null) { Logging.Write("Someone is fishing, break"); return(false); } if (!CheckMobs(node)) { return(false); } if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(node)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("is blacklisted", node); return(false); } DescentToSchool(node); Mount.Dismount(); var timeout = new Ticker((FlyingSettings.MaxTimeAtSchool * 60) * 1000); var checkIfValid = new Ticker(8000); while (node.IsValid) { while (combat.NeedToRun) { combat.DoWork(); timeout.Reset(); } if (checkIfValid.IsReady) { if (ObjectManager.GetObjects.FirstOrDefault(u => u.BaseAddress == node.BaseAddress) == null) { break; } checkIfValid.Reset(); } if (FlyingSettings.Lure && _reLure.IsReady) { KeyHelper.SendKey("Lure"); Thread.Sleep(3500); _reLure.Reset(); } if (timeout.IsReady) { return(false); } if (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsSwimming) { MoveHelper.Jump(1500); Thread.Sleep(1000); KeyHelper.SendKey("Waterwalk"); Thread.Sleep(2000); MoveHelper.Jump(1500); Thread.Sleep(1500); if (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsSwimming) { return(false); } } node.Location.Face(); var timeout3 = new Ticker(4000); while (!timeout3.IsReady && (node.Location.DistanceToSelf2D < 14)) { MoveHelper.Backwards(true); Thread.Sleep(20); } MoveHelper.ReleaseKeys(); timeout3.Reset(); node.Location.Face(); while (!timeout3.IsReady && (node.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 16)) { MoveHelper.Forwards(true); Thread.Sleep(20); } MoveHelper.ReleaseKeys(); KeyHelper.SendKey("Fishing"); Thread.Sleep(1500); Fishing.FindBobberAndClick(FlyingSettings.WaitForLoot); Thread.Sleep(100); } return(true); }
private static bool ApprochNode(PGameObject harvest) { var harvestModified = new PGameObject(harvest.BaseAddress); int num = Convert.ToInt32(FlyingSettings.ApproachModifier); var modifiedPos = new Location(harvestModified.X, harvestModified.Y, (harvestModified.Z + num)); if (!ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsFlying) { modifiedPos = new Location(harvestModified.X, harvestModified.Y, harvestModified.Z); } var timeout = new Ticker(8000); double num2 = modifiedPos.DistanceToSelf; bool jumped = false; StopASec.Reset(); while (modifiedPos.DistanceToSelf2D > 10.0) { FlyingEngine.Navigator.SetDestination(modifiedPos); if (PlayerToClose(20, harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("Player to close", harvest); return(false); } if (timeout.IsReady) { if (FlyingSettings.AutoBlacklist) { Logging.Write("Blacklisting node for-ever"); FlyingBlackList.AddBadNode(harvest.Location); } FlyingEngine.Navigator.Stop(); ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("node blacklisted", harvest); return(false); } if (StopASec.IsReady) { Logging.Write("Check spin"); FlyingEngine.Navigator.Stop(); MoveHelper.ReleaseKeys(); harvest.Location.Face(); StopASec.Reset(); FlyingEngine.Navigator.Start(); } if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("node blacklisted", harvest); return(false); } if (modifiedPos.DistanceToSelf < num2) { num2 = modifiedPos.DistanceToSelf; timeout.Reset(); } if (modifiedPos.DistanceToSelf > 2.0) { FlyingEngine.Navigator.Start(); } else { FlyingEngine.Navigator.Stop(); } if (Stuck.IsStuck) { Unstuck.TryUnstuck(false); } if (!Mount.IsMounted()) { Logging.Write("We got dismounted, abort"); return(false); } if (!jumped && modifiedPos.DistanceToSelf2D > 20 && !ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsFlying && ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsMounted && !ObjectManager.MyPlayer.InVashjir) { Logging.Write("正在地面上跑,飞起来"); FlyingEngine.Navigator.Stop(); MoveHelper.Jump(1000); FlyingEngine.Navigator.Start(); jumped = true; } Thread.Sleep(100); } FlyingEngine.Navigator.Stop(); return(harvestModified.Location.DistanceToSelf2D < 10.0); }