예제 #1
    public void Finish()


        int lightFlags = lightBFS.Dequeue();

        Chunk downdown = chunk.neighbors[Dirs.DOWN].neighbors[Dirs.DOWN];

        if (downdown != null)
            while (lightBFS_U.Count > 0)
            while (lightRBFS_U.Count > 0)


        // notify neighbors whom should update based on set light flags
        LightCalculator.CheckNeighborLightUpdate(chunk, lightFlags);
예제 #2
    public void Execute()
        lights.flags = 0;
        LightCalculator.ProcessSunlight(ref lights, ref blocks, blockData, lightBFS, lightBFS_U, lightRBFS, lightRBFS_U);

        LightCalculator.LightUpdate(ref lights, faces, colors);

예제 #3
    // decode given byte array into nativearray for chunk
    static void DecodeChunk(byte[] buffer, int bytes, Chunk chunk)
        var blocks = chunk.blocks;
        var lights = chunk.lights; // just resetting this here

        reader.Start(buffer, 0, uintBuffer, bytes);

        chunk.builtStructures = reader.ReadBool();

        var bh = AtomicSafetyHandle.Create();
        NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.SetAtomicSafetyHandle(ref blocks, bh);
        var lh = AtomicSafetyHandle.Create();
        NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.SetAtomicSafetyHandle(ref lights, bh);

        int i = 0;
        while (i < blocks.Length)
            byte type = reader.ReadByte();
            byte run  = reader.ReadByte();
            while (run-- > 0)
                blocks[i++] = new Block {
                    type = type

        LightCalculator.InitializeLights(lights, chunk.GetWorldPos());

예제 #4
 public void Execute()
     LightCalculator.LightUpdate(ref lights, faces, colors);
예제 #5
    public void Finish()

        chunk.UpdateMesh(vertices, normals, uvs, uv2s, colors, triangles);

        if (chunk.needNewCollider)
            chunk.UpdateColliderNative(colliderVerts, colliderTris);

        int lightFlags = lightBFS.Dequeue();

        // add unfinished sunlight nodes to downdown neighbor
        // then in update they check if any nodes in that queue and trigger a new type of light job update if so
        // can skip down neighbor because that was already fully propagated from this job so start with his down neighbor instead
        Chunk downdown = chunk.neighbors[Dirs.DOWN].neighbors[Dirs.DOWN];
        if (downdown != null)
            while (lightBFS_U.Count > 0)
            while (lightRBFS_U.Count > 0)

#if _DEBUG
        if (lightBFS.Count > 0)
            if (tracking)
                //initLightTime += lightBFS.Dequeue();
                //processLightTime += lightBFS.Dequeue();
                //meshingTime += lightBFS.Dequeue();
                //colliderTime += lightBFS.Dequeue();

                //string output = string.Format("initLight:{0:0.0}, lighting:{1:0.0}, meshing:{2:0.0}, collider:{3:0.0}",
                //    initLightTime / (float)totalsIters,
                //    processLightTime / (float)totalsIters,
                //    meshingTime / (float)totalsIters,
                //    colliderTime / (float)totalsIters);

                initLightTime    = lightBFS.Dequeue();
                processLightTime = lightBFS.Dequeue();
                meshingTime      = lightBFS.Dequeue();
                colliderTime     = lightBFS.Dequeue();

                string output = string.Format("initLight:{0:0.0}, lighting:{1:0.0}, meshing:{2:0.0}, collider:{3:0.0}",
                                              initLightTime, processLightTime, meshingTime, colliderTime);



        // notify neighbors whom should update based on set light flags
        LightCalculator.CheckNeighborLightUpdate(chunk, lightFlags);
예제 #6
    // also record list of who needs to update after this (if u edit their light)

    public void Execute()
#if _DEBUG
        long initLightTime    = 0;
        long processLightTime = 0;
        long meshingTime      = 0;
        long colliderTime     = 0;
        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

        //LightCalculator.AddSunlightRemovals(ref lights, lightOps, lightRBFS);

