private bool isBlockAbove() { bool flag = false; for (int y = Y; y >= 0; y--) { Tile tile = MyBoard.GetTile(X, y); if (tile != null) { Block bo = tile.GetBoardObect(TileLayer); if (bo != null && bo.State == BlockState.FALLING) { flag = true; break; } } } return(flag); }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyBoard board = new MyBoard(30, 10); DrawBoard DelDraw = MyDrawBoard; CheckInput DelCheck = MyCheckInput; DelDraw(board); board.Message(); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, board.BoardSizeY + 1); MyClient Client = new MyClient(); while (true) { Client.choice = MyCheckInput(board); DelDraw += Client.ReturnChoice(Client.choice); DelDraw(board); } Console.ReadKey(); }
private int[] ifOnlyOneHit() { int row; int col; int[] dir; int count = 0; do { dir = MyBoard.ConvertDirectionInputToLoopInfo(count); row = LastHit[0] + dir[0]; col = LastHit[1] + dir[1]; count++; if (count > 5) { return(resetLastHit()); } } while (row < 1 || row > BoardSize || col < 1 || col > BoardSize || MyEnemyBoard.Matrix[row][col].HasBeenGuessed); return(new int[] { row, col }); }
private void spawnBoardObject() { GameObject BoardObjectPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(_spawnType); if (BoardObjectPrefab != null) { GameObject spawnedObject = Instantiate(BoardObjectPrefab); if (spawnedObject != null) { Block boardObject = spawnedObject.GetComponent <Block>(); if (boardObject != null) { boardObject.Init(ColorUtil.PickRandom(MyBoard.NumColors), TileLayer); MyBoard.AddBoardObject(boardObject, X, Y, false); boardObject.transform.position = transform.position; boardObject.transform.localScale =; LeanTween.scale(boardObject.gameObject,, 0.25f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine); } } } }
void r_RSET(object sender, serverReturnEventArgs e) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() { Deck.Clear(); Hand.Clear(); MyBoard.Clear(); OppBoard.Clear(); Exile.Clear(); Grave.Clear(); MYPV = 20; HISPV = 20; }), null); MoveToEventArgs args = new MoveToEventArgs("Room"); EventHandler <MoveToEventArgs> handler = this.getMoveTo(); if (handler != null) { handler(this, args); } }
public Tower(Color color, MyBoard board) : base(color, board) { }
public virtual Ship GetShot(Position targetPosition) { return(MyBoard.UpdateBoard(targetPosition)); }
protected Hex findActiveHex(Point point) { return(MyBoard.findActiveHex(point)); }
protected bool isPointOnBoard(Point point) { return(MyBoard.IsPointOnBoard(point)); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (this.actionHasFinished) { return; } MouseState mouseStateCurrent = Mouse.GetState(); if (actionIsTriggered) { if (!CurrentPlayer.IsMoving) { // Player has stopped moving, so this action is complete. combatActionHandler.handleActionComplete(actionType); this.actionHasFinished = true; } else { // Player is moving, so there isn't anything we need to do return; } } else { if (!allowUserInteraction()) { // Current player is under computer control. if (CurrentPlayer.MyType == Player.Type.Zombie) { Zombie zombie = (Zombie)CurrentPlayer; int numHexesMoved = zombie.handleCombatChooseMove(this); zombie.subtractActionPointsBy(numHexesMoved); actionIsTriggered = true; } } else { // Current player is under user control. Wait for a mouse click // Show the path the user may want to take // CombatLocation location = currentPlayer.Location; //List<Hex> hexPath = this.board.highlightPath(location.i, location.j, mousePoint); if (mouseStateCurrent.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && mouseStatePrevious.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { Point mousePoint = new Point(mouseStateCurrent.X, mouseStateCurrent.Y); Hex targetHex = getTargetHex(mousePoint); if (targetHex != null) { GameEntity gameEntity = targetHex.MyGameEntity; if (gameEntity != null) { actionIsTriggered = true; } else { actionIsTriggered = true; } if (actionIsTriggered) { int numHexesMoved = MyBoard.movePlayer(CurrentPlayer, mousePoint, this); // Subtract the number spaces moved from the player's action points CurrentPlayer.subtractActionPointsBy(numHexesMoved); } } } } } mouseStatePrevious = mouseStateCurrent; }
