protected override bool defineCmd() { JSIApp app = (JSIApp)this.mApp; JSIPerspCameraPerson cp = app.getPerspCameraPerson(); // create a plane on the pivot, directly facing the camera. Plane pivotPlane = new Plane(-cp.getView(), cp.getPivot()); // project the previous screen point to the plane. Ray prevPtRay = cp.getCamera().ScreenPointToRay(this.mPrevPt); float prevPtDist = float.NaN; pivotPlane.Raycast(prevPtRay, out prevPtDist); Vector3 prevPtOnPlane = prevPtRay.GetPoint(prevPtDist); // project the current screen point to the plane. Ray curPtRay = cp.getCamera().ScreenPointToRay(this.mCurPt); float curPtDist = float.NaN; pivotPlane.Raycast(curPtRay, out curPtDist); Vector3 curPtOnPlane = curPtRay.GetPoint(curPtDist); // calculate the position difference between the two points. Vector3 offset = curPtOnPlane - prevPtOnPlane; // update the postion of the camera. cp.setEye(cp.getEye() - offset); return(true); }
protected override bool defineCmd() { JSIApp app = (JSIApp)this.mApp; JSIPerspCameraPerson cp = app.getPerspCameraPerson(); // calculate the normal vector of the card plane. Vector3 normalDir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(-cp.getView(), Vector3.up).normalized; // define card dimensions. float cardWidth = 1.0f; float cardHeight = 2.0f; Vector3 cardCenter = new Vector3(0.0f, cardHeight / 2.0f, 0.0f); Vector3 cardZDir = -normalDir; Vector3 cardYDir = Vector3.up; Vector3 cardXDir = Vector3.Cross(cardYDir, cardZDir); Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(cardZDir, cardYDir); // create a new stadning card JSIStandingCard sc = new JSIStandingCard("EmptyStandingCard", cardWidth, cardHeight, cardCenter, rot, null); // add the standing card to its mgr app.getStandingCardMgr().getStandingCards().Add(sc); return(true); }
protected override bool defineCmd() { JSIApp app = (JSIApp)this.mApp; JSIPerspCameraPerson cp = app.getPerspCameraPerson(); float dx = this.mCurPt.x - this.mPrevPt.x; float dy = this.mCurPt.y - this.mPrevPt.y; float dAzimuth = 180.0f * dx / Screen.width; float dZenith = -180.0f * dy / Screen.height; // Quaternion qa = Quaternion.AngleAxis(dAzimuth, Vector3.up); Quaternion qa = Quaternion.AngleAxis(dAzimuth, cp.getUp()); Quaternion qz = Quaternion.AngleAxis(dZenith, cp.getRight()); Vector3 pivotToEye = cp.getEye() - cp.getPivot(); Vector3 nextEye = cp.getPivot() + qa * qz * pivotToEye; Vector3 nextView = qa * qz * cp.getView(); cp.setEye(nextEye); cp.setView(nextView); return(true); }
protected override bool defineCmd() { JSIApp app = (JSIApp)this.mApp; JSIPerspCameraPerson cp = app.getPerspCameraPerson(); // check if there exist 2D point curves. if (app.getPtCurve2DMgr().getPtCurve2Ds().Count == 0) { return(false); } //find the lowest 2D point. Vector2 lowestPt2D = this.calcLowestPt2D( app.getPtCurve2DMgr().getPtCurve2Ds()); // calculate the lowest 3D point. Ray lowestPtRay = cp.getCamera().ScreenPointToRay(lowestPt2D); Plane groundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up,; float lowestPtDist = float.NaN; groundPlane.Raycast(lowestPtRay, out lowestPtDist); Vector3 lowestPt3D = lowestPtRay.GetPoint(lowestPtDist); // calculate the noraml vector of the card plane. Vector3 normalDir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane( -cp.getView(), Vector3.up).normalized; // calculate 3D point curves by projecting 2D point curves // to the plane. Plane cardPlane = new Plane(normalDir, lowestPt3D); List <JSIAppPolyline3D> ptCurve3Ds = this.calcProjectedPtCurve3Ds( app.getPtCurve2DMgr().getPtCurve2Ds(), cardPlane, cp.getCamera()); // clear 2D point curves. foreach (JSIAppPolyline2D ptCurve2D in app.getPtCurve2DMgr().getPtCurve2Ds()) { ptCurve2D.destroyGameObject(); } app.getPtCurve2DMgr().getPtCurve2Ds().Clear(); // calculate Vector3 cardZDir = -normalDir; Vector3 cardYDir = Vector3.up; Vector3 cardXDir = Vector3.Cross(cardYDir, cardZDir).normalized; Vector3 cardCtr = this.calcCardCtr(ptCurve3Ds, lowestPt3D, cardXDir, cardYDir, cardZDir); // calculate the local 3D List <JSIAppPolyline3D> localPtCurve3Ds = this.createLocalPtCurve3Ds(ptCurve3Ds, cardCtr, cardXDir, cardYDir, cardZDir); // clear 3D point curves. foreach (JSIAppPolyline3D ptCurve3D in ptCurve3Ds) { ptCurve3D.destroyGameObject(); } ptCurve3Ds.Clear(); // create a new standing card. float cardWidth = this.calcCardWidth(localPtCurve3Ds); float cardHeight = this.calcCardHeight(localPtCurve3Ds); Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation(cardZDir, cardYDir); JSIStandingCard sc = new JSIStandingCard("StandingCard", cardWidth, cardHeight, cardCtr, q, localPtCurve3Ds); // add the standing car to its manager. app.getStandingCardMgr().getStandingCards().Add(sc); return(true); }