static Task MoveToiCloud(NSUrl sourceUrl, NSUrl destinationURL)
            if (NSFileManager.DefaultManager.UbiquityIdentityToken == null)
                return(Task.FromResult <NSUrl> (null));

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();

            // Upload the file to iCloud on a background queue.
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
                NSError error;
                NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                bool success = fileManager.SetUbiquitous(true, sourceUrl, destinationURL, out error);

                if (!success)


예제 #2
        public void GetSkipBackupAttribute()
            Assert.False(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(NSBundle.MainBundle.ExecutableUrl.ToString()), "MainBundle");

            string filename = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), $"DoNotBackupMe-NSFileManager-{Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id}");

            try {
                File.WriteAllText(filename, "not worth a bit");

                Assert.False(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filename), "DoNotBackupMe-0");

                NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(filename, true);

                NSError error;
                Assert.True(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filename, out error), "DoNotBackupMe-1");
                Assert.Null(error, "error-1");

                error = NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(filename, false);
                Assert.False(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filename), "DoNotBackupMe-2");
                Assert.Null(error, "error-2");
            finally {
                // otherwise the attribute won't reset even if the file is overwritten
        /// <summary>
        /// Alls the inbox files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <UPInboxFile> AllInboxFiles()
            List <UPInboxFile> files = new List <UPInboxFile>();

            Exception     error;
            List <string> pathNames = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().ContentsOfDirectoryAtPathError(this.InboxPath, error);
            if (error)
                if (error.Code() == NSFileReadNoSuchFileError)
                    DDLogInfo("Inbox directory %@ does not exist.", this.InboxPath);
                    DDLogError("Could not load files from inbox: %@", error);

            foreach (string path in pathNames)
                UPInboxFile file = new UPInboxFile(this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(path), NSURL.FileURLWithPathIsDirectory(this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(path), false));
partial         void WKInterfaceButton5_Activated(WatchKit.WKInterfaceButton sender)
            if (entryMode) {

                // Straight to dictation (no suggestions)
            //				PresentTextInputController(new string[0], WatchKit.WKTextInputMode.Plain, (a) => {
            //					Console.WriteLine("Dictation was accepted");
            //					if (a != null && a.Count > 0) {
            //						enteredText = a.GetItem<NSObject>(0).ToString();
            //						Console.WriteLine("   " + a.GetItem<NSObject>(0));
            //						Name.SetText (a.GetItem<NSObject>(0).ToString());
            //						entryMode = false;
            //						EnterText.SetTitle ("Save");
            //					} else {
            //						Console.WriteLine("Error");
            //					}
            //				});

                var suggest = new string[]{"Get groceries", "Buy gas", "Post letter"};
                PresentTextInputController( suggest, WatchKit.WKTextInputMode.AllowEmoji, (a) => {
                    Console.WriteLine("Text was selected");
                    if (a != null && a.Count > 0) {
                        enteredText = a.GetItem<NSObject>(0).ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine("   " + a.GetItem<NSObject>(0));
                        Name.SetText (a.GetItem<NSObject>(0).ToString());
                        entryMode = false;
                        EnterText.SetTitle ("Save");
                    } else {

            } else {
                Console.WriteLine("EntryMode=false  must save");
                // TODO: save!
                TodoItemDatabase Database = null;
                var todo = new TodoItem{Name = enteredText, Done = false};

                if (Database == null)
                    var FileManager = new NSFileManager ();
                    var appGroupContainer = FileManager.GetContainerUrl ("");
                    var appGroupContainerPath = appGroupContainer.Path;
                    Console.WriteLine ("agcpath: " + appGroupContainerPath);

                    var sqliteFilename = "TodoSQLite.db3";
                    //			string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
                    //			string libraryPath = Path.Combine (documentsPath, "..", "Library"); // Library folder
                    var path = Path.Combine(appGroupContainerPath, sqliteFilename);
                    var conn = new SQLiteConnection (path);

                    Database = new TodoItemDatabase(conn);

예제 #5
        public override void ViewDidLoad()


                new UIBarButtonItem(UIImage.FromFile("exitImg.png")
                                    , UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain
                                    , (sender, args) => {

                UINavigationController navC = new UINavigationController(new LoginVC());
                UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController = navC;
                , true);
            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver((NSString)"DownloadCount", getDownloadCount);
            this.NavigationController.NavigationBar.BarTintColor = UIColor.Red;
            this.Title = "Home";

            var           documents   = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;
            NSError       error;

            string[] countArray = fileManager.GetDirectoryContent(documents, out error);

            myDictionary = new NSDictionary("Seeit", "", "Local Files", countArray.Length);
            sharepointURLS_TblView.TableFooterView = new UIView();
            sharepointURLS_TblView.Source          = new TableSource(myDictionary, this);
예제 #6
        private static void _Init(object sender = null, EventArgs e = null)
            string oldID = iCloudID;

            object token = null;

            if (NSFileManager.InstancesRespondToSelector("ubiquityIdentityToken"))
                token = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().UbiquityIdentityToken();

            if (token == null)
                iCloudID = null;
                NSData data = NSKeyedArchiver.ArchivedData(token);
                iCloudID = Convert.ToBase64String(data.ToByteArray());
                _userDefaults.SetObject(iCloudID, ID_KEY);


            if (iCloudID != oldID)
                if (_accountChangedHandlers != null)
                    _accountChangedHandlers(null, EventArgs.Empty);
예제 #7
        public override void DidFinishDownloading(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask, NSUrl location)
            Console.WriteLine("File downloaded in : {0}", location);
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;

            var   URLs = fileManager.GetUrls(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User);
            NSUrl documentsDictionry = URLs [0];

