private async Task RefreshTeams()
            MobileServiceInvalidOperationException exception = null;

                // This code refreshes the entries in the list view by querying the TodoItems table.
                // The query excludes completed TodoItems
                MyProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                //tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text).ToCollectionAsync();
                //var teamsIds = tournamentTeams.Select(p => p.TeamId).ToArray();

                //if (teamsIds.Length != 0)
                //    teams = await teamsTable.Where(p => teamsIds.Contains(p.Id)).ToCollectionAsync();

                tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text).ToCollectionAsync();

                teams = await teamsTable.ToCollectionAsync();
            catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException e)
                exception = e;

            if (exception != null)
                await new MessageDialog(exception.Message, "Error loading teams").ShowAsync();
                var specificTeams = teams.Join(tournamentTeams,
                                               t => t.Id,
                                               tT => tT.TeamId,
                                               (t, tT) => new { Id = t.Id, Name = t.Name, Wins = tT.TeamWins, Points = tT.TeamPoints })
                                    .OrderByDescending(p => p.Points).OrderByDescending(p => p.Wins);

                TeamsListListView.ItemsSource = specificTeams;
                MyProgressRing.Visibility     = Visibility.Collapsed;

                tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text).ToCollectionAsync();

                var numberOfTeams = tournamentTeams.Count;
                var teamsIds      = tournamentTeams.Select(p => p.TeamId).ToArray();

                if (numberOfTeams < 4)
                    AssignTeamsTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
예제 #2
        private async Task RefreshMatches()
            MobileServiceInvalidOperationException exception = null;

                // This code refreshes the entries in the list view by querying the TodoItems table.
                // The query excludes completed TodoItems
                MyProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                matches = await matchesTable.Where(p => p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text).OrderBy(p => p.Nr).ToCollectionAsync();

                var matchesIds = matches.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
                teams = await teamsTable.ToCollectionAsync();

                if (matchesIds.Length != 0)
                    matches = await matchesTable.Where(p => matchesIds.Contains(p.Id)).ToCollectionAsync();
            catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException e)
                exception = e;

            if (exception != null)
                await new MessageDialog(exception.Message, "Error loading matches.").ShowAsync();
                var matchesTeams = matches.Join(teams,
                                                m => m.TeamOneId,
                                                t => t.Id,
                                                (m, t) => new
                    Id           = m.Id,
                    TeamOneId    = m.TeamOneId,
                    TeamTwoId    = m.TeamTwoId,
                    TeamOneScore = m.TeamOneScore,
                    TeamTwoScore = m.TeamTwoScore,
                    TeamOneName  = t.Name,
                    Ended        = m.Ended,
                    Nr           = m.Nr,
                    TournamentId = m.TournamentId

                var matchesTeams2 = matchesTeams.Join(teams,
                                                      m => m.TeamTwoId,
                                                      t => t.Id,
                                                      (m, t) => new GameHelper
                    Id           = m.Id,
                    TeamOneId    = m.TeamOneId,
                    TeamTwoId    = m.TeamTwoId,
                    TeamOneScore = m.TeamOneScore,
                    TeamTwoScore = m.TeamTwoScore,
                    TeamOneName  = m.TeamOneName,
                    TeamTwoName  = t.Name,
                    Ended        = m.Ended,
                    Nr           = m.Nr,
                    TournamentId = m.TournamentId

                MatchesListListView.ItemsSource = matchesTeams2;
                MyProgressRing.Visibility       = Visibility.Collapsed;