예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If sparse representation indices are unsorted expect error.
        /// </summary>
        public void TestOverlapDistanceMethodStandardUnsorted()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 29, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 1 };
            var b = new double[] { 2, 4, 20, 12, 14, 18, 8, 28, 30 };

                classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality);
                Assert.Fail("Should throw exception");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.ToString()); }

                classifier.Learn(b, 1, isSparse: dimensionality);
                Assert.Fail("Should throw exception");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.ToString()); }
예제 #2
        // Finish when infer has options for sparse and dense: https://github.com/numenta/nupic/issues/2198
        public void TestOverlapDistanceMethod_ClassifySparse()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };
            var b = new double[] { 2, 4, 20, 12, 14, 18, 8, 28, 30 };

            classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality);
            classifier.Learn(b, 1, isSparse: dimensionality);

            // TODO Test case where infer is passed a sparse representation after
            // infer() has been extended to handle sparse and dense

            var result   = classifier.Infer(a.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            result   = classifier.Infer(b.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, category);
예제 #3
        public void TestKNNEnumAndConstantFields()
            Parameters    @params = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();
            KNNClassifier knn     = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder().Apply(@params);

                Assert.IsTrue(knn.GetNumSVDDims() == null);
                Assert.IsTrue(knn.GetDistanceMethod() == DistanceMethod.Norm); // the default
            catch (Exception e)

            @params = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();
            @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_SVD_DIMS, (int)KnnMode.ADAPTIVE);
            @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.PctInputOverlap);
            knn = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder().Apply(@params);
                Assert.IsTrue(knn.GetNumSVDDims() == (int)KnnMode.ADAPTIVE);
                Assert.IsTrue(knn.GetDistanceMethod() == DistanceMethod.PctInputOverlap);
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #4
        public void TestOverlapDistanceMethodInconsistentDimensionality()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };
            // Learn with incorrect dimensionality, greater than largest ON bit, but
            // inconsistent when inferring
            int numPatterns = classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: 31);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, numPatterns);

            var denseA = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in a)
                denseA[index] = 1;

            var result   = classifier.Infer(denseA);
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);
예제 #5
        public void TestOverlapDistanceMethodEmptyArray()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { };

            int numPatterns = classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, numPatterns);

            var denseA = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in a)
                denseA[index] = 1;

            var result   = classifier.Infer(denseA);
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);
예제 #6
        public void TestPartitionIdExcluded()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };
            var b = new double[] { 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 28, 30 };

            var denseA = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in a)
                denseA[index] = 1;

            var denseB = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in b)
                denseB[index] = 1;

            int numPatterns = classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, numPatterns);

            numPatterns = classifier.Learn(b, 1, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, numPatterns);

            var result   = classifier.Infer(denseA, partitionId: 1);
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            result   = classifier.Infer(denseA, partitionId: 0);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, category);

            result   = classifier.Infer(denseB, partitionId: 0);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, category);

            result   = classifier.Infer(denseB, partitionId: 1);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            // Ensure it works even if you invoke learning again. To make it a bit more
            // complex this time we insert A again but now with Id=2
            classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 2);
            // Even though first A should be ignored, the second instance of A should
            // not be ignored.
            result   = classifier.Infer(denseA, partitionId: 0);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);
예제 #7
        private KNNClassifier InitClassifier(Parameters p)
            KNNClassifier.Builder builder = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder();
            KNNClassifier         knn     = builder.Build();


예제 #8
        public void TestOverlapDistanceMethodBadSparsity()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };

            // Learn with incorrect dimensionality, less than some bits (23, 29)
            classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: 20);
예제 #9
        private void RunTwoFoldTestKNN()
            List <OCRCharacter> charactersTrain = new List <OCRCharacter>();

            List <OCRCharacter> charactersTest = new List <OCRCharacter>();

            // Load the training file points
            loadDataFromFile(charactersTrain, DATASET_FILE_1, DATASET_FILE_CONTENT_1);

