예제 #1
        // Adapted from KIS by IgorZ
        // See https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/blob/master/Source/KIS_Shared.cs#L1005-L1039
        // This method is in the public domain.
        /// <summary>Couples docking port with a part at its reference attach node.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Both parts must be already connected and the attach nodes correctly set.</remarks>
        /// <param name="dockingNode">Port to couple.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if coupling was successful.</returns>
        public static bool CoupleDockingPortWithPart(ModuleDockingNode dockingNode)
            Part tgtPart = dockingNode.referenceNode.attachedPart;

            if (tgtPart == null)
                log.error("Node's part " + dockingNode.part.name + " is not attached to anything thru the reference node");
            if (dockingNode.state != dockingNode.st_ready.name)
                log.debug("Hard reset docking node " + dockingNode.part.name + " from state " + dockingNode.state + " to " + dockingNode.st_ready.name);
                dockingNode.dockedPartUId          = 0;
                dockingNode.dockingNodeModuleIndex = 0;
                // Target part lived in real world for some time, so its state may be anything.
                // Do a hard reset.
            var initState = dockingNode.lateFSMStart(PartModule.StartState.None);

            // Make sure part init catched the new state.
            while (initState.MoveNext())
                // Do nothing. Just wait.
            if (dockingNode.fsm.currentStateName != dockingNode.st_preattached.name)
                log.warning("Node on " + dockingNode.part.name + " is unexpected state " + dockingNode.fsm.currentStateName);
            log.debug("Successfully set docking node " + dockingNode.part + " to state " + dockingNode.fsm.currentStateName + " with part " + tgtPart.name);
        public static bool CoupleDockingPortWithPart(ModuleDockingNode dockingNode)
            var tgtPart = dockingNode.referenceNode.attachedPart;

            if (tgtPart == null)
                Debug.Log("[ModuleMissileRearm]: Node's part {0} is not attached to anything thru the reference node" + dockingNode.part);
            if (dockingNode.state != dockingNode.st_ready.name)
                Debug.Log("[ModuleMissileRearm]: Hard reset docking node {0} from state '{1}' to '{2}'" +
                          dockingNode.part + dockingNode.state + dockingNode.st_ready.name);
                dockingNode.dockedPartUId          = 0;
                dockingNode.dockingNodeModuleIndex = 0;
                // Target part lived in real world for some time, so its state may be anything.
                // Do a hard reset.
            var initState = dockingNode.lateFSMStart(PartModule.StartState.None);

            // Make sure part init catched the new state.
            while (initState.MoveNext())
                // Do nothing. Just wait.
            if (dockingNode.fsm.currentStateName != dockingNode.st_preattached.name)
                Debug.Log("[ModuleMissileRearm]: Node on {0} is unexpected state '{1}'" +
                          dockingNode.part + dockingNode.fsm.currentStateName);
            Debug.Log("[ModuleMissileRearm]: Successfully set docking node {0} to state {1} with part {2}" +
                      dockingNode.part + dockingNode.fsm.currentStateName + tgtPart);