public async void Must_map_to_properties_whose_return_values_implement_iconvertible(Type type, string propertyName, object expectedValue) { MapResult result = await _mapper.MapAsync(_request, type, type.GetProperty(propertyName)); Assert.That(result.ResultType, Is.EqualTo(MapResultType.ValueMapped)); Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(expectedValue)); }
public async Task Should_not_use_a_mapper_that_doesnt_apply_at_runtime() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <MappingHandler>(h => h.Action(null, null, null)) .AddAllActionParameters() .Configure(x => x.BindRequestInfo()) .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First() + "mapper1"), instanceAppliesTo: x => false) .AddValueMapper2(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First() + "mapper2")); var properties = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["param2"] = "value2", ["param3"] = "value3" }; var binder = CreateBinder(requestGraph, properties); await binder.Bind(requestGraph.GetRequestBinderContext()); requestGraph.ActionArguments.ShouldOnlyContain(null, "value2mapper2", "value3mapper2"); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.AppliesToCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.MapCalled.ShouldBeFalse(); requestGraph.ValueMapper2.AppliesToCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); requestGraph.ValueMapper2.MapCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public async void Must_map_default_value(Type type, string propertyName, object expectedValue) { MapResult result = await _mapper.MapAsync(_request, type, type.GetProperty(propertyName)); Assert.That(result.ResultType, Is.EqualTo(MapResultType.ValueMapped)); Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(expectedValue)); }
public void Should_bind_values_to_properties() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <Handler>(h => h.Params(null, null, null, 0)) .WithUrl("¶m2=value2") .AddModelParameters("model", "param1", "param2") .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First())); var result = Bind(requestGraph); result.Status.ShouldEqual(BindingStatus.Success); var model = requestGraph.ActionArguments[0] as Model; model.ShouldNotBeNull(); model.Param1.ShouldEqual("value1"); model.Param2.ShouldEqual("value2"); requestGraph.ActionArguments[1].ShouldBeNull(); requestGraph.ActionArguments[2].ShouldBeNull(); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.AppliesToContext.Parameter.ShouldNotBeNull(); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.AppliesToContext.Values.ShouldNotBeNull(); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.MapContext.Parameter.ShouldNotBeNull(); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.MapContext.Values.ShouldNotBeNull(); }
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) { Configuration = configuration; DeltaConfig.Init(cfg => { cfg.AddEntity <Person>(); cfg.AddMapping((propertyType, newValue) => { var result = new MapResult <object>(); if (propertyType != typeof(DateTime?) || newValue.GetType() != typeof(string)) { return(result.SkipMap()); } if (DateTime.TryParseExact((string)newValue, "dd/MM/yyyy", new CultureInfo("it-IT"), DateTimeStyles.None, out var date)) { result.Value = date; } else { result.Value = null; } return(result); }); }); }
public async Task Should_not_bind_with_reader_instance_that_does_not_apply() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <Handler>(h => h.Get(null)) .WithRequestParameter("request") .WithRequestData("fark") .AddRequestReader1(() => ReadResult.Success("reader1").ToTaskResult(), instanceAppliesTo: () => false) .AddRequestReader2(() => ReadResult.Success("reader2").ToTaskResult()) .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First())); var binder = CreateBinder(requestGraph); var result = await binder.Bind(requestGraph.GetRequestBinderContext()); result.Status.ShouldEqual(BindingStatus.Success); requestGraph.ActionArguments.ShouldOnlyContain("reader2"); requestGraph.RequestReader1.AppliesCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); requestGraph.RequestReader1.ReadCalled.ShouldBeFalse(); requestGraph.RequestReader2.AppliesCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); requestGraph.RequestReader2.ReadCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); }
private void Map(string input) { var mapResult = new MapResult(); using (var reader = new StringReader(input)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { var key = line.Split(new [] { '|' }).Last().Trim(); mapResult.Counts.Add(new KeyCount(key)); } } } Console.WriteLine("Mapper [{0}/{1}]: {2}", Self.Path.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, mapResult); // simulate some runtime... Thread.Sleep(50); Sender.Tell(mapResult); }
