예제 #1
 public void SetTest()
     state = NewGameSettings.in_test;
     FindObjectOfType <BattleTyper>().Start_typ_test(TestWords, 1000, Time);
예제 #2
        public void Init()
            NewGameSettings settings = new NewGameSettings();

            settings.MaxSystems = 5;

            _game = new Game(settings);
            StaticDataManager.LoadData("Pulsar4x", _game);
            _player  = _game.AddPlayer("Test Player");
            _faction = DefaultStartFactory.DefaultHumans(_game, _player, "Test Faction");

            _starSystem = _game.Systems.First <KeyValuePair <Guid, StarSystem> >().Value;
            _planets    = _starSystem.SystemManager.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>();

            _earth = _planets.Where <Entity>(planet => planet.GetDataBlob <NameDB>().GetName(_faction) == "Earth").First <Entity>();

            _ship             = _starSystem.SystemManager.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <ShipInfoDB>().First <Entity>();
            _shipPropulsionDB = _ship.GetDataBlob <PropulsionDB>();
            _target           = _ship.Clone(_starSystem.SystemManager);

            _systems = new List <StarSystem>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, StarSystem> kvp in _game.Systems)
예제 #3
        public void TestSelfReferencingEntity()
            NameDB name       = new NameDB();
            Entity testEntity = Entity.Create(_game.GlobalManager, Guid.Empty);

            name.SetName(testEntity.Guid, "TestName");

            //serialise the test entity into a mem stream
            var mStream = new MemoryStream();

            SerializationManager.Export(_game, mStream, testEntity);

            //create a second game, we're going to import this entity to here (this would be the case in a network game)
            var settings = new NewGameSettings {
                GameName = "Test Game2", StartDateTime = DateTime.Now, MaxSystems = 1
            Game game2 = new Game(settings);

            //import the entity into the second game.
            Entity clonedEntity = SerializationManager.ImportEntity(game2, mStream, game2.GlobalManager);


            Assert.IsTrue(testEntity.GetValueCompareHash() == clonedEntity.GetValueCompareHash(), "ValueCompareHash should match");//currently valueCompareHash does not check guid of the entity. I'm undecided wheather it should or not.
            Entity clonedTest;

            Assert.IsTrue(game2.GlobalManager.FindEntityByGuid(testEntity.Guid, out clonedTest), "Game2 should have the test entity");
            Assert.IsTrue(testEntity.Guid == clonedEntity.Guid, "Guid's need to match, if we get to this assert, then we've got two entities in game2, one of them has the correct guid but no datablobs, the other has a new guid but is complete.");
            Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(clonedTest, clonedEntity), "These should be the same object");
            Assert.IsTrue(testEntity.DataBlobs.Count == clonedTest.DataBlobs.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(testEntity.DataBlobs.Count == clonedEntity.DataBlobs.Count);
예제 #4
        public void CreateGame(NewGameOptionsVM options)
            StatusText = "Creating Game...";

            // TODO: Databind the GameSettings object in the NewGameOptionsVM
            var gameSettings = new NewGameSettings
                GameName              = "Test Game",
                MaxSystems            = options.NumberOfSystems,
                SMPassword            = options.GmPassword,
                DataSets              = options.SelectedModList.Select(dvi => dvi.Directory),
                CreatePlayerFaction   = options.CreatePlayerFaction,
                DefaultFactionName    = options.FactionName,
                DefaultPlayerPassword = options.FactionPassword,
                DefaultSolStart       = options.DefaultStart,

            Game = new Game(gameSettings);

            // TODO: Select default player more reliably
            CurrentPlayer    = Game.Players[0];
            CurrentAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(CurrentPlayer, options.FactionPassword);

            ReadOnlyDictionary <Entity, AccessRole> roles = CurrentPlayer.GetAccessRoles(CurrentAuthToken);

            CurrentFaction = roles.FirstOrDefault(role => (role.Value & AccessRole.Owner) != 0).Key;

            StatusText = "Game Created.";