            // Load the training file points from dataset 2 as well.
            loadDataFromFile(charactersTest, DATASET_FILE_2, DATASET_FILE_CONTENT_2);

            bool useDistanceScoring = false;

            KNNClassifier.processKNN(charactersTrain, charactersTest, new EuclideanDistance(), 4, useDistanceScoring);
예제 #10
        public void TestGetPartitionIdWithNoIdsAtFirst()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };
            var b = new double[] { 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 28, 30 };
            var c = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 33 };
            var d = new double[] { 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 19, 22, 24, 33 };

            var denseA = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in a)
                denseA[index] = 1;

            var denseD = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in d)
                denseD[index] = 1;

            classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: null);
            classifier.Learn(b, 1, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: null);
            classifier.Learn(c, 2, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 211);
            classifier.Learn(d, 1, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 405);

            var result   = classifier.Infer(denseA, partitionId: 405);
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            result   = classifier.Infer(denseD, partitionId: 405);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, category);

            result   = classifier.Infer(denseD);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, category);
예제 #11
        public void TestParameterBuild()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.Norm);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_NORM, 12.5);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.K, 42);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.EXACT, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, 2.3);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DO_BINARIZATION, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.BINARIZATION_THRESHOLD, 3.0);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.RELATIVE_THRESHOLD, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.USE_SPARSE_MEMORY, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SPARSE_THRESHOLD, 349.0);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_WINNERS, 100);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_SVD_SAMPLES, 4);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_SVD_DIMS, (int?)KnnMode.ADAPTIVE);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.FRACTION_OF_MAX, .84);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.MAX_STORED_PATTERNS, 30);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.REPLACE_DUPLICATES, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.KNN_CELLS_PER_COL, 32);

            KNNClassifier knn = InitClassifier(p);

            Assert.AreEqual(knn.GetK(), 42);
            Assert.AreEqual(12.5, knn.GetDistanceNorm(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(DistanceMethod.Norm, knn.GetDistanceMethod());
            Assert.AreEqual(2.3, knn.GetDistanceThreshold(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.0, knn.GetBinarizationThreshold(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(349.0, knn.GetSparseThreshold(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, knn.GetNumWinners());
            Assert.AreEqual(4, knn.GetNumSVDSamples());
            Assert.AreEqual((int)KnnMode.ADAPTIVE, knn.GetNumSVDDims());
            Assert.AreEqual(0.84, knn.GetFractionOfMax().GetValueOrDefault(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, knn.GetMaxStoredPatterns());
            Assert.AreEqual(32, knn.GetCellsPerCol());
예제 #12
        public void TestBuilder()
            KNNClassifier.Builder builder = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder();


            KNNClassifier knn = builder.Build();

            Assert.AreEqual(42, knn.GetK());
            Assert.AreEqual(12.5, knn.GetDistanceNorm(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(DistanceMethod.PctInputOverlap, knn.GetDistanceMethod());
            Assert.AreEqual(2.3, knn.GetDistanceThreshold(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.0, knn.GetBinarizationThreshold(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(349.0, knn.GetSparseThreshold(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, knn.GetNumWinners());
            Assert.AreEqual(4, knn.GetNumSVDSamples());
            Assert.AreEqual((int)KnnMode.ADAPTIVE, knn.GetNumSVDDims());
            Assert.AreEqual(0.84, knn.GetFractionOfMax().GetValueOrDefault(), 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, knn.GetMaxStoredPatterns());
            Assert.AreEqual(32, knn.GetCellsPerCol());
예제 #13
        public void SparsifyVector()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.Norm);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_NORM, 2.0);

            // Each of the 4 tests correspond with the each decisional branch in the
            // sparsifyVector method

            // tests: if not relativeThreshold:
            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            double[] inputPattern  = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 11 };
            double[] outputPattern = classifier.SparsifyVector(inputPattern, true);
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(inputPattern, outputPattern));

            // tests: elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.RELATIVE_THRESHOLD, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SPARSE_THRESHOLD, 0.2);
            classifier    = InitClassifier(p);
            outputPattern = classifier.SparsifyVector(inputPattern, true);
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new double[] { 0, 0, 3, 7, 11 }, outputPattern));

