예제 #1
        public PlanetElm(int planetNo, ATime atime)
            switch (planetNo)
            case Planet.EARTH:

            case Planet.MERCURY:
            case Planet.VENUS:
            case Planet.MARS:
            case Planet.JUPITER:
            case Planet.SATURN:
                GetPlanetElm1(planetNo, atime.JD);

            case Planet.URANUS:
            case Planet.NEPTUNE:
            case Planet.PLUTO:
                GetPlanetElm2(planetNo, atime.JD);

                throw new ArithmeticException();
예제 #2
 private void UpdateRotationMatrix(ATime atime)
     if (PaintEnabled)
         Matrix mtxPrec    = Matrix.PrecMatrix(Astro.JD2000, atime.JD);
         Matrix mtxEqt2Ecl = Matrix.RotateX(ATime.GetEp(atime.JD));
         MtxToEcl   = mtxEqt2Ecl.Mul(mtxPrec);
         EpochToEcl = atime.JD;
예제 #3
        public void LoadPanel(Comet comet, ATime atime)
            Comet = comet;
            ATime = atime;

            ObjectOrbit = new CometOrbit(Comet, 1000);

예제 #4
        private void UpdatePositions(ATime atime)
            if (PaintEnabled)
                ObjectPos = Comet.GetPos(atime.JD);

                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    PlanetPos[i] = Planet.GetPos(Planet.MERCURY + i, atime);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Limit ATime between minATime and maxATime
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="atime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ATime LimitATime(ATime atime)
            if (atime.GetJD() <= MinATime.GetJD())
                atime = new ATime(MinATime);
            else if (atime.GetJD() >= MaxATime.GetJD())
                atime = new ATime(MaxATime);

예제 #6
 public ATime(ATime atime)
     this.Year     = atime.Year;
     this.Month    = atime.Month;
     this.Day      = atime.Day;
     this.Hour     = atime.Hour;
     this.Minute   = atime.Minute;
     this.Second   = atime.Second;
     this.JD       = atime.JD;
     this.Timezone = atime.Timezone;
     this.T        = atime.T;
     this.T2       = atime.T2;
예제 #7
        private void UpdatePlanetOrbit(ATime atime)
            if (PaintEnabled)
                int nDivision = 300;

                for (int i = Planet.MERCURY; i <= Planet.PLUTO; i++)
                    PlanetOrbit[i - Planet.MERCURY] = new PlanetOrbit(i, atime, nDivision);

                EpochPlanetOrbit = atime.JD;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Vector Constant from Angle Elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peri"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="incl"></param>
        /// <param name="equinox"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Matrix VectorConstant(double peri, double node, double incl, ATime equinox)
            // Equinox
            double t1 = equinox.T;
            double t2 = equinox.T2;

            // Obliquity of Ecliptic
            double eps;

            if (t2 < -40.0)
                eps = 23.83253 * Math.PI / 180.0;
            else if (t2 > 40.0)
                eps = 23.05253 * Math.PI / 180.0;
                eps = 23.44253 - 0.00013 * t1
                      + 0.00256 * Math.Cos((249.0 - 19.3 * t1) * Math.PI / 180.0)
                      + 0.00015 * Math.Cos((198.0 + 720.0 * t1) * Math.PI / 180.0);
                eps *= Math.PI / 180.0;

            double sinEps = Math.Sin(eps);
            double cosEps = Math.Cos(eps);

            double sinPeri = Math.Sin(peri);
            double sinNode = Math.Sin(node);
            double sinIncl = Math.Sin(incl);
            double cosPeri = Math.Cos(peri);
            double cosNode = Math.Cos(node);
            double cosIncl = Math.Cos(incl);
            double wa      = cosPeri * sinNode + sinPeri * cosIncl * cosNode;
            double wb      = -sinPeri * sinNode + cosPeri * cosIncl * cosNode;

            double a11 = cosPeri * cosNode - sinPeri * cosIncl * sinNode;
            double a21 = wa * cosEps - sinPeri * sinIncl * sinEps;
            double a31 = wa * sinEps + sinPeri * sinIncl * cosEps;
            double a12 = -sinPeri * cosNode - cosPeri * cosIncl * sinNode;
            double a22 = wb * cosEps - cosPeri * sinIncl * sinEps;
            double a32 = wb * sinEps + cosPeri * sinIncl * cosEps;

