unsafe public DirectDataStreamSound(SoundMode mode, int channels, int frequency, int bufferSize, SoundWorld.DataReadDelegate dataReadCallback) { this.dataReadCallback = dataReadCallback; this.creationBufferSize = bufferSize; waveFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); NativeUtils.ZeroMemory((IntPtr)waveFormat, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); waveFormat->wFormatTag = DSound.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; waveFormat->nChannels = (ushort)channels; waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec = (uint)frequency; waveFormat->wBitsPerSample = 16; waveFormat->nBlockAlign = (ushort)((waveFormat->nChannels * waveFormat->wBitsPerSample) / 8); waveFormat->nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat->nBlockAlign; Init(null, mode, 100000.0f, channels, frequency); }
unsafe public DirectCaptureSound(SoundMode mode, int channels, int frequency, int bufferSize) { SoundMode newMode = mode | SoundMode.Loop | SoundMode.Software; int hr; if (DirectSoundWorld.Instance.recordDriverIndex == -1) { DirectSoundWorld.Warning("Recording failed. No active device."); return; } GUID deviceGuid = DirectSoundWorld.Instance.recordDriverGuids[ DirectSoundWorld.Instance.recordDriverIndex]; //soundCapture void */*IDirectSoundCapture8*/ tempSoundCapture; hr = DSound.DirectSoundCaptureCreate(&deviceGuid, out tempSoundCapture, null); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { DirectSoundWorld.Warning("DirectSoundCaptureCreate", hr); return; } soundCapture = (IDirectSoundCapture8 *)tempSoundCapture; //waveFormat waveFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); NativeUtils.ZeroMemory((IntPtr)waveFormat, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); waveFormat->wFormatTag = DSound.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; waveFormat->nChannels = (ushort)channels; waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec = (uint)frequency; waveFormat->wBitsPerSample = 16; waveFormat->nBlockAlign = (ushort)((waveFormat->nChannels * waveFormat->wBitsPerSample) / 8); waveFormat->nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat->nBlockAlign; //captureBuffer DSCBUFFERDESC bufferDesc = new DSCBUFFERDESC(); //ZeroMemory( &bufferDesc, sizeof( DSCBUFFERDESC ) ); bufferDesc.dwSize = (uint)sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC); bufferDesc.dwBufferBytes = (uint)bufferSize; bufferDesc.lpwfxFormat = waveFormat; void */*IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer*/ tempCaptureBuffer; hr = IDirectSoundCapture8.CreateCaptureBuffer(soundCapture, ref bufferDesc, out tempCaptureBuffer, null); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { DirectSoundWorld.Warning("CreateCaptureBuffer", hr); IDirectSoundCapture8.Release(soundCapture); soundCapture = null; return; } captureBuffer = (IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer *)tempCaptureBuffer; //get bufferSize DSCBCAPS bufferCaps = new DSCBCAPS(); //ZeroMemory( &bufferCaps, sizeof( DSCBCAPS ) ); bufferCaps.dwSize = (uint)sizeof(DSCBCAPS); IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer.GetCaps(captureBuffer, ref bufferCaps); this.bufferSize = (int)bufferCaps.dwBufferBytes; Init(null, newMode, 100000.0f, channels, frequency); }
// unsafe public DirectFileStreamSound(VirtualFileStream stream, bool closeStreamAfterReading, SoundType soundType, string name, SoundMode mode, out bool initialized) { initialized = false; if (soundType == SoundType.Unknown) { if (name != null) { soundType = GetSoundTypeByName(name); } else { soundType = GetSoundTypeByStream(stream); } } if (soundType != SoundType.OGG) { DirectSoundWorld.Warning(string.Format( "Streaming is not supported for \"{0}\" files ({1}).", soundType, name)); return; } vorbisFile = new VorbisFile.File(); vorbisFileReader = new VorbisFileReader(stream, closeStreamAfterReading); if (!vorbisFileReader.OpenVorbisFile(vorbisFile)) { vorbisFileReader.Dispose(); DirectSoundWorld.Warning(string.Format("Creating sound \"{0}\" failed.", name)); return; } int channels; int frequency; long numSamples = vorbisFile.pcm_total(-1); vorbisFile.get_info(-1, out channels, out frequency); //convert to mono for 3D if ((int)(mode & SoundMode.Mode3D) != 0 && channels == 2) { needConvertToMono = true; channels = 1; } waveFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); NativeUtils.ZeroMemory((IntPtr)waveFormat, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); waveFormat->wFormatTag = DSound.