            NSUrl   originalURL    = downloadTask.OriginalRequest.Url;
            NSUrl   destinationURL = documentsDictionry.Append("image1.png", false);
            NSError removeCopy;
            NSError errorCopy;

            fileManager.Remove(destinationURL, out removeCopy);
            bool success = fileManager.Copy(location, destinationURL, out errorCopy);

            if (success)
                // we do not need to be on the main/UI thread to load the UIImage
                UIImage image = UIImage.FromFile(destinationURL.Path);
                InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    controller.ImageView.Image     = image;
                    controller.ImageView.Hidden    = false;
                    controller.ProgressView.Hidden = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Error during the copy: {0}", errorCopy.LocalizedDescription);
예제 #8
        public NSUrl moveItemToDocumentsDirectory(string fileName, string fileExtension)
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;

            string[] dataPath = new string[] { applicationDocumentsDirectory() + "/" + fileName + "." + fileExtension };

            NSUrl fileURLPrivate = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource(fileName, fileExtension);

            if (fileManager.FileExists(fileURLPrivate.Path))
                //First run, if file is not copied then copy, else return the path if already copied
                if (fileManager.FileExists(dataPath[0]) == false)
                    fileManager.Copy(fileURLPrivate.Path, dataPath[0], out NSError error);
                    if (error == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("AWXamarin Error occured while copying");

                Console.WriteLine("AWXamarin fileURLPrivate doesnt exist");
예제 #9
        public void GetSkipBackupAttribute()
            if ((Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR) && RunningOnSnowLeopard)
                Assert.Inconclusive("iOS simulator did not get libsystem_kernel.dylib before Lion");

            Assert.False(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(NSBundle.MainBundle.ExecutableUrl.ToString()), "MainBundle");

            string filename = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "DoNotBackupMe-NSFileManager");

            try {
                File.WriteAllText(filename, "not worth a bit");

                Assert.False(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filename), "DoNotBackupMe-0");

                NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(filename, true);

                NSError error;
                Assert.True(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filename, out error), "DoNotBackupMe-1");
                Assert.Null(error, "error-1");

                error = NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(filename, false);
                Assert.False(NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filename), "DoNotBackupMe-2");
                Assert.Null(error, "error-2");
            finally {
                // otherwise the attribute won't reset even if the file is overwritten
예제 #10
        public void GetUrlForUbiquityContainer()
            if ((Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR) && RunningOnSnowLeopard)
                Assert.Inconclusive("sometimes crash under the iOS simulator (generally on the SL/iOS5 bots)");

            NSFileManager fm = new NSFileManager();
            if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(4, 5) && fm.UbiquityIdentityToken == null)
                // UbiquityIdentityToken is a fast way to check if iCloud is enabled
                Assert.Pass("not iCloud enabled");

            NSUrl            c   = null;
            Exception        e   = null;
            ManualResetEvent evt = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            new Thread(() =>
                try {
                    // From Apple's documentaiton:
                    // Important: Do not call this method from your app’s main thread. Because this method might take a nontrivial amount of time to set up
                    // iCloud and return the requested URL, you should always call it from a secondary thread.
                    c = fm.GetUrlForUbiquityContainer(null);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    e = ex;
                } finally {
                IsBackground = true,

            if (evt.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)))
                if (e != null)
                    throw e;

                if (c == null)
                    Assert.Pass("not iCloud enabled");                      // simulator or provisioning profile without iCloud enabled (old ones)
                    Assert.That(c.ToString(), Does.StartWith("file://localhost/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents").
                Assert.Pass("iCloud is probably not enabled");
                // aborting is evil, so don't bother aborting the thread, just let it run its course
예제 #11
        public static void RegisterLocalServices()
            if (ServiceContainer.Resolve <ILogService>("logService", true) == null)
                ServiceContainer.Register <ILogService>("logService", new ConsoleLogService());

            var preferencesStorage = new PreferencesStorageService(AppGroupId);
            var appGroupContainer  = new NSFileManager().GetContainerUrl(AppGroupId);
            var liteDbStorage      = new LiteDbStorageService(
                Path.Combine(appGroupContainer.Path, "Library", "bitwarden.db"));

            var localizeService      = new LocalizeService();
            var broadcasterService   = new BroadcasterService();
            var messagingService     = new MobileBroadcasterMessagingService(broadcasterService);
            var i18nService          = new MobileI18nService(localizeService.GetCurrentCultureInfo());
            var secureStorageService = new KeyChainStorageService(AppId, AccessGroup,
                                                                  () => ServiceContainer.Resolve <IAppIdService>("appIdService").GetAppIdAsync());
            var cryptoPrimitiveService = new CryptoPrimitiveService();
            var mobileStorageService   = new MobileStorageService(preferencesStorage, liteDbStorage);
            var deviceActionService    = new DeviceActionService(mobileStorageService, messagingService);
            var platformUtilsService   = new MobilePlatformUtilsService(deviceActionService, messagingService,

