private void Year_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValdateYear()) { //MessageBoxes.CustomMessageForm.CustomMessageBox.Show("خطا", ResourceManager.GetResourceManager().GetString("InvalidDate"), "e"); Year.Focus(); } }
private void Day_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && Day.Focused) { Month.Focus(); Month.Focus(); Month.Select(0, 3); } else { CheckKeyUpDown(e, Day, 31); } }
void Day_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Day.Text.Length == 1) { Day.Text = String.Concat("0", Day.Text); } if (Day.Text.Length == 0) { Day.Text = TodayFullChar().Substring(8, 2); } if (!ValidateDay()) { //MessageBoxes.CustomMessageForm.CustomMessageBox.Show("خطا", ResourceManager.GetResourceManager().GetString("InvalidDate"), "e"); Day.Focus(); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor with initial and bounding values</summary> /// <param name="value">Initial value</param> /// <param name="min">Minimum value</param> /// <param name="max">Maximum value</param> public FloatInputControl(float value, float min, float max) { if (min >= max) throw new ArgumentException("min must be less than max"); DoubleBuffered = true; m_min = min; m_max = max; m_value = MathUtil.Clamp(value, m_min, m_max); m_lastChange = m_value; m_lastEdit = m_value; m_textBox = new NumericTextBox(); m_textBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; m_textBox.Name = "m_textBox"; m_spinner = new CompactSpinner(); m_spinner.GotFocus += (sender, e) => m_textBox.Focus(); SuspendLayout(); UpdateTextBox(); Controls.Add(m_textBox); Controls.Add(m_spinner); ResumeLayout(false); PerformLayout(); m_textBox.ValueEdited += (sender, e) => { float val = (float)m_textBox.Value; SetValue(val, false); EndEdit(true); }; m_spinner.Changed += (sender, e) => { // might be better to expose delta as property float delta = (m_max - m_min) / 100.0f; float newValue = Value + (float)e.Value * delta; SetValue(newValue, false); }; m_textBox.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => Height = m_textBox.Height + 3; SizeChanged += (sender, e) => { m_spinner.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, Height, Height); m_textBox.Bounds = new Rectangle(m_spinner.Width, 0, Width - m_spinner.Width, m_textBox.Height); }; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor with initial and bounding values</summary> /// <param name="value">Initial value</param> /// <param name="min">Minimum value</param> /// <param name="max">Maximum value</param> public IntInputControl(int value, int min, int max) { if (min >= max) throw new ArgumentException("min must be less than max"); DoubleBuffered = true; m_min = min; m_max = max; m_value = MathUtil.Clamp(value, m_min, m_max); m_lastChange = m_value; m_lastEdit = m_value; m_textBox = new NumericTextBox(typeof(int)); m_textBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; m_textBox.Name = "m_textBox"; m_spinner = new CompactSpinner(); m_spinner.GotFocus += (sender, e) => m_textBox.Focus(); SuspendLayout(); UpdateTextBox(); Controls.Add(m_textBox); Controls.Add(m_spinner); ResumeLayout(false); PerformLayout(); m_textBox.ValueEdited += (sender, e) => { int val = (int)m_textBox.Value; SetValue(val, false); EndEdit(true); }; m_spinner.Changed += (sender, e) => { int newValue = Value + e.Value; SetValue(newValue, false); }; m_textBox.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => this.Height = m_textBox.Height + 3; SizeChanged += (sender, e) => { m_spinner.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, Height, Height); m_textBox.Bounds = new Rectangle(m_spinner.Width, 0, Width - m_spinner.Width, m_textBox.Height); }; }
public ItemControl(int index, object item, int indexColumnWidth) { m_index = index; m_editControl = new NumericTextBox(item.GetType()) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None }; m_editControl.Width = Width - indexColumnWidth; m_editControl.Value = item; m_editControl.Invalidated += editControl_Invalidated; m_editControl.ValueEdited += m_editControl_ValueChanged; m_selectButton = new Label { Width = indexColumnWidth, Dock = DockStyle.Left, Text = Index.ToString(), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, BackColor = UnselectedColor, FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat, Font = s_regularFont }; m_selectButton.MouseDown += selectButton_MouseDown; Height = m_editControl.Height; Controls.Add(m_editControl); Controls.Add(m_selectButton); m_editControl.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => { Height = m_editControl.Height; }; GotFocus += (sender, e) => m_editControl.Focus(); m_editControl.GotFocus += (sender, e) => UpdateSelection(); }
public void OnSubmit(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int s = Int32.Parse(inputBox.Text); if (s < 0 || s > 999) { inputBox.Focus(); return; } inputBox.Text = ""; tracker.Submit(s); if (tracker.IsRunning()) { SwapControls(submit); } display.UpdateScores(); if (tracker.IsFinished()) { SwapControls(save); save.Focus(); return; } else { inputBox.Focus(); } } catch (Exception) { inputBox.Text = ""; inputBox.Focus(); } }
private void buttonNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Main.CheckUserPermission(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirConnectionString, Properties.Settings.Default.UsuarioNombre, "SolCreateContainer", true)) { return; } buttonClicked = buttonNew.Text; // "new"; //textBoxStageID; //textBoxUserName; //dateTimePicker1; EnableControls(true); comboBoxContainers.SelectedValue = -1; comboBoxProducts.SelectedValue = -1; EnableButtons("new"); ClearForm(); textBoxTagNumber.Focus(); controlWithFocus = textBoxTagNumber; //comboBoxProducts.Focus(); //controlWithFocus = comboBoxProducts; //for upon exit flagChange = true; if (sol_Agency != null && sol_Agency.AutoGenerateTagNumber ) { //add row if (AddStagedRow()) { //textBoxTagNumber.Text = sol_Stage.TagNumber; textBoxTagNumber.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxProducts.Focus(); } else { buttonCancel.PerformClick(); } } }
public void HilightControl() { m_control.Focus(); m_control.SelectAll(); }