            // tests: if doWinners:
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.RELATIVE_THRESHOLD, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SPARSE_THRESHOLD, 0.2);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_WINNERS, 2);
            classifier    = InitClassifier(p);
            outputPattern = classifier.SparsifyVector(inputPattern, true);
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, outputPattern));

            // tests: Do binarization
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.RELATIVE_THRESHOLD, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SPARSE_THRESHOLD, 0.2);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DO_BINARIZATION, true);
            classifier    = InitClassifier(p);
            outputPattern = classifier.SparsifyVector(inputPattern, true);
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, outputPattern));
예제 #14
        public void TestOverlapDistanceMethodStandard()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };
            var b = new double[] { 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 28, 30 };

            int numPatterns = classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, numPatterns);

            numPatterns = classifier.Learn(b, 1, isSparse: dimensionality);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, numPatterns);

            var denseA = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in a)
                denseA[index] = 1;
            var result   = classifier.Infer(denseA);
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            var denseB = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in b)
                denseB[index] = 1;
            result   = classifier.Infer(denseB);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, category);
예제 #15
        public IActionResult PredictCharacterKNN(string data)
            List <OCRCharacter> charactersTrain = new List <OCRCharacter>();

            List <OCRCharacter> charactersTest = new List <OCRCharacter>();

            // Load the training file points
            loadDataFromFile(charactersTrain, DATASET_FILE_1, DATASET_FILE_CONTENT_1);

            // Load the training file points from dataset 2 as well.
            loadDataFromFile(charactersTrain, DATASET_FILE_2, DATASET_FILE_CONTENT_2);

            // Load the training file points from dataset 2 as well.
            ///loadDataFromFile(charactersTest, DATASET_FILE_2, DATASET_FILE_CONTENT_2);

            bool useDistanceScoring = true;

            OCRCharacter charGuess = createCharacterFromBytes(data);
            int          guess     = KNNClassifier.processKNNAndPredict(charactersTrain, charGuess, new EuclideanDistance(), 4, useDistanceScoring);

예제 #16
        public void Execute(string dataSet = TrainingDataSet, double minAccuracy = 100.0, int maxTrainingCycles = 5)
            var tupleTraining = DatasetReader.GetImagesAndTags(dataSet);
            // Get training images and convert them to vectors.
            var trainingImages  = (List <Bitmap>)tupleTraining.Get(0);
            var trainingTags    = tupleTraining.Get(1) as List <string>;
            var trainingVectors = trainingImages.Select((i, index) => new { index, vector = i.ToVector() })
                                  .ToDictionary(k => k.index, v => v.vector);

            // Specify parameter values to search
            CombinationParameters parameters = new CombinationParameters();

            parameters.Define("synPermConn", new List <object> {
            parameters.Define("synPermDecFrac", new List <object> {
                1.0, 0.5, 0.1
            parameters.Define("synPermIncFrac", new List <object> {
                1.0, 0.5, 0.1

            // Run the model until all combinations have been tried
            while (parameters.GetNumResults() < parameters.GetNumCombinations())
                // Pick a combination of parameter values

                double synPermConnected = (double)parameters.GetValue("synPermConn");
                var    synPermDec       = synPermConnected * (double)parameters.GetValue("synPermDecFrac");
                var    synPermInc       = synPermConnected * (double)parameters.GetValue("synPermIncFrac");

                // Instantiate our spatial pooler
                Parameters p = Parameters.GetAllDefaultParameters();
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.INPUT_DIMENSIONS, new[] { 32, 32 }); // Size of image patch
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.COLUMN_DIMENSIONS, new[] { 32, 32 });
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.POTENTIAL_RADIUS, 10000);            // Ensures 100% potential pool
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.POTENTIAL_PCT, 0.8);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.GLOBAL_INHIBITION, true);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.LOCAL_AREA_DENSITY, -1.0); // Using numActiveColumnsPerInhArea
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_ACTIVE_COLUMNS_PER_INH_AREA, 64.0);
                // All input activity can contribute to feature output
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.STIMULUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SYN_PERM_INACTIVE_DEC, synPermDec);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SYN_PERM_ACTIVE_INC, synPermInc);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SYN_PERM_CONNECTED, synPermConnected);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DUTY_CYCLE_PERIOD, 1000);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.MAX_BOOST, 1.0);
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SEED, 1956);                       // The seed that Grok uses
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.RANDOM, new XorshiftRandom(1956)); // The seed that Grok uses
                p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SP_VERBOSITY, 1);

