public void UpdateObjectList() { foreach (var objectModel in ObjectManager.instance.objectModels) { _dropDownWithSearth.options.Add(LevelDataManager.PropertyNameToString(objectModel.Value.objectTag)); } }
void Start() { stateInformation = new StateInformation(); interfaceManager = InterfaceManager.GetInstance(); prefabsManager = PrefabsManager.GetInstance(); levelController = LevelController.instance; levelDataManager = LevelDataManager.GetInstance(); startupModule = (IStartupModule)StartupModule.GetInstance(); objectDeletionModule = (IObjectDeletionModule)ObjectDeletionModule.GetInstance(); objectPlacementModule = (IObjectPlacementModule)ObjectPlacementModule.GetInstance(); objectEditingModule = (IObjectEditingModule)ObjectEditingModule.GetInstance(); objectInformationModule = (IObjectInformationModule)ObjectInformationModule.GetInstance(); GameObject leftMouseButtonObject = Instantiate(mouseButtonPrefab, transform); leftMouseButton = leftMouseButtonObject.GetComponent <MouseButton>(); GameObject rightMouseButtonObject = Instantiate(mouseButtonPrefab, transform); rightMouseButton = rightMouseButtonObject.GetComponent <MouseButton>(); leftMouseButton.Setup(0, mouseButtonLeftPressedTime); rightMouseButton.Setup(1, cameraDragTime); prefabsManager.AddPrefabs(); interfaceManager.SetupUI(prefabsManager.GetPrefabTable()); InitializeLevel(initialLevelWidth, initialLevelHeight); SetupLevel(); }
public GameData(LevelDataManager lm, PauseMenuManager pm) { //level levelIndexes = lm.GetLevelsIndexes(); levelCleared = lm.GetLevelsCleared(); levelHumanDeaths = lm.GetLevelsHumanDeaths(); levelDogDeaths = lm.GetLevelsDogDeaths(); levelClearTimes = lm.GetLevelsClearTimes(); //audio audioMutes = pm.AudioMute; audioVolumes = pm.Volumes; //quality qualityIndex = pm.qualityIndex; qualityResolutionIndex = pm.resolutionIndex; qualityIsFullscreen = pm.isFullscreen; qualityShowFPS = pm.isShowFPS; qualityAntiAliasingIndex = pm.antiAliasingIndex; qualityVSyncIndex = pm.vSyncIndex; //gameplay gameplayShowInteractIndicator = pm.showInteractIndicator; gameplayShowHintIndicator = pm.showHintIndicator; gameplayShowDogVision = pm.showDogVision; //controls controlsInputPaths = pm.controlsPaths; controlsInputID = pm.controlsID; gameplaylanguageIndex = pm.languageIndex; }
void SetNormalImage() { string smoothTexResource = LevelDataManager.SmoothImageResource(storyMessages[frameId].pictureId); Texture2D smoothTex = Resources.Load <Texture2D>(smoothTexResource); normalStoryImage.image.texture = smoothTex; SetImageSize(normalStoryImage); }
public void Initialize() { descriptor = GlobalManager.MLevel.GetDescriptor(GlobalManager.MStorage.GalleryLevel); //int width = descriptor.init.width; //int height = descriptor.init.height; float finalRatioXY = descriptor.init.finalXYScale; float screenAspect = Camera.main.aspect; // load STRESS and SMOOTH textures string stressImage = StressImageCreator.StressedFinalImageFile(; Texture2D stressTex = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); stressTex.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(stressImage)); imageParams[0].winImage.texture = stressTex; Texture2D smoothTex = Resources.Load <Texture2D>(LevelDataManager.SmoothImageResource(; imageParams[1].winImage.texture = smoothTex; // set up scaling and UV rectangles CanvasScaler canvasScaler = GetComponent <CanvasScaler>(); // the size of the canvas excluding margins Rect sourceCanvasRect = new Rect(0, 0, canvasScaler.referenceResolution.x * (1 - marginRatio), canvasScaler.referenceResolution.y * (1 - marginRatio)); sourceCanvasSize = new Vector2(sourceCanvasRect.width, sourceCanvasRect.height); // SourceCanvas matches screen by width, so the final height scaling should be adjusted by: float heightAdjustFactor = sourceCanvasRect.width / sourceCanvasRect.height / screenAspect; for (int i = 0; i < imageParams.Length; i++) { imageParams[i].imageTransform.localPosition = imageParams[i].originalPosition; Vector2 canvasToImageRatio = new Vector2( sourceCanvasRect.width / imageParams[i].originalRect.width, sourceCanvasRect.height * heightAdjustFactor / imageParams[i].originalRect.height ); imageParams[i].sourceScale = new Vector2( finalRatioXY > screenAspect ? canvasToImageRatio.y * finalRatioXY : canvasToImageRatio.x, finalRatioXY > screenAspect ? canvasToImageRatio.y : canvasToImageRatio.x / finalRatioXY ); imageParams[i].effectiveSize = Vector2.Scale(new Vector2(imageParams[i].originalRect.width, imageParams[i].originalRect.height), imageParams[i].sourceScale); imageParams[i].imageTransform.localScale = imageParams[i].sourceScale; currentScale = new FloatRange { min = scaleRange.min, max = scaleRange.min }; // UV-coordinates of the image imageParams[i].winImage.uvRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); // positions //imageParams[i].originalPosition = imageParams[i].imageTransform.localPosition; imageParams[i].movePosition = new Vector2[2] { imageParams[i].originalPosition, imageParams[i].originalPosition }; } effectFinished = false; GenerateNewStep(true); }
public void Init(LevelDataManager.Descriptor descriptor, SelectorPrefab prefab, bool noStatusCheck = false) { levelDescriptor = descriptor; meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); lightBeacon.SetActive(false); if (noStatusCheck || levelDescriptor.state.Revealed) { // set up height above the world sphere string iconPath = LevelDataManager.GraphicsResource(; bool glow = false; float iconOpacity = normalIconOpacity; Material[] materials = meshRenderer.materials; if (noStatusCheck) { iconPath += "/icon"; materials[0] = prefab.opaqueMaterial; } else { if (levelDescriptor.state.Playable) { Debug.Log("WorldSelectorController.Init: id=" + + ", playable=" + levelDescriptor.state.Playable.ToString()); iconPath += "/icon"; if ( == GlobalManager.MStorage.SelectedLevel) { materials[0] = prefab.glowMaterial; lightBeacon.SetActive(true); glow = true; } else { materials[0] = prefab.opaqueMaterial; } } else { iconPath += "/grayicon"; iconOpacity = disabledIconOpacity; materials[0] = prefab.transparentMaterial; } } meshRenderer.materials = materials; iconRenderer.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(iconPath); Color c = iconRenderer.color; c.a = iconOpacity; iconRenderer.color = c; if (glow) { StartFlash(); } } else { gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null && instance != this) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
void UpdateUI(BindKey bindKey) { if (bindKey.beatObjectData != null) { string str = bindKey.beatObjectData.objectTag.ToString(); _objectTagText.text = LevelDataManager.PropertyNameToString(bindKey.beatObjectData.objectTag); } if (bindKey.key != KeyCode.None) { _text.text = bindKey.key.ToString(); } }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); return; } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); }
//private Dictionary<int, LevelSaveData> savedData = new Dictionary<int, LevelSaveData>(); void Awake() { //set up singleton instance, destroy if a LevelDataManager already exists. if (manager == null) { manager = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); } else if (manager != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } SetupLevelData(); }
private void Awake() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { if (this != _instance) { Destroy(gameObject); } } if (!levelDataSet) { levelDataSet = Resources.Load <LevelDataSet>("Level Data Set"); } }
void ConstructProperties() { _itemTag.text = LevelDataManager.PropertyNameToString(_selectedObject.objectTag); foreach (var propertiesObject in _propertiesObjects) { Destroy(propertiesObject.gameObject); } _propertiesObjects.Clear(); foreach (var modelInput in _selectedObject.modelInputsData) { GameObject instanceProperty = GetInstanceProperty(modelInput); GameObject propertyObject = Instantiate(instanceProperty, instanceProperty.transform.parent); propertyObject.SetActive(true); ObjectProperty objectProperty = propertyObject.GetComponent <ObjectProperty>(); objectProperty.Init(modelInput, this); _propertiesObjects.Add(objectProperty); } }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
static void ClearEditorSave() { LevelDataManager.DeleteAll(); }
