public ActionResult DeleteLanguageConfirmation(Guid id) { using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { var language = LocalizationService.Get(id); var languageViewModel = new LanguageDisplayViewModel { Id = language.Id, IsDefault = language.Id == LocalizationService.CurrentLanguage.Id, Name = language.Name, LanguageCulture = language.LanguageCulture, }; return(View(languageViewModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex.Message); LoggingService.Error("Delete confirmation not working"); return(View("Index")); } } }
public ActionResult ManageLanguageResourceValues(Guid languageId, int?p, string search = "", string SearchKeys = "") { var language = LocalizationService.Get(languageId); if (language == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } int limit = 30; var count = LocalizationService.GetListKeyResourceCount(language.Id, SearchKeys, search); var Paging = CalcPaging(limit, p, count); var resourceListModel = new LanguageListResourcesViewModel { LanguageId = language.Id, LanguageName = language.Name, Search = search, SearchKeys = SearchKeys, Paging = Paging, LocaleResources = LocalizationService.GetListKeyResource(language.Id, SearchKeys, search, Paging.Page, limit) }; return(View("ListValues", resourceListModel)); }
public static bool SetPlayModel() { if (Profile.Hearts < 1) { Game.Instance.OpenPopup <Popup_BuyHearts>(); return(false); } else { Profile.Hearts--; } PlayModel.Reset(PlayModel.Type.Classic); PlayModel.ballId = Profile.Avatar.BallId; = string.Format(LocalizationService.Get(111127), Profile.MaxClassicScore); PlayModel.level.theme = Random.Range(0, 1000); PlayModel.level.pattern = GlobalFactory.Patterns.Classic.Get(); PlayModel.level.startBallCount = 5; PlayModel.level.minBlockHealth = 1; PlayModel.level.maxBlockHealth = 10; PlayModel.onPreLose = OnPreLose; PlayModel.onLose = OnLose; return(true); }
protected virtual async Task ReplyInteractiveAsync(ServiceResponse response, string titleSuccess) { var messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(); messageBuilder.AppendLine(response.Message); var callbackCounter = 1; foreach (var resultInterActiveCallback in response.InterActiveCallbacks) { var emoji = EmojiService.Get(callbackCounter); messageBuilder.AppendLine(emoji.Name + " " + resultInterActiveCallback.Key); callbackCounter++; } var embed = BuildEmbed(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Base_Messages_Reply_Interactive"), messageBuilder.ToString(), Color.Orange); var reply = new ReactionCallbackData(string.Empty, embed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); callbackCounter = 1; foreach (var resultInterActiveCallback in response.InterActiveCallbacks) { var emoji = EmojiService.Get(callbackCounter); reply.WithCallback(emoji, c => ReplyWithInteractive(resultInterActiveCallback.Value, titleSuccess)); callbackCounter++; } await InlineReactionReplyAsync(reply); }
public ActionResult ChangeLanguage(Guid lang) { using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { var language = LocalizationService.Get(lang); LocalizationService.CurrentLanguage = language; // The current language is stored in a cookie var cookie = new HttpCookie(AppConstants.LanguageIdCookieName) { HttpOnly = false, Value = language.Id.ToString(), Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1) }; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); //TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel //{ // Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Language.Changed"), // MessageType = GenericMessages.success //}; return(Content("success")); } }
/// <summary> /// Change the current language (typically called from each language link generated in this controller's index method) /// </summary> /// <param name="lang"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ChangeLanguage(Guid lang) { using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { var language = LocalizationService.Get(lang); LocalizationService.CurrentLanguage = language; // The current language is stored in a cookie var cookie = new HttpCookie(AppConstants.LanguageCultureCookieName) { HttpOnly = false, Value = language.LanguageCulture, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1) }; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel { Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Language.Changed"), MessageType = GenericMessages.success }; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
/// <summary> /// Search through all resources for a language by page and search terms. /// Search either by key or value. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchByKey">True means serach the keys else search the values</param> /// <param name="languageId"></param> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="search"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <ActionResult> GetLanguageResources(bool searchByKey, Guid languageId, int?p, string search) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var errors = (from key in ModelState.Keys select ModelState[key] into state where state.Errors.Any() select state.Errors.First().ErrorMessage).ToList(); ShowErrors(errors); } else { var language = LocalizationService.Get(languageId); var pageIndex = p ?? 