protected virtual void SetMapPlayers(ScnFile file, List <string> players, MapPlayers mapPlayers)
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var scnSection in file.Entries)
                if (scnSection.Name != "SetStartLocation")

                int x = Convert.ToInt32(scnSection.Values[0]);
                int y = Convert.ToInt32(scnSection.Values[1]);
                if (x != 0 && y != 0)
                    var multi = new PlayerReference
                        Name     = "Multi" + i,
                        Team     = i + 2,
                        Playable = true,
                        Faction  = "Random"

                    mapPlayers.Players.Add(multi.Name, multi);

            numMultiStarts = i;
예제 #2
        public virtual void Run(ModData modData, string[] args)
            ModData = modData;

            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = modData;

            var filename = args[1];

            using (var stream = modData.DefaultFileSystem.Open(filename))
                var file       = new IniFile(stream);
                var basic      = file.GetSection("Basic");
                var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");

                var format = GetMapFormatVersion(basic);

                var tileset = GetTileset(mapSection);
                Map = new Map(modData, modData.DefaultTileSets[tileset], MapSize, MapSize)
                    Title  = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)),
                    Author = "Westwood Studios",

                Map.RequiresMod = modData.Manifest.Mod.Id;

                SetBounds(Map, mapSection);

                ReadPacks(file, filename);

                LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");


                LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

                var waypoints = file.GetSection("Waypoints");

                // Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
                MapPlayers = new MapPlayers(Map.Rules, Players.Count == 0 ? spawnCount : 0);
                foreach (var p in Players)
                    LoadPlayer(file, p);

                Map.PlayerDefinitions = MapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();


            var dest    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";
            var package = new ZipFile(modData.ModFiles, dest, true);

            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
        void Initialize(string mapFile)
            mapSize = new Size(stream.ReadUInt16(), stream.ReadUInt16());

            tileSet = Game.ModData.DefaultTileSets["ARRAKIS"];

            map = new Map(Game.ModData, tileSet, mapSize.Width + 2 * MapCordonWidth, mapSize.Height + 2 * MapCordonWidth)
                Title  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFile),
                Author = "Westwood Studios"

            var tl = new PPos(MapCordonWidth, MapCordonWidth);
            var br = new PPos(MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Width - 1, MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Height - 1);

            map.SetBounds(tl, br);

            // Get all templates from the tileset YAML file that have at least one frame and an Image property corresponding to the requested tileset
            // Each frame is a tile from the Dune 2000 tileset files, with the Frame ID being the index of the tile in the original file
            tileSetsFromYaml = tileSet.Templates.Where(t => t.Value.Frames != null &&
                                                       t.Value.Images[0].ToLower() == tilesetName.ToLower()).Select(ts => ts.Value).ToList();

            var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, playerCount);

            map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();
예제 #4
        public void CreatePlayers(World w)
            if (w.Type != WorldType.Editor)

            Players = new MapPlayers(w.Map.PlayerDefinitions);
예제 #5
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: ushalin/OpenRA
        void LoadMap(string mapname)

            loadedMapName = mapname;

            // load the map
            var map = new Map(mapname);

            // upgrade maps that have no player definitions. editor doesnt care,
            // but this breaks the game pretty badly.
            if (map.PlayerDefinitions.Count == 0)
                var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);
                map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();

            PrepareMapResources(Game.ModData, map);

            // Calculate total net worth of resources in cash
            cashToolStripStatusLabel.Text = CalculateTotalResource().ToString();

            dirty = false;
예제 #6
        public static void SetMapPlayers(string section, string faction, string color, IniFile file, List<string> players, MapPlayers mapPlayers)
            var pr = new PlayerReference
                Name = section,
                OwnsWorld = section == "Neutral",
                NonCombatant = section == "Neutral",
                Faction = faction,
                Color = namedColorMapping[color]

            var neutral = new[] { "Neutral" };
            foreach (var s in file.GetSection(section, true))
                switch (s.Key)
                case "Allies":
                    pr.Allies = s.Value.Split(',').Intersect(players).Except(neutral).ToArray();
                    pr.Enemies = s.Value.Split(',').SymmetricDifference(players).Except(neutral).ToArray();
                    Console.WriteLine("Ignoring unknown {0}={1} for player {2}", s.Key, s.Value, pr.Name);

            // Overwrite default player definitions if needed
            if (!mapPlayers.Players.ContainsKey(section))
                mapPlayers.Players.Add(section, pr);
                mapPlayers.Players[section] = pr;
예제 #7
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: ushalin/OpenRA
        void NewClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var nmd = new NewMapDialog())
                nmd.TheaterBox.Items.AddRange(Program.Rules.TileSets.Select(a => a.Value.Id).ToArray());
                nmd.TheaterBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

                if (DialogResult.OK == nmd.ShowDialog())
                    var tileset = Program.Rules.TileSets[nmd.TheaterBox.SelectedItem as string];
                    var map     = Map.FromTileset(tileset);

                    map.Resize((int)nmd.MapWidth.Value, (int)nmd.MapHeight.Value);
                    map.ResizeCordon((int)nmd.CordonLeft.Value, (int)nmd.CordonTop.Value,
                                     (int)nmd.CordonRight.Value, (int)nmd.CordonBottom.Value);

                    var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);
                    map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();


