public Job SeedJobs() { var lorem = new Lorem(locale: "en"); var testjobs = new Faker <Job>().CustomInstantiator(f => new Job()) .RuleFor(u => u.City, f => f.Address.City()) .RuleFor(u => u.MaxSalary, f => f.Random.Number(1000, 200000)) .RuleFor(u => u.MinSalary, f => f.Random.Number(1000, 80000)) .RuleFor(u => u.Opening, f => f.Random.Number(1, 15)) .RuleFor(u => u.Email, (f, u) => f.Internet.Email()) .RuleFor(u => u.PostedBy, f => f.PickRandom(JobPosterUserIds)) .RuleFor(u => u.Title, f => f.Name.JobTitle()) .RuleFor(u => u.PostedOn, (f, u) => f.Date.Past()) .RuleFor(u => u.Status, (f, u) => true) .RuleFor(u => u.Tags, f => f.PickRandom(Tags)) .RuleFor(u => u.Requirement, f => lorem.Paragraphs(5)) .RuleFor(u => u.Responsibility, f => lorem.Paragraphs(5)) .RuleFor(u => u.Experience, f => f.Random.Number(1, 5)) .RuleFor(u => u.Category, f => f.PickRandom(JobCategories)) .RuleFor(u => u.Type, f => f.PickRandom(JobTypes)) .RuleFor(u => u.Location, f => f.PickRandom(JobLocations)) .RuleFor(u => u.Description, f => lorem.Paragraphs(5)) .RuleFor(u => u.Benefits, f => lorem.Paragraphs(5)) .RuleFor(u => u.Deadline, (f, u) => f.Date.Future()); var data = testjobs.Generate(); return(data); //Use a method outside scope. }
public void Should_Generate_Multiple_Paragraphs([Range(3, 100)] int num) { IEnumerable <string> paragraphs = Lorem.Paragraphs(num); Assert.That(paragraphs.ToArray(), Is.Not.Null.And.Not.Empty.And.Length.EqualTo(num) .And.All.Not.Empty); }
public BlogTest(ITestOutputHelper outputHelper) { //for consistency: //gcloud beta emulators firestore start --host-port=localhost:8888 -- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST", "localhost:8888"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", "/raid/repos/epsweb-firestore/EPSWeb.Common.Firestore/epsweb-217515-5631b4260996.json"); //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS","/your/credential/key.json"); output = outputHelper; log = output.BuildLoggerFor <BlogRepo>(); blog = new BlogRepo(new FirestoreConfig { Root = "blogtest", Emulator = true, EmulatorUrl = "http://localhost:8888", EmulatorPort = 8888, ProjectId = "epsweb-217515" }, log); posts = new List <BlogPost>(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { posts.Add(new BlogPost { body = Lorem.Paragraphs(500, 250, 3).ToCombinedString(), overview = Lorem.Sentence(10), tags = Lorem.Words(5).Split(',').ToCombinedString(), title = $"blog post {i}", slug = $"blog-post-{i}" }); } }
public void ParagraphsTest() { int expected = 3; string[] actual; actual = Lorem.Paragraphs(); Assert.AreEqual <int>(expected, actual.Length); }
public void Paragraphs_HappyDays() { const int paragraphCount = 7; var paragraphs = Lorem.Paragraphs(paragraphCount); Assert.AreEqual(paragraphCount, paragraphs.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(paragraphCount, paragraphs.Count(x => x.EndsWith(Lorem.PunctuationPeriod()))); Assert.AreEqual(paragraphCount, paragraphs.Count(x => x.Contains(Lorem.PunctuationSpace()))); }
public void ParagraphsTest1() { int paragraphCount = 5; int expected = 5; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string[] actual; actual = Lorem.Paragraphs(paragraphCount); Assert.AreEqual <int>(expected, actual.Length); }
private ArticleModel CreateArticle() { var result = new ArticleModel(); result.Body = Lorem.Paragraph(); result.Description = string.Join(" ", Lorem.Paragraphs(RandomNumber.Next(1, 3))); result.Info = CreateInfo(); result.IsHidden = Convert.ToBoolean(RandomNumber.Next(0, 1)); result.Title = Faker.Lorem.Sentence(); result.Comments = CreateComments(); return(result); }
public void Lorem_Methods() { Func <object>[] actions = new[] { new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Character()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Characters()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Multibyte()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Paragraph()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.ParagraphByChars()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Paragraphs()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Question()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Questions()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Sentence()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Sentences()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Word()), new Func <object>(() => Lorem.Words()), }; bool success = true; int totalExecutions = 0; int successExecutions = 0; int failedExecutions = 0; foreach (Func <object> action in actions) { foreach (string loc in _localizations) { ++totalExecutions; if (!TryCatch(action, loc)) { success = false; ++failedExecutions; } else { ++successExecutions; } } } Console.WriteLine($"{failedExecutions} of {totalExecutions} executions failed"); Assert.IsTrue(success); Assert.AreEqual(totalExecutions, successExecutions); }