1; // Get all the resources or just the ones that match the search var allResources = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search) ? await LocalizationService.GetAllValues(language.Id, pageIndex, ForumConfiguration.Instance.AdminListPageSize) : searchByKey ? await LocalizationService.SearchResourceKeys(language.Id, search, pageIndex, ForumConfiguration.Instance.AdminListPageSize) : await LocalizationService.SearchResourceValues(language.Id, search, pageIndex, ForumConfiguration.Instance.AdminListPageSize); var models = allResources.Select(resource => new LocaleResourceViewModel { Id = resource.Id, ResourceKeyId = resource.LocaleResourceKey.Id, LocaleResourceKey = resource.LocaleResourceKey.Name, ResourceValue = resource.ResourceValue }).ToList(); var resourceListModel = new LanguageListResourcesViewModel { LanguageId = language.Id, LanguageName = language.Name, LocaleResources = models, PageIndex = pageIndex, TotalCount = allResources.TotalCount, Search = search, TotalPages = allResources.TotalPages }; return(View("ListValues", resourceListModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex.Message); } // Default ie error return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult DeleteLanguage(Guid Id) { var language = LocalizationService.Get(Id); if (language == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(language)); }
public ActionResult Index(EditSettingsViewModel settingsViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { var existingSettings = SettingsService.GetSettings(); var updatedSettings = ViewModelMapping.SettingsViewModelToSettings(settingsViewModel, existingSettings); // Map over viewModel from if (settingsViewModel.NewMemberStartingRole != null) { updatedSettings.NewMemberStartingRole = _roleService.GetRole(settingsViewModel.NewMemberStartingRole.Value); } if (settingsViewModel.DefaultLanguage != null) { updatedSettings.DefaultLanguage = LocalizationService.Get(settingsViewModel.DefaultLanguage.Value); } var culture = new CultureInfo(updatedSettings.DefaultLanguage.LanguageCulture); unitOfWork.Commit(); // Set the culture session too Session["Culture"] = culture; } catch (Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); LoggingService.Error(ex); } } // All good clear cache and get reliant lists using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel { Message = "Settings Updated", MessageType = GenericMessages.success }; settingsViewModel.Themes = AppHelpers.GetThemeFolders(); settingsViewModel.Roles = _roleService.AllRoles().ToList(); settingsViewModel.Languages = LocalizationService.AllLanguages.ToList(); } } return(View(settingsViewModel)); }
public bool Display(float delay, bool displayOnce, int stringId, System.Action onClose) { if (displayOnce) { bool displayed = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(name + ".Totorial." + stringId, 0) > 0; if (displayed) { return(false); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt(name + ".Totorial." + stringId, 1); } return(Display(delay, LocalizationService.Get(stringId), onClose)); }
private IEnumerator Start() { scoreLabel.SetText("0"); int totalBalls = PlayModel.result.totalBalls + PlayModel.level.startBallCount; descLabel.SetFormatedText(PlayModel.result.totalTurn.ToString(), PlayModel.result.totalBlocks.ToString(), totalBalls); inviteButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { var str = string.Format(GlobalConfig.Socials.invitationText, Profile.Username, GlobalConfig.Market.storeUrl); SocialAndSharing.ShareText(str); }); replayButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { onReplayFunc(() => { base.Back(); UIBackground.Hide(); Game.Instance.ClosePopup(true); Game.Instance.OpenState <State_Playing>(); }); }); baloon.gameObject.SetActive(false); UiShowHide.ShowAll(transform); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); // Incentive text { var index = BaloonIndex++ % 25; var incentiveStr = LocalizationService.Get(111090 + index); baloon.SetText(incentiveStr); baloon.gameObject.SetActive(true); } float t = 0; float curscore = 0, maxscore = PlayModel.GetScore(); var wait = new WaitForEndOfFrame(); while (t < 1) { t += Time.deltaTime * 0.75f; curscore = Mathf.Lerp(0, maxscore, t); scoreLabel.SetText(Mathf.RoundToInt(curscore).ToString()); yield return(wait); } }
public async Task OcrAsync() { try { var utcNow = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InUtc(); // Subtract around 30 seconds to account for the delay to take and send a screenshot utcNow = utcNow.Minus(Duration.FromSeconds(30)); using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { foreach (var attachment in Context.Message.Attachments) { if (!await IsImageUrlAsync(httpClient, attachment.Url)) { continue; } var tempImageFile = string.Empty; try { tempImageFile = Path.GetTempFileName() + "." + attachment.Url.Split('.').Last(); await DownloadAsync(httpClient, new Uri(attachment.Url), tempImageFile); var response = OcrService.AddRaidAsync(typeof(i18n), utcNow, ChannelTimeZone, tempImageFile, InteractiveReactionLimit, Fences, false); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => response, LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Messages_Ocr_Successful_Title")); } finally { try { if (File.Exists(tempImageFile)) { File.Delete(tempImageFile); } } catch (Exception) { // Ignore } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