예제 #8
        void Initialize(string mapFile)
            stream.Seek(400, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var x = stream.ReadInt32();
            var y = stream.ReadInt32();

            mapSize = new Size(x * 2, y * 2);

            tileSet = Game.ModData.DefaultTileSets[tilesetName];

            map = new Map(Game.ModData, tileSet, mapSize.Width + 2 * MapCordonWidth, mapSize.Height + 2 * MapCordonWidth)
                Title  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFile),
                Author = "Gate 5 Creations"

            var tl = new PPos(MapCordonWidth, MapCordonWidth);
            var br = new PPos(MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Width - 1, MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Height - 1);

            map.SetBounds(tl, br);

            stream.Seek(424, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            numberOfActors = stream.ReadInt32();

            mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, 0);
예제 #9
        void Initialize(string mapFile)
            stream.Seek(400, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var x = stream.ReadInt32();
            var y = stream.ReadInt32();

            mapSize = new Size(x * 2, y * 2);

            if (!Game.ModData.DefaultTerrainInfo.TryGetValue(tileset, out var terrainInfo))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown tileset {0}".F(tileset));

            this.terrainInfo = terrainInfo as CustomTerrain;

            map = new Map(Game.ModData, terrainInfo, mapSize.Width + 2 * MapCordonWidth, mapSize.Height + 2 * MapCordonWidth)
                Title  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFile),
                Author = "Gate 5 Creations"

            var tl = new PPos(MapCordonWidth, MapCordonWidth);
            var br = new PPos(MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Width - 1, MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Height - 1);

            map.SetBounds(tl, br);

            stream.Seek(424, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            numberOfActors = stream.ReadInt32();

            mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, 0);
예제 #10
        public void CreatePlayers(World w)
            var players      = new MapPlayers(w.Map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;
            var worldPlayers = new List <Player>();

            // Create the unplayable map players -- neutral, shellmap, scripted, etc.
            foreach (var kv in players.Where(p => !p.Value.Playable))
                var player = new Player(w, null, kv.Value);
                if (kv.Value.OwnsWorld)

            Player localPlayer = null;

            // Create the regular playable players.
            foreach (var kv in w.LobbyInfo.Slots)
                var client = w.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(kv.Key);
                if (client == null)

                var player = new Player(w, client, players[kv.Value.PlayerReference]);

                if (client.Index == Game.LocalClientId)
                    localPlayer = player;

            // Create a player that is allied with everyone for shared observer shroud.
            worldPlayers.Add(new Player(w, null, new PlayerReference
                Name         = "Everyone",
                NonCombatant = true,
                Spectating   = true,
                Faction      = "Random",
                Allies       = worldPlayers.Where(p => !p.NonCombatant && p.Playable).Select(p => p.InternalName).ToArray()

            w.SetPlayers(worldPlayers, localPlayer);

            foreach (var p in w.Players)
                foreach (var q in w.Players)
                    if (!p.Stances.ContainsKey(q))
                        p.Stances[q] = ChooseInitialStance(p, q);
예제 #11
        ColorPalette GetPaletteForPlayerInner(string name)
            var pr    = new MapPlayers(Map.PlayerDefinitions).Players[name];
            var pcpi  = Program.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.Get <PlayerColorPaletteInfo>();
            var remap = new PlayerColorRemap(pcpi.RemapIndex, pr.Color, pcpi.Ramp);

            return(new ImmutablePalette(PlayerPalette, remap).AsSystemPalette());
예제 #12
        public void Run(Action<string> emitError, Action<string> emitWarning, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            var playerNames = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name).ToHashSet();
            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                foreach (var ally in player.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

                foreach (var enemy in player.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

                if (player.OwnsWorld && (player.Enemies.Any() || player.Allies.Any()))
                    emitWarning("The player {0} owning the world should not have any allies or enemies.".F(player.Name));

            var worldActor = map.Rules.Actors["world"];

            var factions = worldActor.TraitInfos<FactionInfo>().Select(f => f.InternalName).ToHashSet();
            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Faction) && !factions.Contains(player.Faction))
                    emitError("Invalid faction {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Faction, player.Name));

            if (worldActor.HasTraitInfo<MPStartLocationsInfo>())
                var playerCount = players.Count(p => p.Value.Playable);
                var spawns = new List<CPos>();
                foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions.Where(d => d.Value.Value == "mpspawn"))
                    var s = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());

                if (playerCount > spawns.Count)
                    emitError("The map allows {0} possible players, but defines only {1} spawn points".F(playerCount, spawns.Count));

                if (spawns.Distinct().Count() != spawns.Count)
                    emitError("Duplicate spawn point locations detected.");

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions)
                var actorReference = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                var ownerInit = actorReference.InitDict.GetOrDefault<OwnerInit>();
                if (ownerInit == null)
                    emitError("Actor {0} is not owned by any player.".F(kv.Key));
                    var ownerName = ownerInit.PlayerName;
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                        emitError("Actor {0} is owned by unknown player {1}.".F(actorReference.Type, ownerName));
예제 #13
        public void CreatePlayers(World w)
            if (w.Type != WorldType.Editor)

            Players = new MapPlayers(w.Map.PlayerDefinitions);
예제 #14
        public void CreatePlayers(World w)
            if (w.Type != WorldType.Editor)

            Players = new MapPlayers(w.Map.PlayerDefinitions);

            var worldOwner = Players.Players.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).First(p => !p.Playable && p.OwnsWorld);
            w.WorldActor.Owner = new Player(w, null, worldOwner);
예제 #15
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: ushalin/OpenRA
        void SetupDefaultPlayers(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dirty = true;
            var players = new MapPlayers(surface1.Map.Rules, surface1.Map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);

            surface1.Map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();


