예제 #1
        private void ProcessQueue()

            new Thread(async() =>
                while (true)
                    if (_queue.Count == 0)

                    if (_queue.Count > Strings.MaxQueueCountWarning)
                        _logger.Warn($"Subscription queue is {_queue.Count:N0} items long.");

                    var item = _queue.Dequeue();
                    if (item == null || item?.Subscription == null || item?.Member == null || item?.Embed == null)

                    // Check if user is receiving messages too fast.
                    if (item.Subscription.Limiter.IsLimited())
                        _logger.Warn($"{item.Member.Username} notifications rate limited, waiting {(60 - item.Subscription.Limiter.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds)} seconds...", item.Subscription.Limiter.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds.ToString("N0"));
                        // Send ratelimited notification to user if not already sent to adjust subscription settings to more reasonable settings.
                        if (!item.Subscription.RateLimitNotificationSent)
                            var guildName        = _servers.ContainsKey(item.Subscription.GuildId) ? _servers[item.Subscription.GuildId].Guilds[item.Subscription.GuildId]?.Name : Strings.Creator;
                            var guildIconUrl     = _servers.ContainsKey(item.Subscription.GuildId) ? _servers[item.Subscription.GuildId].Guilds[item.Subscription.GuildId]?.IconUrl : string.Empty;
                            var rateLimitMessage = $"Your notification subscriptions have exceeded the {NotificationLimiter.MaxNotificationsPerMinute:N0}) per minute and you are now being rate limited." +
                                                   $"Please adjust your subscriptions to receive a maximum of {NotificationLimiter.MaxNotificationsPerMinute:N0} notifications within a 60 second time span.";
                            var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                                Title       = "Rate Limited",
                                Description = rateLimitMessage,
                                Color       = DiscordColor.Red,
                                Footer      = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                                    Text    = $"{guildName} | {DateTime.Now}",
                                    IconUrl = guildIconUrl
                            if (!_servers.ContainsKey(item.Subscription.GuildId))

                            await _servers[item.Subscription.GuildId].SendDirectMessage(item.Member, string.Empty, eb.Build());
                            item.Subscription.RateLimitNotificationSent = true;

                    // Ratelimit is up, allow for ratelimiting again
                    item.Subscription.RateLimitNotificationSent = false;

                    if (!_servers.ContainsKey(item.Subscription.GuildId))
                        _logger.Error($"User subscription for guild that's not configured. UserId={item.Subscription.UserId} GuildId={item.Subscription.GuildId}");

                    // Send text message notification to user if a phone number is set
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Subscription.PhoneNumber))
                        // Check if user is in the allowed text message list or server owner
                        if (_whConfig.Twilio.UserIds.Contains(item.Member.Id) ||
                            _whConfig.Servers[item.Subscription.GuildId].OwnerId == item.Member.Id)
                            // Send text message (max 160 characters)
                            if (item.Pokemon != null && IsUltraRare(_whConfig.Twilio, item.Pokemon))
                                var result = Utils.SendSmsMessage(StripEmbed(item), _whConfig.Twilio, item.Subscription.PhoneNumber);
                                if (!result)
                                    _logger.Error($"Failed to send text message to phone number '{item.Subscription.PhoneNumber}' for user {item.Subscription.UserId}");

                    // Send direct message notification to user
                    var client = _servers[item.Subscription.GuildId];
                    await client.SendDirectMessage(item.Member, item.Embed);
                    _logger.Info($"[WEBHOOK] Notified user {item.Member.Username} of {item.Description}.");
                IsBackground = true
예제 #2
        private void ProcessQueue()

#pragma warning disable RECS0165 // Asynchronous methods should return a Task instead of void
            new Thread(async() =>
#pragma warning restore RECS0165 // Asynchronous methods should return a Task instead of void
                while (true)
                    if (_queue.Count == 0)

                    if (_queue.Count > MaxQueueCountWarning)
                        _logger.Warn($"Subscription queue is {_queue.Count.ToString("N0")} items long.");

                    var item = _queue.Dequeue();
                    if (item == null || item?.Item1 == null || item?.Item3 == null)

                    var member = item.Item1;
                    var user   = Manager.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == item.Item1.Id);
                    if (user == null)

                    if (user.Limiter.IsLimited())
                        _logger.Warn($"{member.Username} notifications rate limited, waiting {(60 - user.Limiter.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds)} seconds...", user.Limiter.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds.ToString("N0"));
                        if (!user.RateLimitNotificationSent)
                            var rateLimitMessage = $"Your Pokemon notifications have exceeded {NotificationLimiter.MaxNotificationsPerMinute} per minute and you are now being rate limited. Please adjust your subscriptions to receive a maximum of {NotificationLimiter.MaxNotificationsPerMinute} notifications within a 60 second time span.";
                            var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                                Title       = "Rate Limited",
                                Description = rateLimitMessage,
                                Color       = DiscordColor.Red,
                                Footer      = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                                    Text    = $"{(_client.Guilds.ContainsKey(_whConfig.Discord.GuildId) ? _client.Guilds[_whConfig.Discord.GuildId]?.Name : Strings.Creator)} | {DateTime.Now}",
                                    IconUrl = _client.Guilds.ContainsKey(_whConfig.Discord.GuildId) ? _client.Guilds[_whConfig.Discord.GuildId]?.IconUrl : string.Empty
                            await _client.SendDirectMessage(member, string.Empty, eb.Build());
                            user.RateLimitNotificationSent = true;

                    user.RateLimitNotificationSent = false;

                    await _client.SendDirectMessage(item.Item1, item.Item3);
                    _logger.Info($"[WEBHOOK] Notified user {item.Item1.Username} of {item.Item2}.");
                IsBackground = true