public async Task RegisterAsync(string name, string newName = null) { try { var response = await PokestopService.ConvertToGymAsync(name, newName, Fences); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => Task.FromResult(response as ServiceResponse), "Converted"); } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
public async Task RegisterAsync(string trainerName, double latitude, double longitude, string friendshipCode) { try { var response = await UserService.RegisterAsync(trainerName, latitude, longitude, friendshipCode, Context.Message.Author.Id, Context.Message.Author.Mention); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => Task.FromResult(response as ServiceResponse), "Registered"); } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
public async Task AddQuestAsync(string pokestopName, string questNameOrAlias) { try { var response = await QuestService.AddAsync(pokestopName, questNameOrAlias, InteractiveReactionLimit, Fences); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => Task.FromResult(response), "Quest added"); } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
private string TimeToString(long secconds) { if (secconds / 86400 > 0) { return(string.Format(LocalizationService.Get(111006), secconds / 86400)); } if (secconds / 3600 > 0) { return(string.Format(LocalizationService.Get(111007), secconds / 3600)); } if (secconds / 60 > 0) { return(string.Format(LocalizationService.Get(111008), secconds / 60)); } return(string.Format(LocalizationService.Get(111009), secconds)); }
void Update() { if (_label != null && _curLangId != (int)LocalizationService.CurrentLang) { _curLangId = (int)LocalizationService.CurrentLang; var val = LocalizationService.Get(_key); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { val = val.Replace("\\n", "\n"); } _label.text = val; } }
public ActionResult Index(EditSettingsViewModel settingsViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var existingSettings = SettingsService.GetSettings(false); var updatedSettings = ViewModelMapping.SettingsViewModelToSettings(settingsViewModel, existingSettings); // Map over viewModel from if (settingsViewModel.NewMemberStartingRole != null) { updatedSettings.NewMemberStartingRole = _roleService.GetRole(settingsViewModel.NewMemberStartingRole.Value); } if (settingsViewModel.DefaultLanguage != null) { updatedSettings.DefaultLanguage = LocalizationService.Get(settingsViewModel.DefaultLanguage.Value); } Context.SaveChanges(); _cacheService.ClearStartsWith(CacheKeys.Settings.Main); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.RollBack(); LoggingService.Error(ex); } // All good clear cache and get reliant lists TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel { Message = "Settings Updated", MessageType = GenericMessages.success }; settingsViewModel.Themes = AppHelpers.GetThemeFolders(); settingsViewModel.Roles = _roleService.AllRoles().ToList(); settingsViewModel.Languages = LocalizationService.AllLanguages.ToList(); } return(View(settingsViewModel)); }
public ActionResult DeleteLanguage(string buttonYes, string buttonNo, Guid id) { if (buttonYes != null) { try { LocalizationService.Delete(LocalizationService.Get(id)); Context.SaveChanges(); ShowSuccess("Language Deleted"); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.RollBack(); ShowError(ex.Message); LoggingService.Error(ex); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
// Use this for initialization private IEnumerator Start() { UiShowHide.ShowAll(transform); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); hint.gameObject.SetActive(true); hint.SetText(LocalizationService.Get(111045 + HintId++ % 5)); var wait = new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); while (true) { if (PurchaseOffer.RemainedTime < 0) { Exit(false); } yield return(wait); } }
protected async Task ReplyWithInteractive(Func <Task <ServiceResponse> > interactiveCallback, string titleSuccess) { var result = await interactiveCallback(); if (result.IsSuccess) { var messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Base_Messages_Reply_Success", Context.Message.Author.Mention) + Environment.NewLine); messageBuilder.Append(result.Message); await ReplySuccessAsync(titleSuccess, messageBuilder.ToString()); } else { if (result.InterActiveCallbacks != null) { await ReplyInteractiveAsync(result, titleSuccess); return; } await ReplyFailureAsync(result.Message); } }
private static string GetMessage(NotificationType notificationType) { switch (notificationType) { case NotificationType.FullFuel: return(LocalizationService.Get(111090)); case NotificationType.FreePackage: return(LocalizationService.Get(111091)); case NotificationType.LeagueStart: return(LocalizationService.Get(111092)); case NotificationType.LegendStore: return(LocalizationService.Get(111093)); default: Debug.LogError("Please add notificaitonType: " + notificationType); return(null); } }
public async Task HatchRaidAsync(string gymName, string pokemonName) { try { // Only listen to commands in the configured channels or to exceptions if (!CanProcessRequest) { return; } var response = RaidService.HatchAsync(typeof(i18n), gymName, pokemonName, InteractiveReactionLimit, Fences); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => response, LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Messages_Successful_Title")); } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
