예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve least squares problem M x = b.
        /// The right-hand-side std::vector x may be b,
        /// which will give a fractional increase in speed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        public unsafe void Solve(Vector b, Vector x)
            //assert(b.size() == A_.Columns());

            x = b;
            int n = A_.Columns;

            fixed(float *data = A_.Datablock())
                fixed(float *data2 = x.Datablock())
                    Netlib.dposl_(data, &n, &n, data2);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Cholesky decomposition.
        /// Make cholesky decomposition of M optionally computing
        /// the reciprocal condition number.  If mode is estimate_condition, the
        /// condition number and an approximate nullspace are estimated, at a cost
        /// of a factor of (1 + 18/n).  Here's a table of 1 + 18/n:
        /// n:              3      5     10     50    100    500   1000
        /// slowdown:     7.0f    4.6    2.8    1.4   1.18   1.04   1.02
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M"></param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        public unsafe void init(MatrixFixed M, Operation mode)
            A_ = new MatrixFixed(M);

            int n = M.Columns;

            //assert(n == (int)(M.Rows()));
            num_dims_rank_def_ = -1;
            int num_dims_rank_def_temp = num_dims_rank_def_;

            // BJT: This warning is pointless - it often doesn't detect non symmetry and
            // if you know what you're doing you don't want to be slowed down
            // by a cerr

             * if (Math.Abs(M[0,n-1] - M[n-1,0]) > 1e-8)
             * {
             *     Debug.WriteLine("cholesky: WARNING: unsymmetric: " + M);
             * }

            if (mode != Operation.estimate_condition)
                // Quick factorization
                fixed(float *data = A_.Datablock())
                    Netlib.dpofa_(data, &n, &n, &num_dims_rank_def_temp);

                //if ((mode == Operation.verbose) && (num_dims_rank_def_temp != 0))
                //    Debug.WriteLine("cholesky:: " + Convert.ToString(num_dims_rank_def_temp) + " dimensions of non-posdeffness");
                Vector nullvector = new Vector(n);
                float  rcond_temp = rcond_;
                fixed(float *data = A_.Datablock())
                    fixed(float *data2 = nullvector.Datablock())
                        Netlib.dpoco_(data, &n, &n, &rcond_temp, data2, &num_dims_rank_def_temp);

                rcond_ = rcond_temp;
            num_dims_rank_def_ = num_dims_rank_def_temp;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute inverse.\  Not efficient.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public unsafe MatrixFixed Inverse()
            int         n = A_.Columns;
            MatrixFixed I = new MatrixFixed(A_);

            float[] det = new float[2];
            int     job = 01;

            fixed(float *data = I.Datablock())
                fixed(float *data2 = det)
                    Netlib.dpodi_(data, &n, &n, data2, &job);

            // Copy lower triangle into upper
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
                    I[i, j] = I[j, i];

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// JOB: ABCDE decimal
        /// A     B     C     D              E
        /// ---   ---   ---   ---            ---
        /// Qb    Q'b   x     norm(A*x - b)  A*x
        /// Solve equation M x = b for x using the computed decomposition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public unsafe Vector Solve(Vector b)
            int n = qrdc_out_.Columns;
            int p = qrdc_out_.Rows;

            float[] b_data = b.Datablock();
            Vector  QtB    = new Vector(n);
            Vector  x      = new Vector(p);

            // see comment above
            int JOB = 100;

            int info = 0;

            fixed(float *data = qrdc_out_.Datablock())
                fixed(float *data2 = qraux_.Datablock())
                    fixed(float *data3 = b_data)
                        fixed(float *data4 = QtB.Datablock())
                            fixed(float *data5 = x.Datablock())
                                Netlib.dqrsl_(data, &n, &n, &p, data2, data3,
                                              (float *)0, data4, data5,
                                              (float *)0, // residual*
                                              (float *)0, // Ax*

            if (info > 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("__FILE__ : VNL::QR<T>::Solve() : matrix is rank-deficient by " + Convert.ToString(info));

예제 #5
        public unsafe QR(MatrixFixed M)
            qrdc_out_ = new MatrixFixed(M.Columns, M.Rows);
            qraux_    = new Vector(M.Columns);
            jpvt_     = new int[M.Rows];
            Q_        = null;
            R_        = null;

            // Fill transposed O/P matrix
            int c = M.Columns;
            int r = M.Rows;

            for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < c; ++j)
                    qrdc_out_[j, i] = M[i, j];

            int do_pivot = 0; // Enable[!=0]/disable[==0] pivoting.

            for (int i = 0; i < jpvt_.Length; i++)
                jpvt_[i] = 0;

            Vector work = new Vector(M.Rows);

            fixed(float *data = qrdc_out_.Datablock())
                fixed(float *data2 = qraux_.Datablock())
                    fixed(int *data3 = jpvt_)
                        fixed(float *data4 = work.Datablock())
                            Netlib.dqrdc_(data,       // On output, UT is R, below diag is mangled Q
                                          &r, &r, &c,
                                          data2,      // Further information required to demangle Q
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute determinant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public unsafe float Determinant()
            int         n = A_.Columns;
            MatrixFixed I = new MatrixFixed(A_);

            float[] det = new float[2];
            int     job = 10;

            fixed(float *data = I.Datablock())
                fixed(float *data2 = det)
                    Netlib.dpodi_(data, &n, &n, data2, &job);

            return(det[0] * (float)Math.Pow(10.0, det[1]));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns new vector which is the multiplication of row vector v with matrix m.\ O(m*n).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector operator *(Vector v, MatrixFixed m)
            Vector      result = new Vector(m.Columns);         // Temporary
            MatrixFixed mm     = m;                             // Drop const for get()

            float[] result_data = result.Datablock();
            float[] v_data      = v.Datablock();
            float[,] mm_data = mm.Datablock();

            for (int i = 0; i < m.Columns; i++)
            {                                                      // For each index
                result_data[i] = 0;                                // Initialize element value
                for (int k = 0; k < result_data.Length; k++)       // Loop over column values
                    result_data[i] += (v_data[k] * mm_data[k, i]); // Multiply
예제 #8
        public static Vector operator*(MatrixFixed m, Vector v)
            Vector      result = new Vector(m.Rows);   // Temporary
            MatrixFixed mm     = m;                    // Drop const for get()

            float[] result_data = result.Datablock();
            float[] v_data      = v.Datablock();
            float[,] mm_data = mm.Datablock();
            int vsize = v.size();

            for (int i = 0; i < m.Rows; i++)
            {                                                      // For each index
                result_data[i] = 0;                                // Initialize element value
                for (int k = 0; k < vsize; k++)                    // Loop over column values
                    result_data[i] += (mm_data[i, k] * v_data[k]); // Multiply