예제 #1
    public static Vector2 GetAdjustedLocation(GameObject gameObject)
        ObstacleDTO obstacleDTO = new ObstacleDTO();

        obstacleDTO.location = new Location(x: 0, y: 0);
        obstacleDTO.width    = (int)Mathf.Ceil(gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x);
        obstacleDTO.height   = (int)Mathf.Ceil(gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.z);
예제 #2
     * ObstacleDTOs define the bottom left corner of the obstacle.
     * We need to adjust the location to the center of the obstacle for
     * Unity's coordinate system.
    public static Vector2 GetAdjustedLocation(ObstacleDTO obstacleDTO)
        Location bottomLeftCorner = obstacleDTO.location;
        float    shiftX           = obstacleDTO.width > 1f ? -0.5f : 0f;
        float    shiftY           = obstacleDTO.height > 1f ? -0.5f : 0f;
        float    centerX          = bottomLeftCorner.x + obstacleDTO.width / 2f + shiftX;
        float    centerY          = bottomLeftCorner.y + obstacleDTO.height / 2f + shiftY;

        return(new Vector2(centerX, centerY));
        public void TestAdjustedLocation()
            ObstacleDTO obstacleDTO = new ObstacleDTO();

            obstacleDTO.location = new Location(-4, -4);
            obstacleDTO.width    = 2;
            obstacleDTO.height   = 6;
            Vector2 adjustedLocation = ObstacleGenerator.GetAdjustedLocation(obstacleDTO);

            Assert.AreEqual(-3.5f, adjustedLocation.x, 0.01f);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.5f, adjustedLocation.y, 0.01f);
        public void TestGenerateObstacleFromDTO()
            ObstacleDTO obstacleDTO = new ObstacleDTO();

            obstacleDTO.location = new Location(-4, -4);
            obstacleDTO.width    = 2;
            obstacleDTO.height   = 6;
            obstacleDTO.type     = "wall";
            GameObject obstacleParent = new GameObject();

            GameObject generatedObstacle = ObstacleGenerator.GenerateObstacle(obstacleDTO, obstacleParent.transform);

            Assert.AreEqual(obstacleParent.transform, generatedObstacle.transform.parent);
            Assert.AreEqual("Obstacle", generatedObstacle.tag);
            Assert.AreEqual(-3.5f, generatedObstacle.transform.position.x, 0.01f);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.5f, generatedObstacle.transform.position.z, 0.01f);
예제 #5
    public static GameObject GenerateObstacle(ObstacleDTO obstacleDTO, Transform parent)
        // TODO: era is hardcoded until we find a efficient way to pass
        // this from WorldControls.
        string     resource         = "Prefabs/Obstacles/obstacle_" + "future" + "_" + obstacleDTO.type;
        GameObject obstaclePrefab   = Resources.Load <GameObject>(resource);
        Vector2    adjustedLocation = GetAdjustedLocation(obstacleDTO);
        GameObject obstacle         = Object.Instantiate(
            new Vector3(adjustedLocation.x, 0, adjustedLocation.y),
            Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        obstacle.transform.SetParent(parent: parent, worldPositionStays: true);

        obstacle.name = "obstacle_" + obstacleDTO.type + "_" + obstacleDTO.location.x + "_" + obstacleDTO.location.y;

        public void TestObstacleDTODeserialisation()
            string obstacleJSON = @" {
                ""obstacles"": [
                        ""location"": {
                            ""x"": 0,
                            ""y"": 1
                        ""width"": 2,
                        ""height"": 1,
                        ""type"": ""van"",
                        ""orientation"": ""east""
                        ""location"": {
                            ""x"": 9,
                            ""y"": 1
                        ""width"": 20,
                        ""height"": 2,
                        ""type"": ""wall"",
                        ""orientation"": ""west""
            } ";

            ObstaclesDTO obstaclesDTO = JsonUtility.FromJson <ObstaclesDTO>(obstacleJSON);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, obstaclesDTO.obstacles.Length);

            ObstacleDTO obstacleDTO = obstaclesDTO.obstacles[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(new Location(0, 1), obstacleDTO.location);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, obstacleDTO.width);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, obstacleDTO.height);
            Assert.AreEqual(ObstacleType.Van, obstacleDTO.ObstacleType);
            Assert.AreEqual(Orientation.East, obstacleDTO.OrientationType);