private void ResetYieldIfEmpty() { if (listBoxItemIngredients.Items.Count > 1) { return; } checkBoxEnabled.SelectionChanged -= checkBoxEnabled_SelectionChanged; checkBoxEnabled.IsSelected = false; checkBoxEnabled.SelectionChanged += checkBoxEnabled_SelectionChanged; buttonYield.Text = "0"; labelUnits.Content = MeasurementUnit.ToString() + Types.Strings.S; _extendedIngredientYield = null; }
private void PopulateUnitsButtonDropDown() { foreach (MeasurementUnit unit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MeasurementUnit))) { string str = "MeasurementUnit." + unit.ToString(); string abbreviation = PdnResources.GetString(str + ".Abbreviation").Trim(unitAbreviationTrimChars); string description = PdnResources.GetString(str + ".Plural"); ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = description, Tag = new LocalizedMeasurementUnit(unit, description, abbreviation) }; this.unitsButton.DropDownItems.Add(item); } }
public void SetMeasurementUnit(MeasurementUnit unit, bool update) { if (update && (MeasurementUnit != unit) && ExtendedIngredientYield.HasValue && (ExtendedIngredientYield.Value > 0) && (unit != MeasurementUnit.Unit) && (unit != MeasurementUnit.None) && ((unit.IsVolume() && MeasurementUnit.IsVolume()) || (unit.IsWeight() && MeasurementUnit.IsWeight()))) { ExtendedIngredientYield = UnitConversion.Convert(ExtendedIngredientYield.Value, MeasurementUnit, unit); buttonYield.Text = (ExtendedIngredientYield.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } MeasurementUnit = unit; labelUnits.Content = MeasurementUnit.ToString() + Types.Strings.S; }
public void SaveToFile(IniFile ini) { if (ini == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ini"); } ini.WriteBool("Common", "HideClosedTanks", fHideClosedTanks); ini.WriteBool("Common", "ExitOnClose", fExitOnClose); ini.WriteInteger("Common", "InterfaceLang", fInterfaceLang); ini.WriteBool("Common", "HideAtStartup", fHideAtStartup); ini.WriteInteger("Common", "NotificationInterval", fNotificationInterval); ini.WriteBool("Common", "HideLosses", fHideLosses); ini.WriteString("Data", "LengthUoM", fLengthUoM.ToString()); ini.WriteString("Data", "VolumeUoM", fVolumeUoM.ToString()); ini.WriteString("Data", "MassUoM", fMassUoM.ToString()); ini.WriteString("Data", "TemperatureUoM", fTemperatureUoM.ToString()); ini.WriteBool("DAS", "ChannelEnabled", fChannelEnabled); ini.WriteString("DAS", "ChannelName", fChannelName); ini.WriteString("DAS", "ChannelParameters", fChannelParameters); }
protected override PdnGraphicsPath CreateShapePath(PointF[] points) { if (points.Length >= 4) { PdnGraphicsPath path = new PdnGraphicsPath(); switch (this.curveType) { default: case CurveType.Spline: path.AddCurve(points); break; case CurveType.Bezier: path.AddBezier(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]); break; } path.Flatten(Utility.IdentityMatrix, flattenConstant); return(path); } else //if (points.Length <= 2) { PointF a = points[0]; PointF b = points[points.Length - 1]; if (0 != (ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) && a != b) { ConstrainPoints(ref a, ref b); } double angle = -180.0 * Math.Atan2(b.Y - a.Y, b.X - a.X) / Math.PI; MeasurementUnit units = AppWorkspace.Units; double offsetXPhysical = Document.PixelToPhysicalX(b.X - a.X, units); double offsetYPhysical = Document.PixelToPhysicalY(b.Y - a.Y, units); double offsetLengthPhysical = Math.Sqrt(offsetXPhysical * offsetXPhysical + offsetYPhysical * offsetYPhysical); string numberFormat; string unitsAbbreviation; if (units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { string unitsAbbreviationName = "MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Abbreviation"; unitsAbbreviation = PdnResources.GetString(unitsAbbreviationName); numberFormat = "F2"; } else { unitsAbbreviation = string.Empty; numberFormat = "F0"; } string unitsString = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Plural"); string statusText = string.Format( this.statusTextFormat, offsetXPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, offsetYPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, offsetLengthPhysical.ToString("F2"), unitsString, angle.ToString("F2")); SetStatus(this.lineToolIcon, statusText); if (a == b) { return(null); } else { PdnGraphicsPath path = new PdnGraphicsPath(); PointF[] spline = LineToSpline(a, b, controlPointCount); path.AddCurve(spline); path.Flatten(Utility.IdentityMatrix, flattenConstant); return(path); } } }