예제 #16
        void IUtilityCommand.Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = utility.ModData;

            var filename   = args[1];
            var file       = new IniFile(File.Open(args[1], FileMode.Open));
            var basic      = file.GetSection("Basic");
            var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");
            var tileset    = mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "");
            var iniSize    = mapSection.GetValue("Size", "0, 0, 0, 0").Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            var iniBounds  = mapSection.GetValue("LocalSize", "0, 0, 0, 0").Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            var size       = new Size(iniSize[2], 2 * iniSize[3]);
            var author     = args.Length > 2
                                ? args[2]
                                : "Westwood Studios";

            if (!utility.ModData.DefaultTerrainInfo.TryGetValue(tileset, out var terrainInfo))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown tileset {0}".F(tileset));

            var map = new Map(Game.ModData, terrainInfo, size.Width, size.Height)
                Title       = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)),
                Author      = author,
                Bounds      = new Rectangle(iniBounds[0], iniBounds[1], iniBounds[2], 2 * iniBounds[3] + 2 * iniBounds[1]),
                RequiresMod = utility.ModData.Manifest.Id

            var fullSize = new int2(iniSize[2], iniSize[3]);

            ReadTiles(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadActors(map, file, "Structures", fullSize);
            ReadActors(map, file, "Units", fullSize);
            ReadActors(map, file, "Infantry", fullSize);
            ReadTerrainActors(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadWaypoints(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadOverlay(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadLighting(map, file);
            ReadLamps(map, file);

            var spawnCount = map.ActorDefinitions.Count(n => n.Value.Value == "mpspawn");
            var mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, spawnCount);

            map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();

            var dest = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";

            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
예제 #17
        void ICreatePlayers.CreatePlayers(World w)
            if (w.Type != WorldType.Editor)

            Players = new MapPlayers(w.Map.PlayerDefinitions);

            var worldOwner = Players.Players.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).First(p => !p.Playable && p.OwnsWorld);

            w.SetWorldOwner(new Player(w, null, worldOwner));
예제 #18
        void ILintMapPass.Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, ModData modData, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions);
            var spawns  = new List <CPos>();

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions.Where(d => d.Value.Value == "mpspawn"))
                var s = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                spawns.Add(s.Get <LocationInit>().Value);

            Run(emitError, emitWarning, players, map.Visibility, map.Rules.Actors[SystemActors.World], spawns.ToArray());
예제 #19
        public static Map Import(string filename, string mod, string tileset, Ruleset rules)
            var map = new D2kMapImporter(filename, tileset, rules).map;

            if (map == null)

            map.RequiresMod = mod;
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);

            map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();

예제 #20
        void IUtilityCommand.Run(ModData modData, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = modData;

            var filename   = args[1];
            var file       = new IniFile(File.Open(args[1], FileMode.Open));
            var basic      = file.GetSection("Basic");
            var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");
            var tileset    = mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "");
            var iniSize    = mapSection.GetValue("Size", "0, 0, 0, 0").Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            var iniBounds  = mapSection.GetValue("LocalSize", "0, 0, 0, 0").Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            var size       = new Size(iniSize[2], 2 * iniSize[3]);

            var map = new Map(Game.ModData, modData.DefaultTileSets[tileset], size.Width, size.Height)
                Title       = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)),
                Author      = "Westwood Studios",
                Bounds      = new Rectangle(iniBounds[0], iniBounds[1], iniBounds[2], 2 * iniBounds[3] + 2 * iniBounds[1]),
                RequiresMod = modData.Manifest.Mod.Id

            var fullSize = new int2(iniSize[2], iniSize[3]);

            ReadTiles(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadActors(map, file, "Structures", fullSize);
            ReadActors(map, file, "Units", fullSize);
            ReadActors(map, file, "Infantry", fullSize);
            ReadTerrainActors(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadWaypoints(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadOverlay(map, file, fullSize);
            ReadLighting(map, file);

            var spawnCount = map.ActorDefinitions.Count(n => n.Value.Value == "mpspawn");
            var mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, spawnCount);

            map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();

            var dest    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";
            var package = new ZipFile(modData.DefaultFileSystem, dest, true);

            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
예제 #21
        public void Run(Action<string> emitError, Action<string> emitWarning, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            var playerNames = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name);
            foreach (var player in players)
                foreach (var ally in player.Value.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

            foreach (var player in players)
                foreach (var enemy in player.Value.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

            var races = map.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.WithInterface<CountryInfo>().Select(c => c.Race);
            foreach (var player in players)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Value.Race) && player.Value.Race != "Random" && !races.Contains(player.Value.Race))
                    emitError("Invalid race {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Value.Race, player.Value.Name));
        protected void SetNeutralPlayer(MapPlayers mapPlayers)
            var section = "Neutral";
            var pr      = new PlayerReference
                Name         = section,
                OwnsWorld    = true,
                NonCombatant = true,
                Faction      = "fguard",
                Color        = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)

            // Overwrite default player definitions if needed
            if (!mapPlayers.Players.ContainsKey(section))
                mapPlayers.Players.Add(section, pr);
                mapPlayers.Players[section] = pr;
예제 #23
        void CreateSaveMapButton()
            if (world.Type != WorldType.Editor)

            var button = AddButton("SAVE_MAP", "Save Map");

            button.OnClick = () =>
                hideMenu = true;
                var editorActorLayer = world.WorldActor.Trait <EditorActorLayer>();
                var actionManager    = world.WorldActor.Trait <EditorActionManager>();

                var playerDefinitions = editorActorLayer.Players.ToMiniYaml();

                var playerCount = new MapPlayers(playerDefinitions).Players.Count;
                if (playerCount > MapPlayers.MaximumPlayerCount)
                        title: "Error: Max player count exceeded",
                        text: $"There are too many players defined ({playerCount}/{MapPlayers.MaximumPlayerCount}).",
                        onConfirm: ShowMenu,
                        confirmText: "Back");