            ServiceContainer.Register <IBroadcasterService>("broadcasterService", broadcasterService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <IMessagingService>("messagingService", messagingService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <ILocalizeService>("localizeService", localizeService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <II18nService>("i18nService", i18nService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <ICryptoPrimitiveService>("cryptoPrimitiveService", cryptoPrimitiveService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <IStorageService>("storageService", mobileStorageService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <IStorageService>("secureStorageService", secureStorageService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <IDeviceActionService>("deviceActionService", deviceActionService);
            ServiceContainer.Register <IPlatformUtilsService>("platformUtilsService", platformUtilsService);
예제 #12
        public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
            var           documents   = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;
            NSError       error;

            string[] listOfFiles  = fileManager.GetDirectoryContent(documents, out error);
            string   fileSelected = "";

            foreach (string fileName in listOfFiles)
                if (fileName.Equals(tableItems[indexPath.Row]))
                    fileSelected = System.IO.Path.Combine(documents, listOfFiles[indexPath.Row]);
            switch (fileSelected.Substring(fileSelected.Length - 3))
            case "jpg":

            case "pdf":

            case "mp4":
            tableView.DeselectRow(indexPath, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves from URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Uri MoveFromUrl(Uri url)

            string    oldPath       = url.Path;
            string    newName       = oldPath.LastPathComponent.StringByDeletingPathExtension();
            string    pathExtension = oldPath.LastPathComponent.PathExtension;
            string    newPath       = this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(oldPath.LastPathComponent);
            Exception error         = null;

            if (!NSFileManager.DefaultManager().FileExistsAtPath(newPath))
                NSFileManager.DefaultManager().MoveItemAtPathToPathError(oldPath, newPath, error);
                bool moved = false;
                for (int i = 1; (!moved && i < 100); i++)
                    string newName1 = $"{newName}-{i}.{pathExtension}";
                    newPath = this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(newName1);
                    if (!NSFileManager.DefaultManager().FileExistsAtPath(newPath))
                        moved = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().MoveItemAtPathToPathError(oldPath, newPath, error);

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback method called by document picker when file has been picked; this is called
        /// up to iOS 10.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">sender object (document picker)</param>
        /// <param name="args">event args</param>
        void DocumentPicker_DidPickDocument(object sender, UIDocumentPickedEventArgs args)
                var securityEnabled = args.Url.StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource();
                var doc             = new UIDocument(args.Url);

                string name = doc.LocalizedName;
                string path = doc.FileUrl?.Path;


                // iCloud drive can return null for LocalizedName.
                if (name == null && path != null)
                    name = Path.GetFileName(path);

                NSFileManager   mg = new NSFileManager();
                List <FileData> ls = new List <FileData>();
                ls.Add(new FileData(path, name, mg.GetAttributes(path).Size.Value));
                var tcs = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _tcs, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // pass exception to task so that it doesn't get lost in the UI main loop
                var tcs = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _tcs, null);
예제 #15
        public Task <bool> CreateDirectory(string path)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var localPath = GetLocalPath(path);

            var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(localPath);

            var     c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: (INSFilePresenter)null);
            NSError coordErr;

            c.CoordinateWrite(url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                try {
                    var man = new NSFileManager();
                    NSError mkdirErr;
                    var r = man.CreateDirectory(newUrl, true, null, out mkdirErr);
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(!r, mkdirErr);

                } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (coordErr != null)

        void WriteImageToPath(UIImage image, string path)
            NSFileManager.DefaultManager().RemoveItemAtPathError(path, null);
            NSData data = path.PathExtension().LowercaseString().IsEqualToString("png") ? UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) : UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0);

            data.WriteToFileAtomically(path, true);
예제 #17
        public NSMutableArray GetMountedVolumes()
            NSMutableArray volumeList = new NSMutableArray();
            NSArray volKeys = NSArray.FromNSObjects(

            NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
            NSUrl[] volumeUrls = fileManager.GetMountedVolumes(volKeys, NSVolumeEnumerationOptions.None);
            NSByteCountFormatter byteFormatter = new NSByteCountFormatter();
            byteFormatter.CountStyle = NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle.File;

            foreach(NSUrl volumeUrl in volumeUrls) {
                NSError volUrlError;
                NSObject volName;
                NSObject volIdentifer;
                NSObject volBrowsable;
                NSObject volBytesAvailable;
                NSObject volBytesTotal;

                volumeUrl.TryGetResource(NSUrl.VolumeLocalizedNameKey, out volName, out volUrlError);
                volumeUrl.TryGetResource(NSUrl.VolumeURLKey, out volIdentifer, out volUrlError);
                volumeUrl.TryGetResource(NSUrl.VolumeIsBrowsableKey, out volBrowsable, out volUrlError);
                volumeUrl.TryGetResource(NSUrl.VolumeAvailableCapacityKey, out volBytesAvailable, out volUrlError);
                volumeUrl.TryGetResource(NSUrl.VolumeTotalCapacityKey, out volBytesTotal, out volUrlError);

                NSNumber volBytesAvailableNum = (NSNumber)volBytesAvailable;
                NSNumber volBytesTotalNum = (NSNumber)volBytesTotal;

                byteFormatter.IncludesUnit = false;
                byteFormatter.IncludesCount = true;

                var volBytesAvailableCount = byteFormatter.Format(volBytesAvailableNum.LongValue);
                var volBytesTotalCount = byteFormatter.Format(volBytesTotalNum.LongValue);

                byteFormatter.IncludesUnit = true;
                byteFormatter.IncludesCount = false;
                var volBytesAvailableUnit = byteFormatter.Format(volBytesAvailableNum.LongValue);
                var volBytesTotalUnit = byteFormatter.Format(volBytesTotalNum.LongValue);

                NSNumber browsable = (NSNumber)volBrowsable;
                if (browsable.BoolValue) {
                    volumeList.Add(new NSDictionary(
                        "name", volName,
                        "id", volIdentifer,
                        "bytesAvailableCount", volBytesAvailableCount,
                        "bytesAvailableUnit", volBytesAvailableUnit,
                        "bytesTotalCount", volBytesTotalCount,
                        "bytesTotalUnit", volBytesTotalUnit

            return volumeList;
예제 #18
        public Task <bool> Move(string fromPath, string toPath)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var fromLocalPath = GetLocalPath(fromPath);
            var toLocalPath   = GetLocalPath(toPath);

            var fromUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(fromLocalPath);
            var toUrl   = NSUrl.FromFilename(toLocalPath);