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; waveFormat->nChannels = (ushort)channels; waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec = (uint)frequency; waveFormat->wBitsPerSample = 16; waveFormat->nBlockAlign = (ushort)((waveFormat->nChannels * waveFormat->wBitsPerSample) / 8); waveFormat->nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat->nBlockAlign; double length = (double)numSamples / (double)frequency; Init(name, mode, (float)length, channels, frequency); initialized = true; }
unsafe public DirectSampleSound(VirtualFileStream stream, SoundType soundType, string name, SoundMode mode, out bool initialized) { initialized = false; int channels; int frequency; float timeLength; if (soundType == SoundType.Unknown) { if (name != null) { soundType = GetSoundTypeByName(name); } else { soundType = GetSoundTypeByStream(stream); } } string error; if (!LoadSamplesFromStream(stream, soundType, out channels, out frequency, out timeLength, out error)) { if (name != null) { DirectSoundWorld.Warning(string.Format("Creating sound \"{0}\" failed ({1}).", name, error)); } else { DirectSoundWorld.Warning(string.Format("Creating sound from stream failed ({0}).", error)); } return; } //convert to mono for 3D if ((int)(mode & SoundMode.Mode3D) != 0 && channels == 2) { byte[] oldSamples = soundSamples; soundSamples = new byte[oldSamples.Length / 2]; for (int n = 0; n < soundSamples.Length; n += 2) { soundSamples[n + 0] = oldSamples[n * 2 + 0]; soundSamples[n + 1] = oldSamples[n * 2 + 1]; } channels = 1; } //create buffer waveFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); NativeUtils.ZeroMemory((IntPtr)waveFormat, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); waveFormat->wFormatTag = DSound.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; waveFormat->nChannels = (ushort)channels; waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec = (uint)frequency; waveFormat->wBitsPerSample = 16; waveFormat->nBlockAlign = (ushort)((waveFormat->nChannels * waveFormat->wBitsPerSample) / 8); waveFormat->nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat->nBlockAlign; Init(name, mode, timeLength, channels, frequency); initialized = true; }
unsafe protected override void PostAttachVirtualChannel() { DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Enter(); int hr; currentSound = (DirectSound)CurrentVirtualChannel.CurrentSound; bool mode3d = (int)(currentSound.Mode & SoundMode.Mode3D) != 0; bool loop = (int)(currentSound.Mode & SoundMode.Loop) != 0; //DirectSampleSound DirectSampleSound currentSampleSound = currentSound as DirectSampleSound; if (currentSampleSound != null) { int lastBufferCount = currentSound.soundBuffers.Count; currentSoundBuffer = currentSound.GetBuffer(currentSampleSound.soundSamples.Length); if (currentSoundBuffer == null) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } bool needFillData = false; if (lastBufferCount == 0) { needFillData = true; } bool restored = false; if (!currentSound.RestoreSoundBuffers(out restored)) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } if (restored) { needFillData = true; } if (needFillData) { if (!currentSampleSound.FillSoundBuffersWithData()) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } } } //DirectFileStreamSound, DirectDataStreamSound DirectFileStreamSound currentFileStreamSound = currentSound as DirectFileStreamSound; DirectDataStreamSound currentDataStreamSound = currentSound as DirectDataStreamSound; if (currentFileStreamSound != null || currentDataStreamSound != null) { int needBufferSize; if (currentFileStreamSound != null) { int numSamples = (int)currentFileStreamSound.vorbisFile.pcm_total(-1); int channels; int rate; currentFileStreamSound.vorbisFile.get_info(-1, out channels, out rate); int sizeInBytes = numSamples * channels * 2; needBufferSize = sizeInBytes / 2; if (needBufferSize > 65536 * 2) { needBufferSize = 65536 * 2; } } else { needBufferSize = currentDataStreamSound.creationBufferSize; } currentSoundBuffer = currentSound.GetBuffer(needBufferSize); if (currentSoundBuffer == null) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } streamBuffer = (byte *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, currentSound.bufferSize); streamBufferLength = 0; bool restored = false; if (!currentSound.RestoreSoundBuffers(out restored)) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } if (restored) { //buffer will be cleared in the BeginStreamPlay() } } //currentSound3DBuffer if (mode3d) { void */*IDirectSound3DBuffer8*/ sound3DBuffer; GUID guid = DSound.IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer8; hr = IDirectSoundBuffer.QueryInterface(currentSoundBuffer, ref guid, &sound3DBuffer); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.Warning("IDirectSoundBuffer.QueryInterface", hr); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } currentSound3DBuffer = (IDirectSound3DBuffer8 *)sound3DBuffer; } //update parameters if (mode3d) { UpdatePosition2(); UpdateVelocity2(); } else { UpdatePan2(); } UpdatePitch2(); UpdateVolume2(); UpdateTime2(); if (currentFileStreamSound != null || currentDataStreamSound != null) { BeginStreamPlay(); } uint playFlags = 0; if (loop || currentFileStreamSound != null || currentDataStreamSound != null) { playFlags |= DSound.DSBPLAY_LOOPING; } hr = IDirectSoundBuffer.Play(currentSoundBuffer, 0, 0, playFlags); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); DirectSoundWorld.Warning("IDirectSoundBuffer.Play", hr); DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } if (currentFileStreamSound != null) { DirectSoundWorld.Instance.fileStreamRealChannels.Add(this); } needStopVirtualChannel = false; DirectSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); }
unsafe protected override void PostAttachVirtualChannel() { OpenALSoundWorld.criticalSection.Enter(); currentSound = (OpenALSound)CurrentVirtualChannel.CurrentSound; OpenALSampleSound sampleSound = currentSound as OpenALSampleSound; OpenALDataBufferSound streamSound = null; OpenALFileStreamSound fileStreamSound = null; OpenALDataStreamSound dataStreamSound = null; if (sampleSound == null) { streamSound = currentSound as OpenALDataBufferSound; fileStreamSound = currentSound as OpenALFileStreamSound; dataStreamSound = currentSound as OpenALDataStreamSound; } //create streamBuffer if (fileStreamSound != null) { int bufferSize = 0; int numSamples = (int)fileStreamSound.vorbisFile.pcm_total(-1); int channels; int rate; fileStreamSound.vorbisFile.get_info(-1, out channels, out rate); if (fileStreamSound.needConvertToMono) { channels = 1; } int sizeInBytes = numSamples * channels * 2; bufferSize = sizeInBytes / 2; if (bufferSize > 65536 * 4) { bufferSize = 65536 * 4; } streamBufferSize = bufferSize; streamBuffer = (byte *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, streamBufferSize); } if (dataStreamSound != null) { streamBufferSize = dataStreamSound.bufferSize; streamBuffer = (byte *)NativeUtils.Alloc(NativeMemoryAllocationType.SoundAndVideo, streamBufferSize); } //init source bool mode3d = (currentSound.Mode & SoundMode.Mode3D) != 0; bool loop = (currentSound.Mode & SoundMode.Loop) != 0; if (alSource == 0) { Al.alGenSources(1, out alSource); if (OpenALSoundWorld.CheckError()) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); OpenALSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } } if (sampleSound != null) { //no stream sound Al.alSourcei(alSource, Al.AL_BUFFER, sampleSound.alBuffer); if (OpenALSoundWorld.CheckError()) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); OpenALSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } } if (fileStreamSound != null) { FileStreamStartPlay(); } if (dataStreamSound != null) { DataStreamStartPlay(); } Al.alSourcei(alSource, Al.AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, mode3d ? Al.AL_FALSE : Al.AL_TRUE); //update parameters if (mode3d) { UpdatePosition2(); UpdateVelocity2(); } else { UpdatePan2(); } UpdatePitch2(); UpdateVolume2(); if (sampleSound != null) { Al.alSourcei(alSource, Al.AL_LOOPING, loop ? Al.AL_TRUE : Al.AL_FALSE); } else { Al.alSourcei(alSource, Al.AL_LOOPING, Al.AL_FALSE); } if (OpenALSoundWorld.CheckError()) { PreDetachVirtualChannel(); OpenALSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); return; } UpdateTime2(); //unpause Al.alSourcePlay(alSource); OpenALSoundWorld.CheckError(); //add to fileStreamChannels if (fileStreamSound != null) { OpenALSoundWorld.Instance.fileStreamRealChannels.Add(this); } OpenALSoundWorld.criticalSection.Leave(); }