public static void test_AABBTree_RayHit(int meshCase = 8) { DMesh3 mesh = MakeSpatialTestMesh(meshCase); DMeshAABBTree3 tree = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh); tree.Build(); tree.TestCoverage(); AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = mesh.CachedBounds; Vector3d ext = bounds.Extents; Vector3d c = bounds.Center; double r = bounds.DiagonalLength / 4; Random rand = new Random(316136327); tree.FindNearestHitTriangle( new Ray3f(100 * Vector3f.One, Vector3f.One)); // test rays out from center of box, and rays in towards it // (should all hit for standard test cases) int hits = 0; int N = (meshCase > 7) ? 1000 : 10000; #if true for (int ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii) { if (ii % 100 == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1}", ii, N); } Vector3d p = (ii < N / 2) ? c : c + 2 * r * rand.Direction(); Vector3d d = (ii < N / 2) ? rand.Direction() : (c - p).Normalized; Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(p, d); int tNearBrute = MeshQueries.FindHitTriangle_LinearSearch(mesh, ray); int tNearTree = tree.FindNearestHitTriangle(ray); //System.Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", tNearBrute, tree.TRI_TEST_COUNT); if (tNearBrute == DMesh3.InvalidID) { Debug.Assert(tNearBrute == tNearTree); continue; } ++hits; IntrRay3Triangle3 qBrute = MeshQueries.TriangleIntersection(mesh, tNearBrute, ray); IntrRay3Triangle3 qTree = MeshQueries.TriangleIntersection(mesh, tNearTree, ray); double dotBrute = mesh.GetTriNormal(tNearBrute).Dot(ray.Direction); double dotTree = mesh.GetTriNormal(tNearTree).Dot(ray.Direction); Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(qBrute.RayParameter - qTree.RayParameter) < MathUtil.ZeroTolerance); } Debug.Assert(hits == N); System.Console.WriteLine("in/out rays: {0} hits out of {1} rays", hits, N); #endif // random rays hits = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii) { if (ii % 100 == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1}", ii, N); } Vector3d target = c + rand.PointInRange(r); Vector3d o = c + rand.PointInRange(10 * r); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(o, (target - o).Normalized); int tNearBrute = MeshQueries.FindHitTriangle_LinearSearch(mesh, ray); int tNearTree = tree.FindNearestHitTriangle(ray); //System.Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", tNearBrute, tree.TRI_TEST_COUNT); if (tNearBrute == DMesh3.InvalidID) { Debug.Assert(tNearBrute == tNearTree); continue; } ++hits; IntrRay3Triangle3 qBrute = MeshQueries.TriangleIntersection(mesh, tNearBrute, ray); IntrRay3Triangle3 qTree = MeshQueries.TriangleIntersection(mesh, tNearTree, ray); double dotBrute = mesh.GetTriNormal(tNearBrute).Dot(ray.Direction); double dotTree = mesh.GetTriNormal(tNearTree).Dot(ray.Direction); Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(qBrute.RayParameter - qTree.RayParameter) < MathUtil.ZeroTolerance); } System.Console.WriteLine("random rays: hit {0} of {1} rays", hits, N); }
int[] insert_points(Vector3d[] points, DMesh3 mesh) { int[] MapV = new int[points.Length]; HashSet <int> newV = new HashSet <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { MapV[i] = DMesh3.InvalidID; Vector3d pt = points[i]; pt.Normalize(); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(Vector3d.Zero, pt); int hit_tid = MeshQueries.FindHitTriangle_LinearSearch(mesh, ray); if (hit_tid == DMesh3.InvalidID) { continue; } Index3i hit_tri = mesh.GetTriangle(hit_tid); IntrRay3Triangle3 intr = MeshQueries.TriangleIntersection(mesh, hit_tid, ray); Vector3d bary = intr.TriangleBaryCoords; bool done = false; for (int j = 0; j < 3 && done == false; ++j) { if (bary[j] > 0.9) { // hit-vertex case if (newV.Contains(hit_tri[j]) == false) { MapV[i] = hit_tri[j]; newV.Add(MapV[i]); done = true; } } else if (bary[j] < 0.1) { // hit-edge case DMesh3.EdgeSplitInfo split_info; MeshResult splitResult = mesh.SplitEdge(hit_tri[(j + 1) % 3], hit_tri[(j + 2) % 3], out split_info); if (splitResult == MeshResult.Ok) { MapV[i] = split_info.vNew; newV.Add(MapV[i]); mesh.SetVertex(split_info.vNew, points[i]); done = true; } } } if (done) { continue; } DMesh3.PokeTriangleInfo poke_info; MeshResult result = mesh.PokeTriangle(hit_tid, out poke_info); if (result == MeshResult.Ok) { MapV[i] = poke_info.new_vid; newV.Add(MapV[i]); mesh.SetVertex(poke_info.new_vid, points[i]); } } return(MapV); }
// [RMS] this only tests some basic cases... public static void test_RayBoxIntersect() { Random rand = new Random(316136327); // check that box hit works for (int ii = 0; ii < 1000; ++ii) { // generate random triangle Triangle3d t = new Triangle3d(rand.PointInRange(10), rand.PointInRange(10), rand.PointInRange(10)); AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = new AxisAlignedBox3d(t.V0); bounds.Contain(t.V1); bounds.Contain(t.V2); Vector3d c = (t.V0 + t.V1 + t.V2) / 3.0; for (int jj = 0; jj < 1000; ++jj) { Vector3d d = rand.Direction(); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(c - 100 * d, d); IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3 bhit = new IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3(ray, bounds); Debug.Assert(bhit.Find()); IntrRay3Triangle3 thit = new IntrRay3Triangle3(ray, t); Debug.Assert(thit.Find()); Debug.Assert(bhit.RayParam0 < thit.RayParameter); } } int N = 100; for (int ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii) { // generate random boxes Vector3d c = rand.PointInRange(10); Vector3d e = rand.PositivePoint(); AxisAlignedBox3d aabox = new AxisAlignedBox3d(c - e, c + e); Box3d obox = new Box3d(c, Vector3d.AxisX, Vector3d.AxisY, Vector3d.AxisZ, e); double r = aabox.DiagonalLength; // center-out tests for (int jj = 0; jj < N; ++jj) { Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(c, rand.Direction()); assert_same_hit(aabox, obox, ray, true); } // outside-in tests for (int jj = 0; jj < N; ++jj) { Vector3d p = c + 2 * r * rand.Direction(); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(p, (c - p).Normalized); assert_same_hit(aabox, obox, ray, true); } } // random rays int hits = 0; int InnerN = 1000; for (int ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii) { // generate random boxe Vector3d c = rand.PointInRange(10); Vector3d e = rand.PositivePoint(); // every tenth box, set an axis to degenerate if (ii % 10 == 0) { e[rand.Next() % 3] = 0; } AxisAlignedBox3d aabox = new AxisAlignedBox3d(c - e, c + e); Box3d obox = new Box3d(c, Vector3d.AxisX, Vector3d.AxisY, Vector3d.AxisZ, e); double r = aabox.DiagonalLength; TrivialBox3Generator boxgen = new TrivialBox3Generator() { Box = obox }; boxgen.Generate(); DMesh3 mesh = new DMesh3(); boxgen.MakeMesh(mesh); for (int i = 0; i < InnerN; ++i) { Vector3d target = c + rand.PointInRange(r); Vector3d o = c + rand.PointInRange(10 * r); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(o, (target - o).Normalized); assert_same_hit(aabox, obox, ray, false); int hitT = MeshQueries.FindHitTriangle_LinearSearch(mesh, ray); bool bMeshHit = (hitT != DMesh3.InvalidID); if (bMeshHit) { ++hits; } IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3 aabbhit = new IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3(ray, aabox); Debug.Assert(aabbhit.Find() == bMeshHit); Debug.Assert(aabbhit.Test() == bMeshHit); } } System.Console.WriteLine("hit {0} of {1} rays", hits, N * InnerN); }