                Connections cn = new Connections();

                SpatialPooler sp = new SpatialPooler();

                // Instantiate the spatial pooler test bench.
                VisionTestBench tb = new VisionTestBench(cn, sp);

                // Instantiate the classifier
                KNNClassifier clf = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder().Apply(p);

                int numCycles = tb.Train(trainingVectors, trainingTags, clf, maxTrainingCycles, minAccuracy);

                // Get testing images and convert them to vectors.
                var tupleTesting   = DatasetReader.GetImagesAndTags(dataSet);
                var testingImages  = (List <System.Drawing.Bitmap>)tupleTesting.Get(0);
                var testingTags    = tupleTesting.Get(1) as List <string>;
                var testingVectors = testingImages.Select((i, index) => new { index, vector = i.ToVector() })
                                     .ToDictionary(k => k.index, v => v.vector);

                // Reverse the order of the vectors and tags for testing

                // Test the spatial pooler on testingVectors.
                var accurancy = tb.Test(testingVectors, testingTags, clf, learn: true);

                // Add results to the list
                parameters.AppendResults(new List <object> {
                    accurancy, numCycles
            parameters.PrintResults(new[] { "Percent Accuracy", "Training Cycles" }, new[] { "\t{0}", "\t{0}" });
            Console.WriteLine("The maximum number of training cycles is set to: {0}", maxTrainingCycles);
예제 #17
        //[TestMethod, DeploymentItem("Resources/DataSets/OCR/characters/cmr_all.xml")]
        public void TestVisionBench()
            // Set some training paths
            string trainingDataset   = "cmr_all.xml";
            string testingDataset    = "Resources/DataSets/OCR/characters/cmr_all.xml";
            double minAccuracy       = 100.0; // force max training cycles
            int    maxTrainingCycles = 5;

            // Create spatial parameters
            Parameters p = Parameters.Empty();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.INPUT_DIMENSIONS, new[] { 32, 32 }); // Size of image patch
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.COLUMN_DIMENSIONS, new[] { 32, 32 });
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.POTENTIAL_RADIUS, 10000);            // Ensures 100% potential pool
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.POTENTIAL_PCT, 0.8);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.GLOBAL_INHIBITION, true);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.LOCAL_AREA_DENSITY, -1.0); // Using numActiveColumnsPerInhArea
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.NUM_ACTIVE_COLUMNS_PER_INH_AREA, 64.0);
            // All input activity can contribute to feature output
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.STIMULUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SYN_PERM_INACTIVE_DEC, 0.001);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SYN_PERM_ACTIVE_INC, 0.001);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SYN_PERM_CONNECTED, 0.3);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.MIN_PCT_OVERLAP_DUTY_CYCLES, 0.001);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.MIN_PCT_ACTIVE_DUTY_CYCLES, 0.001);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DUTY_CYCLE_PERIOD, 1000);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.MAX_BOOST, 1.0);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SEED, 1956);                       // The seed that Grok uses
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.RANDOM, new XorshiftRandom(1956)); // The seed that Grok uses
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SP_VERBOSITY, 1);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.SP_PARALLELMODE, true);

            Connections cn = new Connections();


            // Instantiate our spatial pooler
            SpatialPooler sp = new SpatialPooler();


            // Instantiate the spatial pooler test bench.
            VisionTestBench tb = new VisionTestBench(cn, sp);

            // Instantiate the classifier
            KNNClassifier clf = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder().Apply(p);