private void RenderGradient() { ColorBgra startColor = AppEnvironment.PrimaryColor; ColorBgra endColor = AppEnvironment.SecondaryColor; if (this.shouldSwapColors) { if (AppEnvironment.GradientInfo.AlphaOnly) { // In transparency mode, the color values don't matter. We just need to reverse // and invert the alpha values. byte startAlpha = startColor.A; startColor.A = (byte)(255 - endColor.A); endColor.A = (byte)(255 - startAlpha); } else { Utility.Swap(ref startColor, ref endColor); } } PointF startPointF = this.startPoint; PointF endPointF = this.endPoint; if (this.shouldConstrain) { if (this.mouseNub == this.startNub) { ConstrainPoints(endPointF, ref startPointF); } else { ConstrainPoints(startPointF, ref endPointF); } } RestoreSavedRegion(); Surface surface = ((BitmapLayer)DocumentWorkspace.ActiveLayer).Surface; PdnRegion clipRegion = DocumentWorkspace.Selection.CreateRegion(); SaveRegion(clipRegion, clipRegion.GetBoundsInt()); RenderGradient(surface, clipRegion, AppEnvironment.GetCompositingMode(), startPointF, startColor, endPointF, endColor); using (PdnRegion simplified = Utility.SimplifyAndInflateRegion(clipRegion, Utility.DefaultSimplificationFactor, 0)) { DocumentWorkspace.ActiveLayer.Invalidate(simplified); } clipRegion.Dispose(); // Set up status bar text double angle = -180.0 * Math.Atan2(endPointF.Y - startPointF.Y, endPointF.X - startPointF.X) / Math.PI; MeasurementUnit units = AppWorkspace.Units; double offsetXPhysical = Document.PixelToPhysicalX(endPointF.X - startPointF.X, units); double offsetYPhysical = Document.PixelToPhysicalY(endPointF.Y - startPointF.Y, units); double offsetLengthPhysical = Math.Sqrt(offsetXPhysical * offsetXPhysical + offsetYPhysical * offsetYPhysical); string numberFormat; string unitsAbbreviation; if (units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { string unitsAbbreviationName = "MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Abbreviation"; unitsAbbreviation = PdnResources.GetString(unitsAbbreviationName); numberFormat = "F2"; } else { unitsAbbreviation = string.Empty; numberFormat = "F0"; } string unitsString = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Plural"); string statusText = string.Format( this.helpTextWhileAdjustingFormat, offsetXPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, offsetYPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, offsetLengthPhysical.ToString("F2"), unitsString, angle.ToString("F2")); SetStatus(this.toolIcon, statusText); // Make sure everything is on screen. Update(); }
protected override void OnGetStatus(out ImageResource image, out string text) { string str; PointDouble startPoint; PointDouble endPoint; double length; double num4; string str2; string str3; ShapesToolChanges changes = base.Changes; switch (this.State) { case TransactedToolState.Drawing: if (changes == null) { break; } goto Label_003A; case TransactedToolState.Dirty: case TransactedToolState.Editing: goto Label_003A; } base.OnGetStatus(out image, out text); return; Label_003A: if (this.State == TransactedToolState.Dirty) { str = PdnResources.GetString("LineTool.StatusText.NotAdjusting.Format"); } else { str = PdnResources.GetString("LineTool.StatusText.Format"); } if (changes.ShapeRenderData.OutlineDraw.IsEmpty) { startPoint = changes.StartPoint; endPoint = changes.EndPoint; length = 0.0; num4 = 0.0; } else { PointAndTangentDouble pointAtLength = changes.ShapeRenderData.OutlineDraw.GetPointAtLength(0.0); PointAndTangentDouble num12 = changes.ShapeRenderData.OutlineDraw.GetPointAtLength(double.PositiveInfinity); startPoint = pointAtLength.Point; endPoint = num12.Point; length = changes.ShapeRenderData.OutlineDraw.GetLength(); num4 = (-180.0 * Math.Atan2(endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y, endPoint.X - startPoint.X)) / 3.1415926535897931; } MeasurementUnit units = base.AppWorkspace.Units; PointDouble num5 = new PointDouble(base.Document.PixelToPhysicalX(startPoint.X, units), base.Document.PixelToPhysicalY(startPoint.Y, units)); PointDouble num6 = new PointDouble(base.Document.PixelToPhysicalX(endPoint.X, units), base.Document.PixelToPhysicalY(endPoint.Y, units)); VectorDouble num7 = (VectorDouble)(num6 - num5); double num8 = base.Document.PixelToPhysicalX(length, units); double num9 = base.Document.PixelToPhysicalY(length, units); double num10 = (num8 + num9) / 2.0; if (units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { str3 = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Abbreviation"); str2 = "F2"; } else { str3 = string.Empty; str2 = "F0"; } string str4 = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Plural"); string str5 = string.Format(str, new object[] { num7.X.ToString(str2), str3, num7.Y.ToString(str2), str3, num10.ToString("F2"), str4, num4.ToString("F2") }); image = base.Image; text = str5; }
protected override PdnGraphicsPath CreateShapePath(PointF[] points) { PointF a = points[0]; PointF b = points[points.Length - 1]; RectangleF rect; if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) { PointF dir = new PointF(b.X - a.X, b.Y - a.Y); float len = (float)Math.Sqrt(dir.X * dir.X + dir.Y * dir.Y); PointF center = new PointF((a.X + b.X) / 2.0f, (a.Y + b.Y) / 2.0f); float radius = len / 2.0f; rect = Utility.RectangleFromCenter(center, radius); } else { rect = Utility.PointsToRectangle(a, b); } if (rect.Width == 0 || rect.Height == 0) { return(null); } PdnGraphicsPath path = new PdnGraphicsPath(); path.AddEllipse(rect); path.Flatten(Utility.IdentityMatrix, 0.10f); MeasurementUnit units = AppWorkspace.Units; double widthPhysical = Math.Abs(Document.PixelToPhysicalX(rect.Width, units)); double heightPhysical = Math.Abs(Document.PixelToPhysicalY(rect.Height, units)); double areaPhysical = Math.PI * (widthPhysical / 2.0) * (heightPhysical / 2.0); string numberFormat; string unitsAbbreviation; if (units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { string unitsAbbreviationName = "MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Abbreviation"; unitsAbbreviation = PdnResources.GetString(unitsAbbreviationName); numberFormat = "F2"; } else { unitsAbbreviation = string.Empty; numberFormat = "F0"; } string unitsString = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Plural"); string statusText = string.Format( this.statusTextFormat, widthPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, heightPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, areaPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsString); this.SetStatus(this.ellipseToolIcon, statusText); return(path); }
protected override PdnGraphicsPath CreateShapePath(PointF[] points) { PointF a = points[0]; PointF b = points[points.Length - 1]; RectangleF rect; float radius = 10; if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) { rect = Utility.PointsToConstrainedRectangle(a, b); } else { rect = Utility.PointsToRectangle(a, b); } PdnGraphicsPath path = this.GetRoundedRect(rect, radius); path.Flatten(); if (path.PathPoints[0] != path.PathPoints[path.PathPoints.Length - 1]) { path.AddLine(path.PathPoints[0], path.PathPoints[path.PathPoints.Length - 1]); path.CloseFigure(); } MeasurementUnit units = AppWorkspace.Units; double widthPhysical = Math.Abs(Document.PixelToPhysicalX(rect.Width, units)); double heightPhysical = Math.Abs(Document.PixelToPhysicalY(rect.Height, units)); double areaPhysical = widthPhysical * heightPhysical; string numberFormat; string unitsAbbreviation; if (units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { string unitsAbbreviationName = "MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Abbreviation"; unitsAbbreviation = PdnResources.GetString(unitsAbbreviationName); numberFormat = "F2"; } else { unitsAbbreviation = string.Empty; numberFormat = "F0"; } string unitsString = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Plural"); string statusText = string.Format( this.statusTextFormat, widthPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, heightPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, areaPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsString); this.SetStatus(this.roundedRectangleToolIcon, statusText); return(path); }
public static double Convert(double amount, MeasurementUnit sourceUnit, MeasurementUnit targetUnit) { if (sourceUnit == targetUnit) { return(amount); } if (sourceUnit.IsVolume() && !targetUnit.IsVolume()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to convent from a volume to a weight"); } if (sourceUnit.IsWeight() && !targetUnit.IsWeight()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to convent from a weight to a volume"); } // Cups to X if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 236.588237); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 23.6588236); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 0.236588236); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 240); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 48); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 16); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 8); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount / 2); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount / 4); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount / 16); } } // Pints to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 473.176473); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 47.3176473); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 0.473176473); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 480); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 96); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 32); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 16); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount * 2); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount / 2); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount / 8); } } // Quarts to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 946.352946); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 94.6352946); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 0.946362946); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 960); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 192); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 64); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 32); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount * 4); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount * 2); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount / 4); } } // Gallons to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 3785.41178); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 378.541178); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 3.78541178); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 3840); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 768); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 256); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 128); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount * 16); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount * 8); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount * 4); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount); } } // Mililiters to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount / 10); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount / 1000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 1.01442068); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 0.202884136); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 0.0676280454); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 0.0338140227); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount * 0.00422675284); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount * 0.00211337642); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount * 0.00105668821); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount * 0.000264172052); } } // Centiliters to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 10); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount / 100); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 10.1442068); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 2.02884136); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 0.676280454); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 0.338140227); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount * 0.0422675284); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount * 0.0211337642); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount * 0.0105668821); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount * 0.00264172052); } } // Liters to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 1000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 100); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 1014.42068); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 202.884136); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount * 67.6280454); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount * 33.8140227); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount * 4.22675284); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount * 2.11337642); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount * 1.05668821); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount * 0.264172052); } } // Pinch to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 24.64460795); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 2.464460795); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 0.02464460795); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount / 5); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount / 15); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount / 30); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount / 240); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount / 480); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount / 960); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount / 3840); } } // Teaspoon to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 4.92892159); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 0.492892159); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 0.00492892159); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 15); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { return(amount / 3); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount / 6); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount / 48); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount / 96); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount / 192); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount / 768); } } // Tablespoon to X else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Tablespoon) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milliliter) { return(amount * 14.7867648); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Centiliter) { return(amount * 1.47867648); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Liter) { return(amount * 0.147867648); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pinch) { return(amount * 15); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Teaspoon) { return(amount * 3); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.FluidOunce) { return(amount / 2); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Cup) { return(amount / 16); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pint) { return(amount / 32); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Quart) { return(amount / 64); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gallon) { return(amount / 256); } } else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Ounce) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milligram) { return(amount * 0.0283495231); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gram) { return(amount * 28.3495231); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Kilogram) { return(amount * 