public override void PageIsBecomingActive()
            bedStartingTemp = printer.Connection.ActualBedTemperature;

            runningInterval = UiThread.SetInterval(ShowTempChangeProgress, 1);

            if (bedTargetTemp > 0)
                // start heating the bed and show our progress
                printer.Connection.TargetBedTemperature = bedTargetTemp;

            if (hotEndTargetTemp > 0)
                // start heating the hot end and show our progress
                printer.Connection.SetTargetHotendTemperature(0, hotEndTargetTemp);

            NextButton.Enabled = false;

            // if we are trying to go to a temp of 0 than just move on to next window
            if (bedTargetTemp == 0 && hotEndTargetTemp == 0)
                // advance to the next page
                UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());

예제 #2
        public void TopWindowKeyDown(object s, KeyEventArgs keyEvent)
            switch (keyEvent.KeyCode)
            case Keys.Up:
                ZPlusControl_Click(null, null);
                NextButton.Enabled = true;

            case Keys.Down:
                ZMinusControl_Click(null, null);
                NextButton.Enabled = true;

            case Keys.Right:
                if (NextButton.Enabled)
                    UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());


        private void PrinterLineRecieved(object sender, string line)
            // looking for 'conductive: TRIGGERED' in an M119 command
            if (line != null)
                switch (state)
                case State.WaitingForEndstopStatusStart:
                    if (line.StartsWith("conductive:"))
                        if (line.Contains("TRIGGERED"))
                            if (moveDelta > .02)
                                nozzleCurrentPosition.Z += moveDelta * 3;
                                moveDelta *= .5;
                                state      = State.WaitingForEndstopStatusOk;
                                probePositions[0].Position = nozzleCurrentPosition;

                                // move on to the next page of the wizard
                                UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
                        else                                 // did not find endstop yet
                            nozzleCurrentPosition.Z -= moveDelta;
                            state = State.WaitingForEndstopStatusOk;

                case State.WaitingForEndstopStatusOk:
                    // found the ok of the M119 command
                    // move down more
                    if (printer.Connection.CurrentDestination.Z < printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.conductive_probe_min_z))
                        // we have gone down too far
                        // abort with error
                        this.MovedBelowMinZ = true;
                        // move on to the next page of the wizard
                        UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
                    else if (line.StartsWith("ok"))
                        state = State.WaitingForEndstopStatusStart;
                        // send the next set of commands
                        printer.Connection.MoveAbsolute(nozzleCurrentPosition, feedRates.X);
                        printer.Connection.QueueLine("G4 P1");
예제 #4
        private void ShowTempChangeProgress()
            int progressBarIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < targetHotendTemps.Length; i++)
                if (targetHotendTemps[i] > 0)
                    hotEndProgressBars[progressBarIndex].Visible = true;
                    double targetTemp   = printer.Connection.GetTargetHotendTemperature(i);
                    double actualTemp   = printer.Connection.GetActualHotendTemperature(i);
                    double totalDelta   = targetTemp;
                    double currentDelta = actualTemp;
                    double ratioDone    = hotEndDoneTexts[progressBarIndex].Visible ? 1 : totalDelta != 0 ? (currentDelta / totalDelta) : 1;
                    hotEndProgressBars[progressBarIndex].RatioComplete = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, ratioDone), 1);
                    hotEndProgressBarTexts[progressBarIndex].Text      = $"{actualTemp:0} / {targetTemp:0}";

                    // if we are within 1 degree of our target
                    if (Math.Abs(targetTemp - actualTemp) < 2 &&
                        hotEndDoneTexts[progressBarIndex].Visible == false)
                        hotEndDoneTexts[progressBarIndex].Visible = true;
                        NextButton.Enabled = true;

            if (bedTargetTemp > 0)
                bedProgressBar.Visible = true;
                double targetTemp   = printer.Connection.TargetBedTemperature;
                double actualTemp   = printer.Connection.ActualBedTemperature;
                double totalDelta   = targetTemp - bedStartingTemp;
                double currentDelta = actualTemp - bedStartingTemp;
                double ratioDone    = bedDoneText.Visible ? 1 : totalDelta != 0 ? (currentDelta / totalDelta) : 1;
                bedProgressBar.RatioComplete = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, ratioDone), 1);
                bedProgressBarText.Text      = $"{actualTemp:0} / {targetTemp:0}";