        // if chunk hasnt been rendered before then check each block to see if it has any lights
        if (calcInitialLight)
            LightCalculator.CalcInitialLightOps(blocks.c, blockData, lightOps);
#if _DEBUG
            initLightTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            LightCalculator.CalcInitialSunLight(blocks.c, blockData, lights.c, lights.u, lightBFS, upRendered, chunkWorldPos);
        // always call this incase lightBFS comes with some data in it already
        LightCalculator.ProcessSunlight(ref lights, ref blocks, blockData, lightBFS, lightBFS_U, lightRBFS, lightRBFS_U);
        Assert.IsTrue(lightBFS.Count == 0 && lightRBFS.Count == 0);
        LightCalculator.ProcessTorchLightOpsOptimal(ref lights, ref blocks, blockData, lightOps, lightBFS, lightRBFS);
        Assert.IsTrue(lightBFS.Count == 0 && lightRBFS.Count == 0);
        int torchLightFlags = lights.flags;

        // add this so job controller can see after jobs done

        // also here maybe add nodes that weren't finished due to hitting bottom of chunks

#if _DEBUG
        processLightTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

        NativeMeshData meshData = new NativeMeshData(vertices, normals, uvs, uv2s, colors, triangles, faces); // add faces to this
        MeshBuilder.BuildNaive(ref meshData, ref blocks, ref lights, blockData);

#if _DEBUG
        meshingTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

#if _DEBUG
        if (genCollider)
            MeshBuilder.BuildGreedyCollider(ref blocks, colliderVerts, colliderTris);
#if _DEBUG
        colliderTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

#if _DEBUG
예제 #7
    static void AddBlockFaces(int x, int y, int z, ref NativeMeshData data, ref NativeArray3x3 <Block> blocks, ref NativeArray3x3 <Light> lights, NativeArray <BlockData> blockData)
        bool isLight = LightCalculator.GetIsLight(lights.Get(x, y, z).torch);

        if (!BlockData.RenderSolid(blockData, blocks.Get(x - 1, y, z), Dir.east))
            AddWestFace(x, y, z, ref data);
            AddUVs(x, y, z, ref data, ref blocks, blockData, Dir.west, isLight);
            data.AddFaceColor(LightCalculator.GetColorFromLight(lights.Get(x - 1, y, z)));
            data.faces.Add(new Face {
                pos = (ushort)(x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE), dir = Dir.west
        if (!BlockData.RenderSolid(blockData, blocks.Get(x, y - 1, z), Dir.up))
            AddDownFace(x, y, z, ref data);
            AddUVs(x, y, z, ref data, ref blocks, blockData, Dir.down, isLight);
            data.AddFaceColor(LightCalculator.GetColorFromLight(lights.Get(x, y - 1, z)));
            data.faces.Add(new Face {
                pos = (ushort)(x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE), dir = Dir.down
        if (!BlockData.RenderSolid(blockData, blocks.Get(x, y, z - 1), Dir.north))
            AddSouthFace(x, y, z, ref data);
            AddUVs(x, y, z, ref data, ref blocks, blockData, Dir.south, isLight);
            data.AddFaceColor(LightCalculator.GetColorFromLight(lights.Get(x, y, z - 1)));
            data.faces.Add(new Face {
                pos = (ushort)(x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE), dir = Dir.south
        if (!BlockData.RenderSolid(blockData, blocks.Get(x + 1, y, z), Dir.west))
            AddEastFace(x, y, z, ref data);
            AddUVs(x, y, z, ref data, ref blocks, blockData, Dir.east, isLight);
            data.AddFaceColor(LightCalculator.GetColorFromLight(lights.Get(x + 1, y, z)));
            data.faces.Add(new Face {
                pos = (ushort)(x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE), dir = Dir.east
        if (!BlockData.RenderSolid(blockData, blocks.Get(x, y + 1, z), Dir.down))
            AddUpFace(x, y, z, ref data);
            AddUVs(x, y, z, ref data, ref blocks, blockData, Dir.up, isLight);
            data.AddFaceColor(LightCalculator.GetColorFromLight(lights.Get(x, y + 1, z)));
            data.faces.Add(new Face {
                pos = (ushort)(x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE), dir = Dir.up
        if (!BlockData.RenderSolid(blockData, blocks.Get(x, y, z + 1), Dir.south))
            AddNorthFace(x, y, z, ref data);
            AddUVs(x, y, z, ref data, ref blocks, blockData, Dir.north, isLight);
            data.AddFaceColor(LightCalculator.GetColorFromLight(lights.Get(x, y, z + 1)));
            data.faces.Add(new Face {
                pos = (ushort)(x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE), dir = Dir.north
예제 #8
    public static void Run()
        passes   = 0;
        failures = 0;

