public override async Task RunAsync(LocalizationService lcs) { if (_image is null) { return; } CultureInfo culture = lcs.GetGuildCulture(this.gid); try { using Bitmap wof = RotateWheel(_image, this.index * -45); using var ms = new MemoryStream(); wof.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); ms.Position = 0; await this.Channel.SendFileAsync("wof.png", ms, embed : new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Description = lcs.GetString(this.gid, "fmt-casino-win", this.user.Mention, this.WonAmount.ToWords(culture), this.WonAmount, this.currency), Color = DiscordColor.DarkGreen }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to process wheel of fortune image!", e); } }