public void Paragraphs_Without_Supplemental() { var paragraphs = Lorem.Paragraphs(supplemental: false); var checkCount = 0; foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs) { foreach (var word in paragraph.ToWordList()) { checkCount++; if (!JointWords.Contains(word) && SupplementalWordList.Contains(word)) { Assert.Fail("Paragraphs() shouldn't consider supplementary list."); } } } Assert.Greater(checkCount, paragraphs.Count()); }
private static void SeedProductPhones(int seedNumber) { try { using (var timerLogger = new TimerLogger("Seeding db with phones")) using (var bulkInsert = DocumentStoreHolder.Store.BulkInsert(options.Database)) { Log.Information("Started building the faker database objects"); var platform = Builder <Platform> .CreateListOfSize(200).All() .With(p => p.Chipset = Builder <Chipset> .CreateNew().Build()) .With(p => p.Cpu = Builder <Cpu> .CreateNew().Build()).With( p => p.Os = Builder <Os> .CreateNew() .With(o => o.NameList = new List <string>(Lorem.Words(5))).Build()) .Random(100).Build(); var memory = Builder <Memory> .CreateListOfSize(30).All() .With(m => m.Internal = Builder <InternalMemory> .CreateNew().Build()) .With(m => m.External = Builder <ExternalMemory> .CreateNew().Build()).Random(15).Build(); var frontCamera = Builder <Camera> .CreateListOfSize(45).All() .With(f => f.Specs = new List <string>(Lorem.Paragraphs(3))) .With(f => f.Video = new List <string>(Lorem.Words(2))) .With(f => f.Features = new List <string>(Lorem.Sentences(4))).Random(30).Build(); var backCamera = Builder <Camera> .CreateListOfSize(45).All() .With(f => f.Specs = new List <string>(Lorem.Paragraphs(2))) .With(f => f.Video = new List <string>(Lorem.Words(3))) .With(f => f.Features = new List <string>(Lorem.Sentences(6))).Random(25).Build(); var sound = Builder <Sound> .CreateListOfSize(10).All() .With(s => s.Feature = new List <string>(Lorem.Sentences(2))).Build(); var battery = Builder <Battery> .CreateListOfSize(25).All() .With(s => s.Feature = new List <string>(Lorem.Sentences(3))).Build(); var feature = Builder <Feature> .CreateListOfSize(30).All() .With(s => s.Sensors = new List <string>(Lorem.Words(5))).Random(30).Build(); var store = Builder <StoreProduct> .CreateListOfSize(50).All().Random(30).Build(); var mobilePhones = Builder <MobilePhone> .CreateListOfSize(seedNumber).All() .With(p => p.Platform = Pick <Platform> .RandomItemFrom(platform)) .With(p => p.Memory = Pick <Memory> .RandomItemFrom(memory)) .With(p => p.FrontCamera = Pick <Camera> .RandomItemFrom(frontCamera)) .With(p => p.BackCamera = Pick <Camera> .RandomItemFrom(backCamera)) .With(p => p.Sound = Pick <Sound> .RandomItemFrom(sound)) .With(p => p.Battery = Pick <Battery> .RandomItemFrom(battery)) .With(p => p.Features = Pick <Feature> .RandomItemFrom(feature)) .With(p => p.Comms = Builder <Comms> .CreateNew().Build()) .With(p => p.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).With(p => p.CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .With( p => p.ProductName = new List <string> { $"Product-{Identification.UKNationalInsuranceNumber()}" }).With(p => p.Store = Pick <StoreProduct> .RandomItemFrom(store)) .Build(); timerLogger.OnTimedEventTemplate("Processing: {0} items so far...", seedCounter); timerLogger.StartTimer(); Log.Information("Ready to start seeded database with {0:n0} phones", seedNumber); foreach (var mobilePhone in mobilePhones) { bulkInsert.Store(mobilePhone); timerLogger.UpdatePropertyValue(seedCounter++); } } } catch (Exception unknownException) { Log.Error( unknownException, "Failed while trying to seed the {Database} database with {SeedNumber} phones.", options.Database, seedNumber); } finally { Log.Information("Seeded database with {0:n0} phones", seedCounter); seedCounter = 0; } }
public void Paragraphs_With_DefaultValues() { var paragraphs = Lorem.Paragraphs(); Assert.AreEqual(3, paragraphs.Count()); }
public void Paragraphs_With_Invalid_ParagraphCount() { var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => Lorem.Paragraphs(-1)); Assert.AreEqual("Must be equal to or greater than zero. (Parameter 'paragraphCount')", ex.Message); }
private async Task CreateBlogPagesAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, SeederContext context, NodeId parentId) { // Create Blog overview var blogContent = EmbeddedContent.New(ContentTypeDefinition.Lookup <SimplePage>()); this.AddContentValue(blogContent, nameof(ContentPage.NavigationTitle), "Blog", "Blog"); context.BlogParentId = await this.CreatePageAsync(serviceProvider, context, parentId, blogContent, "Blog", "Blog", 4, "BlogOverview"); var articleDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-_rnd.Next(0, 7)); var imageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), $"../seed-assets/blog".ToSafeFilePath())); var sortIndex = 0; foreach (var imageFile in imageFiles) { var imageId = await CreateImageAsync(serviceProvider, context, imageFile, $"Blog Article Image {articleDate.ToShortDateString()}"); var categories = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageFile).Split('-').Skip(1); var content = EmbeddedContent.New(ContentTypeDefinition.Lookup <BlogArticle>()); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(BlogArticle.Image), NodeReference.New(imageId)); this.AddContentValues(content, nameof(BlogArticle.Categories), categories); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(BlogArticle.PublicationDate), articleDate); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(BlogArticle.Author), Lorem.Words(2, 3)); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(BlogArticle.ListDescription), Lorem.Sentence(8, 14), Lorem.Sentence(8, 14)); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(BlogArticle.Body), "<p>" + string.Join("</p><p>", Lorem.Paragraphs(6, 16, 5, 10, 3)) + "</p>", "<p>" + string.Join("</p><p>", Lorem.Paragraphs(6, 16, 5, 10, 3)) + "</p>"); await this.CreatePageAsync(serviceProvider, context, context.BlogParentId, content, Lorem.Words(4, 8), Lorem.Words(4, 8), sortIndex ++); articleDate = articleDate.AddDays(-_rnd.Next(0, 7)); } }
public void Paragraphs_With_Zero() { var paragraph = Lorem.Paragraphs(0); Assert.AreEqual(0, paragraph.Count()); }
public static string Paragraphs(int count, string separator) => Lorem.Paragraphs(count, separator);
public void can_get_paragraphs() { lorem.Paragraphs() .Split("\n\n").Length.Should().Be(3); }
private Exception ThrowException() { throw new Exception($"Some random error {lorem.Paragraphs(2)}"); }
public void Paragraphs1() { var result = Lorem.Paragraphs(2); }
public void Should_Throw_ArgumentOutOfRangeException_If_Paragraphs_Count_Below_Zero() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => Lorem.Paragraphs(-1)); }
private async Task CreateRoomPageAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, SeederContext context, NodeId roomsPageId, string imageFolder, string englishName, string dutchName, int nightlyRate, int sortIndex) { var content = EmbeddedContent.New(ContentTypeDefinition.Lookup <RoomDetail>()); var images = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), $"../seed-assets/rooms/{imageFolder}".ToSafeFilePath())); var mainImageId = await CreateImageAsync(serviceProvider, context, images.First(), $"{englishName} Image 1"); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(RoomDetail.MainImage), NodeReference.New(mainImageId)); for (var i = 1; i < images.Length; i++) { var additionalImageId = await CreateImageAsync(serviceProvider, context, images[i], $"{englishName} Image {i + 1}"); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(RoomDetail.AdditionalImages), NodeReference.New(additionalImageId)); } this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(RoomDetail.NightlyRate), nightlyRate); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(RoomDetail.DiscountedFrom), new Random().Next(nightlyRate, Convert.ToInt32(nightlyRate * 1.2))); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(RoomDetail.ListDescription), Lorem.Sentence(8, 14), Lorem.Sentence(8, 14)); this.AddContentValue(content, nameof(RoomDetail.LongDescription), "<p>" + string.Join("</p><p>", Lorem.Paragraphs(6, 16, 5, 10, 3)) + "</p>", "<p>" + string.Join("</p><p>", Lorem.Paragraphs(6, 16, 5, 10, 3)) + "</p>"); var roomPage = await this.CreatePageAsync(serviceProvider, context, roomsPageId, content, englishName, dutchName, sortIndex); context.Rooms.Add(roomPage); }
private void SeedCategoriesTicketsComments(TicketingSystemDbContext context) { if (context.Categories.Any()) { return; } var users = context.Users.ToList(); string[] urls = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "" }; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Category category = new Category { Name = Lorem.Words(1).ToList()[0].ToUpper() }; context.Categories.Add(category); context.SaveChanges(); int ticketsCount = RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(5, 20); for (int j = 0; j < ticketsCount; j++) { var paragraphCount = RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(2, 3); string description = String.Empty; for (int p = 0; p < paragraphCount; p++) { string paragraph = String.Join(" ", Lorem.Paragraphs(RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(2, 4))); description += paragraph + Environment.NewLine; } description += String.Join(" ", Lorem.Paragraphs(RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(1, 3))); string sentence = Lorem.Sentence(); if (sentence.Length > 50) { sentence = sentence.Substring(0, 50); } Ticket ticket = new Ticket { Title = sentence, CategoryId = category.Id, AuthorId = users[RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(0, users.Count - 1)].Id, ScreenshotUrl = urls[RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(0, urls.Length - 1)], Description = description, Priority = GetRandomPriority(RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber()) }; context.Tickets.Add(ticket); context.SaveChanges(); int commentsCount = RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(3, 15); for (int k = 0; k < commentsCount; k++) { User author = users[RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(0, users.Count - 1)]; Comment comment = new Comment { Content = Lorem.Paragraph(2), AuthorId = author.Id, TicketId = ticket.Id }; author.Points++; context.Comments.Add(comment); context.SaveChanges(); } } } context.SaveChanges(); }