예제 #1
        protected override void readResults(int taskID, long allObjectsCount, object taskDescription, out GeneratingStruct generation, out HypothesisStruct[] result)
            generation = common.GetGeneratingStruct(taskID);
            List<HypothesisStruct> hypothesesResult = new List<HypothesisStruct>();
            HypothesisStruct hypothesisStruct;
            AbstractQuantifierSetting quantifierSetting;
            DataTable hypothesis = common.ExecuteSelectQuery("SELECT * FROM tiHypothesisCF WHERE TaskID=" + taskID);
            LiteralStruct[] literals = common.GetCategorialLiterals(TaskTypeEnum.CF, taskID, taskDescription);
            foreach (DataRow hypothese in hypothesis.Rows)
                int hypothesisID = Convert.ToInt32(hypothese["HypothesisID"]);
                hypothesisStruct = new HypothesisStruct();
                hypothesisStruct.booleanLiterals = common.GetBooleanLiterals(taskID, hypothesisID);
                int rowLiteralId = common.CategorialLiteral[Convert.ToInt32(hypothese["CFLiteralDID"])];
                LiteralStruct rowLiteral = new LiteralStruct();
                foreach (LiteralStruct literal in literals)
                    if (literal.cedentType == CedentEnum.Antecedent && literal.literalIdentifier == rowLiteralId)
                        rowLiteral = literal;

                hypothesisStruct.literals = new LiteralStruct[] { rowLiteral };
                quantifierSetting = new AbstractQuantifierSetting();
                quantifierSetting.firstContingencyTableRows = common.GetContingecyTable(this.taskType, taskID, hypothesisID, rowLiteral.literalIdentifier, rowLiteral.literalIdentifier);
                quantifierSetting.secondContingencyTableRows = new int[0][];
                quantifierSetting.allObjectsCount = allObjectsCount;
                hypothesisStruct.quantifierSetting = quantifierSetting;
            result = hypothesesResult.ToArray();
예제 #2
        //private AbstractAttributeStruct GetAttribute(TaskTypeEnum taskType, object taskDescription, string attributeName, CedentEnum cedentType)
        //    switch (taskType)
        //    {
        //        case TaskTypeEnum.FFT:
        //            break;
        //        case TaskTypeEnum.KL:
        //            /*
        //            Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.KLTask.TaskStruct input = (Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.KLTask.TaskStruct)taskDescription;
        //            if (cedentType == CedentEnum.Antecedent)
        //            {
        //                foreach (CategorialPartialCedentSettingStruct cedent in input.antecedentSetting)
        //                {
        //                    foreach (AbstractAttributeStruct attribute in cedent.attributes)
        //                    {
        //                        if (attribute.nameInLiterals == attributeName)
        //                            return attribute;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            else if (cedentType == CedentEnum.Succedent)
        //            {
        //                foreach (CategorialPartialCedentSettingStruct cedent in input.succedentSetting)
        //                {
        //                    foreach (AbstractAttributeStruct attribute in cedent.attributes)
        //                    {
        //                        if (attribute.nameInLiterals == attributeName)
        //                            return attribute;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //             */
        //            break;
        //        case TaskTypeEnum.CF:
        //            Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.CFTask.TaskStruct input1 = (Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.CFTask.TaskStruct)taskDescription;
        //            foreach (CategorialPartialCedentSettingStruct cedent in input1.antecedentSetting)
        //            {
        //                foreach (AbstractAttributeStruct attribute in cedent.attributes)
        //                {
        //                    if (attribute.nameInLiterals == attributeName)
        //                        return attribute;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            break;
        //        case TaskTypeEnum.SDFFT:
        //            break;
        //        case TaskTypeEnum.SDKL:
        //            /*
        //            Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.SDKLTask.TaskStruct input2 = (Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.SDKLTask.TaskStruct)taskDescription;
        //            if (cedentType == CedentEnum.Antecedent)
        //            {
        //                foreach (CategorialPartialCedentSettingStruct cedent in input2.antecedentSetting)
        //                {
        //                    foreach (AbstractAttributeStruct attribute in cedent.attributes)
        //                    {
        //                        if (attribute.nameInLiterals == attributeName)
        //                            return attribute;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            else if (cedentType == CedentEnum.Succedent)
        //            {
        //                foreach (CategorialPartialCedentSettingStruct cedent in input2.succedentSetting)
        //                {
        //                    foreach (AbstractAttributeStruct attribute in cedent.attributes)
        //                    {
        //                        if (attribute.nameInLiterals == attributeName)
        //                            return attribute;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //             */
        //            break;
        //        case TaskTypeEnum.SDCF:
        //            Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.SDCFTask.TaskStruct input3 = (Ferda.Modules.Boxes.LISpMinerTasks.SDCFTask.TaskStruct)taskDescription;
        //            foreach (CategorialPartialCedentSettingStruct cedent in input3.antecedentSetting)
        //            {
        //                foreach (AbstractAttributeStruct attribute in cedent.attributes)
        //                {
        //                    if (attribute.nameInLiterals == attributeName)
        //                        return attribute;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            break;
        //        default:
        //            break;
        //    }
        //    return null;
        public LiteralStruct[] GetCategorialLiterals(TaskTypeEnum taskType, int taskID, object taskDescription)
            string tdLiteralTableName = String.Empty;
            string tdLiteralIDColumn = String.Empty;

            string tdCedentDTableName = String.Empty;
            string tdCedentDIDColumn = String.Empty;
            switch (taskType)
                case TaskTypeEnum.CF:
                case TaskTypeEnum.SDCF:
                    tdLiteralTableName = "tdCFLiteralD";
                    tdLiteralIDColumn = "CFLiteralDID";

                    tdCedentDTableName = "tdCFCedentD";
                    tdCedentDIDColumn = "CFCedentDID";


                case TaskTypeEnum.KL:
                case TaskTypeEnum.SDKL:
                    tdLiteralTableName = "tdKLLiteralD";
                    tdLiteralIDColumn = "KLLiteralDID";

                    tdCedentDTableName = "tdKLCedentD";
                    tdCedentDIDColumn = "KLCedentDID";

                    throw new Exception("SwitchBranchNotImplemented");

            List<LiteralStruct> result = new List<LiteralStruct>();
            LiteralStruct literalStruct;
            DataTable literals = ExecuteSelectQuery(
                "SELECT " +
                tdLiteralTableName + "." + tdLiteralIDColumn + ", " +
                tdCedentDTableName + "." + tdCedentDIDColumn + ", " +
                tdLiteralTableName + ".QuantityID, " +
                "tmQuantity.Name, CedentTypeID" +
                " FROM `"
                + tdCedentDTableName + "`, `" + tdLiteralTableName + "`, `tmQuantity` " +
                "WHERE TaskID=" + taskID + " AND " +
                tdCedentDTableName + "." + tdCedentDIDColumn + "=" +
                tdLiteralTableName + "." + tdCedentDIDColumn +
                " AND tmQuantity.QuantityID=" +
                tdLiteralTableName + "." + "QuantityID"

            foreach (DataRow literal in literals.Rows)
                literalStruct = new LiteralStruct();
                literalStruct.cedentType =
                literalStruct.literalIdentifier = CategorialLiteral[Convert.ToInt32(literal[tdLiteralIDColumn])];
                //literalStruct.literalIdentifier = Convert.ToInt32(literal[tdLiteralIDColumn]);
                literalStruct.literalName = literal["Name"].ToString();
                literalStruct.categoriesNames = GetCategorialLiteralCategoriesNames(Convert.ToInt32(literal["QuantityID"]));
            return result.ToArray();