예제 #1
        /** Get basic information of a list of users
         *  获取一系列玩家信息, 内容包括所在服务器、所占城池、
         * 返回:该用户所有卡牌具体信息。
         * For each user, the information includes:
         *     -  User email and address,
         *     -  User current server and city
         *     -  User score and unclaimed score
         *     -  User's cards (full cards data)
         * Return: Array of the User objects and cards

        /* * NuTP:
         * <emails> = S[S<email>*]
         * <getUsers> =  [S<header>,
         *             S[([S<user>,
         *                  S[S<card>*10]]
         *             )*]

        private static byte[] GetUsers(Credential credential, byte[] emails)
            // This method does not require credential

            int numEmails = emails.SizeTable();

            byte[] retBody = Op.Void();

            for (int i = 0; i < numEmails; i++)
                string email = emails.SplitTblStr(i);
                User   user  = RW.FindUser(email);
                if (user != null)
                    byte[] body = NuSD.Seg(RW.User2Bytes(user)).AddSeg(RW.UserCards2Table(user));
                    return(NuTP.RespDataWithDetail(ErrCate.User, ErrType.NotExist, email, Op.Void()));

            NuTP.Response response = new NuTP.Response
                header = new NuTP.Header
                    domain = NuTP.SysDom,
                    code   = NuTP.Code.Success

                body = retBody
예제 #2
        /** Get basic information of an user
         *  获取一个玩家信息, 内容包括所在服务器、所占城池、
         * 返回:该用户所有卡牌具体信息。
         * The information includes:
         *     -  User email and address,
         *     -  User current server and city
         *     -  User score and unclaimed score
         *     -  User's cards (full cards data)
         * Return: Array of the User objects and cards

        /* * NuTP:
         * <GetUsers> =  [S<header>, S<user>, S[S<card>*]]

        private static byte[] GetUser(Credential credential, string email)
            // This method does not require credential

            User user = RW.FindUser(email);

            if (user != null)
                byte[] body = NuSD.Seg(RW.User2Bytes(user)).AddSeg(RW.UserCards2Table(user));
                return(NuTP.RespDataWithDetail(ErrCate.User, ErrType.NotExist, email, Op.Void()));
예제 #3
        /** The Logic of merging the cards. The rule is:
         * 0. Two cards has to share the same owner
         * 1. Card1 has higher level than Card2
         * 2. Card1 and Card2 should have the same
        public static byte[] CardMerge(byte[] cardID1, byte[] cardID2, string name)
            Card card1 = ReadCard(cardID1);

            if (card1 == null)
                return(NuTP.RespDataWithDetail(Error.Dom, Error.NoExist, Op.Bytes2String(cardID1), Op.Void()));
            Card card2 = ReadCard(cardID2);

            if (card2 == null)
                return(NuTP.RespDataWithDetail(Error.Dom, Error.NoExist, Op.Bytes2String(cardID2), Op.Void()));

            if (Op.Bytes2BigInt(card1.ownerId) != Op.Bytes2BigInt(card2.ownerId))
                return(NuTP.RespDataWithCode(Error.Dom, Error.DiffOwner));
            if (card1.level >= card2.level)
                BigInteger newLevel = card1.level + card2.level;
                Card       newCard  = new Card
                    id         = Hash256(Op.JoinTwoByteArray(card1.id, card2.id)),
                    name       = name,
                    level      = newLevel,
                    birthBlock = Blockchain.GetHeight(),
                    ownerId    = card1.ownerId,
                    isLive     = true


                card1.isLive = false;
                card2.isLive = false;

                return(NuTP.RespDataWithCode(Error.Dom, Error.LvInvalid));