                Ui.OpenWindow("SAVE_MAP_PANEL", new WidgetArgs()
                    { "onSave", (Action <string>)(_ => { hideMenu = false; actionManager.Modified = false; }) },
                    { "onExit", () => hideMenu = false },
                    { "map", world.Map },
                    { "playerDefinitions", playerDefinitions },
                    { "actorDefinitions", editorActorLayer.Save() }
예제 #24
        public void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            var playerNames = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name);

            foreach (var player in players)
                foreach (var ally in player.Value.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

            foreach (var player in players)
                foreach (var enemy in player.Value.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

            var races = map.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.WithInterface <CountryInfo>().Select(c => c.Race);

            foreach (var player in players)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Value.Race) && player.Value.Race != "Random" && !races.Contains(player.Value.Race))
                    emitError("Invalid race {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Value.Race, player.Value.Name));
예제 #25
        public void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, ModData modData, Map map)
            var playerNames = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players.Values
                              .Select(p => p.Name)

            // Check for actors that require specific owners
            var actorsWithRequiredOwner = map.Rules.Actors
                                          .Where(a => a.Value.HasTraitInfo <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>())
                                          .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Value.TraitInfo <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>());

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions)
                var actorReference = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                var ownerInit      = actorReference.GetOrDefault <OwnerInit>();
                if (ownerInit == null)
                    emitError("Actor {0} is not owned by any player.".F(kv.Key));
                    var ownerName = ownerInit.InternalName;
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                        emitError("Actor {0} is owned by unknown player {1}.".F(kv.Key, ownerName));

                    if (actorsWithRequiredOwner.TryGetValue(kv.Value.Value, out var info))
                        if (!info.ValidOwnerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                            emitError("Actor {0} owner {1} is not one of ValidOwnerNames: {2}".F(kv.Key, ownerName, info.ValidOwnerNames.JoinWith(", ")));
예제 #26
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: ushardul/OpenRA
        void LoadMap(string mapname)

            loadedMapName = mapname;

            // load the map
            var map = new Map(mapname);

            // upgrade maps that have no player definitions. editor doesnt care,
            // but this breaks the game pretty badly.
            if (map.PlayerDefinitions.Count == 0)
                var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);
                map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();

            PrepareMapResources(Game.ModData, map);

            // Calculate total net worth of resources in cash
            cashToolStripStatusLabel.Text = CalculateTotalResource().ToString();

            dirty = false;
예제 #27
        public void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, ModData modData, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            if (players.Count > 64)
                emitError("Defining more than 64 players is not allowed.");

            var worldOwnerFound = false;
            var playerNames     = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                foreach (var ally in player.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

                foreach (var enemy in player.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

                if (player.OwnsWorld)
                    worldOwnerFound = true;
                    if (player.Enemies.Any() || player.Allies.Any())
                        emitWarning("The player {0} owning the world should not have any allies or enemies.".F(player.Name));

                    if (player.Playable)
                        emitError("The player {0} owning the world can't be playable.".F(player.Name));
                else if (map.Visibility == MapVisibility.MissionSelector && player.Playable && !player.LockFaction)
                    // Missions must lock the faction of the player to force the server to override the default Random faction
                    emitError("The player {0} must specify LockFaction: True.".F(player.Name));

            if (!worldOwnerFound)
                emitError("Found no player owning the world.");

            var worldActor = map.Rules.Actors[SystemActors.World];
            var factions   = worldActor.TraitInfos <FactionInfo>().Select(f => f.InternalName).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Faction) && !factions.Contains(player.Faction))
                    emitError("Invalid faction {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Faction, player.Name));

            if (worldActor.HasTraitInfo <MapStartingLocationsInfo>())
                var playerCount = players.Count(p => p.Value.Playable);
                var spawns      = new List <CPos>();
                foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions.Where(d => d.Value.Value == "mpspawn"))
                    var s = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                    spawns.Add(s.Get <LocationInit>().Value);

                if (playerCount > spawns.Count)
                    emitError("The map allows {0} possible players, but defines only {1} spawn points".F(playerCount, spawns.Count));

                if (spawns.Distinct().Count() != spawns.Count)
                    emitError("Duplicate spawn point locations detected.");

            // Check for actors that require specific owners
            var actorsWithRequiredOwner = map.Rules.Actors
                                          .Where(a => a.Value.HasTraitInfo <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>())
                                          .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Value.TraitInfo <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>());