            // Get testing images and convert them to vectors.
            var tupleTraining   = DatasetReader.GetImagesAndTags(trainingDataset);
            var trainingImages  = (List <Bitmap>)tupleTraining.Get(0);
            var trainingTags    = tupleTraining.Get(1) as List <string>;
            var trainingVectors = trainingImages.Select((i, index) => new { index, vector = i.ToVector() })
                                  .ToDictionary(k => k.index, v => v.vector);

            // Train the spatial pooler on trainingVectors.
            int numcycles = tb.Train(trainingVectors, trainingTags, clf, maxTrainingCycles, minAccuracy);

            // Get testing images and convert them to vectors.
            var tupleTesting   = DatasetReader.GetImagesAndTags(trainingDataset);
            var testingImages  = (List <System.Drawing.Bitmap>)tupleTesting.Get(0);
            var testingTags    = tupleTesting.Get(1) as List <string>;
            var testingVectors = testingImages.Select((i, index) => new { index, vector = i.ToVector() })
                                 .ToDictionary(k => k.index, v => v.vector);

            // Reverse the order of the vectors and tags for testing

            // Test the spatial pooler on testingVectors.
            var accurancy = tb.Test(testingVectors, testingTags, clf, learn: true);

            Debug.WriteLine("Number of training cycles : " + numcycles);
            Debug.WriteLine("Accurancy : " + accurancy);

예제 #18
        private void RunTestPCAKNN(int _short)
            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting PCA/k-NN classifier");
            Console.WriteLine("Mode=" + _short);

            int numClasses          = 10;
            int k                   = 10;
            int numPatternsPerClass = 100;
            int numPatterns         = (int)Math.Round(0.9 * numClasses * numPatternsPerClass);
            int numTests            = numClasses * numPatternsPerClass - numPatterns;
            int numSVDSamples       = (int)Math.Round(0.1 * numPatterns);
            int keep                = 1;

            KNNClassifier pca_knn = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder()

            KNNClassifier knn = KNNClassifier.GetBuilder()

            Console.WriteLine("Training PCA k-NN");

            double[][] trainData  = knnData.GetPcaKNNShortData()[TRAIN].GetDataArray();
            int[]      trainClass = knnData.GetPcaKNNShortData()[TRAIN].GetClassArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < numPatterns; i++)
                knn.Learn(trainData[i], trainClass[i]);
                pca_knn.Learn(trainData[i], trainClass[i]);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing PCA k-NN");
            int numWinnerFailures    = 0;
            int numInferenceFailures = 0;
            int numDistFailures      = 0;
            int numAbsErrors         = 0;

            double[][] testData  = knnData.GetPcaKNNShortData()[TEST].GetDataArray();
            int[]      testClass = knnData.GetPcaKNNShortData()[TEST].GetClassArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++)
                var result       = knn.Infer(testData[i]);
                var winner       = (int)result.Get(0);
                var inference    = (double[])result.Get(1);
                var dist         = (double[])result.Get(2);
                var categoryDist = result.Get(3);

                var pcaResult       = pca_knn.Infer(testData[i]);
                var pcawinner       = (int)pcaResult.Get(0);
                var pcainference    = (double[])pcaResult.Get(1);
                var pcadist         = (double[])pcaResult.Get(2);
                var pcacategoryDist = pcaResult.Get(3);

                if (winner != testClass[i])
                    numAbsErrors += 1;
                if (pcawinner != winner)
                    numWinnerFailures += 1;
                if (ArrayUtils.Abs(ArrayUtils.Sub(pcainference, inference)).Any(n => n > 1e-4))
                    numInferenceFailures += 1;
                if (ArrayUtils.Abs(ArrayUtils.Sub(pcadist, dist)).Any(n => n > 1e-4))
                    numDistFailures += 1;

            double s0 = 100.0 * (numTests - numAbsErrors) / numTests;
            double s1 = 100.0 * (numTests - numWinnerFailures) / numTests;
            double s2 = 100.0 * (numTests - numInferenceFailures) / numTests;
            double s3 = 100.0 * (numTests - numDistFailures) / numTests;

