public void inset(LucygenPolygonSet polys, float interpolation) { StitchPolygons(polys); List <int> verts = polys.getUniqueVertices(); //Calculate the average center of all the vertices //in these polygons. Vector3 center =; foreach (int vert in verts) { center += m_VerticesList[vert]; } center /= verts.Count; //Pull each vertex towards the center, then correct //its height so that it's as far from the center of //the planet as it was before. foreach (int vert in verts) { Vector3 v = m_VerticesList[vert]; float height = v.magnitude; v = Vector3.Lerp(v, center, interpolation); v = v.normalized * height; m_VerticesList[vert] = v; } }
public void Subdivide(int recursions) { Debug.Log("Subdividing surface."); var midPointCache = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < recursions; i++) { var newPolys = new LucygenPolygonSet(); foreach (var poly in m_LucygenPolygons) { int a = poly.m_vertices[0]; int b = poly.m_vertices[1]; int c = poly.m_vertices[2]; // Use GetMidPointIndex to either create a // new vertex between two old vertices, or // find the one that was already created. int ab = GetMidPointIndex(midPointCache, a, b); int bc = GetMidPointIndex(midPointCache, b, c); int ca = GetMidPointIndex(midPointCache, c, a); // Create the four new polygons using our original // three vertices, and the three new midpoints. newPolys.Add(new LucygenPolygon(a, ab, ca)); newPolys.Add(new LucygenPolygon(b, bc, ab)); newPolys.Add(new LucygenPolygon(c, ca, bc)); newPolys.Add(new LucygenPolygon(ab, bc, ca)); } // Replace all our old polygons with the new set of // subdivided ones. m_LucygenPolygons = newPolys; } }
public void StitchPolygons(LucygenPolygonSet polys) { LucygenEdgeSet oldEdges = polys.createEdgeSet(); List <int> oldVertices = oldEdges.GetUniqueVertices(); List <int> newVertices = cloneVertices(oldVertices); LucygenEdgeSet newEdges = oldEdges.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < oldEdges.Count; i++) { LucygenEdge oldEdge = oldEdges[i]; LucygenEdge newEdge = newEdges[i]; //Make sure that the vertices in newEdge //are the ones we recently cloned, instead //of the old vertices. for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int oldVertex = oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[j]; int index = oldVertices.IndexOf(oldVertex); newEdge.m_sharedVertices[j] = newVertices[index]; } //Create new polys along the stitched edge. These //will connect the original poly to its former neighbor. LucygenPolygon stitchPoly1 = new LucygenPolygon(oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[0], oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[1], oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[0]); LucygenPolygon stitchPoly2 = new LucygenPolygon(oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[1], oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[1], oldEdge.m_sharedVertices[0]); oldEdge.m_innerPolygon.ReplaceNeighbor(oldEdge.m_outerPolygon, stitchPoly2); oldEdge.m_outerPolygon.ReplaceNeighbor(oldEdge.m_innerPolygon, stitchPoly1); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(stitchPoly1); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(stitchPoly2); } //Swap to the new vertices on the inner polys. foreach (LucygenPolygon poly in polys) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int vertID = poly.m_vertices[i]; if (!oldVertices.Contains(vertID)) { continue; } int vertIndex = oldVertices.IndexOf(vertID); poly.m_vertices[i] = newVertices[vertIndex]; } } }
public void extrude(LucygenPolygonSet polys, float height) { StitchPolygons(polys); List <int> verts = polys.getUniqueVertices(); foreach (int vert in verts) { Vector3 v = m_VerticesList[vert]; v = v.normalized * (v.magnitude + height); m_VerticesList[vert] = v; } }
//generation methods public void InitAsIcosohedron(float size) { m_LucygenPolygons = new LucygenPolygonSet(); m_VerticesList = new List <Vector3>(); // An icosahedron has 12 vertices, and // since it's completely symmetrical the // formula for calculating them is kind of // symmetrical too: float t = (1.0f + Mathf.Sqrt(5.0f)) / 2.0f; m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(-1.0f, t, 0).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(1.0f, t, 0).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(-1.0f, -t, 0).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(1.0f, -t, 0).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(0, -1.0f, t).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(0, 1.0f, t).