public ActionResult Details(int id) { Models.ProjectDetailsModel project = new Models.ProjectDetailsModel(id); if (project.project.ProjectDetails == null) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult("The project you requested does not exist or is not public")); } else { return(View(project)); } }
public ActionResult Details(int id, FormCollection formCollection) { Dictionary <string, string> objDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Models.ProjectDetailsModel project = new Models.ProjectDetailsModel(id); foreach (string key in formCollection) { objDictionary.Add(key, formCollection.GetValue(key).AttemptedValue); } // make sure revenue exists if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objDictionary["Revenue_Percentage"])) { // make sure revenue is positive and non-zero if (decimal.Parse(objDictionary["Revenue_Percentage"]) <= 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("Negative_Revenue_Return", "Please specify a positive non-zero value for revenue return"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Revenue_Return_NULL", "Please enter a revenue percentage to purchase with this PROC"); } // make sure investment exists if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objDictionary["Investment_Amount"])) { // make sure investment is positive and nom-zero if (decimal.Parse(objDictionary["Investment_Amount"]) <= 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("Negative_Investment", "Please enter a positive non-zero value for investment"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Investment_Amount_NULL", "Please enter a value for investment in this PROC"); } // make sure we have a begin date if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objDictionary["date_begin"])) { ModelState.AddModelError("begin_date_NULL", "please enter a start date"); } // make sure we have an end date if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objDictionary["date_end"])) { ModelState.AddModelError("end_date_NULL", "please enter an end date"); } // make sure the dates make sense if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objDictionary["date_begin"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objDictionary["date_end"])) { if (DateTime.Parse(objDictionary["date_begin"]) > DateTime.Parse(objDictionary["date_end"])) { ModelState.AddModelError("invalid_dates", "Please make sure the start date is before the end date for the PROC aggrement"); } } // if no errors are present then submit the PROC if (!ModelState.Values.Any(x => x.Errors.Count > 0)) { int new_PROC_Id = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client().create_PROC( HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Sid).Value, //int.Parse(objDictionary["Investor_Id"]), int.Parse(Session["Investor_Id"].ToString()), int.Parse(objDictionary["Project_Id"]), objDictionary ); return(Redirect(string.Format("/PROC/Details/{0}", new_PROC_Id))); } else { return(View(project)); } }