static Gangplank() { Init(); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 625); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1000, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, int.MaxValue, 325); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, int.MaxValue, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, int.MaxValue, 600); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); //HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); if (i != R) { //HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); //HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); if (i != E) { //HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); } } KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); }); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("CC", "Auto W CC Buffs"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Qunk", "Auto Q UnKillable Minions"); AutoMenu.CreateKeyBind("EQMOUSE", "E > Q To Mouse", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S'); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("RAOE", "R AoE Hit {0}", 3, 1, 6); KillStealMenu.CreateSlider("Rdmg", "Multipy R Damage By X{0}", 3, 1, 12); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("QLH", "LastHit Mode Q"); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("EKill", "Minions Kill Count {0}", 2, 0, 10); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("EHits", "Minions To Hit With E {0}", 3, 0, 10); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("Barrels", "Enable Barrels Drawings"); Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; }
static Sion() { Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 740, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, int.MaxValue, 200, DamageType.Physical) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 500); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 750, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1250, 70) { AllowedCollisionCount = -1 }; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 850, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 950, 300) { AllowedCollisionCount = -1 }; SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); if (i != R) { HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "hit", i.Slot + " Hits {0}", 3, 1, 20); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); } DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); }); Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Spellbook.OnStopCast += Spellbook_OnStopCast; }
static Kalista() { if (!Directory.Exists(appdata)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(appdata); } if (!File.Exists(appdata + Game.GameId + ".dat")) { File.Create(appdata + Game.GameId + ".dat"); Created = true; } Edmg = new Text(string.Empty, new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = System.Drawing.Color.White }; Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1150, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 60) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 5000, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 2100, 80); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 1000); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, 1100); SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); }); //AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("exploit", "Enable Kalista Exploit (WILL BAN YOU)", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("SoulBound", "R Save Soul Bound"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoR", "Auto R"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("EDeath", "E Before Death"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEJungle", "Auto Steal Jungle Camps (E)"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEBig", "Auto Use E Big Minions"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEUnKillable", "Auto Use E On UnKillable Minions", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoE", "Auto Use E if no modes active", false); AutoMenu.CreateSlider("AutoEcount", "{0} Min Stacks to Auto E", 5, 1, 25); var balistahero = Ballistaheros.FirstOrDefault(a => EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Any(b => a.Hero == b.Hero)); if (balistahero != null) { AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox(balistahero.Hero.ToString(), "Use Ballista With " + balistahero.Hero); AutoMenu.CreateSlider(balistahero.Hero + "dis", "Min Distance To Use Ballista", 600, 0, 1100); } ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("Gapclose", "Auto Attack Minions To GapClose"); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("EKillCount", "Use E To Kill {0}+ Enemies Only", 1, 1, 6); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("Emin", "E Kill Minion For Harass"); HarassMenu.CreateSlider("Estacks", "{0} Stacks to Use E", 5, 1, 25); LaneClearMenu.CreateKeyBind("Etog", "E Toggle LaneClear", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Qhits", "Q Hit Count {0}", 3, 1, 15); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Ekills", "E Kill Count {0}", 2, 1, 10); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("Esmall", "E Kill Small Mobs"); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox("ETransfer", "Stacks Transfer Killsteal (Q > E)"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("EDMG", "Draw E Damage"); Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; Events.OnIncomingDamage += Events_OnIncomingDamage; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += Obj_AI_Base_OnBuffGain; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Events.OnGameEnd += Events_OnGameEnd; }
static Kalista() { if (!Directory.Exists(appdata)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(appdata); } if (!File.Exists(appdata + Game.GameId + ".dat")) { File.Create(appdata + Game.GameId + ".dat"); Created = true; } Edmg = new Text(string.Empty, new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = System.Drawing.Color.White }; Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1150, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 60) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 5000, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 2100, 80); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 1000); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, 1100); SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Otomatik"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Kombo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Dürtme"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("OrmanTemizleme"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneTemizleme"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillÇal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Göstergeler"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Yardımcısı {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Yardımcısı {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Yardımcısı {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillÇal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Göster " + i.Slot); }); //AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("exploit", "Kalista Exploit Kullan (Ban Yiyebilirsin)", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("SoulBound", "Bağlı Olduğuna R sakla"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoR", "Otomatik R"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("EDeath", "Ölmeden Önce E"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEJungle", "Orman Moblarını Otomatik çal (E)"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEBig", "Büyük Minyonlar için Otomatik E"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEUnKillable", "Ölmeyecek minyonlar için otomatik E", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoE", "Hiçbir Mod Aktif Değilken Eyi yinede Kullan", false); AutoMenu.CreateSlider("AutoEcount", "{0} Otomatik R için yük say", 5, 1, 25); var balistahero = Ballistaheros.FirstOrDefault(a => EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Any(b => a.Hero == b.Hero)); if (balistahero != null) { AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox(balistahero.Hero.ToString(), "Ballista Kullan şununla " + balistahero.Hero); AutoMenu.CreateSlider(balistahero.Hero + "dis", "Ballista için arandaki mesafe", 600, 0, 1100); } ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("Gapclose", "Minyona vura vura Hareket et"); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("EKillCount", "E ile öldür {0}+ Sadece Düşman için", 1, 1, 6); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("Emin", "E ile minyon öldürerek Hedefi Dürt"); HarassMenu.CreateSlider("Estacks", "{0} E için en az yük", 5, 1, 25); LaneClearMenu.CreateKeyBind("Etog", "Lanetemizlemede E Kullan/Kullanma", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Qhits", "Q kaç Minyona Çarpsın {0}", 3, 1, 15); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Ekills", "E ile lanetemizleme için en az minyon {0}", 2, 1, 10); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("Esmall", "Küçük moblara E"); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox("ETransfer", "Kill Çalma için Q ya öncelik ver (Q > E)"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("EDMG", "E Hasarını Göster"); Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; Events.OnIncomingDamage += Events_OnIncomingDamage; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += Obj_AI_Base_OnBuffGain; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Events.OnGameEnd += Events_OnGameEnd; }
static Jhin() { Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600) { DamageType = DamageType.Physical }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 2500, SkillShotType.Linear, 750, 5000, 40) { AllowedCollisionCount = -1, DamageType = DamageType.Physical }; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 750, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1600, 300) { DamageType = DamageType.Magical }; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 3500, SkillShotType.Linear, 200, 4500, 80) { AllowedCollisionCount = -1, DamageType = DamageType.Physical }; SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(W); //SpellList.Add(R); EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.ForEach(e => StalkedEnemies.Add(new StalkEnemies(e, Core.GameTickCount, e.ServerPosition))); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "hit", i.Slot + " Hit {0} Minions", 3, 1, 20); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); }); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("crit", "Try to Save Critcal AA For KS", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Qunk", "Q UnKillable Minions"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Wunk", "W UnKillable Minions", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoW", "Auto W Targets With Buff"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("WGap", "W Gap Closers"); AutoMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings"); AutoMenu.Add("Rmode", new ComboBox("R Mode", 0, "Auto R", "On Tap R")); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("R", "Use R"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("RKS", "R Kill Steal"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Blue", "Use Blue Trinket"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Rmouse", "Focus Targets Near Mouse", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Commands", "Block All Commands While Casting R", false); AutoMenu.CreateSlider("RHit", "R HitChance {0}%", 45); AutoMenu.CreateSlider("MouseRange", "Focus Near Mouse Radius {0}", 700, 150, 1250); AutoMenu.CreateKeyBind("RTap", "R Tap Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S').OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { RTap = args.NewValue; }; ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("WAA", "W If Target is Out Of AA Range"); ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("WBUFF", "W Snare Targets Only"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("RSector", "Draw R Sector", false); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("Notifications", "Enable Notifications"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("LV", "Draw Last Visible Position"); Player.OnIssueOrder += Player_OnIssueOrder; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalker_OnPreAttack; }
static Syndra() { Init(); dmg = new Text(string.Empty, new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.White }; Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 810, SkillShotType.Circular, 600, int.MaxValue, 125) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue, DamageType = DamageType.Magical }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 900, SkillShotType.Circular, 350, 1500, 140) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue, DamageType = DamageType.Magical }; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 680, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 2500, 50) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue, DamageType = DamageType.Magical }; R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 680, DamageType.Magical); Eball = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1100, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2400, 40) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue, DamageType = DamageType.Magical }; SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(W); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(Eball); SpellList.Add(R); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); UltMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("R BlackList"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot, i.Slot != SpellSlot.E); if (i != R) { HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot, i != E); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot, i != E); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "hit", i.Slot + " Hit {0} Minions", 3, 1, 20); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot, i != E); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); } KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); }); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("QEgap", "Auto QE Anti-Gapcloser"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("QEint", "Auto QE Interrupter"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Egap", "Auto E Anti-Gapcloser"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Eint", "Auto E Interrupter"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Wunk", "Auto W Unkillable Minions"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("fleeE", "Flee E"); AutoMenu.CreateKeyBind("QEkey", "QE To Mouse", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive); ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("QE", "Use QE"); ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("Eball", "Use E on Balls"); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("QE", "Use QE"); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("Eball", "Use E on Balls"); HarassMenu.CreateKeyBind("auto", "Auto Harass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox("QE", "QE KillSteal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("dmg", "Draw Combo Damage"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("balls", "Draw Balls"); UltMenu.AddGroupLabel("Targets To Not Use R On:"); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { UltMenu.CreateCheckBox(enemy.Name(), "Dont Ult " + enemy.Name(), false); } MenuList.Add(HarassMenu); MenuList.Add(LaneClearMenu); MenuList.Add(JungleClearMenu); Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; }