            Task.Run(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateReadWrite(fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, toUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (newFromUrl, newToUrl) => {
                    try {
                        var man = new NSFileManager();
                        NSError moveErr;

                        var r = man.Move(newFromUrl, newToUrl, out moveErr);
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(!r, moveErr);

                        needsRefresh = true;

                    } catch (Exception ex) {

예제 #19
        string GetFilePath(string filename)
            var fileManger = new NSFileManager();
            var url        = fileManger.GetUrls(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User)[0];

            return(url.Append(filename, false).Path);
예제 #20
		void CopyFileToDocumentsDirectory(NSUrl fromUrl)
			NSUrl toURL = DocumentsDirectory.Append (fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

			bool success = false;
			NSError error;
			NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();

			fileCoordinator.CoordinateWriteWrite (fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out error, (src, dst) => {
				NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
				success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out error);

				if (success) {
					var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
						ExtensionHidden = true
					fileManager.SetAttributes (attributes, dst.Path);
					Console.WriteLine ("Moved file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

			// In your app, handle this gracefully.
			if (!success)
				Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't move file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {3}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
					toURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
예제 #21
        public Task <bool> DeleteFile(string path)
            var localUrl = documentsUrl.Append(path, false);

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWrite(localUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                    bool r = false;
                    using (var m = new NSFileManager()) {
                        NSError remErr;
                        r = m.Remove(newUrl, out remErr);
                if (coordErr != null)

예제 #22
        public Task <bool> Move(string newPath)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            NSUrl newUrl = documentsUrl.Append(newPath, false);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWriteWrite(LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, newUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (url1, url2) => {
                    bool r = false;
                    using (var m = new NSFileManager()) {
                        NSError remErr;
                        r = m.Move(url1, url2, out remErr);
                        if (r)
                            Path      = newPath;
                            LocalUrl  = newUrl;
                            LocalPath = LocalUrl.Path;

예제 #23
        NSUrl CreateApplicationSupportDirectory()
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;

            NSUrl[] URLs = fileManager.GetUrls(NSSearchPathDirectory.ApplicationSupportDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User);
            NSUrl   url  = URLs [URLs.Length - 1];

            url = url.Append(ApplicationDocumentsDirectoryName, false);
            NSError error;

            NSDictionary properties = url.GetResourceValues(new NSString[] { NSUrl.IsDirectoryKey }, out error);

            if (properties != null)
                var isDirectoryNumber = (NSNumber)properties [NSUrl.IsDirectoryKey];
                if (isDirectoryNumber != null && !isDirectoryNumber.BoolValue)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not access the application data folder.");
            else if (error.Code == (int)NSCocoaError.FileReadNoSuchFile)
                bool ok = fileManager.CreateDirectory(url.Path, true, null);
                if (!ok)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occured: {0}", error.LocalizedDescription);

예제 #24
        public static Task<NSUrl> CopyToDocumentsDirectoryAsync(NSUrl fromUrl)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<NSUrl>();

            NSUrl localDocDir = GetDocumentDirectoryUrl ();
            NSUrl toURL = localDocDir.Append (fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

            bool success = false;
            NSError coordinationError, copyError = null;
            NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (_ => {
                fileCoordinator.CoordinateReadWrite (fromUrl, 0, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordinationError, (src, dst) => {
                    NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                    success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out copyError);

                    if (success) {
                        var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
                            ExtensionHidden = true
                        fileManager.SetAttributes (attributes, dst.Path);
                        Console.WriteLine ("Copied file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

                // In your app, handle this gracefully.
                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't copy file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {2}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
                        toURL.AbsoluteString, (coordinationError ?? copyError).Description);


            return tcs.Task;
예제 #25
 public static void SetAttribute(String filePath)
     if (!NSFileManager.GetSkipBackupAttribute(filePath))
         NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(filePath, true);
예제 #26
        public async Task <bool> RemoveFileAsync(string fileName)
                var filePathCombine = await GetFileAsync(fileName);

                NSFileManager manager = new NSFileManager();
                bool          removed = false;
                if (manager.FileExists(filePathCombine))
                    removed = manager.Remove(new NSUrl(filePathCombine, false), out _);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // Notification : LOCAL PUSH NOTIFICATION
                //    ActivityType.EXCEPTION_OCCURRED.ToString(),
                //    "EXCEPTION OCCURRED", "File:1",
                //    ex.Message,
                //    1001);
                var exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(typeof(FileDownloadService).FullName, ex);

예제 #27
        public Task <bool> CreateDirectory(string path)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var localPath = GetLocalPath(path);

            var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(localPath);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWrite(url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                    try {
                        if (Directory.Exists(newUrl.Path))

                        var man = new NSFileManager();
                        NSError mkdirErr;
                        var r = man.CreateDirectory(newUrl, false, null, out mkdirErr);
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(!r, mkdirErr);

                    } catch (Exception ex) {

예제 #28
        void CopyFileToDocumentsDirectory(NSUrl fromUrl)
            NSUrl toURL = DocumentsDirectory.Append(fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

            bool              success = false;
            NSError           error;
            NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();

            fileCoordinator.CoordinateWriteWrite(fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out error, (src, dst) => {
                NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out error);

                if (success)
                    var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
                        FileExtensionHidden = true
                    fileManager.SetAttributes(attributes, dst.Path);
                    Console.WriteLine("Moved file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