            return(new Matrix(a11, a12, 0.0,
                              a21, a22, 0.0,
                              a31, a32, 0.0));
예제 #9
        public PlanetOrbit(int planetNo, ATime atime, int division)
            this.PlanetNo = planetNo;
            this.JD       = atime.JD;
            this.Division = division;
            PlanetElm planetElm = new PlanetElm(planetNo, atime);

            this.Orbit = new Xyz[division + 1];
            Matrix vec = Matrix.VectorConstant(planetElm.w * Math.PI / 180.0,
                                               planetElm.N * Math.PI / 180.0,
                                               planetElm.i * Math.PI / 180.0,
            Matrix prec = Matrix.PrecMatrix(atime.JD, 2451512.5);

            for (int i = 0; i <= division; i++)
                this.Orbit[i] = this.Orbit[i].Rotate(vec).Rotate(prec);
예제 #10
        public static Xyz GetPos(int planetNo, ATime atime)
            switch (planetNo)
            case Planet.EARTH:

            case Planet.VENUS:
            case Planet.MARS:
                return(GetPosExp1(planetNo, atime.T));

            case Planet.JUPITER:
            case Planet.SATURN:
                return(GetPosExp2(planetNo, atime.T));

            case Planet.MERCURY:
            case Planet.URANUS:
            case Planet.NEPTUNE:
            case Planet.PLUTO:
                return(GetPosExp3(planetNo, atime.T2));

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Precession Matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldEpoch"></param>
        /// <param name="newEpoch"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Matrix PrecMatrix(double oldEpoch, double newEpoch)
            double jd           = 0.0;
            bool   swapEpoch    = false;
            bool   outerNewcomb = false;

            if (newEpoch == oldEpoch)
                return(new Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                  0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                  0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

            double T = (oldEpoch - Astro.JD2000) / 36525.0;

            if (T < -PrecLimit || PrecLimit < T)
                swapEpoch = true;
                double temp = newEpoch;
                newEpoch = oldEpoch;
                oldEpoch = temp;
                T        = (oldEpoch - Astro.JD2000) / 36525.0;

            double T2 = T * T;
            double tt, t;

            tt = t = (newEpoch - oldEpoch) / 36525.0;

            if (tt < -PrecLimit)
                outerNewcomb = true;
                t            = -PrecLimit;
                jd           = -PrecLimit * 36525.0 + Astro.JD2000;

            if (PrecLimit < tt)
                outerNewcomb = true;
                t            = PrecLimit;
                jd           = PrecLimit * 36525.0 + Astro.JD2000;

            double t2 = t * t;
            double t3 = t2 * t;

            double zeta0 = ((2306.2181 + 1.39656 * T - 0.000139 * T2) * t + (0.30188 - 0.000344 * T) * t2 + 0.017998 * t3) / 3600.0;
            double zpc   = ((2306.2181 + 1.39656 * T - 0.000139 * T2) * t + (1.09468 + 0.000066 * T) * t2 + 0.018203 * t3) / 3600.0;
            double theta = ((2004.3109 - 0.85330 * T - 0.000217 * T2) * t - (0.42665 + 0.000217 * T) * t2 - 0.041833 * t3) / 3600.0;

            Matrix mtx1, mtx2, mtx3;

            mtx1 = RotateZ((90.0 - zeta0) * Math.PI / 180.0);
            mtx2 = RotateX(theta * Math.PI / 180.0);
            mtx3 = mtx2.Mul(mtx1);
            mtx1 = RotateZ((-90 - zpc) * Math.PI / 180.0);

            Matrix mtxPrec;

            mtxPrec = mtx1.Mul(mtx3);

            if (outerNewcomb)
                double dJd;

                if (tt < -PrecLimit)
                    dJd = (newEpoch - oldEpoch) + PrecLimit * 36525.0;
                    dJd = (newEpoch - oldEpoch) - PrecLimit * 36525.0;

                double precPrm = -dJd / 365.24 * GeneralPrec * Math.PI / 180.0;
                double eps     = ATime.GetEp(jd);
                mtx1    = RotateX(eps);
                mtx2    = RotateZ(precPrm);
                mtx3    = mtx2.Mul(mtx1);
                mtx2    = RotateX(-eps);
                mtx1    = mtx2.Mul(mtx3);
                mtxPrec = mtx1.Mul(mtxPrec);

            if (swapEpoch)