/// <summary> /// 将json数据反序列化 /// </summary> /// <param name="json"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override MapResult JsonToEntity(string json) { //反序列化 var map = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GaodeMapResult>(json); //转换为通用结果 var result = new MapResult(); result.count = map.count; result.status = map.status == "1"?"0":"1";//百度地图api接口成功判断与高德地图相反 result.message =; var list = new List <Result>(); foreach (var item in { //搜索结果 var i = new Result(); =; i.location = item.location == null? new Location() { lat = "0", lng = "0" } : new Location() { lat = item.location.Split(',')[1], lng = item.location.Split(',')[0] }; i.uid =; i.address = item.address.ToString().Replace("[]", "暂无地址详情"); i.province = item.district; list.Add(i); } result.list = list; return(result); }
public void ResolveMap() { MapResult expectedResult = new MapResult() { Letters = "BEEFCAKE", PathChars = "@---+B||E--+|E|+--F--+|C|||A--|-----K|||+--E--Ex" }; char[][] testArray = new char[9][] { new char[] { ' ', ' ', '@', '-', '-', '-', '+' }, new char[] { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'B' }, new char[] { 'K', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '|', '-', '-', 'A' }, new char[] { '|', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '|', ' ', ' ', '|' }, new char[] { '|', ' ', ' ', '+', '-', '-', 'E', ' ', ' ', '|' }, new char[] { '|', ' ', ' ', '|', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '|' }, new char[] { '+', '-', '-', 'E', '-', '-', 'E', 'x', ' ', 'C' }, new char[] { ' ', ' ', ' ', '|', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '|' }, new char[] { ' ', ' ', ' ', '+', '-', '-', 'F', '-', '-', '+' }, }; var result = AsciiMapService.ResolveMap(testArray); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult.Letters, result.Letters); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult.PathChars, result.PathChars); }
public async Task Should_not_use_a_mapper_that_doesnt_apply_at_runtime() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <Handler>(h => h.Post(null, null)) .WithRequestData("param1=value1") .WithRequestParameter("request") .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First() + "mapper1"), instanceAppliesTo: x => false) .AddValueMapper2(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First() + "mapper2")); var reader = CreateReader(requestGraph); var result = await reader .Read(CreateReaderContext(requestGraph)); result.Status.ShouldEqual(ReadStatus.Success); result.Value.ShouldNotBeNull(); result.Value.ShouldBeType <InputModel>(); var inputModel = result.Value.CastTo <InputModel>(); inputModel.Param1.ShouldEqual("value1mapper2"); inputModel.Param2.ShouldEqual(0); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.AppliesToCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); requestGraph.ValueMapper1.MapCalled.ShouldBeFalse(); requestGraph.ValueMapper2.AppliesToCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); requestGraph.ValueMapper2.MapCalled.ShouldBeTrue(); }
protected override Task <MapResult> OnMapAsync(HttpContextBase context, string value, Type propertyType) { context.ThrowIfNull("context"); value.ThrowIfNull("value"); propertyType.ThrowIfNull("propertyType"); return(MapResult.ValueMapped(_format != null ? Guid.ParseExact(value, _format) : Guid.Parse(value)).AsCompletedTask()); }
public async void Must_map_to_default_value_of_property_type(Type type, string propertyName, object expectedValue) { PropertyInfo propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(propertyName); MapResult result = await _mapper.MapAsync(_request, type, propertyInfo); Assert.That(result.ResultType, Is.EqualTo(MapResultType.ValueMapped)); Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetDefaultValue())); }
protected override Task <MapResult> OnMapAsync(HttpContextBase context, string value, Type parameterType) { context.ThrowIfNull("context"); value.ThrowIfNull("value"); parameterType.ThrowIfNull("parameterType"); return(MapResult.ValueMapped(((IConvertible)value).ToType(parameterType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).AsCompletedTask()); }