            Console.WriteLine("PCA/k-NN success rate = {0}%", s0);
            Console.WriteLine("Winner success = {0}%", s1);
            Console.WriteLine("Inference success = {0}%", s2);
            Console.WriteLine("Distance success = {0}%", s3);
예제 #19
        public void TestDistanceMetrics()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.Norm);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_NORM, 2.0);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;

            double[] protoA = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 11 };
            double[] protoB = { 20, 28, 30 };

            classifier.Learn(protoA, 0, null, dimensionality);
            classifier.Learn(protoB, 0, null, dimensionality);

            // input is an arbitrary point, close to protoA, orthogonal to protoB
            int[] input = new int[dimensionality];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                input[i] = 1;
            // input0 is used to test that the distance from a point to itself is 0
            int[] input0 = new int[dimensionality];
            foreach (double index in protoA)
                input0[(int)index] = 1;

            // Test l2 norm metrix
            var result = classifier.Infer(input.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());

            double[] dist        = (double[])result.Get(2);
            var      l2Distances = new double[] { 0.65465367, 1.0 };

            foreach (var tuple in ArrayUtils.Zip(l2Distances, dist))
                Assert.AreEqual((double)tuple.Item1, (double)tuple.Item2, 0.00001, "l2 distance norm is not calculated as expected.");

            result = classifier.Infer(input0.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            var dist0 = (double[])result.Get(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, dist0[0], "l2 norm did not calculate 0 distance as expected.");

            // Test l1 norm metric
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_NORM, 1.0);
            result = classifier.Infer(input.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist   = (double[])result.Get(2);
            var l1Distances = new double[] { 0.42857143, 1.0 };

            foreach (var tuple in ArrayUtils.Zip(l1Distances, dist))
                Assert.AreEqual((double)tuple.Item1, (double)tuple.Item2, 0.00001, "l1 distance norm is not calculated as expected.");

            result = classifier.Infer(input0.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist0  = (double[])result.Get(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, dist0[0], "l1 norm did not calculate 0 distance as expected.");

            // Test raw overlap metric
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            result = classifier.Infer(input.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist   = (double[])result.Get(2);
            double[] rawOverlaps = new[] { 1.0, 4.0 };
            foreach (var tuple in ArrayUtils.Zip(rawOverlaps, dist))
                Assert.AreEqual(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, "Raw overlap is not calculated as expected.");

            result = classifier.Infer(input0.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist0  = (double[])result.Get(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, dist0[0], "Raw overlap did not calculate 0 distance as expected.");

            // Test pctOverlapOfInput metric
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.PctInputOverlap);

            result = classifier.Infer(input.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist   = (double[])result.Get(2);
            double[] pctOverlaps = new[] { 0.25, 1.0 };
            foreach (var tuple in ArrayUtils.Zip(pctOverlaps, dist))
                Assert.AreEqual(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, "pctOverlapOfInput is not calculated as expected.");

            result = classifier.Infer(input0.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist0  = (double[])result.Get(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, dist0[0], "pctOverlapOfInput did not calculate 0 distance as expected.");

            // Test pctOverlapOfProto  metric
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.PctProtoOverlap);

            result      = classifier.Infer(input.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist        = (double[])result.Get(2);
            pctOverlaps = new[] { 0.40, 1.0 };
            foreach (var tuple in ArrayUtils.Zip(pctOverlaps, dist))
                Assert.AreEqual(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, "pctOverlapOfProto  is not calculated as expected.");

            result = classifier.Infer(input0.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist0  = (double[])result.Get(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, dist0[0], "pctOverlapOfProto  did not calculate 0 distance as expected.");