            TestEqual(Dirs.Opp(Dir.west), Dir.east, "DirTest1");
            TestEqual(Dirs.Opp(Dir.down), Dir.up, "DirTest2");
            TestEqual(Dirs.Opp(Dir.south), Dir.north, "DirTest3");
            TestEqual(Dirs.Opp(Dir.east), Dir.west, "DirTest4");
            TestEqual(Dirs.Opp(Dir.up), Dir.down, "DirTest5");
            TestEqual(Dirs.Opp(Dir.north), Dir.south, "DirTest6");

            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(0, 0, 0)), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest1");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(1, 0, 0)), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest2");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(5, 5, 5)), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest3");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(15, 15, 15)), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest4");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(16, 16, 16)), new Vector3i(1, 1, 1), "RegionCoordTest5");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(18, 5, 5)), new Vector3i(1, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest6");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0)), new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest7");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(0, -1, 0)), new Vector3i(0, -1, 0), "RegionCoordTest8");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(0, 0, -1)), new Vector3i(0, 0, -1), "RegionCoordTest9");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(0, 0, -1)), new Vector3i(0, 0, -1), "RegionCoordTest10");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(14, 15, 15)), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest11");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetRegionCoord(new Vector3i(17, 15, 15)), new Vector3i(1, 0, 0), "RegionCoordTest12");

        {   // written assuming 2 blocks per unit
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromWorldPos(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "ChunkPos1");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromWorldPos(new Vector3(-1.0f, 0, 0)), new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), "ChunkPos2");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromWorldPos(new Vector3(-16.01f, 0, 0)), new Vector3i(-2, 0, 0), "ChunkPos3");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromWorldPos(new Vector3(25, 35, -5)), new Vector3i(1, 2, -1), "ChunkPos4");

            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(0, 13, 0), new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), "GCPFBP1");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(32, 34, 0), new Vector3i(1, 1, 0), "GCPFBP2");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(0, -1, 0), new Vector3i(0, -1, 0), "GCPFBP3");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(-15, 0, 0), new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), "GCPFBP4");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(-16, 0, 0), new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), "GCPFBP5");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(-31, 0, 0), new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), "GCPFBP6");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(-32, 0, 0), new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), "GCPFBP7");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(-33, 0, 0), new Vector3i(-2, 0, 0), "GCPFBP8");
            TestEqual(WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(-33, 0, 40), new Vector3i(-2, 0, 1), "GCPFBP9");

            TestEqual(Serialization.GetTablePos(new Vector3i(0, 0, 0)), 0, "LookUpPos1");
            TestEqual(Serialization.GetTablePos(new Vector3i(1, 0, 0)), 4, "LookUpPos2");
            TestEqual(Serialization.GetTablePos(new Vector3i(0, 1, 0)), 1024, "LookUpPos3");
            TestEqual(Serialization.GetTablePos(new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0)), 60, "LookUpPos4");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(0), 0, "Mod16_1");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(15), 15, "Mod16_2");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(16), 0, "Mod16_3");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(35), 3, "Mod16_4");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(-1), 15, "Mod16_5");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(-16), 0, "Mod16_6");
            TestEqual(Mth.Mod16(-5), 11, "Mod16_7");

            int b = 0;

            b |= 0x1;

            TestEqual(b & 0x1, 1, "bit1");

            TestEqual(0x1, 1, "hex0");
            TestEqual(0x2, 2, "hex1");
            TestEqual(0x4, 4, "hex2");
            TestEqual(0x8, 8, "hex3");
            TestEqual(0x10, 16, "hex4");
            TestEqual(0x20, 32, "hex5");
            TestEqual(0x40, 64, "hex6");
            TestEqual(0x80, 128, "hex7");
            TestEqual(0x100, 256, "hex8");
            TestEqual(0x200, 512, "hex9");
            TestEqual(0x400, 1024, "hex10");
            TestEqual(0x800, 2048, "hex11");
            TestEqual(0x1000, 4096, "hex12");

            // U RRRRR GGGGG BBBBB
            ushort torch = 0b0_00010_00110_10011;
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetRed(torch), 2, "torch1");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetGreen(torch), 6, "torch2");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetBlue(torch), 19, "torch3");

