private static void setupTrackers() { foreach (var detectedDevice in _xda._DetectedDevices) { if (!detectedDevice.deviceId().isWirelessMaster()) { logger.Log($"Not wireless Master ... exiting for device {detectedDevice.deviceId().toInt().ToString()}"); break; } _xda.openPort(detectedDevice); var masterInfo = new MasterInfo(detectedDevice.deviceId()); masterInfo.ComPort = detectedDevice.portName(); masterInfo.BaudRate = detectedDevice.baudrate(); //TODO: Find out what the channel number represents and means _xda.getDevice(detectedDevice.deviceId()).enableRadio(11); logger.Log($"Radio enabled for device {detectedDevice.deviceId().toInt().ToString()}"); } }
private void ScanForStations() { List <MasterInfo> _stations = new List <MasterInfo>(); _xda.scanPorts(); if (_xda._DetectedDevices.Count > 0) { foreach (XsPortInfo portInfo in _xda._DetectedDevices) { if (portInfo.deviceId().isWirelessMaster() || portInfo.deviceId().isAwindaStation()) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("found wireless connector"); _xda.openPort(portInfo); MasterInfo ai = new MasterInfo(portInfo.deviceId()); ai.ComPort = portInfo.portName(); ai.BaudRate = portInfo.baudrate(); _stations.Add(ai); break; } } if (_stations.Count > 0) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Found station: " + _stations[0].ToString() + " ... creating master device."); _masterDevice = _xda.getDevice(_stations[0].DeviceId); if (!_masterDevice.gotoConfig()) { throw new UnityException("could not enter configuration mode of created master device"); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("master device created successfully, ready to enable radio"); } else { throw new UnityException("no station could be found, make sure drivers are installed correctly"); } } }