            // Test pctOverlapOfLarger   metric
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.PctLargerOverlap);

            result      = classifier.Infer(input.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist        = (double[])result.Get(2);
            pctOverlaps = new[] { 0.40, 1.0 };
            foreach (var tuple in ArrayUtils.Zip(pctOverlaps, dist))
                Assert.AreEqual(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, "pctOverlapOfLarger   is not calculated as expected.");

            result = classifier.Infer(input0.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());
            dist0  = (double[])result.Get(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, dist0[0], "pctOverlapOfLarger   did not calculate 0 distance as expected.");
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// This routine trains the spatial pooler using the bit vectors produced from
        /// the training images by using these vectors as input to the SP.It continues
        /// training until either the minimum specified accuracy is met or the maximum
        /// number of training cycles is reached.It records each output SDR as the
        /// index of that SDR in a list of all SDRs seen during training.  This list of
        /// indexes is used to generate the SDRs for evaluating recognition accuracy
        /// after each training cycle.It also creates a list of all tags (ground
        /// truth) seen during training.This list is used to establish the integer
        /// categories for the classifier so they can be used again during testing to
        /// establish the correct categories even if the order of the input vectors is
        /// changed.
        /// </summary>
        public int Train(IDictionary <int, int[]> trainingVectors, List <string> trainingTags, KNNClassifier classifier,
                         int maxCycles = 10, double minAccurancy = 100.0)
            // Get rid of permanence and connection images from previous training
            permanencesImage = null;
            connectionsImage = null;

            // print starting stats
            int    cyclesCompleted = 0;
            double accuracy        = 0;

            PrintTrainingStats(cyclesCompleted, accuracy);

            // keep training until minAccuracy or maxCycles is reached
            while ((minAccurancy - accuracy) > 1.0 / trainingTags.Count && cyclesCompleted < maxCycles)
                // increment cycle number
                cyclesCompleted += 1;

                // Feed each training vector into the spatial pooler and then teach the
                // classifier to associate the tag and the SDR
                var SDRIs = new List <int>();
                var activeArray = new int[_connections.GetNumColumns()];
                foreach (var trainingPair in trainingVectors)
                    int j = trainingPair.Key;
                    var trainingVector = trainingPair.Value;

                    sp.Compute(_connections, trainingVector, activeArray, true);
                    // Build a list of indexes corresponding to each SDR
                    var activeList = activeArray.ToArray();
                    if (!SDRs.Any(ip => ip.SequenceEqual(activeList)))
                    var SDRI = SDRs.FindIndex(ip => ip.SequenceEqual(activeList));
                    // tell classifier to associate SDR and training Tag
                    // if there are repeat tags give the index of the first occurrence
                    int category;
                    if (tags.Contains(trainingTags[j]))
                        category = tags.IndexOf(trainingTags[j]);
                        category = tags.Count - 1;
                    classifier.Learn(activeArray.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray(), category, 0, 0);
                // Check the accuracy of the SP, classifier combination
                accuracy = 0.0;
                foreach (int j in ArrayUtils.Range(0, SDRIs.Count))
                    var SDRI = SDRIs[j];
                    activeArray = SDRs[SDRI].ToArray();
                    // if there are repeat tags give the index of the first occurrence
                    int category          = tags.IndexOf(trainingTags[j]);
                    int inferred_category = (int)classifier.Infer(activeArray.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray()).Get(0);
                    if (inferred_category == category)
                        accuracy += 100.0 / trainingTags.Count;
                // print updated stats
                PrintTrainingStats(cyclesCompleted, accuracy);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// This routine tests the spatial pooler on the bit vectors produced from the
        /// testing images.
        /// </summary>
        public double Test(IDictionary <int, int[]> testVectors, List <string> testingTags, KNNClassifier classifier,
                           bool verbose = false, bool learn = true)
            //  Get rid of old permanence and connection images
            permanencesImage = null;
            connectionsImage = null;