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions)
                var actorReference = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                var ownerInit      = actorReference.GetOrDefault <OwnerInit>();
                if (ownerInit == null)
                    emitError("Actor {0} is not owned by any player.".F(kv.Key));
                    var ownerName = ownerInit.InternalName;
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                        emitError("Actor {0} is owned by unknown player {1}.".F(kv.Key, ownerName));

                    if (actorsWithRequiredOwner.TryGetValue(kv.Value.Value, out var info))
                        if (!info.ValidOwnerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                            emitError("Actor {0} owner {1} is not one of ValidOwnerNames: {2}".F(kv.Key, ownerName, info.ValidOwnerNames.JoinWith(", ")));
예제 #28
        public static void SetMapPlayers(string section, string faction, string color, IniFile file, List <string> players, MapPlayers mapPlayers)
            var pr = new PlayerReference
                Name         = section,
                OwnsWorld    = section == "Neutral",
                NonCombatant = section == "Neutral",
                Faction      = faction,
                Color        = namedColorMapping[color]

            var neutral = new[] { "Neutral" };

            foreach (var s in file.GetSection(section, true))
                switch (s.Key)
                case "Allies":
                    pr.Allies  = s.Value.Split(',').Intersect(players).Except(neutral).ToArray();
                    pr.Enemies = s.Value.Split(',').SymmetricDifference(players).Except(neutral).ToArray();

                    Console.WriteLine("Ignoring unknown {0}={1} for player {2}", s.Key, s.Value, pr.Name);

            // Overwrite default player definitions if needed
            if (!mapPlayers.Players.ContainsKey(section))
                mapPlayers.Players.Add(section, pr);
                mapPlayers.Players[section] = pr;
예제 #29
        protected void Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = ModData = utility.ModData;

            var filename = args[1];
            var flag     = args[2];

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flag))
                flag = "VH";

            bool flipHorizontal = flag.Contains("H");
            bool flipVertical   = flag.Contains("V");

            MirrorType mirrorType = MirrorType.Horizontal;

            if (flipVertical)
                mirrorType = MirrorType.Vertical;
            if (flipHorizontal && flipVertical)
                mirrorType = MirrorType.HorizontalAndVertical;

            var targetPath = "..\\mods\\dr\\maps";

            var package = new Folder(targetPath).OpenPackage(filename, ModData.ModFiles);

            if (package == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find map file: " + filename);

            Map = new Map(ModData, package);
            var size = Map.MapSize;

            switch (mirrorType)
            case MirrorType.Horizontal:
                size = size.WithX(size.X / 2);

            case MirrorType.Vertical:
                size = size.WithY(size.Y / 2);

            case MirrorType.HorizontalAndVertical:
                size = size / 2;

            // Tiles
            for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++)
                    var pos           = new CPos(x, y);
                    var transformTile = new TileTransform()
                        Tile       = Map.Tiles[pos],
                        MirrorType = mirrorType,
                        Position   = pos

                    foreach (var tt in transformTile.GetTransforms(Map))
                        var newPos = tt.Position;
                        Map.Tiles[newPos] = tt.Tile;

            // Actors
            actorIndex = GetHighestActorIndex();
            int multiCount = 0;

            var actorDefs    = new List <ActorReference>();
            var removeActors = new List <MiniYamlNode>();

            foreach (var a in Map.ActorDefinitions)
                var existing = new ActorReference(a.Value.Value, a.Value.ToDictionary());
                var pos      = existing.GetOrDefault <LocationInit>().Value;
                var owner    = existing.Get <OwnerInit>();

                if (pos.X < 0 || pos.X >= size.X ||
                    pos.Y < 0 || pos.Y >= size.Y)

                var actor = new ActorTransform()
                    Actor      = existing,
                    Position   = pos,
                    MirrorType = mirrorType,

                if (actor.Actor.Type == "mpspawn")

                foreach (var at in actor.GetTransforms(Map))
                    var ar = new ActorReference(actor.Actor.Type)
                        new LocationInit(at.Position),


                    if (at.Actor.Type == "mpspawn")

            foreach (var a in actorDefs)
                Map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("Actor" + ++actorIndex, a.Save()));

            foreach (var a in removeActors)

            if (multiCount > 0)
                var mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(Map.Rules, multiCount);
                Map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();

            // Resources
            for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++)
                    var pos      = new CPos(x, y);
                    var resource = new ResourceTransform()
                        Tile       = Map.Resources[pos],
                        MirrorType = mirrorType,
                        Position   = pos

                    foreach (var rt in resource.GetTransforms(Map))
                        var newPos = rt.Position;
                        Map.Resources[newPos] = rt.Tile;

            var dest = Path.Combine(targetPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".oramap");

            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
		void IUtilityCommand.Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
			// HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
			Game.ModData = utility.ModData;

			var filename = args[1];
			var file = new IniFile(File.Open(args[1], FileMode.Open));
			var basic = file.GetSection("Basic");
			var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");
			var tileset = mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "");
			var iniSize = mapSection.GetValue("Size", "0, 0, 0, 0").Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
			var iniBounds = mapSection.GetValue("LocalSize", "0, 0, 0, 0").Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
			var size = new Size(iniSize[2], 2 * iniSize[3]);

			var map = new Map(Game.ModData, utility.ModData.DefaultTileSets[tileset], size.Width, size.Height)
				Title = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)),
				Author = "Westwood Studios",
				Bounds = new Rectangle(iniBounds[0], iniBounds[1], iniBounds[2], 2 * iniBounds[3] + 2 * iniBounds[1]),
				RequiresMod = utility.ModData.Manifest.Id

			var fullSize = new int2(iniSize[2], iniSize[3]);
			ReadTiles(map, file, fullSize);
			ReadActors(map, file, "Structures", fullSize);
			ReadActors(map, file, "Units", fullSize);
			ReadActors(map, file, "Infantry", fullSize);
			ReadTerrainActors(map, file, fullSize);
			ReadWaypoints(map, file, fullSize);
			ReadOverlay(map, file, fullSize);
			ReadLighting(map, file);

			var spawnCount = map.ActorDefinitions.Count(n => n.Value.Value == "mpspawn");
			var mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, spawnCount);
			map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();