            StarSystemViewModel = new SystemView.StarSystemVM(this, Game, CurrentFaction);
예제 #5
        public void Init()
            var gameSettings = new NewGameSettings();

            gameSettings.MaxSystems = 10;
            _game = new Game(gameSettings);
            StaticDataManager.LoadData("Pulsar4x", _game);
            _entityManager = new EntityManager(_game);
예제 #6
    public void ReturnScore(int characterCount)
        caracterCount = characterCount;
        Debug.Log((characterCount / 5 * 60 / Time).ToString() + "WPM");
        WPM_text.text = ("your score: " + characterCount / 5 * 60 / Time).ToString() + "WPM";
        state         = NewGameSettings.set_optiones;

        WPM             = (characterCount / 5 * 60 / Time);
        WPM            += 5 - WPM % 5;
        dificulty.value = (WPM - 10) / 90;
        sliderText.text = WPM.ToString() + " WPM";
예제 #7
    void Awake()
        // DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);

        if (Settings.instance == null)
            Settings.instance = this;
            Debug.LogWarning("A previously awakened Settings MonoBehaviour exists!", gameObject);
        if (Settings.newGame == null)
            Settings.newGame = _settings;
예제 #8
        public void Init()
            var settings = new NewGameSettings {
                GameName = "Test Game", StartDateTime = DateTime.Now, MaxSystems = 1

            _game        = new Game(settings);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);
            _game.GenerateSystems(_smAuthToken, 1);
            _species1 = Entity.Create(_game.GlobalManager, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                new SpeciesDB(1, 0.1, 1.9, 1.0, 0.4, 4, 14, -15, 45)
            _pop1 = new Dictionary <Entity, long> {
                { _species1, 10 }
            _pop2 = new Dictionary <Entity, long> {
                { _species1, 5 }
예제 #9
        internal TestGame(int numSystems = 10)
            GameSettings = new  NewGameSettings {
                GameName = "Unit Test Game", MaxSystems = numSystems, CreatePlayerFaction = false

            Game = new Game(GameSettings);

            // add a faction:
            HumanFaction = FactionFactory.CreateFaction(Game, "New Terran Utopian Empire");

            // add a species:
            HumanSpecies = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(HumanFaction, Game.GlobalManager);

            // add another faction:
            GreyAlienFaction = FactionFactory.CreateFaction(Game, "The Grey Empire");
            // Add another species:
            GreyAlienSpecies = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(GreyAlienFaction, Game.GlobalManager);

            // Greys Name the Humans.
            HumanSpecies.GetDataBlob <NameDB>().SetName(GreyAlienFaction.Guid, "Stupid Terrans");
            // Humans name the Greys.
            GreyAlienSpecies.GetDataBlob <NameDB>().SetName(HumanFaction.Guid, "Space bugs");

            StarSystemFactory starfac = new StarSystemFactory(Game);

            Sol         = starfac.CreateSol(Game);
            Earth       = NameLookup.GetFirstEntityWithName(Sol, "Earth"); //Sol.Entities[3]; //should be fourth entity created
            EarthColony = ColonyFactory.CreateColony(HumanFaction, HumanSpecies, Earth);

            DefaultEngineDesign = DefaultStartFactory.DefaultThrusterDesign(Game, HumanFaction);
            DefaultWeaponDesign = DefaultStartFactory.DefaultSimpleLaser(Game, HumanFaction);
            DefaultShipDesign   = DefaultStartFactory.DefaultShipDesign(Game, HumanFaction);

            Vector3 position = Earth.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>().AbsolutePosition_AU;

            DefaultShip = ShipFactory.CreateShip(DefaultShipDesign, HumanFaction, position, Earth, Sol, "Serial Peacemaker");
            Sol.SetDataBlob(DefaultShip.ID, new TransitableDB());
예제 #10
        internal static Game CreateTestUniverse(int numSystems, DateTime testTime, bool generateDefaultHumans = false)
            var gamesettings = new NewGameSettings {
                GameName = "Unit Test Game", StartDateTime = testTime, MaxSystems = numSystems, DefaultSolStart = generateDefaultHumans, CreatePlayerFaction = false

            var game = new Game(gamesettings);

            var smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(game.SpaceMaster);

            // Systems are currently generated in the Game Constructor.
            // Later, Systems will be initialized in the game constructor, but not actually generated until player discovery.
            //game.GenerateSystems(smAuthToken, numSystems);

