public JWTUser RequireAuthentication(HttpRequest request) { JWTUser result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Headers["Authorization"])) { result = JWT.DecodeToken(GetAuthParam(request.Headers["Authorization"])); } else { var cookies = request.Cookies; if (cookies == null) { throw new SecurityException("Unable to find cookie"); } var cookie = cookies["fso"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie)) { throw new SecurityException("Unable to find cookie"); } result = JWT.DecodeToken(cookie); } if (result == null) { throw new SecurityException("Invalid token"); } return(result); }
public JWTUser RequireAuthentication(HttpRequestMessage request) { /*var http = HttpContext.Current; * if (http == null) * { * throw new SecurityException("Unable to get http context"); * }*/ var cookies = request.Headers.GetCookies().FirstOrDefault(); if (cookies == null) { throw new SecurityException("Unable to find cookie"); } var cookie = cookies["fso"]; if (cookie == null) { throw new SecurityException("Unable to find cookie"); } var result = JWT.DecodeToken(cookie.Value); if (result == null) { throw new SecurityException("Invalid token"); } return(result); }