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), false, "torchb1");

            torch = 0b0_11111_00000_11111;

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetRed(torch), 31, "torch4");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetGreen(torch), 0, "torch5");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetBlue(torch), 31, "torch6");

            torch = LightCalculator.SetIsLight(torch, true);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), true, "torchb1");

            torch = 0b0_10000_00100_01010;

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetRed(torch), 16, "torch7");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetGreen(torch), 4, "torch8");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetBlue(torch), 10, "torch9");

            torch = LightCalculator.SetRed(torch, 8);
            TestEqual(torch, (ushort)0b0_01000_00100_01010, "torch10");
            torch = LightCalculator.SetBlue(torch, 23);
            TestEqual(torch, (ushort)0b0_01000_00100_10111, "torch11");
            torch = LightCalculator.SetGreen(torch, 0);
            TestEqual(torch, (ushort)0b0_01000_00000_10111, "torch12");

            torch = LightCalculator.SetIsLight(torch, true);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), true, "torchb1");
            torch = LightCalculator.SetIsLight(torch, false);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), false, "torchb1");

            int c = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 31, 31);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetRed(c), 31, "torch13");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetGreen(c), 31, "torch14");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetBlue(c), 31, "torch15");

            c = LightCalculator.GetColor(1, 7, 30);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetRed(c), 1, "torch16");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetGreen(c), 7, "torch17");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetBlue(c), 30, "torch18");

            c = LightCalculator.GetColor(0, 0, 0);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetRed(c), 0, "torch19");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetGreen(c), 0, "torch20");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetBlue(c), 0, "torch21");

            torch = 0b0_00010_00110_10011;
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 2), 2, "torch1");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 1), 6, "torch2");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 0), 19, "torch3");

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), false, "torchb1");

            torch = 0b1_11111_00000_11111;

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), true, "torchb1");

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 2), 31, "torch4");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 1), 0, "torch5");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 0), 31, "torch6");

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), true, "torchb1");

            torch = 0b1_10000_00100_01010;

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 2), 16, "torch7");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 1), 4, "torch8");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(torch, 0), 10, "torch9");

            torch = LightCalculator.SetChannel(torch, 2, 8);
            TestEqual(torch, (ushort)0b1_01000_00100_01010, "torch10");
            torch = LightCalculator.SetChannel(torch, 0, 23);
            TestEqual(torch, (ushort)0b1_01000_00100_10111, "torch11");
            torch = LightCalculator.SetChannel(torch, 1, 0);
            TestEqual(torch, (ushort)0b1_01000_00000_10111, "torch12");

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), true, "torchb1");

            c = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 31, 31);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 2), 31, "torch13");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 1), 31, "torch14");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 0), 31, "torch15");

            c = LightCalculator.GetColor(1, 7, 30);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 2), 1, "torch16");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 1), 7, "torch17");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 0), 30, "torch18");

            c = LightCalculator.GetColor(0, 0, 0);
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 2), 0, "torch19");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 1), 0, "torch20");
            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetChannel(c, 0), 0, "torch21");

            TestEqual(LightCalculator.GetIsLight(torch), true, "torchb1");

            BlockData test = new BlockData(0)
                colliderSolid = 0,
            TestEqual(test.texture, 0, "bd1");
            TestEqual(test.light, (ushort)0, "bd2");
            TestEqual(test.renderType, (byte)1, "bd3");
            TestEqual(test.colliderSolid, (byte)0, "bd4");
            TestEqual(test.renderSolid, (byte)1, "bd5");

            TestStruct t;
            t.member = 0;
            TestEqual(t.member, 0, "struct1");
            TestEqual(t.member, 1, "struct2");

        string msg = string.Format("{0}/{1} tests passed", passes, passes + failures);

        if (failures == 0)
            Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=#00FF00><b>{0}</b></color>", msg));
예제 #9
    // inits BlockData[] array for managed and also
    // returns a NativeArray version for jobs
    public static NativeArray <BlockData> InitBlockData()
        data = new BlockData[] {
            new BlockData(0) // AIR
                renderType     = 0,
                renderSolid    = 0,
                colliderSolid  = 0,
                lightReduction = 0,

            new BlockData(0) // STONE
                texture    = -1,
                renderType = 2,

            new BlockData(0)     // GRASS
                texture    = -1, // figured out dynamically
                renderType = 2,