                // if we are within 1 degree of our target
                if (Math.Abs(targetTemp - actualTemp) < 2 &&
                    bedDoneText.Visible == false)
                    bedDoneText.Visible = true;
                    NextButton.Enabled  = true;

            if ((bedTargetTemp == 0 || bedDoneText.Visible) &&
                (targetHotendTemps.All(i => i == 0) || hotEndDoneTexts.All(i => i.Visible)) &&
                // advance to the next page
                UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
        private void GetZProbeHeight(object sender, string line)
            if (line != null)
                double sampleRead = double.MinValue;
                if (line.StartsWith("Bed"))                 // marlin G30 return code (looks like: 'Bed Position X:20 Y:32 Z:.01')
                    probePositions[probePositionsBeingEditedIndex].Position.X = probeStartPosition.X;
                    probePositions[probePositionsBeingEditedIndex].Position.Y = probeStartPosition.Y;
                    GCodeFile.GetFirstNumberAfter("Z:", line, ref sampleRead);
                else if (line.StartsWith("Z:"))                 // smoothie G30 return code (looks like: 'Z:10.01')
                    probePositions[probePositionsBeingEditedIndex].Position.X = probeStartPosition.X;
                    probePositions[probePositionsBeingEditedIndex].Position.Y = probeStartPosition.Y;
                    // smoothie returns the position relative to the start position
                    double reportedProbeZ = 0;
                    GCodeFile.GetFirstNumberAfter("Z:", line, ref reportedProbeZ);
                    sampleRead = probeStartPosition.Z - reportedProbeZ;

                if (sampleRead != double.MinValue)

                    int numberOfSamples = printer.Settings.GetValue <int>(SettingsKey.z_probe_samples);
                    if (samples.Count == numberOfSamples)
                        if (samples.Count > 3)
                            // drop the high and low values
                            samples.RemoveAt(samples.Count - 1);

                        probePositions[probePositionsBeingEditedIndex].Position.Z = Math.Round(samples.Average(), 2);

                        UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
                    else if (!this.HasBeenClosed)
                        // add the next request for probe
                        // raise the probe after each sample
                        printer.Connection.MoveAbsolute(adjustedProbePosition, feedRates.X);
예제 #6
        private void Connection_DetailedPrintingStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (printer.Connection.DetailedPrintingState == DetailedPrintingState.HomingAxis &&
                homingAxisObserved = true;

            if (homingAxisObserved &&
                printer.Connection.DetailedPrintingState != DetailedPrintingState.HomingAxis)
                NextButton.Enabled = true;
                UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
예제 #7
        private void FinishedProbe(object sender, string line)
            if (line != null)
                if (line.Contains("endstops hit"))
                    printer.Connection.LineReceived -= FinishedProbe;

                    int    zStringPos   = line.LastIndexOf("Z:");
                    string zProbeHeight = line.Substring(zStringPos + 2);
                    probePosition.position = new Vector3(probeStartPosition.X, probeStartPosition.Y, double.Parse(zProbeHeight));
                    printer.Connection.MoveAbsolute(probeStartPosition, printer.Settings.Helpers.ManualMovementSpeeds().Z);

                    UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
예제 #8
        public override void OnLoad(EventArgs args)
            // hook our parent so we can turn off the bed when we are done with leveling
            this.DialogWindow.Closed += WizardWindow_Closed;

            bedStartingTemp = printer.Connection.ActualBedTemperature;

            runningInterval = UiThread.SetInterval(ShowTempChangeProgress, 1);

            if (bedTargetTemp > 0)
                // start heating the bed and show our progress
                printer.Connection.TargetBedTemperature = bedTargetTemp;

            for (int i = 0; i < targetHotendTemps.Length; i++)
                if (targetHotendTemps[i] > 0)
                    // start heating the hot end and show our progress
                    printer.Connection.SetTargetHotendTemperature(i, targetHotendTemps[i]);

            NextButton.Enabled = false;

            // if we are trying to go to a temp of 0 than just move on to next window
            if (bedTargetTemp == 0 &&
                targetHotendTemps.All(i => i == 0))
                // advance to the next page
                UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => NextButton.InvokeClick());