            // Feed testing vectors into the spatial pooler and build a list of SDRs.
            var SDRIs       = new List <int>();
            var activeArray = new int[_connections.GetNumColumns()];
            int category;

            foreach (var testPair in testVectors)
                int j          = testPair.Key;
                var testVector = testPair.Value;
                sp.Compute(_connections, testVector, activeArray, learn);
                // Build a list of indexes corresponding to each SDR
                var activeList = activeArray.ToArray();
                if (!SDRs.Any(ip => ip.SequenceEqual(activeList)))
                var SDRI = SDRs.FindIndex(ip => ip.SequenceEqual(activeList));
                if (learn)
                    // tell classifier to associate SDR and testing Tag
                    category = tags.IndexOf(testingTags[j]);
                    classifier.Learn(activeArray.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray(), category, 0, 0);
            // Check the accuracy of the SP, classifier combination
            double accuracy           = 0.0;
            bool   recognitionMistake = false;

            foreach (int j in ArrayUtils.Range(0, SDRIs.Count))
                activeArray = SDRs[SDRIs[j]].ToArray();
                category    = tags.IndexOf(testingTags[j]);
                int inferred_category = (int)classifier.Infer(activeArray.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray()).Get(0);
                if (inferred_category == category)
                    accuracy += 100.0 / testingTags.Count;
                    if (verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", testingTags[j], testingTags[inferred_category]);
                    if (!recognitionMistake)
                        recognitionMistake = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Recognition mistakes:");
                        //print "%5s" % "Input", "Output"
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", testingTags[j], testingTags[inferred_category]);

            Console.WriteLine("Accuracy: {0:0.0} %", accuracy);
예제 #22
        public void TestGetPartitionId()
            Parameters p = Parameters.GetKnnDefaultParameters();

            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.DISTANCE_METHOD, DistanceMethod.RawOverlap);

            KNNClassifier classifier = InitClassifier(p);

            int dimensionality = 40;
            var a = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 };
            var b = new double[] { 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 28, 30 };
            var c = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 33 };
            var d = new double[] { 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 19, 22, 24, 33 };
            var e = new double[] { 1, 3, 7, 12, 14, 19, 22, 24, 33 };

            var denseA = new double[dimensionality];

            foreach (int index in a)
                denseA[index] = 1;

            classifier.Learn(a, 0, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 433);
            classifier.Learn(b, 1, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 213);
            classifier.Learn(c, 1, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: null);
            classifier.Learn(d, 1, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 433);

            Assert.AreEqual(433, classifier.GetPartitionId(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(213, classifier.GetPartitionId(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, classifier.GetPartitionId(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(433, classifier.GetPartitionId(3));

            var result   = classifier.Infer(denseA, partitionId: 213);
            var category = result.Get(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            // Test with patternId not in classifier
            result   = classifier.Infer(denseA, partitionId: 666);
            category = result.Get(0);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, category);

            // Partition Ids should be maintained after inference
            Assert.AreEqual(433, classifier.GetPartitionId(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(213, classifier.GetPartitionId(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, classifier.GetPartitionId(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(433, classifier.GetPartitionId(3));

            // Should return exceptions if we go out of bounds
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
            catch { Assert.Fail(); }

            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
            catch { Assert.Fail(); }

            // Learn again
            classifier.Learn(e, 4, isSparse: dimensionality, partitionId: 413);
            Assert.AreEqual(413, classifier.GetPartitionId(4));

            // Test getPatternIndicesWithPartitionId
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 0, 3 }, classifier.GetPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(433)));
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new int[0], classifier.GetPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(666)));
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 4 }, classifier.GetPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(413)));

            Assert.AreEqual(3, classifier.GetNumPartitionIds());

            // Check that the full set of partition ids is what we expect
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 433, 213, int.MaxValue, 433, 413 }, classifier.GetPartitionIdPerPattern()));
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 433, 213, 413 }, classifier.GetPartitionIdList()));

            // Remove two rows - all indices shift down
            Assert.AreEqual(2, classifier.RemoveRows(new[] { 0, 2 }));
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 1 }, classifier.GetPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(433)));
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 2 }, classifier.GetPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(413)));

            // Remove another row and check number of partitions have decreased
            Assert.AreEqual(1, classifier.RemoveRows(new[] { 0 }));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, classifier.GetNumPartitionIds());
            // Check that the full set of partition ids is what we expect
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 433, 413 }, classifier.GetPartitionIdPerPattern()));
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 433, 413 }, classifier.GetPartitionIdList()));