            new BlockData(0) // PINE
                texture    = -1,
                renderType = 2,

            new BlockData(0) // PINELEAF
                renderSolid    = 0,
                renderType     = 2,
                texture        = 6,
                lightReduction = 4,

            new BlockData(0) // TORCH
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 31, 31),
                texture = 7,

            new BlockData(0) // TORCH R
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 0, 0),
                texture = 7,
            new BlockData(0) // TORCH B
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(0, 31, 0),
                texture = 7,
            new BlockData(0) // TORCH G
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(0, 0, 31),
                texture = 7,
            new BlockData(0) // TORCH M
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 0, 31),
                texture = 7,
            new BlockData(0) // TORCH Y
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 31, 0),
                texture = 7,
            new BlockData(0) // TORCH O
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(31, 15, 0),
                texture = 7,
            new BlockData(0) // TORCH W
                light   = LightCalculator.GetColor(10, 10, 10),
                texture = 7,

            new BlockData(0) // COAL
                texture    = 7,
                renderType = 2,
            new BlockData(0) // RUBY
                texture    = 8,
                renderType = 2,
                light      = LightCalculator.GetColor(20, 0, 0),
            new BlockData(0) // EMERALD
                texture    = 9,
                renderType = 2,
                light      = LightCalculator.GetColor(0, 20, 0),
            new BlockData(0) // SAPPHIRE
                texture    = 10,
                renderType = 2,
                light      = LightCalculator.GetColor(0, 0, 20),

        return(new NativeArray <BlockData>(data, Allocator.Persistent));
예제 #10
    public static void Generate(Vector3 chunkWorldPos, NativeArray <Block> blocks, NativeArray <Light> lights)
        // make this single loop instead and calculate x,y,z from index i
        for (int y = 0; y < Chunk.SIZE; ++y)
            for (int z = 0; z < Chunk.SIZE; ++z)
                for (int x = 0; x < Chunk.SIZE; ++x)
                    Vector3 wp = new Vector3(x, y, z) / Chunk.BPU + chunkWorldPos + new Vector3(55.0f, 12.4f, 87.5f);
                    float   n  = 0.0f;

                    // experiment with catlike coding noise some more
                    //NoiseSample samp = Noise.Sum(Noise.Simplex3D, wp, 0.015f, 5, 2.0f, 0.5f);
                    //float n = samp.value * 3.0f;

                    // TODO: convert shapes.cginc into c# equiv, and or get gen going on multiple thread (try job system!!!)
                    // this is adding a flat ground plane density at low strength, so as you go lower will slowly become solid
                    n -= Vector3.Dot(wp, Vector3.up) * 0.03f;

                    //n += Fractal(wp, 5, 0.01f);
                    float4 ng = Mth.FractalGrad(wp, 5, 0.01f);
                    n += ng.x;

                    Block b = Blocks.AIR;

                    if (n > 0.25f)
                        b = Blocks.STONE;
                    else if (n > 0.15f)
                        b = Blocks.STONE;

                        // todo switch to using math.dot
                        if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, new Vector3(ng.y, ng.z, ng.w).normalized) < .7f)
                            b = Blocks.GRASS;

                        // trying to make grass not spawn on cliff edge...
                        //if (Mathf.Abs(samp.derivative.normalized.y) < 0.4f) {
                        //    chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, new BlockGrass());
                        //} else {
                        //    chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, new Block());

                    if (b == Blocks.STONE)
                        float coal = Mth.Billow(wp + new Vector3(1000, 722, 255), 2, 0.04f, 1, 0.6f);

                        if (coal > 0.0f)
                            b = Blocks.COAL;

                    // add caves
                    if (b != Blocks.AIR)
                        // octaves of 5 and 0.015 was pretty good too
                        n = Mth.Ridged(wp + new Vector3(500, -5000, 1000), 4, 0.01f);
                        if (n > 0.75f - math.abs(wp.y) * 0.001f)   // as you go deeper caves open up is the idea here
                            b = Blocks.AIR;

                    // for testing singular blocks
                    //if (b != Blocks.COAL) {
                    //    b = Blocks.AIR;

                    blocks[x + z * Chunk.SIZE + y * Chunk.SIZE * Chunk.SIZE] = b;

        LightCalculator.InitializeLights(lights, chunkWorldPos);