            // add a faction:
            Entity humanFaction = FactionFactory.CreateFaction(game, "New Terran Utopian Empire");

            // add a species:
            Entity humanSpecies = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(humanFaction, game.GlobalManager);

            // add another faction:
            Entity greyAlienFaction = FactionFactory.CreateFaction(game, "The Grey Empire");
            // Add another species:
            Entity greyAlienSpecies = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(greyAlienFaction, game.GlobalManager);

            // Greys Name the Humans.
            humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <NameDB>().SetName(greyAlienFaction.Guid, "Stupid Terrans");
            // Humans name the Greys.
            greyAlienSpecies.GetDataBlob <NameDB>().SetName(humanFaction.Guid, "Space bugs");
            //TODO Expand the "Test Universe" to cover more datablobs and entities. And ships. Etc.

            if (generateDefaultHumans)
                DefaultStartFactory.DefaultHumans(game, "Humans");

예제 #11
 public void ApplySettings(NewGameSettings settings)
     newGameSettings = settings;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the transitioner to create a new game on scene change
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 public void InitNewGame(NewGameSettings settings)
     newGameSettings = settings;
예제 #13
        public void Init()
            var gameSettings = new NewGameSettings();

            gameSettings.MaxSystems = 10;
            _game = new Game(gameSettings);
            StaticDataManager.LoadData("Pulsar4x", _game);
            _entityManager = new EntityManager(_game);
            _faction       = FactionFactory.CreateFaction(_game, "Terran"); // Terrian?

            /*_galaxyFactory = new GalaxyFactory();
             * _starSystemFactory = new StarSystemFactory(_galaxyFactory);
             * _starSystem = _starSystemFactory.CreateSol(_game);*/// Seems unnecessary for now

            _gasDictionary = new Dictionary <string, AtmosphericGasSD>();

            foreach (WeightedValue <AtmosphericGasSD> atmos in _game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases)
                _gasDictionary.Add(atmos.Value.ChemicalSymbol, atmos.Value);

            // Create Earth
            _earthPlanet    = setEarthPlanet();
            _coldPlanet     = setEarthPlanet();
            _hotPlanet      = setEarthPlanet();
            _lowGravPlanet  = setEarthPlanet();
            _highGravPlanet = setEarthPlanet();

            _coldPlanet.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>().BaseTemperature = -20.0f;
            _hotPlanet.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>().BaseTemperature  = 120.0f;
            _lowGravPlanet.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>().Gravity      = 0.05;
            _highGravPlanet.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>().Gravity     = 5.0;

            _faction = FactionFactory.CreateFaction(_game, "Terran");

            _humanSpecies    = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(_faction, _entityManager);
            _exampleSpecies  = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(_faction, _entityManager);
            _lowGravSpecies  = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(_faction, _entityManager);
            _highGravSpecies = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(_faction, _entityManager);
            _lowTempSpecies  = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(_faction, _entityManager);
            _highTempSpecies = SpeciesFactory.CreateSpeciesHuman(_faction, _entityManager);

            _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().TemperatureToleranceRange    = 20;
            _exampleSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().TemperatureToleranceRange  = 20;
            _lowGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().TemperatureToleranceRange  = 20;
            _highGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().TemperatureToleranceRange = 20;
            _lowTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().TemperatureToleranceRange  = 20;
            _highTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().TemperatureToleranceRange = 20;

            _lowGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().BaseGravity = 0.4;
            _lowGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MaximumGravityConstraint = 0.5;
            _lowGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MinimumGravityConstraint = 0.01;

            _highGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().BaseGravity = 4.0;
            _highGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MaximumGravityConstraint = 5.5;
            _highGravSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MinimumGravityConstraint = 4.5;

            _lowTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().BaseTemperature = -50.0;
            _lowTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MaximumTemperatureConstraint = 0.0;
            _lowTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MinimumTemperatureConstraint = -100.0;

            _highTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().BaseTemperature = 200.0;
            _highTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MaximumTemperatureConstraint = 300.0;
            _highTempSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MinimumTemperatureConstraint = 100.0;