public Task <MapResult> MapAsync(HttpContextBase context, Type modelType, PropertyInfo property) { context.ThrowIfNull("context"); modelType.ThrowIfNull("modelType"); property.ThrowIfNull("property"); return(MapResult.ValueMapped(property.PropertyType.GetDefaultValue()).AsCompletedTask()); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <object> > GetParameterValuesAsync(HttpContextBase context, Type type, MethodInfo method) { context.ThrowIfNull("context"); type.ThrowIfNull("type"); method.ThrowIfNull("method"); ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = method.GetParameters(); var parameterValues = new List <object>(); foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in parameterInfos) { Type parameterType = parameterInfo.ParameterType; string parameterName = parameterInfo.Name; Type currentParameterType = parameterType; do { bool mapped = false; foreach (IParameterMapper parameterMapper in _parameterMappers) { if (!await parameterMapper.CanMapTypeAsync(context, parameterType)) { continue; } MapResult mapResult = await parameterMapper.MapAsync(context, type, method, parameterInfo); if (mapResult.ResultType == MapResultType.ValueNotMapped) { continue; } parameterValues.Add(mapResult.Value); mapped = true; break; } if (mapped) { break; } currentParameterType = currentParameterType.BaseType; } while (currentParameterType != null); if (currentParameterType == null) { throw new ApplicationException( String.Format( "No request parameter mapper was found for parameter '{0} {1}' of {2}.{3}.", parameterType.FullName, parameterName, type.FullName, method.Name)); } } return(parameterValues); }
public void MappingFunction() { DeltaConfig.Init(cfg => { cfg /* When the target property type is int and the input is string, * then the assigned value will be the length of the input string*/ .AddMapping((propType, newValue) => { var result = new MapResult <object>(); if (propType != typeof(int)) { return(result.SkipMap()); } if (newValue.GetType() != typeof(string)) { return(result.SkipMap()); } result.Value = newValue.ToString().Length; return(result); }) /* When the target property is double and the input is string, * then the assigned value will be the length of the string + 0.5*/ .AddMapping((propType, newValue) => { var result = new MapResult <object>(); if (propType != typeof(double)) { return(result.SkipMap()); } if (newValue.GetType() != typeof(string)) { return(result.SkipMap()); } result.Value = newValue.ToString().Length + 0.5; return(result); }) .AddEntity <Person>(); }); // First mapping function will be executed here, Age type is int CreateDelta <Person, int>(x => x.Age, "abc").Patch(John); Assert.AreEqual("abc".Length, John.Age); // Second mapping function will be executed here, Height type is double CreateDelta <Person, double>(x => x.Height, "abcdef").Patch(John); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef".Length + 0.5, John.Height); }
public async void Must_map_default_value(Type type, string methodName, string parameterName, object expectedValue) { MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(methodName); ParameterInfo parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters().Single(arg => arg.Name == parameterName); MapResult result = await _mapper.MapAsync(_context, type, methodInfo, parameterInfo); Assert.That(result.ResultType, Is.EqualTo(MapResultType.ValueMapped)); Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(expectedValue)); }
public void ConstructorArgumentsGetAssigned() { var startPos = new GridCoordinate(2, 4); var endPos = new GridCoordinate(4, 6); var result = new MapResult(startPos, endPos); Assert.Equal(startPos, result.StartPosition); Assert.Equal(endPos, result.EndPosition); }
public MapResultModel Translate(MapResult mapResult) { return(new MapResultModel { StartPosition = mapResult.StartPosition.ToString(), EndPosition = mapResult.EndPosition.ToString(), BlocksToTravel = mapResult.AbsolutePositionDelta.DistanceTraveledFromOrigin(DistanceCalculationMode.XComponentPlusYComponent), AsTheCrowFliesDistance = mapResult.AbsolutePositionDelta.DistanceTraveledFromOrigin(DistanceCalculationMode.ShortestPath) }); }
public Task <MapResult> MapAsync(HttpContextBase context, Type type, MethodInfo method, ParameterInfo parameter) { context.ThrowIfNull("context"); type.ThrowIfNull("type"); method.ThrowIfNull("method"); parameter.ThrowIfNull("parameter"); Type parameterType = parameter.ParameterType; string parameterName = parameter.Name; NameValueCollection nameValueCollection; switch (_source) { case NameValueCollectionSource.Form: nameValueCollection = context.Request.Form; break; case NameValueCollectionSource.QueryString: nameValueCollection = context.Request.QueryString; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Unexpected name-value collection source {0}.", _source)); } string field = nameValueCollection.AllKeys.LastOrDefault(arg => String.Equals(arg, parameterName, _caseSensitive ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (field == null) { return(MapResult.ValueNotMapped().AsCompletedTask()); } string value = nameValueCollection[field]; try { return(OnMapAsync(context, value, parameterType)); } catch (Exception exception) { if (_errorHandling == DataConversionErrorHandling.ThrowException) { throw new ApplicationException( String.Format( "Value for form field '{0}' could not be converted to parameter '{1} {2}' of {3}.{4}.", field, parameterType.FullName, parameterName, type.FullName, method.Name), exception); } return(MapResult.ValueMapped(parameterType.GetDefaultValue()).AsCompletedTask()); } }