            // In your app, handle this gracefully.
            if (!success)
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't move file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {3}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
                                  toURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
예제 #29
        public override void DidFinishDownloading(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask, NSUrl location)
            Console.WriteLine("File downloaded in : {0}", location);
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;

            var   URLs = fileManager.GetUrls(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User);
            NSUrl documentsDictionry = URLs[0];

            NSUrl   originalURL    = downloadTask.OriginalRequest.Url;
            NSUrl   destinationURL = documentsDictionry.Append(controller.FileName, false);
            NSError removeCopy;
            NSError errorCopy;

            fileManager.Remove(destinationURL, out removeCopy);
            bool success = fileManager.Copy(location, destinationURL, out errorCopy);

            if (success)
                Console.WriteLine("Error during the copy: {0}", errorCopy.LocalizedDescription);
예제 #30
        public async Task <bool> SaveUrlDataToFile(string url, string destinationPath)
            NSUrl  nsUrl    = new NSUrl(url);
            string fileName = nsUrl.LastPathComponent;

            //load the data
            NSData pdfData = NSData.FromUrl(nsUrl);

            if (pdfData == null)
                Console.WriteLine("failed to fetch data for " + nsUrl.AbsoluteString + ". data came back null.");

            //save the data
            NSError dataError;

            pdfData.Save(destinationPath, true, out dataError);
            if (dataError != null)
                Console.WriteLine("error when saving data for " + nsUrl.AbsoluteString + ". " + dataError.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Data saved succesfully for " + nsUrl.AbsoluteString + " to " + destinationPath);
                //flag the data
                NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(destinationPath, true);
                Console.WriteLine("Setting skip backup attribute for file: " + destinationPath);
예제 #31
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Name		WriteAsync
        /// <summary>	Asynchronously writes the byte array to a file, overwriting or creating a new file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">			The file path.</param>
        /// <param name="contents">			The binary data to write.</param>
        /// <param name="tryCount">			The amount of times the operation has been attempted.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public async Task WriteAsync(string filePath, byte[] contents, int tryCount = 0)
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    await fs.WriteAsync(contents, 0, contents.Length);
                NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute(filePath, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Always try again if the exception is a sharing violation, unless the operation has been
                // attempted too many times already.
                if (tryCount > 5)
                    throw new Exception("Operation has failed too many times.", ex);
                else if (ex.Message.StartsWith("Sharing violation", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) ||
                         tryCount == 0)
                    // Delay the thread for 2 seconds before trying again.
                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    await WriteAsync(filePath, contents, tryCount);
                    throw ex;
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets called if the download has been completed.
        /// </summary>
        public override void DidFinishDownloading(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask, NSUrl location)
            // The download location will be a file location.
            var sourceFile = location.Path;

            // Construct a destination file name.
            var destFile = downloadTask.OriginalRequest.Url.AbsoluteString.Substring(downloadTask.OriginalRequest.Url.AbsoluteString.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

            Console.WriteLine("DidFinishDownloading - Task: {0}, Source file: {1}", downloadTask.TaskIdentifier, sourceFile);

            // Copy over to documents folder. Note that we must use NSFileManager here! File.Copy() will not be able to access the source location.
            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.DefaultManager;

            // Create the filename
            var   documentsFolderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
            NSUrl destinationURL      = NSUrl.FromFilename(Path.Combine(documentsFolderPath, destFile));

            // Remove any existing file in our destination
            NSError error;

            fileManager.Remove(DownloadController.targetFilename, out error);
            bool success = fileManager.Copy(sourceFile, DownloadController.targetFilename, out error);

            if (!success)
                Console.WriteLine("Error during the copy: {0}", error.LocalizedDescription);

            this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => this.controller.LoadImage());
예제 #33
        public Task UpdateMultipleEntities(IEnumerable <Session> data)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                var fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                var appGroupContainer = fileManager.GetContainerUrl($"group.{AboutThisApp.PackageName}");
                var appGroupContainerPath = appGroupContainer.Path;
                var sessionsFilePath = Path.Combine(appGroupContainerPath, "sessions.json");

                if (fileManager.FileExists(sessionsFilePath))
                    NSError error;
                    fileManager.Remove(sessionsFilePath, out error);

                var attributes = new NSFileAttributes
                    Type = NSFileType.Regular

                var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data.Where(s => s.IsFavorite).ToList());
                var fileData = NSData.FromString(json);

                fileManager.CreateFile(sessionsFilePath, fileData, attributes);

                var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(sessionsFilePath);
                url.SetResource(NSUrl.IsExcludedFromBackupKey, new NSNumber(true));

                var settings = new NSUserDefaults($"group.{AboutThisApp.PackageName}", NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
                settings.SetBool(true, "FavoritesInitialized");