예제 #12
        public void ChangeDate(ATimeSpan span, int direction)
            // First, calculate new Hour,Minute,Second
            double hms1 = this.Hour * 60.0 * 60.0 + this.Minute * 60.0 + this.Second;
            double hms2 = span.Hour * 60.0 * 60.0 + span.Minute * 60.0 + span.Second;

            hms1 += hms2 * direction;

            int day;

            if (0.0 <= hms1 && hms1 < 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
                day = 0;
            else if (hms1 >= 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
                day  = (int)Math.Floor(hms1 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0);
                hms1 = UdMath.fmod(hms1, 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                day  = (int)Math.Ceiling(hms1 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0) - 1;
                hms1 = UdMath.fmod(hms1, 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0) + 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;

            int    newHour = (int)Math.Floor(hms1 / 60.0 / 60.0);
            int    newMin  = (int)Math.Floor(hms1 / 60.0) - newHour * 60;
            double newSec  = hms1 - ((double)newHour * 60.0 * 60.0 + (double)newMin * 60.0);

            // Next, calculate new Year, Month, Day
            ATime newDate = new ATime(this.Year, this.Month, this.Day, 12, 0, 0.0, 0.0);

            double jd = newDate.JD;

            jd     += day + span.Day * direction;
            newDate = new ATime(jd, 0.0);

            int newYear  = newDate.Year;
            int newMonth = newDate.Month;
            int newDay   = newDate.Day;

            newMonth += span.Month * direction;
            if (1 > newMonth)
                newYear -= newMonth / 12 + 1;
                newMonth = 12 + newMonth % 12;
            else if (newMonth > 12)
                newYear += newMonth / 12;
                newMonth = 1 + (newMonth - 1) % 12;
            newYear += span.Year * direction;

            // check bound between julian and gregorian
            if (newYear == 1582 && newMonth == 10)
                if (5 <= newDay && newDay < 10)
                    newDay = 4;
                else if (10 <= newDay && newDay < 15)
                    newDay = 15;

            newDate  = LimitATime(new ATime(newYear, newMonth, newDay, 12, 0, 0, 0.0));
            newYear  = newDate.Year;
            newMonth = newDate.Month;
            newDay   = newDate.Day;

            this.Year   = newYear;
            this.Month  = newMonth;
            this.Day    = newDay;
            this.Hour   = newHour;
            this.Minute = newMin;
            this.Second = newSec;
            this.JD     = GetJD() - this.Timezone / 24.0;
            this.T      = GetT();
            this.T2     = GetT2();
예제 #13
        public void Update(Graphics g)
            Point point3;
            Xyz   xyz, xyz1;

            // Calculate Drawing Parameter
            Matrix mtxRotH = Matrix.RotateZ(RotateHorz * Math.PI / 180.0);
            Matrix mtxRotV = Matrix.RotateX(RotateVert * Math.PI / 180.0);

            MtxRotate = mtxRotV.Mul(mtxRotH);

            X0 = Size.Width / 2;
            Y0 = Size.Height / 2;

            if (Math.Abs(EpochToEcl - ATime.JD) > 365.2422 * 5)

            if (CenterObjectSelected == (int)CenteredObjectEnum.CometAsteroid)
                xyz    = ObjectPos.Rotate(MtxToEcl).Rotate(MtxRotate);
                point3 = GetDrawPoint(xyz);

                X0 = Size.Width - point3.X;
                Y0 = Size.Height - point3.Y;
            else if (CenterObjectSelected >= (int)CenteredObjectEnum.Mercury)
                xyz    = PlanetPos[CenterObjectSelected - 2].Rotate(MtxRotate);
                point3 = GetDrawPoint(xyz);

                X0 = Size.Width - point3.X;
                Y0 = Size.Height - point3.Y;

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Offscreen))
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.White);

                // Clear background
                SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                graphics.FillRectangle(sb, 0, 0, Size.Width, Size.Height);


                // Draw Sun
                sb.Color = ColorSun;
                graphics.FillPie(sb, X0 - 2, Y0 - 2, 5, 5, 0, 360);

                // Draw Orbit of Object
                xyz = ObjectOrbit.GetAt(0).Rotate(MtxToEcl).Rotate(MtxRotate);
                Point point1, point2;
                point1 = GetDrawPoint(xyz);

                if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.CometAsteroid])
                    for (int i = 1; i <= ObjectOrbit.Division; i++)
                        xyz       = ObjectOrbit.GetAt(i).Rotate(MtxToEcl);
                        pen.Color = xyz.Z >= 0.0 ? ColorObjectOrbitUpper : ColorObjectOrbitLower;
                        xyz       = xyz.Rotate(MtxRotate);
                        point2    = GetDrawPoint(xyz);
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y);

