void WriteImageToPath(UIImage image, string path)
            NSFileManager.DefaultManager().RemoveItemAtPathError(path, null);
            NSData data = path.PathExtension().LowercaseString().IsEqualToString("png") ? UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) : UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0);

            data.WriteToFileAtomically(path, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Alls the inbox files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <UPInboxFile> AllInboxFiles()
            List <UPInboxFile> files = new List <UPInboxFile>();

            Exception     error;
            List <string> pathNames = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().ContentsOfDirectoryAtPathError(this.InboxPath, error);
            if (error)
                if (error.Code() == NSFileReadNoSuchFileError)
                    DDLogInfo("Inbox directory %@ does not exist.", this.InboxPath);
                    DDLogError("Could not load files from inbox: %@", error);

            foreach (string path in pathNames)
                UPInboxFile file = new UPInboxFile(this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(path), NSURL.FileURLWithPathIsDirectory(this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(path), false));
예제 #3
        private static void _Init(object sender = null, EventArgs e = null)
            string oldID = iCloudID;

            object token = null;

            if (NSFileManager.InstancesRespondToSelector("ubiquityIdentityToken"))
                token = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().UbiquityIdentityToken();

            if (token == null)
                iCloudID = null;
                NSData data = NSKeyedArchiver.ArchivedData(token);
                iCloudID = Convert.ToBase64String(data.ToByteArray());
                _userDefaults.SetObject(iCloudID, ID_KEY);


            if (iCloudID != oldID)
                if (_accountChangedHandlers != null)
                    _accountChangedHandlers(null, EventArgs.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves from URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Uri MoveFromUrl(Uri url)

            string    oldPath       = url.Path;
            string    newName       = oldPath.LastPathComponent.StringByDeletingPathExtension();
            string    pathExtension = oldPath.LastPathComponent.PathExtension;
            string    newPath       = this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(oldPath.LastPathComponent);
            Exception error         = null;

            if (!NSFileManager.DefaultManager().FileExistsAtPath(newPath))
                NSFileManager.DefaultManager().MoveItemAtPathToPathError(oldPath, newPath, error);
                bool moved = false;
                for (int i = 1; (!moved && i < 100); i++)
                    string newName1 = $"{newName}-{i}.{pathExtension}";
                    newPath = this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(newName1);
                    if (!NSFileManager.DefaultManager().FileExistsAtPath(newPath))
                        moved = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().MoveItemAtPathToPathError(oldPath, newPath, error);

예제 #5
    private void Run()
        Debug.Log("Example 7 - Account Status");

        // This is the Core Foundation way of checking if the user has changed
        // This method is NOT recommended by apple. But is the only option if you
        // are not using CloudKit (and are just using key value storage)

        Token        = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().UbiquityIdentityToken;
        Unsubscriber = ICloudNotifications.AddIdentityDidChangeObserver(OnCloudIdentityChanged);

        // If your using cloud kit...apple has this to say:
        // CloudKit clients should not use this token as a way to identify
        // whether the iCloud account is logged in. Instead, use
        // accountStatusWithCompletionHandler: or
        // fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler:
        // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsfilemanager/1408036-ubiquityidentitytoken?language=objc

        // This is the cloudkit way
        // Listen for the accountStatusChanged notification

        // Apple says... "Notification posted when the status of the signed-in iCloud account may have changed."
        // This notification will fire for a number of reasons, not all of them will be related to signing in or
        // out of iCloud. For instance, toggling the iCloud Drive permission in iCloud settings will cause this
        // to fire


        // At this point you should sign in or out of iCloud to update the account stauts.
        Debug.Log("Account status notification handlers attached. Sign in or out of iCloud ot update.");
        Debug.Log("Waiting for change in account status...");
        private static UPMInboxFile ModelInboxFileFromInboxFile(UPInboxFile inboxFile)
            UPMInboxFile upmInboxFile = new UPMInboxFile(StringIdentifier.IdentifierWithStringId(inboxFile.Path))
                Path = inboxFile.Path,
                URL  = inboxFile.URL

            upmInboxFile.Name = inboxFile.Path.LastPathComponent();
            Exception    attributesErr;
            NSDictionary fileAttributes = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().AttributesOfItemAtPathError(inboxFile.Path, attributesErr);
            if (attributesErr)
                DDLogError("UPInBoxPageModelController error no fileAttributes: %@", fileAttributes);

            NSNumber fileSizeNumber = fileAttributes.ObjectForKey(NSFileSize);
            upmInboxFile.Size          = fileSizeNumber.LongLongValue();
            upmInboxFile.FormattedSize = NSByteCountFormatter.StringFromByteCountCountStyle(upmInboxFile.Size, NSByteCountFormatterCountStyleFile);
            upmInboxFile.Date          = fileAttributes.ObjectForKey(NSFileCreationDate);
            // Cant use TimeZone here. Called before Login and server independent.
            upmInboxFile.FormattedDate = UPInBoxPageModelController.UpDateFormatter().StringFromDate(upmInboxFile.Date);
            UIDocumentInteractionController interactionController = UIDocumentInteractionController.InteractionControllerWithURL(inboxFile.URL);
            ArrayList icons = interactionController.Icons;
            //upmInboxFile.Icon = icons.LastObject();  // Adding largest Icon available
            upmInboxFile.MimeTye = UPInboxFileManager.MimeTypeForPath(upmInboxFile.Path);
            upmInboxFile.Color   = UPInBoxPageModelController.ColorForMimeType(upmInboxFile.MimeTye);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the file with URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inboxFileURL">The inbox file URL.</param>
        public static void DeleteFileWithURL(Uri inboxFileURL)
            Exception deleteError;
            NSFileManager.DefaultManager().RemoveItemAtURLError(inboxFileURL, deleteError);
            if (deleteError == null)
                DDLogError("Error deleting inbox file %@", deleteError);
예제 #8
        static iCloudPrefs()
            if (CoreXT.IsDevice)
                // get id from user defaults
                _userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults();
                iCloudID      = _userDefaults.Object(ID_KEY) as string;

                store = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.DefaultStore();
                store.DidChangeExternally += _OnStoreChanged;

                NSFileManager.DefaultManager().UbiquityIdentityDidChange += _Init;
                CoreXT.ApplicationResumed += _Init;

        /// <summary>
        /// Currents the inbox file manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static UPInboxFileManager CurrentInboxFileManager()
            if (defaultManager == null)
                defaultManager = new UPInboxFileManager();
                defaultManager.InboxPath     = UPPathService.DocumentPath().StringByAppendingPathComponent("writeableInbox");
                defaultManager.RealInboxPath = UPPathService.DocumentPath().StringByAppendingPathComponent("Inbox");
                if (!NSFileManager.DefaultManager().FileExistsAtPath(defaultManager.InboxPath))
                    NSError error = null;
                    NSFileManager.DefaultManager().CreateDirectoryAtPathWithIntermediateDirectoriesAttributesError(defaultManager.InboxPath, false, null, error);

예제 #10
    private void OnCloudIdentityChanged(NSNotification obj)

        // In order to see if the current iCloud identity has changed
        // Check the current token against the last one
        // Tokens are opaque (no public properties). All you can do is compare them

        var NextToken = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().UbiquityIdentityToken;

        if (Token == NextToken)
            Debug.Log("The cloud identity has not changed");
            Debug.Log("The cloud identity has chnaged");

        // If you wanted to unsubscribe from the notification you would do so like..