예제 #34
        public override bool OpenUrl(UIApplication app, NSUrl url, NSDictionary options)
            var tabController = Window.RootViewController as UINavigationController;

            if (AppSettings.User.IsAuthenticated)
                var urlCollection = url.ToString().Replace("steepshot://", string.Empty);
                var nsFileManager = new NSFileManager();
                var imageData     = nsFileManager.Contents(urlCollection);
                var sharedPhoto   = UIImage.LoadFromData(imageData);

                var inSampleSize = ImageHelper.CalculateInSampleSize(sharedPhoto.Size, Core.Constants.PhotoMaxSize, Core.Constants.PhotoMaxSize);
                var deviceRatio  = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width / UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height;
                var x            = ((float)inSampleSize.Width - Core.Constants.PhotoMaxSize * (float)deviceRatio) / 2f;

                sharedPhoto = ImageHelper.CropImage(sharedPhoto, 0, 0, (float)inSampleSize.Width, (float)inSampleSize.Height, inSampleSize);
                var descriptionViewController = new DescriptionViewController(new List <Tuple <NSDictionary, UIImage> >()
                    new Tuple <NSDictionary, UIImage>(null, sharedPhoto)
                }, "jpg");
                tabController.PushViewController(descriptionViewController, false);
                tabController.PushViewController(new WelcomeViewController(), false);
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            Current = this;

            wormHole = new Wormhole ("", "messageDir");

            var FileManager = new NSFileManager ();
            var appGroupContainer = FileManager.GetContainerUrl ("");
            var appGroupContainerPath = appGroupContainer.Path;
            Console.WriteLine ("agcpath: " + appGroupContainerPath);

            var sqliteFilename = "TodoSQLite.db3";
            // App Group storage, shared with Watch Extension
            var path = Path.Combine(appGroupContainerPath, sqliteFilename);
            var conn = new SQLiteConnection (path);

            Database = new TodoItemDatabase(conn);

            // HACK: temporary population of data
            if (Database.GetItems ().Count() == 0) {
                Database.SaveItem (new TodoItem { Name = "buy pineapple" });
                Database.SaveItem (new TodoItem { Name = "buy dragon fruit", Done = true });
                Database.SaveItem (new TodoItem { Name = "buy honeydew" });
                Database.SaveItem (new TodoItem { Name = "buy rockmelon" });

            return true;
예제 #36
		public string GetFolderPath (EtoSpecialFolder folder)
			NSSearchPathDirectory dir;
			NSSearchPathDomain domain;
			Convert (folder, out dir, out domain);
			var manager = new NSFileManager();
			NSError error;
			var path = manager.GetUrl(dir, domain, null, false, out error);
			return path.Path;
예제 #37
 string CreateAppDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory targetDir, string subDir = "Data")
     NSError err;
     var fm = new NSFileManager();
     var url = fm.GetUrl(targetDir, NSSearchPathDomain.All, null, true, out err);
     var ret = Path.Combine(url.RelativePath, NSBundle.MainBundle.BundleIdentifier, subDir);
     if (!Directory.Exists(ret)) Directory.CreateDirectory(ret);
     return ret;
        string CreateAppDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory targetDir, string subDir = "BlobCache")
            NSError err;

            var fm = new NSFileManager();
            var url = fm.GetUrl(targetDir, NSSearchPathDomain.All, null, true, out err);
            var ret = Path.Combine(url.RelativePath, BlobCache.ApplicationName, subDir);
            if (!Directory.Exists(ret)) _inner.CreateRecursive(ret).Wait();

            return ret;
예제 #39
		private void getSettings()

			var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
			var library = System.IO.Path.Combine (documents, "..", "Library");
			var urlpath = System.IO.Path.Combine (library, "audioRecording.wav");

			session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance ();
			session.SetCategory (AVAudioSessionCategory.PlayAndRecord);

			url = new NSUrl (urlpath, false);

			NSFileManager manager = new NSFileManager ();
			NSError error = new NSError (new NSString ("world"), 1);

			//if there is a file at the save location, delete it so we can save there
			if (manager.FileExists (urlpath)) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Deleting File");
				manager.Remove (urlpath, out error);
				Console.WriteLine ("Deleted File");

			NSObject[] values = new NSObject[]
				NSNumber.FromFloat (44100.0f), //Sample Rate
				NSNumber.FromInt32 ((int)MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.AudioFormatType.LinearPCM), //AVFormat
				NSNumber.FromInt32 (2), //Channels
				NSNumber.FromInt32 (16), //PCMBitDepth
				NSNumber.FromBoolean (false), //IsBigEndianKey
				NSNumber.FromBoolean (false) //IsFloatKey

			NSObject[] keys = new NSObject[] {

			settings = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys (values, keys);

			recorder = AVAudioRecorder.ToUrl (url, settings, out error);

예제 #40
		public void DeleteFileAtURL(NSUrl fileURL)
			var fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();
			NSError error;
			bool success = false;

			fileCoordinator.CoordinateWrite (fileURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out error,
				writingURL => {
					NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
					success = fileManager.Remove(writingURL, out error);

				// In your app, handle this gracefully.
			if (!success) {
				string msg = string.Format("Couldn't delete file at URL {0}. Error: {1}.", fileURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
				throw new InvalidProgramException (msg);
        public override void Awake(NSObject context)
            base.Awake (context);

            // Configure interface objects here.
            Console.WriteLine ("{0} awake with context", this);

            var FileManager = new NSFileManager ();
            var appGroupContainer = FileManager.GetContainerUrl ("");
            var appGroupContainerPath = appGroupContainer.Path;
            Console.WriteLine ("agcpath: " + appGroupContainerPath);

            var d = new DirectoryInfo (appGroupContainerPath);
            foreach (var f in d.EnumerateFiles()) {
                Console.WriteLine (f);
                lastImageFilename = f.FullName;
                lastImageName = f.Name;
예제 #42
		public override void Awake (NSObject context)
			base.Awake (context);
			Tweets = new List<Tweet> ();

