예제 #1
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetAxis("Jump") != 0)
            if (this.firedAlready)
                // We are done... (animation is still playing)

            this.firedAlready = true;

            // For some reason, using triggers in Animator (state-machine)
            // causes the next part to break... (disappoint)
            animator.Play("Standstill to Lift");

            // Create a new lantern to lift-off
            GameObject        lantern           = GameObject.Instantiate(LanternPrefab, this.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0));
            LanternController lanternController = lantern.GetComponent <LanternController>();
            lanternController.setTrackingTransform(this.ReferencePoint, this.PlacementOffset);

            // Lantern says "Notice me senpai~~"
            // (joke, camera needs to look at lantern)
            // speed factor >= 0.5 (because that is the speed the lantern is moving at...)
            this.Camera.LerpToNewTarget(lantern, 0.78f);
예제 #2
    //I wanted to change the lights falloff range but for some reason unity does not support this feature.

    public override void Use()

        existingLight = FindObjectOfType <LanternController>(); //Cant seem to get this to work outside of the use function.
        isLanternOn   = !isLanternOn;
        if (isLanternOn == true)
            icon = onSprite;
            icon = offSprite;
        FindObjectOfType <InventoryUI>().UpdateUI();
        existingLight.lt.color                 = lanternColor;
        existingLight.lt.intensity             = lanternIntensity;
        existingLight.lt.pointLightInnerRadius = lanternRadiusInner;
        existingLight.lt.pointLightOuterRadius = lanternRadiusOuter;

예제 #3
 void Awake()
     current = this;