void InitializeDialog(LevelDataManager.Descriptor descriptor) { // calculate dialog size int adjustmentIndex = -1; float currentScreenRatio = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height; for (int i = 0; i < dialogAdjustments.Length; i++) { if (currentScreenRatio >= dialogAdjustments[i].screenAspect) { adjustmentIndex = i; break; } } if (adjustmentIndex < 0) { return; } // get level data string levelStr ="D3"); titleText.GetComponent <Text>().text = GlobalManager.MLanguage.Entry(titlePrefix + levelStr); GameObject activeImage, inactiveImage; GameObject activeText, inactiveText; // adjust dialog height descriptionDialog.GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].dialogHeight); bool horizontal = descriptor.init.finalXYScale >= 1f; // set up image dimensions and the dialog layout depending on "horizontal" or "vertical" image orientation float finalImageWidth; float finalImageHeight; if (horizontal) { // the maximum height of the image is fixed finalImageHeight = dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].maxHorizontalImageSize.y; finalImageWidth = finalImageHeight * descriptor.init.finalXYScale; if (finalImageWidth > dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].maxHorizontalImageSize.x) { finalImageWidth = dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].maxHorizontalImageSize.x; finalImageHeight = finalImageWidth / descriptor.init.finalXYScale; } activeImage = hDescriptionImage; inactiveImage = vDescriptionImage; activeText = hDescriptionText; inactiveText = vDescriptionText; // adjust horizontal description text Y-shift RectTransform activeTextRectTransform = activeText.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Vector2 activeTextPosition = activeTextRectTransform.localPosition; activeTextPosition.y = dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].descriptionYShift; activeTextRectTransform.localPosition = activeTextPosition; } else { // the maximum width of the image is fixed finalImageWidth = dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].maxVerticalImageSize.x; finalImageHeight = finalImageWidth / descriptor.init.finalXYScale; if (finalImageHeight > dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].maxVerticalImageSize.y) { finalImageHeight = dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].maxVerticalImageSize.y; finalImageWidth = finalImageHeight * descriptor.init.finalXYScale; } activeImage = vDescriptionImage; inactiveImage = hDescriptionImage; activeText = vDescriptionText; inactiveText = hDescriptionText; } activeTextScript = activeText.GetComponent <Text>(); activeTextScript.fontSize = dialogAdjustments[adjustmentIndex].descriptionFontSize; // activate active objects activeImage.SetActive(true); activeText.SetActive(true); // load "smooth" image activeImage.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Resources.Load <Texture>(LevelDataManager.SmoothImageResource(; // and set up its size activeImage.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(finalImageWidth, finalImageHeight, 1.0f); // set text objects activeText.GetComponent <Text>().text = GlobalManager.MLanguage.Entry(descriptionPrefix + levelStr); // deactivate inactive objects inactiveImage.SetActive(false); inactiveText.SetActive(false); okButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true; Visualize(flashRange.min); // now activate the dialog gameObject.SetActive(true); StartFlash(true); }
IEnumerator BgStressImage(int level) { float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; string sourceGraphicResource = LevelDataManager.SmoothImageResource(level); originalImage = Resources.Load <Texture2D>(sourceGraphicResource); //Debug.Log("StressImageCreator.BgStressImage: creating STRESS image from " + sourceGraphicResource + " as " + (originalImage == null ? "null" : originalImage.ToString())); int w = originalImage.width; int h = originalImage.height; //stressedImage = new Texture2D(w, h, originalImage.format, false); // only RGBA32 textures are allowed to be written into stressedImage = new Texture2D(w, h, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); Color[] ic = originalImage.GetPixels(); Color[] oc = new Color[w * h]; int coffset = 0; Color c = new Color(); Color cmin = c; Color cmax = c; // scan the pixels and calculate the output values for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, coffset++) { c = ic[coffset]; cmin = c; cmax = c; float range = 0f; float brightness = 0f; float[] relativeBrightness = new float[4]; float[] relativeRange = new float[4]; // compute a pixel value for (int j = 0; j < iterationsCount; j++) { // get minimum and maximum color values from the neighbourhood int smax = samplesCount; for (int i = 0; i < smax;) { int xn = x + nbradii[radiusCount, 0]; int yn = y + nbradii[radiusCount, 1]; if (xn >= 0 && xn < w && yn >= 0 && yn < h) { Color cnb = ic[yn * w + xn]; // loop unwrap cmin.r = Mathf.Min(cmin.r, cnb.r); cmin.g = Mathf.Min(cmin.g, cnb.g); cmin.b = Mathf.Min(cmin.b, cnb.b); cmax.r = Mathf.Max(cmax.r, cnb.r); cmax.g = Mathf.Max(cmax.g, cnb.g); cmax.b = Mathf.Max(cmax.b, cnb.b); /* * for (int ci = 0; ci < 3; ci++) * { * cmin[ci] = Mathf.Min(cmin[ci], cnb[ci]); * cmax[ci] = Mathf.Max(cmax[ci], cnb[ci]); * } */ i++; } /*else * { * smax--; * }*/ radiusCount++; if (radiusCount >= neighboursCount) { radiusCount = 0; } } // now calculate cumulative brightness and dynamic range for every color component // loop unwrap range = cmax.r - cmin.r; brightness = 0.5f; if (range > eps) { brightness = (c.r - cmin.r) / range; } relativeBrightness[0] += brightness; relativeRange[0] += range; range = cmax.g - cmin.g; brightness = 0.5f; if (range > eps) { brightness = (c.g - cmin.g) / range; } relativeBrightness[1] += brightness; relativeRange[1] += range; range = cmax.b - cmin.b; brightness = 0.5f; if (range > eps) { brightness = (c.b - cmin.b) / range; } relativeBrightness[2] += brightness; relativeRange[2] += range; /* * for (int ci = 0; ci < 3; ci++) * { * range = cmax[ci] - cmin[ci]; * brightness = 0.5f; * if (range > eps) * { * brightness = (c[ci] - cmin[ci]) / range; * } * relativeBrightness[ci] += brightness; * relativeRange[ci] += range; * } */ } // now calculate max and min envelopes // loop unwrap brightness = relativeBrightness[0] / iterationsCount; range = relativeRange[0] / iterationsCount; cmax.r = c.r + (1.0f - brightness) * range; cmin.r = c.r - brightness * range; brightness = relativeBrightness[1] / iterationsCount; range = relativeRange[1] / iterationsCount; cmax.g = c.g + (1.0f - brightness) * range; cmin.g = c.g - brightness * range; brightness = relativeBrightness[2] / iterationsCount; range = relativeRange[2] / iterationsCount; cmax.b = c.b + (1.0f - brightness) * range; cmin.b = c.b - brightness * range; // now calculate the final value float delta = cmax.r - cmin.r; if (delta > eps) { c.r = (c.r - cmin.r) / delta; } else { c.r = 0.5f; } delta = cmax.g - cmin.g; if (delta > eps) { c.g = (c.g - cmin.g) / delta; } else { c.g = 0.5f; } delta = cmax.b - cmin.b; if (delta > eps) { c.b = (c.b - cmin.b) / delta; } else { c.b = 0.5f; } /* * for (int ci = 0; ci < 3; ci++) * { * brightness = relativeBrightness[ci] / iterationsCount; * range = relativeRange[ci] / iterationsCount; * cmax[ci] = c[ci] + (1.0f - brightness) * range; * cmin[ci] = c[ci] - brightness * range; * float delta = cmax[ci] - cmin[ci]; * if (delta > eps) * { * c[ci] = (c[ci] - cmin[ci]) / delta; * } * else * { * c[ci] = 0.5f; * } * } */ // fill the output buffer oc[coffset] = c; // every n-th pixel do a break for the next frame if (coffset % breakCycle == breakCycle - 1) { //Debug.Log("STRESS pixel " + coffset.ToString()); //yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); yield return(null); } } } stressedImage.SetPixels(oc); stressedImage.Apply(); float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; Debug.Log("stress time " + level.ToString() + ": " + (endTime - startTime).ToString()); // now try to save the stressed image into a file var bytes = stressedImage.EncodeToJPG(); string imageFileName = StressedFinalImageFile(level); Debug.Log("Writing data to file " + imageFileName); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(imageFileName, bytes); hasStressFile[level] = true; }