public async Task ListRaidAsync(string pokemonNameOrRaidLevel) { try { // Only listen to commands in the configured channels or to exceptions if (!CanProcessRequest) { return; } var utcNow = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InUtc(); var response = RaidService.GetRaidList(typeof(i18n), utcNow, ChannelTimeZone, pokemonNameOrRaidLevel, Fences, "time", InteractiveReactionLimit, FormatRaidList); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => response, LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Messages_Successful_Title")); } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
public ActionResult DeleteLanguage1(Guid Id) { var language = LocalizationService.Get(Id); if (language == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { LocalizationService.Delete(language); unitOfWork.Commit(); LocalizationService.Clear(); TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel { Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Xóa gói ngôn ngữ thành công"), MessageType = GenericMessages.success }; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); LoggingService.Error(ex.Message); TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel { Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Có lỗi xảy ra!"), MessageType = GenericMessages.warning }; } } return(View(language)); }
public async Task AddRaidAsync([Summary("Der Name der Arena.")] string gymName, [Summary("Der Name des Pokemon oder das Level des Raids")] string pokemonNameOrRaidLevel, [Summary("Die Zeit bis der Raid startet bzw. endet.")] string timeLeft) { try { // Only listen to commands in the configured channels or to exceptions if (!CanProcessRequest) { return; } //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("de-DE"); var utcNow = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InUtc(); var response = RaidService.AddAsync(typeof(i18n), utcNow, ChannelTimeZone, gymName, pokemonNameOrRaidLevel, timeLeft, InteractiveReactionLimit, Fences); await ReplyWithInteractive(() => response, LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Messages_Successful_Title")); } catch (Exception ex) { var innerstEx = ex.GetInnermostException(); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.Message); Console.WriteLine(innerstEx.StackTrace); await ReplyFailureAsync(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Raids_Errors_Unexpected", innerstEx.Message)); } }
public ActionResult DeleteLanguage(string buttonYes, string buttonNo, Guid id) { if (buttonYes != null) { using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { LocalizationService.Delete(LocalizationService.Get(id)); unitOfWork.Commit(); ShowSuccess("Language Deleted"); } catch (Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); ShowError(ex.Message); LoggingService.Error(ex); } } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private static void OnPreLose(System.Action <bool> callback) { var score = PlayModel.GetScore(); if (score < 1) { callback(true); return; } var maxdelta = PlayModel.type == PlayModel.Type.LeagueBalls ? 10 : 50; var nextProfile = GetNextNearProfile(score, maxdelta); // 111058 var nextMedal = GetNextNearMedal(score, maxdelta); // 111059 if (nextProfile == null && nextMedal == null) { callback(true); return; } string confirmStr = string.Empty; if (nextMedal != null) { var scoreDelta = nextMedal.startScore - score; var strformat = LocalizationService.Get(111059); confirmStr = string.Format(strformat, Profile.Nickname,, scoreDelta); } else { var scoreDelta = nextProfile.score - score; var strformat = LocalizationService.Get(111058); confirmStr = string.Format(strformat, Profile.Nickname, nextProfile.nickname, scoreDelta); } Game.Instance.OpenPopup <Popup_Confirm>().Setup(confirmStr, true, true, ok => callback(ok)).GetComponent <UiCharacter>(true, true).SetBody(1).SetFace(2); }
private ActionResult GetLanguageResources(bool searchByKey, Guid languageId, int?p, string search) { try { using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { var language = LocalizationService.Get(languageId); int count = LocalizationService.GetCountResourceKey(); int limit = 30; int MaxPage = count / limit; if (count % limit > 0) { MaxPage++; } if (MaxPage == 0) { MaxPage = 1; } if (p == null) { p = 1; } if (p > MaxPage) { p = MaxPage; } var resources = LocalizationService.GetListResourceKey((int)p, limit); var resourceListModel = new LanguageListResourcesViewModel { LanguageId = language.Id, LanguageName = language.Name, LocaleResources = new List <LocaleResourceViewModel>(), PageIndex = p, TotalCount = count, Search = search, TotalPages = MaxPage }; foreach (var it in resources) { var ResourceString = LocalizationService.GetValueResource(it.Id, languageId); if (ResourceString == null) { ResourceString = new LocaleStringResource { ResourceValue = "" } } ; resourceListModel.LocaleResources.Add(new LocaleResourceViewModel { Id = ResourceString.Id, ResourceKeyId = it.Id, LocaleResourceKey = it.Name, ResourceValue = ResourceString.ResourceValue }); } return(View("ListValues", resourceListModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex.Message); } // Default ie error return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
protected virtual async Task ReplyFailureAsync(string message) { var embed = BuildEmbed(LocalizationService.Get(typeof(i18n), "Base_Messages_Reply_Failure"), message, Color.Red); await ReplyEmbed(embed); }