                        point1 = point2;

                // Draw Object Body
                sb.Color = ColorObject;
                xyz      = ObjectPos.Rotate(MtxToEcl).Rotate(MtxRotate);
                point1   = GetDrawPoint(xyz);
                graphics.FillPie(sb, point1.X - 2, point1.Y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 360);

                if (ShowObjectName)
                    sb.Color = ColorObjectName;
                    graphics.DrawString(Comet.Name, FontObjectName, sb, point1.X + 5, point1.Y);

                //  Draw Orbit of Planets
                if (Math.Abs(EpochPlanetOrbit - ATime.JD) > 365.2422 * 5)

                double zoom = 30.0;

                if (Zoom * 39.5 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Pluto])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.PLUTO - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[8], "Pluto");

                if (Zoom * 30.1 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Neptune])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.NEPTUNE - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[7], "Neptune");

                if (Zoom * 19.2 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Uranus])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.URANUS - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[6], "Uranus");

                if (Zoom * 9.58 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Saturn])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.SATURN - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[5], "Saturn");

                if (Zoom * 5.2 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Jupiter])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.JUPITER - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[4], "Jupiter");

                if (Zoom * 1.524 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Mars])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.MARS - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[3], "Mars");

                if (Zoom * 1.0 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Earth])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.EARTH - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitUpper);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[2], "Earth");

                if (Zoom * 0.723 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Venus])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.VENUS - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[1], "Venus");

                if (Zoom * 0.387 >= zoom)
                    if (OrbitDisplay[(int)OrbitDisplayEnum.Mercury])
                        DrawPlanetOrbit(graphics, PlanetOrbit[Planet.MERCURY - 1], ColorPlanetOrbitUpper, ColorPlanetOrbitLower);

                    DrawPlanetBody(graphics, FontPlanetName, PlanetPos[0], "Mercury");

                // Information
                sb.Color = ColorInformation;

                // Object Name string
                int    labelMargin = 8;
                double fontSize    = (double)FontInformation.Size;

                point1.X = labelMargin;
                point1.Y = labelMargin;

                graphics.DrawString(Comet.Name, FontInformation, sb, point1.X, point1.Y);

                if (ShowDistanceLabel)
                    // Earth & Sun Distance
                    double edistance, sdistance;
                    double xdiff, ydiff, zdiff;
                    string dstr, rstr;

                    xyz       = ObjectPos.Rotate(MtxToEcl).Rotate(MtxRotate);
                    xyz1      = PlanetPos[2].Rotate(MtxRotate);
                    sdistance = Math.Sqrt((xyz.X * xyz.X) + (xyz.Y * xyz.Y) + (xyz.Z * xyz.Z)) + .0005;
                    xdiff     = xyz.X - xyz1.X;
                    ydiff     = xyz.Y - xyz1.Y;
                    zdiff     = xyz.Z - xyz1.Z;
                    edistance = Math.Sqrt((xdiff * xdiff) + (ydiff * ydiff) + (zdiff * zdiff)) + .0005;

                    dstr = String.Format("Earth Distance: {0:#0.0000} AU", edistance);
                    rstr = String.Format("Sun Distance:   {0:#0.0000} AU", sdistance);

                    point1.Y = Size.Height - labelMargin - (int)(fontSize * 3.5);
                    graphics.DrawString(dstr, FontInformation, sb, point1.X, point1.Y);

                    point1.Y = Size.Height - labelMargin - (int)(fontSize * 2.0);
                    graphics.DrawString(rstr, FontInformation, sb, point1.X, point1.Y);

                if (ShowDateLabel)
                    // Date string
                    string strDate = String.Format("{0} {1}, {2}", ATime.MonthAbbr(ATime.Month), ATime.Day, ATime.Year);
                    point1.X = Size.Width - (int)graphics.MeasureString(strDate, FontInformation).Width - labelMargin;
                    point1.Y = Size.Height - labelMargin - (int)(fontSize * 2.0);
                    graphics.DrawString(strDate, FontInformation, sb, point1.X, point1.Y);

            g.DrawImage(Offscreen, 0, 0);