private void highlightCurrentPlayer(bool highlight) { MyBoard.highlightCurrentPlayer(highlight); }
public int Search(int alpha, int beta, int depth) { Metrics.Nodes++; PvLength[Ply] = Ply; var inCheck = MyBoard.InCheck(MyBoard.SideToMove); int ext = inCheck ? 1 : 0; if (MyGameState.GameBoard.History.IsPositionDrawn(MyBoard.HashKey)) { return(CurrentDrawScore); } if (Ply >= MAX_DEPTH) { TakeBack(); return(Evaluator.Evaluate(MyBoard, -10000, 10000)); } if ((Metrics.Nodes & 65535) == 65535) { Interrupt(); if (MyGameState.TimeUp) { return(alpha); } } Move bestMove = null; if (depth + ext <= 0) { return(Quiesce(alpha, beta)); } //first let's look for a transposition var entry = TranspositionTable.Instance.Read(MyBoard.HashKey); if (entry != null) { //we have a hit from the TTable if (entry.Depth >= depth) { if (entry.Type == (byte)EntryType.CUT && entry.Score >= beta) { return(beta); } else if (entry.Type == (byte)EntryType.ALL && entry.Score <= alpha) { return(alpha); } else if (entry.Type == (byte)EntryType.PV) { return(entry.Score); } } } int mateThreat = 0; var myPieceCount = MyBoard.PieceCount(MyBoard.SideToMove); //next try a Null Move if (Ply > 0 && depth > 1 && alpha == beta - 1 && !inCheck && !MyBoard.History[Ply - 1].IsNullMove && myPieceCount > 0 && (myPieceCount > 2 || depth < 7)) { Metrics.NullMoveTries++; MakeNullMove(); var nullReductionDepth = depth > 6 ? 4 : 3; int nmScore; if (depth - nullReductionDepth - 1 > 0) { nmScore = -Search(-beta, 1 - beta, depth - nullReductionDepth - 1); } else { nmScore = -Quiesce(-beta, 1 - beta); } UnmakeNullMove(); if (MyGameState.TimeUp) { return(alpha); } if (nmScore >= beta) { Metrics.NullMoveFailHigh++; TranspositionTable.Instance.Store(MyBoard.HashKey, null, depth, nmScore, EntryType.CUT); return(nmScore); } } var moves = MoveGenerator .GenerateMoves(MyBoard) .OrderByDescending((m) => OrderMove(m, entry)); Move lastMove = null; int lmr = 0, nonCaptureMoves = 0, movesSearched = 0; foreach (var m in moves) { bool fprune = false; int score; if (!Make(m)) { continue; } var justGaveCheck = MyBoard.InCheck(MyBoard.SideToMove); var capture = ((m.Bits & (byte)MoveBits.Capture) != 0); if (!capture && (entry == null || entry.MoveValue != m.Value)) // don't count the hash move as a non-capture { ++nonCaptureMoves; // while it might not be a capture, the point } // here is to start counting after generated captures var passedpawnpush = (m.Bits & (byte)MoveBits.Pawn) > 0 && (Evaluator.PassedPawnMask[MyBoard.SideToMove ^ 1, m.To] & MyBoard.Pawns[MyBoard.SideToMove]) == 0; //LATE MOVE REDUCTIONS if (ext == 0 && //no extension !inCheck && //i am not in check at this node !justGaveCheck && //the move we just made does not check the opponent mateThreat == 0 && //no mate threat detected !passedpawnpush && //do not reduce/prune passed pawn pushes nonCaptureMoves > 0) //start reducing after the winning captures { if (depth > 2) { lmr = movesSearched > 2 ? 2 : 1; // start reducing depth if we aren't finding anything useful } //FUTILITY PRUNING else if (depth < 3 && alpha > -9900 && beta < 9900) { if (depth == 2 && -Evaluator.EvaluateMaterial(MyBoard) + Evaluator.PieceValues[(int)Piece.Rook] <= alpha) { Metrics.EFPrune++; fprune = true; } else if (depth == 1 && -Evaluator.EvaluateMaterial(MyBoard) + Evaluator.PieceValues[(int)Piece.Knight] <= alpha) { Metrics.FPrune++; fprune = true; } } } if (!fprune) { //if we don't yet have a move, then search full window (PV Node) if (bestMove == null) { score = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1 - lmr + ext); } else //otherwise, use a zero window { //zero window search score = -Search(-alpha - 1, -alpha, depth - 1 - lmr + ext); if (score > alpha) { //this