private void ErrorKartNotSelected() { string title = "ERROR"; string message = "Not all players have selected a kart. Wait for them to choose a kart."; UnityAction okAction = () => { MainMenuHandler.EnableInputReceive(); Destroy(mainMenuHandler.dialogInstance); }; mainMenuHandler.ShowErrorDialog(title, message, okAction); }
void OnDisconnectedFromServer(NetworkDisconnection info) { foreach (NetworkView networkView in FindObjectsOfType <NetworkView>()) { if (networkView.stateSynchronization != NetworkStateSynchronization.Off) { Destroy(networkView.gameObject); } } if (Network.isClient) { if (info == NetworkDisconnection.Disconnected) { MainMenuHandler.DisableAllCanvases(); string title = "SERVER CLOSED"; string message = "The host left the game."; UnityAction okAction = () => { Destroy(mainMenuHandler.dialogInstance); MainMenuHandler.EnableInputReceive(); mainMenuHandler.GoToMainMenu(); }; mainMenuHandler.ShowErrorDialog(title, message, okAction); } } }
void OnFailedToConnect(NetworkConnectionError error) { string title = "CONNECTION FAILED"; string message = "Failed to connect to server. Either server doesn't exist or network has problems."; UnityAction okAction = ConnectionFailedConfirm; mainMenuHandler.ShowErrorDialog(title, message, okAction); }
public void CreateGame() { if (selectedGameMode == null) { string title = "ERROR"; string message = "Please select a game mode."; UnityAction okAction = GameModeNotSelectedOK; mainMenuHandler.ShowErrorDialog(title, message, okAction); } else { Network.InitializeServer(3, NetworkManager.portNumber, false); } }