			// Configure interface objects here.
			Console.WriteLine ("{0} awake with context", this);

			var FileManager = new NSFileManager ();
			var appGroupContainer = FileManager.GetContainerUrl ("");
      if (appGroupContainer == null)
        Console.WriteLine("You must go into apple developer console and create a new app group");
        Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(appGroupContainer.Path, "tweets.xml");
        Console.WriteLine("agcpath: " + Path);
예제 #43
		static Task MoveToiCloud(NSUrl sourceUrl, NSUrl destinationURL)
			if (NSFileManager.DefaultManager.UbiquityIdentityToken == null)
				return Task.FromResult<NSUrl> (null);

			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

			// Upload the file to iCloud on a background queue.
			ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (_ => {
				NSError error;
				NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
				bool success = fileManager.SetUbiquitous(true, sourceUrl, destinationURL, out error);

				if (!success)
					Console.WriteLine (error);


			return tcs.Task;
partial         void Save()
            if (Database == null)
                var FileManager = new NSFileManager ();
                var appGroupContainer = FileManager.GetContainerUrl ("");
                var appGroupContainerPath = appGroupContainer.Path;
                Console.WriteLine ("agcpath: " + appGroupContainerPath);

                var sqliteFilename = "TodoSQLite.db3";
                //			string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
                //			string libraryPath = Path.Combine (documentsPath, "..", "Library"); // Library folder
                var path = Path.Combine(appGroupContainerPath, sqliteFilename);
                var conn = new SQLiteConnection (path);

                Database = new TodoItemDatabase(conn);
            Console.WriteLine ("Save the todo " + todo.Name);

예제 #45
		public Task<bool> CreateDirectory (string path)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			var localPath = GetLocalPath (path);

			var url = NSUrl.FromFilename (localPath);

			Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateWrite (url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
					try {
						if (Directory.Exists (newUrl.Path)) {
							tcs.SetResult (true);

						var man = new NSFileManager ();
						NSError mkdirErr;
						var r = man.CreateDirectory (newUrl, false, null, out mkdirErr);
						Debug.WriteLineIf (!r, mkdirErr);

						tcs.SetResult (r);

					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Debug.WriteLine (ex);
						tcs.SetResult (false);

			return tcs.Task;
예제 #46
		public Task<bool> Move (string fromPath, string toPath)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			var fromLocalPath = GetLocalPath (fromPath);
			var toLocalPath = GetLocalPath (toPath);

			var fromUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename (fromLocalPath);
			var toUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename (toLocalPath);

			Task.Run (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateReadWrite (fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, toUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (newFromUrl, newToUrl) => {
					try {
						var man = new NSFileManager ();
						NSError moveErr;

						var r = man.Move (newFromUrl, newToUrl, out moveErr);
						Debug.WriteLineIf (!r, moveErr);

						needsRefresh = true;

						tcs.SetResult (r);

					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Debug.WriteLine (ex);
						tcs.SetResult (false);

			return tcs.Task;
예제 #47
		void ReadQueryResults ()
			var fm = new NSFileManager ();

			var deadIndex = new HashSet<string> (fileIndex.Keys);
			var newList = new List<CloudFile> ();
			var newIndex = new Dictionary<string, IFile> ();

//			Console.WriteLine ("-------------- Received iCloud");

			foreach (var item in query.Results) {

				var cf = new CloudFile (item, documentsUrl);

				var key = cf.Path;

				if (deadIndex.Contains (key)) {
					deadIndex.Remove (key);
				else {
					newList.Add (cf);
				newIndex[key] = cf;

				// Add a "file" for directories
				var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (cf.Path);
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (dir) && !newIndex.ContainsKey (dir))
					newIndex [dir] = new DeviceFile (dir, documentsUrl.Path);

//				Console.WriteLine (cf);

			foreach (var f in newList) {
				if (!f.IsDownloaded) {
					NSError error;
					fm.StartDownloadingUbiquitous (f.LocalUrl, out error);

			fileIndex = newIndex;

			IsSyncing = false;

			if (firstQueryResult != null) {
				var t = firstQueryResult;
				firstQueryResult = null;
				t.SetResult (null);

			var ev = FilesChanged;
			if (ev != null) {
				ev (this, EventArgs.Empty);
예제 #48
		public Task<bool> Delete ()
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateWrite (LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out coordErr, newUrl => {
					bool r = false;
					using (var m = new NSFileManager ()) {
						NSError remErr;
						r = m.Remove (newUrl, out remErr);
					tcs.SetResult (r);

			return tcs.Task;
예제 #49
		public Task<bool> Move (string newPath)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			NSUrl newUrl = documentsUrl.Append (newPath, false);

			Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateWriteWrite (LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, newUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (url1, url2) => {
					bool r = false;
					using (var m = new NSFileManager ()) {
						NSError remErr;
						r = m.Move (url1, url2, out remErr);
						if (r) {
							Path = newPath;
							LocalUrl = newUrl;
							LocalPath = LocalUrl.Path;
					tcs.SetResult (r);

			return tcs.Task;
		void convertAudio ()
			var success = DoConvertFile (sourceURL, destinationURL, outputFormat, sampleRate);
			BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
				activityIndicator.StopAnimating ();

			if (!success) {
				var fm = new NSFileManager ();
				if (fm.FileExists (destinationFilePath)) {
					NSError error;
					fm.Remove (destinationFilePath, out error);
				BeginInvokeOnMainThread (updateUI);
			} else {
				BeginInvokeOnMainThread (playAudio);
예제 #51
		public static void deleteVideo(string vidToDelete)
			NSFileManager manager = new NSFileManager ();
			NSError error = new NSError ();

			//delete the file if it is already there
			if (manager.FileExists (vidToDelete)) {
				manager.Remove (vidToDelete, out error);
예제 #52
		void MakeItemUbiquitousAtURL(NSUrl sourceURL)
			string destinationFileName = sourceURL.LastPathComponent;
			NSUrl destinationURL = DocumentsDirectory.Append (destinationFileName, false);