public static MapResult <T, R> To <T, R>(this MapResult <T, R> mr, R result, Func <T, bool> func) { if (mr.Success) { return(mr); } if (func != null && func(mr.Value)) { mr.Result = result; } return(mr); }
public void TestAbsolutePositionValue() { var startPos = new GridCoordinate(); var endPos = new GridCoordinate(-10, -10); // Absolute should be 10, 10. var expected = new GridCoordinate(10, 10); var result = new MapResult(startPos, endPos); Assert.Equal(expected, result.AbsolutePositionDelta); }
/// <summary> /// 将json数据反序列化 /// </summary> /// <param name="json"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override MapResult JsonToEntity(string json) { var map = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BaiduMapResult>(json); //转换为通用结果 var result = new MapResult(); result.count = map.results.Count.ToString(); result.status = map.status.ToString(); result.message = map.message; result.list = map.results; return(result); }
public async Task Should_not_map_parameters_that_dont_match_any_action_parameters() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <Handler>(h => h.Params(null, null, null)) .WithUrl("") .AddParameters("param1") .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First())); var binder = CreateBinder(requestGraph); await binder.Bind(requestGraph.GetRequestBinderContext()); requestGraph.ActionArguments.ShouldOnlyContain(null, "value1", null); }
public void Should_set_properties_on_an_existing_object() { var instance = new TypeCache().GetTypeDescriptor(typeof(HydratedObject)) .CreateAndBind(new List <string, object> { { "value0", "farker" }, { "value1", "fark" }, { "value2", "valueA" }, { "value2", "valueB" } }.ToLookup(), (p, o) => MapResult.WasMapped(o)) as HydratedObject; instance.Value1.ShouldOnlyContain("fark"); instance.Value2.ShouldOnlyContain("valueA", "valueB"); }
public void Should_not_map_parameters_that_dont_match_any_action_parameters() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <Handler>(h => h.Params(null, null, null, 0)) .WithUrl("¶m3=value3") .AddParameters("param1", "param2") .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values.First())); var result = Bind(requestGraph); result.Status.ShouldEqual(BindingStatus.Success); requestGraph.ActionArguments.ShouldOnlyContain(null, "value1", null, null); }
public async void Must_deserialize_model(Type type, string methodName, string parameterName) { MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(methodName); ParameterInfo parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters().Single(arg => arg.Name == parameterName); MapResult result = await _mapper.MapAsync(_context, type, methodInfo, parameterInfo); Assert.That(result.ResultType, Is.EqualTo(MapResultType.ValueMapped)); Assert.That(result.Value, Is.TypeOf <Model>()); var value = (Model)result.Value; Assert.That(value.I, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(value.S, Is.EqualTo("value")); }
public async Task Should_map_multiple_parameters_with_the_same_name_as_an_array() { var requestGraph = RequestGraph .CreateFor <Handler>(h => h.MultiParams(null)) .WithUrl("¶m1=value2") .AddParameters("param1") .AddValueMapper1(x => MapResult.Success(x.Values)); var binder = CreateBinder(requestGraph); await binder.Bind(requestGraph.GetRequestBinderContext()); requestGraph.ActionArguments[0].CastTo <object[]>() .ShouldOnlyContain("value1", "value2"); }
public void Should_conditionally_set_properties() { var instance = new TypeCache().GetTypeDescriptor(typeof(HydratedObject)) .CreateAndBind(new List <string, object> { { "value0", "farker" }, { "value1", "fark" }, { "value2", "valueA" }, { "value2", "valueB" } }.ToLookup(), (p, o) => p.Name == "Value2" ? MapResult.WasMapped(o) : MapResult.NotMapped()) as HydratedObject; instance.Value1.ShouldBeNull(); instance.Value2.ShouldOnlyContain("valueA", "valueB"); }
public static MapResult <T, R> To <T, R>(this MapResult <T, R> mr, R result, params T[] vals) { if (mr.Success) { return(mr); } var comparer = EqualityComparer <T> .Default; if (vals != null && Array.Exists(vals, v => comparer.Equals(v, mr.Value))) { mr.Result = result; } return(mr); }