void Update() { // // don't consider taps over the UI // if(UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) // return; // check for click if (objectPrefab && arManager && arManager.IsInitialized() && arManager.IsInputAvailable(true)) { MultiARInterop.InputAction action = arManager.GetInputAction(); if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Click) { // raycast world //Vector2 screenPos = Input.GetTouch(0).position; MultiARInterop.TrackableHit hit; if (arManager.RaycastToWorld(true, out hit)) { // instantiate the object and anchor it to the world position GameObject spawnObj = Instantiate(objectPrefab, hit.point, !verticalModel ? hit.rotation : Quaternion.identity); arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(spawnObj, hit); // look at the camera if (modelLookingAtCamera) { Camera arCamera = arManager.GetMainCamera(); MultiARInterop.TurnObjectToCamera(spawnObj, arCamera, hit.point, hit.normal); } } } } }
void Update() { // // don't consider taps over the UI // if(UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) // return; // check for tap if (arManager && arManager.IsInitialized() && arManager.IsInputAvailable(true)) { MultiARInterop.InputAction action = arManager.GetInputAction(); if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Click || action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Grip) { // check if there is a model selected if (currentModel == null) { Debug.LogError("No model selected!"); return; } // update the currently selected model currentModel = GetModelHit(); // raycast world MultiARInterop.TrackableHit hit; if (currentModel && arManager.RaycastToWorld(true, out hit)) { // anchor the model if needed if (currentModel.parent == null) { arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(currentModel.gameObject, hit); } // set the new position of the model SetModelWorldPos(hit.point, !verticalModel ? hit.rotation : Quaternion.identity); } } } // update the info if (infoText) { infoText.text = currentModel ? "Selected: " + currentModel.gameObject.name : "No model selected"; } // turn off the toggles, if the respective models are not active UpdateToggleStatus(toggle1, model1); UpdateToggleStatus(toggle2, model2); UpdateToggleStatus(toggle3, model3); }
// invoked by the anchor-toggle public void AnchorToggleSelected(bool bOn) { if (bIntAction || !anchorTransform || !arManager) { return; } if (bOn) { // activate the anchor transform, if needed if (!anchorTransform.gameObject.activeSelf) { anchorTransform.gameObject.SetActive(true); } // create the anchor if needed if (!arManager.IsValidAnchorId(anchorId)) { if (modelTransform && modelTransform.gameObject.activeSelf) { // create the world anchor at model's position anchorId = arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(anchorTransform.gameObject, modelTransform.position, Quaternion.identity); } else { // raycast center of the screen //Vector2 screenPos = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2f, Screen.height / 2f); MultiARInterop.TrackableHit hit; if (arManager.RaycastToWorld(false, out hit)) { // create the world anchor at hit's position anchorId = arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(anchorTransform.gameObject, hit); } } // attach the model to the same anchor if (arManager.IsValidAnchorId(anchorId) && modelTransform && modelTransform.gameObject.activeSelf) { arManager.AttachObjectToAnchor(modelTransform.gameObject, anchorId, false, false); } } } else { // remove the anchor as needed if (arManager.IsValidAnchorId(anchorId)) { // create the world anchor if (arManager.RemoveGameObjectAnchor(anchorId, true)) { anchorId = string.Empty; } } // deactivate the anchor transform, if needed if (anchorTransform.gameObject.activeSelf) { anchorTransform.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
void Update() { // check for click if (objectPrefab && arManager && arManager.IsInitialized() && arManager.IsInputAvailable(true)) { MultiARInterop.InputAction action = arManager.GetInputAction(); if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Click && (Time.time - lastInstanceTime) >= 1.5f) { // dont allow too often instance creation lastInstanceTime = Time.time; // remove current object, if any if (objectInstance) { DestroyObjectInstance(); } // raycast world MultiARInterop.TrackableHit hit; if (arManager.RaycastToWorld(true, out hit)) { // instantiate the object and anchor it to the world position objectInstance = Instantiate(objectPrefab, hit.point, !verticalModel ? hit.rotation : Quaternion.identity); arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(objectInstance, hit); // get object renderer & initial scale objectRenderer = GetObjectRenderer(objectInstance); objectScale = objectInstance.transform.localScale; // look at the camera if (modelLookingAtCamera) { Camera arCamera = arManager.GetMainCamera(); MultiARInterop.TurnObjectToCamera(objectInstance, arCamera, hit.point, hit.normal); } if (infoText) { infoText.text = string.Format("{0} placed at {1}", objectPrefab.name, hit.point); } } } else if (objectInstance && action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Grip) { // get nav coordinates Vector3 navCoords = arManager.GetInputNavCoordinates(); lastInstanceTime = Time.time; // estimate the scale change and target scale Vector3 scaleChange = navCoords.x >= 0 ? (objectScale * navCoords.x) : ((objectScale / 2f) * navCoords.x); targetScale = objectScale + scaleChange; objectInstance.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(objectInstance.transform.localScale, targetScale, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime); if (infoText) { float fScaleChange = 1f + (navCoords.x >= 0 ? navCoords.x : (0.5f * navCoords.x)); infoText.text = string.Format("Scale change: {0:F2}", fScaleChange); } // outline object bounds if (objectRenderer && boundsPrefab) { Bounds objectBounds = objectRenderer.bounds; // instantiate bounds-cube, if needed if (boundsInstance == null) { boundsInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(boundsPrefab); boundsInstance.transform.SetParent(objectInstance.transform); } // set the bounds-cube tras=nsform boundsInstance.transform.position = objectBounds.center; boundsInstance.transform.rotation = objectInstance.transform.rotation; Vector3 objScale = objectInstance.transform.localScale; Vector3 boundsScale = new Vector3(objectBounds.size.x / objScale.x, objectBounds.size.y / objScale.y, objectBounds.size.z / objScale.z); boundsInstance.transform.localScale = boundsScale; } } else if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Release) { // instantiate bounds-cube, if needed if (boundsInstance != null) { Destroy(boundsInstance); boundsInstance = null; } if (infoText) { infoText.text = "Tap to place the object, then drag right or left, to scale it up or down."; } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // check for tap if (portalPrefab && arManager && arManager.IsInitialized() && arManager.IsInputAvailable(true)) { MultiARInterop.InputAction action = arManager.GetInputAction(); if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Click) { // raycast to world MultiARInterop.TrackableHit hit; if (arManager.RaycastToWorld(true, out hit)) { // create the portal object, if needed if (!portalObj) { portalObj = Instantiate(portalPrefab); } // set its position and rotation portalObj.transform.position = hit.point; portalObj.transform.rotation = !verticalPortal ? hit.rotation : Quaternion.identity; // look at the camera if (portalLookingAtCamera) { Camera arCamera = arManager.GetMainCamera(); MultiARInterop.TurnObjectToCamera(portalObj, arCamera, hit.point, hit.normal); } // remove object anchor, if it was anchored before string anchorId = arManager.GetObjectAnchorId(portalObj); if (anchorId != string.Empty) { arManager.RemoveGameObjectAnchor(anchorId, true); } // anchor it to the new world position arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(portalObj, hit); // apply the vertical offset if (verticalOffset != 0f) { Vector3 objPos = portalObj.transform.position; //objPos.y += verticalOffset; objPos += portalObj.transform.up * verticalOffset; portalObj.transform.position = objPos; } // play portal-open animation if (playAnimation != string.Empty) { // get reference to the portal animator if (!animator) { animator = portalObj.GetComponent <Animator>(); } if (animator) { animator.Play(playAnimation, 0, 0f); } } // create camera rigidbody (no gravity) & box-collider, if needed if (cameraBoxCollider != Vector3.zero) { Camera arCamera = arManager.GetMainCamera(); Rigidbody camRigidbody = arCamera.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (camRigidbody == null) { camRigidbody = arCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); camRigidbody.useGravity = false; } BoxCollider camBoxCollider = arCamera.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (camBoxCollider == null) { camBoxCollider = arCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); camBoxCollider.size = cameraBoxCollider; camBoxCollider.isTrigger = true; } } } } } }