public async Task <ODMWorkspace> GetWorkspaceAsync(string ownerId, bool retrieveCached)
            if (retrieveCached)
                List <ODMWorkspace> workspaceLockup = await workspaceRepo.GetItemsAsync(x => x.OwnerId == ownerId) as List <ODMWorkspace>;

                //No workspace found for OwnerId
                if (workspaceLockup.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Owner workspace do not exist");
                    //TODO: Add logic to handle multiple workspaces for same owner. for now only a single workspace for owner is supported.
                    activeWorkspace = workspaceLockup[0];

                filesBlobContainer  = new AzureBlobStorageRepository(blobStorageName, blobStorageKey, activeWorkspace.FilesCotainerUri);
                modelsBlobContainer = new AzureBlobStorageRepository(blobStorageName, blobStorageKey, activeWorkspace.ModelCotainerUri);

        private async Task <ODMWorkspace> GetOrCreateWorkspaceAsync(string ownerId)
            List <ODMWorkspace> workspaceLockup = await workspaceRepo.GetItemsAsync(x => x.OwnerId == ownerId) as List <ODMWorkspace>;

            //No workspace found for OwnerId
            if (workspaceLockup.Count == 0)
                activeWorkspace = await CreateWorkspaceAsync(ownerId, new ModelPolicy());
                //TODO: Add logic to handle multiple workspaces for same owner. for now only a single workspace for owner is supported.
                activeWorkspace = workspaceLockup[0];

            filesBlobContainer  = new AzureBlobStorageRepository(blobStorageName, blobStorageKey, activeWorkspace.FilesCotainerUri);
            modelsBlobContainer = new AzureBlobStorageRepository(blobStorageName, blobStorageKey, activeWorkspace.ModelCotainerUri);

        private async Task <ODMWorkspace> CreateWorkspaceAsync(string ownerId, ModelPolicy policy)
            var newId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var result = new ODMWorkspace()
                id               = newId,
                WorkspaceId      = newId,
                OwnerId          = ownerId,
                Policy           = new ModelPolicy(),
                CreationDate     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                IsActive         = true,
                ModelDefaultName = GlobalSettings.DefaultModelName,
                Files            = new List <TrainingFile>(),
                PartitionId      = GlobalSettings.DefaultPartitionId

            result.FilesCotainerUri = $"{result.WorkspaceId}-files";
            result.ModelCotainerUri = $"{result.WorkspaceId}-models";

            await workspaceRepo.CreateItemAsync(result);

 public async Task DeleteTrainingFile(ODMWorkspace workspace, TrainingFile file)
     throw new NotImplementedException("Pending Implementation");