			// Upload the file to iCloud on a background queue.
			ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (_ => {
				NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
				NSError error;
				bool success = fileManager.SetUbiquitous(true, sourceURL, destinationURL, out error);

				// If the move wasn't successful, try removing the item locally since the document may already exist in the cloud.
				if (!success)
					fileManager.Remove(sourceURL, out error);
예제 #53
        void startStopPushed(object sender, EventArgs ea)
            if (!weAreRecording) {

                var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                var library = System.IO.Path.Combine (documents, "..", "Library");
                var urlpath = System.IO.Path.Combine (library, "");

                NSUrl url = new NSUrl (urlpath, false);

                NSFileManager manager = new NSFileManager ();
                NSError error = new NSError ();

                if (manager.FileExists (urlpath)) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("Deleting File");
                    manager.Remove (urlpath, out error);
                    Console.WriteLine ("Deleted File");

                AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate avDel= new AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate ();
                output.StartRecordingToOutputFile(url, avDel);
                Console.WriteLine (urlpath);
                weAreRecording = true;

                btnStartRecording.SetTitle("Stop Recording", UIControlState.Normal);
            //we were already recording.  Stop recording
            else {

                output.StopRecording ();

                Console.WriteLine ("stopped recording");

                weAreRecording = false;

                btnStartRecording.SetTitle("Start Recording", UIControlState.Normal);

예제 #54
        public static void DeleteImage(string imagefilename)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (imagefilename)) {
                string name = imagefilename.Substring (0, imagefilename.Length - 4);
                var documentsDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
                var picname = name + ".png";
                var thumbpicname = name + "_thumb.png";
                string pngfileName = System.IO.Path.Combine (documentsDirectory, picname);
                string thumbpngfileName = System.IO.Path.Combine (documentsDirectory, thumbpicname);

                NSFileManager fm = new NSFileManager ();

                NSError err = null;

                if (fm.IsDeletableFile (pngfileName)) {
                    fm.Remove (pngfileName, out err);
                    //TODO use error for something sensible

                err = null;

                if (fm.IsDeletableFile (thumbpngfileName)) {
                    fm.Remove (thumbpngfileName, out err);
                    //TODO use errormsg for something sensible.
예제 #55
		public static Boolean vidExists(string vidCheck)
			NSFileManager mgr = new NSFileManager ();
			if (mgr.FileExists (vidCheck)) {
				return true;

			return false;

        public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
            base.ViewDidAppear (animated);

            var FileManager = new NSFileManager ();
            var appGroupContainer = FileManager.GetContainerUrl ("");
            var appGroupContainerPath = appGroupContainer.Path;
            Console.WriteLine ("agcpath: " + appGroupContainerPath);

            IEnumerable<Account> accounts = AccountStore.Create ().FindAccountsForService ("Instagram");
            string token = "";

            acct = (from a in accounts
                    select a).FirstOrDefault ();

            if (acct != null) {

                token = acct.Properties ["access_token"];

                var request = new OAuth2Request (
                    new Uri ("" + token)
                    , null
                    , acct);//eventArgs.Account);

                request.GetResponseAsync ().ContinueWith (t => {
                    if (t.IsFaulted)
                        Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + t.Exception.InnerException.Message);
                    else {
                        string json = t.Result.GetResponseText ();
                        Console.WriteLine (json);

                        var root = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject> (json);

                        var webClient = new WebClient();

                        var count = Math.Min(5,; var i = 0;

                        var inst =[i];
                        var thumb = inst.images.thumbnail;
                        var url = new Uri(thumb.url);
                        Console.WriteLine("download: " + inst.images.thumbnail.url);

                        webClient.DownloadDataCompleted += (s, e) => {
                            Console.WriteLine("download completed");
                            if (e.Error == null) {
                                var bytes = e.Result; // get the downloaded data

                                string documentsPath = appGroupContainerPath; //Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);

                                string localFilename = "insta-"+DateTime.Now.Ticks+".png";
                                string localPath = Path.Combine (documentsPath, localFilename);
                                File.WriteAllBytes (localPath, bytes); // writes to local storage
                                Console.WriteLine ("saved to: " + localPath);
                                InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
                                    instagramImageView.Image = UIImage.FromFile(localPath);
                            } else {

                            // other loops
                            if (i < count) {
                                 inst =[i];
                                 thumb = inst.images.thumbnail;
                                 url = new Uri(thumb.url);



                        // first loop


            } else {

                var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator (
                              clientId: "YOU_NEED_YOUR_INSTAGRAM_DEV_CLIENTID_HERE",
                              scope: "basic",
                              authorizeUrl: new Uri (""),
                              redirectUrl: new Uri (""));

                auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => {
                    // We presented the UI, so it's up to us to dimiss it on iOS.
                    DismissViewController (true, null);

                    if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) {
                        // Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
                        acct = eventArgs.Account;
                        AccountStore.Create ().Save (eventArgs.Account, "Instagram");

                        token = eventArgs.Account.Properties ["access_token"];

                        var request = new OAuth2Request ("GET",
                                         new Uri ("" + token)
                        , null, acct);//eventArgs.Account);
                        request.GetResponseAsync ().ContinueWith (t => {
                            if (t.IsFaulted)
                                Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + t.Exception.InnerException.Message);
                            else {
                                string json = t.Result.GetResponseText ();
                                Console.WriteLine (json);
                    } else {
                        // The user cancelled

                PresentViewController (auth.GetUI (), true, null);