static Misc() { // Initialize the menu values ModesMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc"); _fastKey = ModesMenu.Add("fastKey", new KeyBind("Key to use fast lane", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z')); ModesMenu.AddSeparator(); _autoQ = ModesMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Use Auto Q")); }
static Misc() { // Initialize the menu values ModesMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc"); _autoA = ModesMenu.Add("autoA", new CheckBox("Auto AA if target(Only heroes) is netted or trapped")); ModesMenu.AddSeparator(5); _autoQ = ModesMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q if target is CC'ed")); _autoW = ModesMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Auto W if target is CC'ed")); ModesMenu.AddGroupLabel("KS"); ModesMenu.AddLabel("Hold it until it ults", 35); _keyR = ModesMenu.Add("keyR", new KeyBind("Key to use R when targets are killable", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z')); }