static Gangplank() { Init(); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 625); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1000, SkillShotType.Circular, 500, int.MaxValue, 325); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, int.MaxValue, SkillShotType.Circular, 500, int.MaxValue, 600); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Otomatik"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Kombo"); //HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Dürtme"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("OrmanTemizleme"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneTemizleme"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillÇal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Göstergeler"); SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); if (i != R) { //HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); //HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Kullan " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Göster " + i.Slot); if (i != E) { //HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Yardımcısı {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Yardımcısı {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Yardımcısı {0}%", 60); } } KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillÇal"); }); MenuIni.AddGroupLabel("W ile Arındırma için Activator Kontrol Et > Qss"); //AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("CC", "Auto W CC Buffs"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoQ", "Varillere Otomatik Q", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Qunk", "Ölmeyecek Minyona Q"); AutoMenu.CreateKeyBind("EQMOUSE", "E > Q Fareye Doğru", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S'); ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("FB", "Önce Varil Yerleştir"); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("RAOE", "R alanı için düşman sayısı {0}", 3, 1, 6); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox("RSwitch", "Hasar Yükseltmeyi Otomatik Kullan"); KillStealMenu.CreateSlider("Rdmg", "R hasarını çoğalt X{0}", 3, 1, 12); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("QLH", "Q ile Son vuruş"); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("EKill", "E için ölecek minyon Sayısı {0}", 2, 0, 10); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("EHits", "E kaç Minyona Çarpması gerekir {0}", 3, 0, 10); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("Barrels", "Varil Göstergeleri Aktif"); Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; }
static Kalista() { Edmg = new Text(string.Empty, new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = System.Drawing.Color.White }; Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1150, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 60) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 5000, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 2100, 80); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 1000); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, 1100); SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(E); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); }); //AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("exploit", "Enable Kalista Exploit (WILL BAN YOU)", false); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoR", "Auto R"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("EDeath", "E Before Death"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEJungle", "Auto Steal Jungle Camps (E)"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEBig", "Auto Use E Big Minions"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoEUnKillable", "Auto Use E On UnKillable Minions"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("AutoE", "Auto Use E if no modes active"); AutoMenu.CreateSlider("AutoEcount", "{0} Min Stacks to Auto E", 5, 1, 25); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("EKillCount", "Use E To Kill {0}+ Enemies Only", 1, 1, 6); HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("Emin", "E Kill Minion For Harass"); HarassMenu.CreateSlider("Estacks", "{0} Stacks to Use E", 5, 1, 25); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Qhits", "Q Hit Count {0}", 3, 1, 15); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Ekills", "E Kill Count {0}", 2, 1, 10); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("Esmall", "E Kill Small Mobs"); KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox("ETransfer", "Stacks Transfer Killsteal (Q > E)"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox("EDMG", "Draw E Damage"); Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; Events.OnIncomingDamage += Events_OnIncomingDamage; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; //Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += Obj_AI_Base_OnBuffGain; }
static Viktor() { Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 670); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 700, SkillShotType.Circular, 500, int.MaxValue, 250) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1225, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, int.MaxValue, 100) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 700, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, int.MaxValue, 450) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(W); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName); AutoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Auto"); ComboMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass"); JungleClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LaneClearMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); KillStealMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); SpellList.ForEach( i => { ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); if (i != R && i != W) { HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); HarassMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Use " + i.Slot); JungleClearMenu.CreateSlider(i.Slot + "mana", i.Slot + " Mana Manager {0}%", 60); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); } KillStealMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, i.Slot + " KillSteal"); DrawMenu.CreateCheckBox(i.Slot, "Draw " + i.Slot); }); AutoMenu.Add("Wmode", new ComboBox("GapCloser W Mode", 1, "Place On Self", "Place On Enemy")); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("GapW", "Auto W Anti-GapCloser"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("IntW", "Auto W Interrupter"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("IntR", "Auto R Interrupter"); AutoMenu.CreateCheckBox("Qunk", "Auto Q UnKillable Minions"); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("RAOE", "R AoE Hit Count {0}", 2, 1, 6); ComboMenu.CreateSlider("RMulti", "Mutilply R Damage By X{0} Times", 3, 1, 10); LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("Ehits", "E Hit Count {0}", 3, 1, 20); Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_OnUnkillableMinion; }