public void Question_With_Default_Values() { var question = Lorem.Question(); Assert.AreEqual(4, question.Split(Lorem.PunctuationSpace()).Length); Assert.IsTrue(question.EndsWith(Lorem.PunctuationQuestionMark())); }
public void Question_Without_Supplementary_List() { const int wordCount = 50; var question = Lorem.Question(wordCount); var checkCount = 0; foreach (var word in question.ToWordList()) { checkCount++; Assert.IsTrue(WordList.Contains(word), $"Locale '{Locale}'. Missing word is '{word}'" ); } Assert.AreEqual(wordCount, checkCount); }
public void Lorem_Methods() { Func <object>[] actions = new[] { new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Character()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Characters()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Multibyte()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Paragraph()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.ParagraphByChars()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Paragraphs()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Question()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Questions()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Sentence()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Sentences()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Word()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Words()), }; bool success = true; int totalExecutions = 0; int successExecutions = 0; int failedExecutions = 0; foreach (Func <object> action in actions) { foreach (string loc in _localizations) { ++totalExecutions; if (!TryCatch(action, loc)) { success = false; ++failedExecutions; } else { ++successExecutions; } } } Console.WriteLine($"{failedExecutions} of {totalExecutions} executions failed"); Assert.IsTrue(success); Assert.AreEqual(totalExecutions, successExecutions); }
public void Question_With_Supplementary_List() { const int wordCount = 50; var question = Lorem.Question(wordCount, supplemental: true); var checkCount = 0; foreach (var word in question.ToWordList()) { checkCount++; if (!JointWords.Contains(word) && SupplementalWordList.Contains(word)) { return; } } Assert.AreEqual(wordCount, checkCount); Assert.Fail("Question() does not consider supplementary words."); }
public void Question_With_Invalid_RandomWordsToAdd() { var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => Lorem.Question(wordCount: -1)); Assert.AreEqual("Must be equal to or greater than zero. (Parameter 'wordCount')", ex.Message); }
public void Question_With_Zero_Length_Returns_Empty_String() { var question = Lorem.Question(0); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, question); }