예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Queue <Registrants>         line1    = new Queue <Registrants>();
            Queue <Registrants>         line2    = new Queue <Registrants>();
            List <Queue <Registrants> > listOfQs = new List <Queue <Registrants> >();


            nextInLine = new Registrants[(listOfQs.Count)];

            TimeSpan timeOpen = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0);
            //double time = 360000;                               //in ticks or 1/10 of a sec

            int expected = 1000;//Poisson(1000);      //TODO test

            patronIdListFromPoisson = new List <int>(expected);
            for (int i = 0; i < expected; i++)
            //foreach (var item in fishNum)
            //    Console.WriteLine(item);

            //TimeSpan enqueueRate = time / expected;

            openTime    = new DateTime(2016, 11, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0);
            closingTime = new DateTime(2016, 11, 1, 17, 0, 0, 0);
            //TimeSpan timeOpen = (closingTime - openTime);

            TimeSpan tick = new TimeSpan(1000000);                  //tick = .1 sec
            //TimeSpan tick = new TimeSpan(1000000 * 1000);               //tick = 100 sec
            TimeSpan enqueueRate = new TimeSpan(timeOpen.Ticks / expected);

            currentTime = openTime;                                 //set initial current time
            TimeSpan patronEntranceThreshold = new TimeSpan();      //increases until this >= the enqueue rate
            int      patronCounter           = 0;                   //used for index of the randomized patronNumber list

            //continue simulation until
            while (currentTime < closingTime)

                if (patronCounter < patronIdListFromPoisson.Count && enqueueRate <= patronEntranceThreshold)

                    //patron comes in, they choose the shortest line

                    Registrants newGuy = new Registrants(patronIdListFromPoisson[patronCounter]);
                    newGuy.lineChoice = ConventionRegistration.ShortestLine(listOfQs);

                    patronCounter++;                  //enqueue the next person next time
                    patronEntranceThreshold = new TimeSpan(0);

                int lineChoice = -1;
                if (windows.Count > 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine(windows.Peek().Arrival.Time + windows.Peek().windowTime);

                    //while there are patrons in the PQ and they have waited (since they arrived at window + windowTime) until currentTime is <=
                    //(while) instead of (if) incase multiple patron's wait time is up in same tick
                    while (windows.Count > 0 && (windows.Peek().Arrival.Time + windows.Peek().Arrival.windowTime) <= currentTime)
                        lineChoice = windows.Peek().lineChoice;                     //remember which queue the patron is leaving from

                        foreach (var item in listOfQs[lineChoice].ToArray())

                        //this is the only way patrons are dequeued
                        windows.Dequeue();                                          //the patron leaves the PQ (window)
                        listOfQs[lineChoice].Dequeue();                             //the patron leaves the queue (line they were waiting in)

                        //if there is someone next in that line, they enter the PQ (approach the window) and are assigned a wait time
                        if (listOfQs[lineChoice].Count > 0)
                            windows.Enqueue(listOfQs[lineChoice].Peek());                           //new patron enters PQ (approaches window)
                            listOfQs[lineChoice].Peek().Arrival = new Evnt(currentTime);            //assign wait time

                //set nextInLine array
                //this is currently unused
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfQs.Count; i++)
                    if (listOfQs[i].Count > 0)
                        nextInLine[i] = listOfQs[i].Peek();

                //This fills the PQ initially, otherwise they are
                //pulled into the PQ when someone leaves.
                if (windows.Count < listOfQs.Count)                     //if the PQ (windows) are not full
                    for (int i = 0; i < listOfQs.Count; i++)            //for every queue
                        if (listOfQs[i].Count > 0)
                            windows.Enqueue(listOfQs[i].Peek());                    //First in line enters PQ
                            listOfQs[i].Peek().Arrival = new Evnt(currentTime);     //and gets window wait time

                currentTime             += tick;
                patronEntranceThreshold += tick;

                //for (int i = 0; i < listOfQs.Count; i++)
                //    Registrants[] tempArr = listOfQs[i].ToArray();

                //    List<int> intList = new List<int>(tempArr.Length);
                //    for (int j = 0; j < tempArr.Length; j++)
                //    {
                //        //intList.Add(100);
                //        intList.Add(tempArr[j].PatronNum);
                //    }
                //    listToPrint.Add(intList);
                //string listDisplay = "";

                //listDisplay = $"\t\tRegistration Windows\n"
                //            + "\t\t--------------------\n";

                //for(int i = 0; i < listOfQs.Count; i++)
                //    listDisplay += $"\t W {i}";

                //listDisplay += "\n";
                //int max = 0;
                //for (int i = 0; i < listOfQs.Count; i++)
                //    if (listOfQs[i].Count> max)
                //    {
                //        max = listOfQs[i].Count;
                //    }

                //for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                //    for (int j = 0; j < listOfQs.Count; j++)
                //    {
                //        try
                //        {
                //            listDisplay += "\t" + listToPrint[j][i];
                //        }
                //        catch
                //        {
                //            listDisplay+= "\t    ";
                //        }
                //    }

                //    Console.WriteLine("its time");

                ListOfQueues print = new ListOfQueues(listOfQs);
            }//end while

예제 #2
        public int CompareTo(object registrant)
            Registrants e = (Registrants)registrant;