			var dest = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";
			map.Save(ZipFile.Create(dest, new Folder(".")));
			Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
예제 #31
		enum IniMapFormat { RedAlert = 3 } // otherwise, cnc (2 variants exist, we don't care to differentiate)

		public void ConvertIniMap(string iniFile)
			using (var stream = GlobalFileSystem.Open(iniFile))
				var file = new IniFile(stream);
				var basic = file.GetSection("Basic");
				var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");
				var legacyMapFormat = (IniMapFormat)Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(basic.GetValue("NewINIFormat", "0"));
				var offsetX = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("X", "0"));
				var offsetY = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Y", "0"));
				var width = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Width", "0"));
				var height = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Height", "0"));
				mapSize = (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert) ? 128 : 64;

				var tileset = Truncate(mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "TEMPERAT"), 8);
				map = new Map(rules.TileSets[tileset], mapSize, mapSize)
					Title = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iniFile)),
					Author = "Westwood Studios"

				var tl = new PPos(offsetX, offsetY);
				var br = new PPos(offsetX + width - 1, offsetY + height - 1);
				map.SetBounds(tl, br);

				if (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert)
					// CnC
					using (var s = GlobalFileSystem.Open(iniFile.Substring(0, iniFile.Length - 4) + ".bin"))

				LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");
				LoadActors(file, "STRUCTURES");
				LoadActors(file, "UNITS");
				LoadActors(file, "INFANTRY");
				LoadActors(file, "SHIPS");
				LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

				var wps = file.GetSection("Waypoints")
						.Where(kv => Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value) > 0)
						.Select(kv => Pair.New(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Key),
							LocationFromMapOffset(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value), mapSize)));

				// Add waypoint actors
				foreach (var kv in wps)
					if (kv.First <= 7)
						var ar = new ActorReference("mpspawn")
							new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
							new OwnerInit("Neutral")

						map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("Actor" + actorCount++, ar.Save()));
						var ar = new ActorReference("waypoint")
							new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
							new OwnerInit("Neutral")

						map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("waypoint" + kv.First, ar.Save()));

				// Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
				mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, (players.Count == 0) ? map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length : 0);
				foreach (var p in players)
					LoadPlayer(file, p, legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert);
				map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();
예제 #32
        enum IniMapFormat { RedAlert = 3 }         // otherwise, cnc (2 variants exist, we don't care to differentiate)

        public void ConvertIniMap(string iniFile)
            using (var stream = GlobalFileSystem.Open(iniFile))
                var file            = new IniFile(stream);
                var basic           = file.GetSection("Basic");
                var mapSection      = file.GetSection("Map");
                var legacyMapFormat = (IniMapFormat)Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(basic.GetValue("NewINIFormat", "0"));
                var offsetX         = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("X", "0"));
                var offsetY         = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Y", "0"));
                var width           = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Width", "0"));
                var height          = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Height", "0"));
                mapSize = (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert) ? 128 : 64;

                var tileset = Truncate(mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "TEMPERAT"), 8);
                map = new Map(rules.TileSets[tileset], mapSize, mapSize)
                    Title  = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iniFile)),
                    Author = "Westwood Studios"

                var tl = new PPos(offsetX, offsetY);
                var br = new PPos(offsetX + width - 1, offsetY + height - 1);
                map.SetBounds(tl, br);

                if (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert)
                    // CnC
                    using (var s = GlobalFileSystem.Open(iniFile.Substring(0, iniFile.Length - 4) + ".bin"))

                LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");
                LoadActors(file, "STRUCTURES");
                LoadActors(file, "UNITS");
                LoadActors(file, "INFANTRY");
                LoadActors(file, "SHIPS");
                LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

                var wps = file.GetSection("Waypoints")
                          .Where(kv => Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value) > 0)
                          .Select(kv => Pair.New(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Key),
                                                 LocationFromMapOffset(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value), mapSize)));

                // Add waypoint actors
                foreach (var kv in wps)
                    if (kv.First <= 7)
                        var ar = new ActorReference("mpspawn")
                            new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
                            new OwnerInit("Neutral")

                        map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("Actor" + actorCount++, ar.Save()));
                        var ar = new ActorReference("waypoint")
                            new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
                            new OwnerInit("Neutral")

                        map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("waypoint" + kv.First, ar.Save()));

                // Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
                mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, (players.Count == 0) ? map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length : 0);
                foreach (var p in players)
                    LoadPlayer(file, p, legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert);
                map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();
예제 #33
        public void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            var playerNames = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                foreach (var ally in player.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

                foreach (var enemy in player.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

                if (player.OwnsWorld && (player.Enemies.Any() || player.Allies.Any()))
                    emitWarning("The player {0} owning the world should not have any allies or enemies.".F(player.Name));

            var worldActor = map.Rules.Actors["world"];

            var factions = worldActor.TraitInfos <FactionInfo>().Select(f => f.InternalName).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Faction) && !factions.Contains(player.Faction))
                    emitError("Invalid faction {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Faction, player.Name));

            if (worldActor.HasTraitInfo <MPStartLocationsInfo>())
                var playerCount = players.Count(p => p.Value.Playable);
                var spawns      = new List <CPos>();
                foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions.Where(d => d.Value.Value == "mpspawn"))
                    var s = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                    spawns.Add(s.InitDict.Get <LocationInit>().Value(null));

                if (playerCount > spawns.Count)
                    emitError("The map allows {0} possible players, but defines only {1} spawn points".F(playerCount, spawns.Count));

                if (spawns.Distinct().Count() != spawns.Count)
                    emitError("Duplicate spawn point locations detected.");