28349.5231); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pound) { return(amount / 16); } } else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pound) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milligram) { return(amount * 453592.37); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gram) { return(amount * 453.59237); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Kilogram) { return(amount * 0.45359237); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Ounce) { return(amount * 16); } } else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milligram) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gram) { return(amount / 1000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Kilogram) { return(amount / 1000000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Ounce) { return(amount / 28349.5231); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pound) { return(amount / 453592.37); } } else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gram) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milligram) { return(amount * 1000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Kilogram) { return(amount / 1000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Ounce) { return(amount / 28.3495231); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pound) { return(amount / 453.59237); } } else if (sourceUnit == MeasurementUnit.Kilogram) { if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Milligram) { return(amount * 1000000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Gram) { return(amount * 1000); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Ounce) { return(amount / 0.0283495231); } if (targetUnit == MeasurementUnit.Pound) { return(amount / 0.45359237); } } throw new NotImplementedException("Conversion not implemented: " + sourceUnit.ToString() + " to " + targetUnit.ToString()); }
internal override void Render(MapGraphics g) { AntiAliasing antiAliasing = g.AntiAliasing; try { MapCore mapCore = GetMapCore(); if (mapCore == null) { return; } g.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasing.None; base.Render(g); float num = 4.5f; RectangleF absoluteRectangle = g.GetAbsoluteRectangle(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, 100f, 100f)); absoluteRectangle.Inflate(0f - num, 0f - num); if (absoluteRectangle.Width < 3f || absoluteRectangle.Height < 3f) { return; } float num2 = 0f; float num3 = 0f; string arg = "0"; string arg2 = "0"; MeasurementUnit measurementUnit =; MeasurementUnit measurementUnit2 = MeasurementUnit.mi; float num4 = absoluteRectangle.Width - 6f; float kilometers = (float)mapCore.PixelsToKilometers(num4); float miles = kilometers * KilometersToMiles; measurementUnit = AdjustMetricUnit(ref kilometers); float num5 = FloorDistance(kilometers); float num6 = num5 / kilometers; measurementUnit2 = AdjustImperialUnit(ref miles); float num7 = FloorDistance(miles); float num8 = num7 / miles; if (num5 >= 1f && num7 >= 1f) { num2 = num4 * num6; num3 = num4 * num8; if (GetMapCore().MapControl.FormatNumberHandler != null) { arg = GetMapCore().MapControl.FormatNumberHandler(GetMapCore().MapControl, num5, "G"); arg2 = GetMapCore().MapControl.FormatNumberHandler(GetMapCore().MapControl, num7, "G"); } else { arg = num5.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); arg2 = num7.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } } else { num2 = num4; num3 = num4; } using (GraphicsPath path = CreateScalePath(absoluteRectangle, (int)num2, (int)num3)) { using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(ScaleForeColor)) { g.FillPath(brush, path); } using (Pen pen = new Pen(ScaleBorderColor, 1f)) { pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Center; pen.MiterLimit = 0f; g.DrawPath(pen, path); } StringFormat stringFormat = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericTypographic.Clone(); stringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; using (Brush brush2 = new SolidBrush(LabelColor)) { RectangleF textBounds = new RectangleF(absoluteRectangle.Left + 3f, absoluteRectangle.Top, num2, absoluteRectangle.Height / 2f - 3f); string text = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} {1}", arg, measurementUnit.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); SizeF textClipSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font, textBounds.Size, stringFormat); RectangleF layoutRectangle = CreateTextClip(textBounds, textClipSize); g.DrawString(text, Font, brush2, layoutRectangle, stringFormat); RectangleF textBounds2 = new RectangleF(absoluteRectangle.Left + 3f, absoluteRectangle.Top + absoluteRectangle.Height / 2f + 3f, num3, absoluteRectangle.Height / 2f - 3f); string text2 = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} {1}", arg2, measurementUnit2.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); SizeF textClipSize2 = g.MeasureString(text2, Font, textBounds2.Size, stringFormat); RectangleF layoutRectangle2 = CreateTextClip(textBounds2, textClipSize2); g.DrawString(text2, Font, brush2, layoutRectangle2, stringFormat); } } } finally { g.AntiAliasing = antiAliasing; } }