move might be better than our current best move //we have to research with full window score = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1 - lmr + ext); if (score > alpha && lmr > 0) { //let's research again without the lmr Metrics.LMRResearch++; score = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1); } } } } else { score = -Quiesce(-beta, -alpha); } TakeBack(); ++movesSearched; if (MyGameState.TimeUp) { return(alpha); } if (score >= beta) { SearchFailHigh(m, score, depth, entry); if (lastMove == null) { Metrics.FirstMoveFailHigh++; } return(score); } if (score > alpha) { alpha = score; bestMove = m; // PV Node //update the PV UpdatePv(bestMove); //Add to hashtable TranspositionTable.Instance.Store( MyBoard.HashKey, bestMove, depth, alpha, TranspositionTableEntry.EntryType.PV); } lastMove = m; } //check for mate if (lastMove == null) { //we can't make a move. check for mate or stalemate. if (inCheck) { return(-10000 + Ply); } else { return(CurrentDrawScore); } } if (bestMove == null) { //ALL NODE TranspositionTable.Instance.Store( MyBoard.HashKey, null, depth, alpha, TranspositionTableEntry.EntryType.ALL); } return(alpha); }
public int SearchRoot(int alpha, int beta, int depth) { PvLength[0] = 0; if (MyGameState.GameBoard.History.IsGameDrawn(MyBoard.HashKey)) { return(CurrentDrawScore); } if (RootMoves == null) { RootMoves = MoveGenerator .GenerateMoves(MyBoard) .OrderByDescending(m => OrderRootMove(m)) .ToList(); } int score; Move bestMove = null, lastMove = null; bool inCheck = MyBoard.InCheck(MyBoard.SideToMove); foreach (var m in RootMoves) { if (!Make(m)) { continue; } if (depth > 0) { if (bestMove == null) { score = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1); } else { score = -Search(-alpha - 1, -alpha, depth - 1); if (score > alpha) { score = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1); } } } else { score = -Quiesce(-beta, -alpha); } TakeBack(); if (MyGameState.TimeUp) { return(alpha); } if (score >= beta) { //we want to try this move first next time NewRootMove(m); PvLength[0] = 1; PrincipalVariation[0, 0] = m; return(score); } if (score > alpha) { alpha = score; bestMove = m; // PV Node //update the PV UpdatePv(bestMove); TranspositionTable.Instance.Store(MyBoard.HashKey, m, depth, alpha, EntryType.PV); } lastMove = m; } //check for mate if (lastMove == null) { //we can't make a move. check for mate or stalemate. if (inCheck) { return(-10000 + Ply); } else { return(CurrentDrawScore); } } if (bestMove != null) { if (bestMove != RootMoves[0]) { NewRootMove(bestMove); } } return(alpha); }
private void TakeBack() { MyBoard.UnMakeMove(); Ply--; }
public int Quiesce(int alpha, int beta) { Metrics.Nodes++; Metrics.QNodes++; if (Ply >= MAX_DEPTH) { TakeBack(); return(Evaluator.Evaluate(MyBoard, -10000, 10000)); } if ((Metrics.Nodes & 65535) == 65535) { Interrupt(); if (MyGameState.TimeUp) { return(alpha); } } int score = Evaluator.Evaluate(MyBoard, alpha, beta); if (score > alpha) { alpha = score; } //attemp to stand pat (don't search if eval tells us we are in a good position) var inCheck = MyBoard.InCheck(MyBoard.SideToMove); if (!inCheck) { if (score >= beta) { return(beta); } //Don't bother searching if we are evaluating at less than a Queen if (score < alpha - Evaluator.PieceValues[(int)Piece.Queen]) { return(alpha); } } var moves = MoveGenerator .GenerateCapturesAndPromotions(MyBoard, false) .OrderByDescending((m) => OrderQuiesceMove(m)); foreach (var m in moves) { if ((BitMask.Mask[m.To] & (MyBoard.King[0] | MyBoard.King[1])) > 0) { return(beta); } //if SEE says this is a losing capture, we prune it if (StaticExchange.Eval(MyBoard, m, MyBoard.SideToMove) < 0) { continue; } MyBoard.MakeMove(m, false); Ply++; score = -Quiesce(-beta, -alpha); TakeBack(); if (score >= beta) { return(beta); } if (score > alpha) { alpha = score; } } return(alpha); }
public King(Color color, MyBoard board) : base(color, board) { }