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions)
                var actorReference = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                var ownerInit      = actorReference.InitDict.GetOrDefault <OwnerInit>();
                if (ownerInit == null)
                    emitError("Actor {0} is not owned by any player.".F(kv.Key));
                    var ownerName = ownerInit.PlayerName;
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                        emitError("Actor {0} is owned by unknown player {1}.".F(kv.Key, ownerName));
                    else if (kv.Value.Value == "mpspawn" && !players[ownerName].OwnsWorld)
                        emitError("Actor {0} needs to be owned by the player that owns the world. ".F(kv.Key) +
                                  "Use the `Spawn` and `LockSpawn` player properties to force players onto a particular spawn instead.");
예제 #34
        void CreateMapPlayers()
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, playerCount);

            map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();
예제 #35
        protected void Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = ModData = utility.ModData;

            var filename = args[1];

            using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
                var file  = new IniFile(stream);
                var basic = file.GetSection("Basic");

                var player = basic.GetValue("Player", string.Empty);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(player))
                    singlePlayer = !player.StartsWith("Multi");

                var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");

                var format = GetMapFormatVersion(basic);

                // The original game isn't case sensitive, but we are.
                var tileset = GetTileset(mapSection).ToUpperInvariant();
                if (!ModData.DefaultTileSets.ContainsKey(tileset))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown tileset {0}".F(tileset));

                Map = new Map(ModData, ModData.DefaultTileSets[tileset], MapSize, MapSize)
                    Title  = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)),
                    Author = "Westwood Studios",

                Map.RequiresMod = ModData.Manifest.Id;

                SetBounds(Map, mapSection);

                ReadPacks(file, filename);

                LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");


                LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

                var waypoints = file.GetSection("Waypoints");

                // Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
                MapPlayers = new MapPlayers(Map.Rules, Players.Count == 0 ? spawnCount : 0);
                foreach (var p in Players)
                    LoadPlayer(file, p);

                Map.PlayerDefinitions = MapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();


            var dest = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";

            Map.Save(ZipFile.Create(dest, new Folder(".")));
            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
예제 #36
        public void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            var playerNames = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                foreach (var ally in player.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

                foreach (var enemy in player.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

                if (player.OwnsWorld && (player.Enemies.Any() || player.Allies.Any()))
                    emitWarning("The player {0} owning the world should not have any allies or enemies.".F(player.Name));

            var worldActor = map.Rules.Actors["world"];

            var races = worldActor.Traits.WithInterface <FactionInfo>().Select(f => f.InternalName).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Faction) && !races.Contains(player.Faction))
                    emitError("Invalid race {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Faction, player.Name));

            if (worldActor.Traits.Contains <MPStartLocationsInfo>())
                var multiPlayers = players.Count(p => p.Value.Playable);
                var spawns       = map.ActorDefinitions.Where(a => a.Value.Value == "mpspawn");
                var spawnCount   = spawns.Count();

                if (multiPlayers > spawnCount)
                    emitError("The map allows {0} possible players, but defines only {1} spawn points".F(multiPlayers, spawnCount));

                if (map.SpawnPoints.Value.Distinct().Count() != spawnCount)
                    emitError("Duplicate spawn point locations detected.");

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions)
                var actorReference = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                var ownerName      = actorReference.InitDict.Get <OwnerInit>().PlayerName;
                if (!playerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                    emitError("Actor {0} is owned by unknown player {1}.".F(actorReference.Type, ownerName));
예제 #37
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: ushardul/OpenRA
        void SetupDefaultPlayers(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dirty = true;
            var players = new MapPlayers(surface1.Map.Rules, surface1.Map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);
            surface1.Map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();


예제 #38
파일: Surface.cs 프로젝트: ushardul/OpenRA
		ColorPalette GetPaletteForPlayerInner(string name)
			var pr = new MapPlayers(Map.PlayerDefinitions).Players[name];
			var pcpi = Program.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.Get<PlayerColorPaletteInfo>();
			var remap = new PlayerColorRemap(pcpi.RemapIndex, pr.Color, pcpi.Ramp);
			return new ImmutablePalette(PlayerPalette, remap).AsSystemPalette();
예제 #39
        void Initialize(string mapFile)
            mapSize = new Size(stream.ReadUInt16(), stream.ReadUInt16());

            tileSet = Game.ModData.DefaultTileSets["ARRAKIS"];

            map = new Map(Game.ModData, tileSet, mapSize.Width + 2 * MapCordonWidth, mapSize.Height + 2 * MapCordonWidth)
                Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFile),
                Author = "Westwood Studios"

            var tl = new PPos(MapCordonWidth, MapCordonWidth);
            var br = new PPos(MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Width - 1, MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Height - 1);
            map.SetBounds(tl, br);

            // Get all templates from the tileset YAML file that have at least one frame and an Image property corresponding to the requested tileset
            // Each frame is a tile from the Dune 2000 tileset files, with the Frame ID being the index of the tile in the original file
            tileSetsFromYaml = tileSet.Templates.Where(t => t.Value.Frames != null
                && t.Value.Images[0].ToLower() == tilesetName.ToLower()).Select(ts => ts.Value).ToList();

            var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, playerCount);
            map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();
예제 #40
        void ICreatePlayers.CreatePlayers(World w, MersenneTwister playerRandom)
            var players         = new MapPlayers(w.Map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;
            var worldPlayers    = new List <Player>();
            var worldOwnerFound = false;