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(0, -1.0f, -t).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(0, 1.0f, -t).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(t, 0, -1.0f).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(t, 0, 1.0f).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(-t, 0, -1.0f).normalized); m_VerticesList.Add(new Vector3(-t, 0, 1.0f).normalized); // And here's the formula for the 20 sides, // referencing the 12 vertices we just created. m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(0, 11, 5)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(0, 5, 1)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(0, 1, 7)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(0, 7, 10)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(0, 10, 11)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(1, 5, 9)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(5, 11, 4)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(11, 10, 2)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(10, 7, 6)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(7, 1, 8)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(3, 9, 4)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(3, 4, 2)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(3, 2, 6)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(3, 6, 8)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(3, 8, 9)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(4, 9, 5)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(2, 4, 11)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(6, 2, 10)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(8, 6, 7)); m_LucygenPolygons.Add(new LucygenPolygon(9, 8, 1)); }
public void Start() { GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = m_mesh = new Mesh(); InitAsIcosohedron(size); Subdivide(subdivisions); List <Vector3> tempVertices = new List <Vector3>(); LucygenPolygonSet hills = new LucygenPolygonSet(); LucygenPolygonSet mountains = new LucygenPolygonSet(); LucygenPolygonSet plains = new LucygenPolygonSet(); LucygenPolygonSet valleys = new LucygenPolygonSet(); LucygenPolygonSet canyons = new LucygenPolygonSet(); int numMountains = (int)(percentMountain * (float)m_LucygenPolygons.Count); int numHills = (int)(percentHills * (float)m_LucygenPolygons.Count); int numPlains = (int)(percentPlains * (float)m_LucygenPolygons.Count); int numValleys = (int)(percentValleys * (float)m_LucygenPolygons.Count); int numCanyons = (int)(percentCanyons * (float)m_LucygenPolygons.Count); int sum = numMountains + numHills + numPlains + numValleys + numCanyons; docstring += ("Sum of polys: " + sum + "\n" + "Mountain polys: " + numMountains + "\n" + "Hill polys: " + numHills + "\n" + "Plains polys: " + numPlains + "\n" + "Valley polys: " + numValleys + "\n" + "Canyon polys: " + numCanyons + "\n"); foreach (LucygenPolygon polygon in m_LucygenPolygons) { if (sum > m_LucygenPolygons.Count) { numPlains = numPlains - (m_LucygenPolygons.Count - sum); } else if (sum < m_LucygenPolygons.Count) { numPlains = numValleys - (m_LucygenPolygons.Count - sum); } while (sum > 0) { int index = Random.Range(0, m_LucygenPolygons.Count); LucygenPolygon current = m_LucygenPolygons[index]; if (numMountains > 0) { mountains.Add(current); numMountains--; } else if (numHills > 0) { hills.Add(current); numHills--; } else if (numPlains > 0) { plains.Add(current); numPlains--; } else if (numValleys > 0) { valleys.Add(current); numValleys--; } else if (numCanyons > 0) { canyons.Add(current); numCanyons--; } sum--; } } extrude(mountains, .1f); extrude(hills, .05f); extrude(valleys, -.05f); extrude(canyons, -.1f); foreach (Vector3 vertex in m_VerticesList) { Vector3 newVertex = vertex * size; tempVertices.Add(newVertex); } m_VerticesList = tempVertices; m_mesh.vertices = m_VerticesList.ToArray(); m_mesh.triangles = new int[m_LucygenPolygons.Count * 3]; m_mesh.triangles = buildTriangles(m_LucygenPolygons, m_mesh.triangles); m_mesh.RecalculateNormals(); docstring += ("Number of Polys: " + m_LucygenPolygons.Count + "\n" + "Triangles array length: " + m_mesh.triangles.Length + "\n" + "Vertices array length: " + m_mesh.vertices.Length + "\n" + "Normals array length: " + m_mesh.normals.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m_mesh.triangles.Length; i++) { docstring += m_mesh.triangles[i] + " "; if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) { docstring += "\n"; } } Debug.Log(docstring); }