            // Create the unplayable map players -- neutral, shellmap, scripted, etc.
            foreach (var kv in players.Where(p => !p.Value.Playable))
                var player = new Player(w, null, kv.Value, playerRandom);

                if (kv.Value.OwnsWorld)
                    worldOwnerFound = true;

            if (!worldOwnerFound)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Map {0} does not define a player actor owning the world.".F(w.Map.Title));

            Player localPlayer = null;

            // Create the regular playable players.
            foreach (var kv in w.LobbyInfo.Slots)
                var client = w.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(kv.Key);
                if (client == null)

                var player = new Player(w, client, players[kv.Value.PlayerReference], playerRandom);

                if (client.Index == Game.LocalClientId)
                    localPlayer = player;

            // Create a player that is allied with everyone for shared observer shroud.
            worldPlayers.Add(new Player(w, null, new PlayerReference
                Name         = "Everyone",
                NonCombatant = true,
                Spectating   = true,
                Faction      = "Random",
                Allies       = worldPlayers.Where(p => !p.NonCombatant && p.Playable).Select(p => p.InternalName).ToArray()
            }, playerRandom));

            w.SetPlayers(worldPlayers, localPlayer);

            foreach (var p in w.Players)
                foreach (var q in w.Players)
                    SetupPlayerMasks(p, q);
예제 #41
        protected void Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = ModData = utility.ModData;

            var filename = args[1];
            using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
                var file = new IniFile(stream);
                var basic = file.GetSection("Basic");

                var player = basic.GetValue("Player", string.Empty);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(player))
                    singlePlayer = !player.StartsWith("Multi");

                var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");

                var format = GetMapFormatVersion(basic);

                // The original game isn't case sensitive, but we are.
                var tileset = GetTileset(mapSection).ToUpperInvariant();
                if (!ModData.DefaultTileSets.ContainsKey(tileset))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown tileset {0}".F(tileset));

                Map = new Map(ModData, ModData.DefaultTileSets[tileset], MapSize, MapSize)
                    Title = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)),
                    Author = "Westwood Studios",

                Map.RequiresMod = ModData.Manifest.Id;

                SetBounds(Map, mapSection);

                ReadPacks(file, filename);

                LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");


                LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

                var waypoints = file.GetSection("Waypoints");

                // Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
                MapPlayers = new MapPlayers(Map.Rules, Players.Count == 0 ? spawnCount : 0);
                foreach (var p in Players)
                    LoadPlayer(file, p);

                Map.PlayerDefinitions = MapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();


            var dest = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";

            Map.Save(ZipFile.Create(dest, new Folder(".")));
            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
예제 #42
        void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, MapPlayers players, MapVisibility visibility, ActorInfo worldActorInfo, CPos[] spawnPoints)
            if (players.Players.Count > 64)
                emitError("Defining more than 64 players is not allowed.");

            var worldOwnerFound = false;
            var playerNames     = players.Players.Values.Select(p => p.Name).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Players.Values)
                foreach (var ally in player.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

                foreach (var enemy in player.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

                if (player.OwnsWorld)
                    worldOwnerFound = true;
                    if (player.Enemies.Any() || player.Allies.Any())
                        emitWarning("The player {0} owning the world should not have any allies or enemies.".F(player.Name));

                    if (player.Playable)
                        emitError("The player {0} owning the world can't be playable.".F(player.Name));
                else if (visibility == MapVisibility.MissionSelector && player.Playable && !player.LockFaction)
                    // Missions must lock the faction of the player to force the server to override the default Random faction
                    emitError("The player {0} must specify LockFaction: True.".F(player.Name));

            if (!worldOwnerFound)
                emitError("Found no player owning the world.");

            var factions = worldActorInfo.TraitInfos <FactionInfo>().Select(f => f.InternalName).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Players.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Faction) && !factions.Contains(player.Faction))
                    emitError("Invalid faction {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Faction, player.Name));

            if (worldActorInfo.HasTraitInfo <MapStartingLocationsInfo>())
                var playerCount = players.Players.Count(p => p.Value.Playable);
                if (playerCount > spawnPoints.Length)
                    emitError("The map allows {0} possible players, but defines only {1} spawn points".F(playerCount, spawnPoints.Length));

                if (spawnPoints.Distinct().Count() != spawnPoints.Length)
                    emitError("Duplicate spawn point locations detected.");
예제 #43
        public static Map Import(string filename, string mod, string tileset, Ruleset rules)
            var map = new D2kMapImporter(filename, tileset, rules).map;
            if (map == null)
                return null;

            map.RequiresMod = mod;
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);
            map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();

            return map;
예제 #44
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: ushardul/OpenRA
        void NewClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var nmd = new NewMapDialog())
                nmd.TheaterBox.Items.AddRange(Program.Rules.TileSets.Select(a => a.Value.Id).ToArray());
                nmd.TheaterBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

                if (DialogResult.OK == nmd.ShowDialog())
                    var tileset = Program.Rules.TileSets[nmd.TheaterBox.SelectedItem as string];
                    var map = Map.FromTileset(tileset);

                    map.Resize((int)nmd.MapWidth.Value, (int)nmd.MapHeight.Value);
                    map.ResizeCordon((int)nmd.CordonLeft.Value, (int)nmd.CordonTop.Value,
                        (int)nmd.CordonRight.Value, (int)nmd.CordonBottom.Value);

                    var players = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length);
                    map.PlayerDefinitions = players.ToMiniYaml();

