public static async Task <Size> GetSizeAsync(string path) { Logger.Log($"Getting media resolution ({path})", true); long filesize = IoUtils.GetFilesize(path); QueryInfo hash = new QueryInfo(path, filesize); if (filesize > 0 && CacheContains(hash)) { Logger.Log($"Cache contains this hash, using cached value.", true); return(GetFromCache(hash)); } else { Logger.Log($"Hash not cached, reading resolution.", true); } Size size; size = await IoUtils.GetVideoOrFramesRes(path); if (size.Width > 0 && size.Height > 0) { Logger.Log($"Adding hash with value {size} to cache.", true); cache.Add(hash, size); } return(size); }
public static async Task <int> GetFrameCountAsync(string path, int retryCount = 3) { Logger.Log($"Getting frame count ({path})", true); long filesize = IoUtils.GetFilesize(path); QueryInfo hash = new QueryInfo(path, filesize); if (filesize > 0 && CacheContains(hash)) { Logger.Log($"Cache contains this hash, using cached value.", true); return(GetFromCache(hash)); } else { Logger.Log($"Hash not cached, reading frame count.", true); } int frameCount; if (IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(path)) { frameCount = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(path, false); } else { frameCount = await FfmpegCommands.GetFrameCountAsync(path); } if (frameCount > 0) { Logger.Log($"Adding hash with value {frameCount} to cache.", true); cache.Add(hash, frameCount); } else { if (retryCount > 0) { Logger.Log($"Got {frameCount} frames, retrying ({retryCount} left)", true); Clear(); frameCount = await GetFrameCountAsync(path, retryCount - 1); } else { Logger.Log($"Failed to get frames and out of retries ({frameCount} frames for {path})", true); } } return(frameCount); }
static async Task <string> GetOutputCached(string path, Process process) { long filesize = IoUtils.GetFilesize(path); QueryInfo hash = new QueryInfo(path, filesize, process.StartInfo.Arguments); if (filesize > 0 && CacheContains(hash, ref cmdCache)) { Logger.Log($"GetVideoInfo: '{process.StartInfo.FileName} {process.StartInfo.Arguments}' cached, won't re-run.", true, false, "ffmpeg"); return(GetFromCache(hash, ref cmdCache)); } Logger.Log($"GetVideoInfo: '{process.StartInfo.FileName} {process.StartInfo.Arguments}' not cached, running.", true, false, "ffmpeg"); string output = await OsUtils.GetOutputAsync(process); cmdCache.Add(hash, output); return(output); }
public static async Task UpdateModelList() { if (!Config.GetBool("fetchModelsFromRepo", false)) { return; } foreach (AI ai in Implementations.networks) { try { var client = new WebClient(); string aiName = ai.pkgDir; string url = $"{aiName}/models.txt"; string movePath = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), aiName, "models.txt"); string savePath = movePath + ".tmp"; if (!Directory.Exists(savePath.GetParentDir())) { Logger.Log($"Skipping {ai.pkgDir} models file download as '{savePath.GetParentDir()}' does not exist!", true); continue; } Logger.Log($"Saving models file from '{url}' to '{savePath}'", true); client.DownloadFile(url, savePath); if (IoUtils.GetFilesize(savePath) > 8) { File.Delete(movePath); File.Move(savePath, movePath); } else { File.Delete(savePath); } Program.mainForm.UpdateAiModelCombox(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log($"Failed to fetch models file for {ai.friendlyName}. Ignore this if you are not connected to the internet."); Logger.Log($"{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}", true); } } }
static async Task SaveFilenameMap() { string filePath = Path.Combine(I.current.tempFolder, Paths.resumeDir, filenameMapFilename); if (File.Exists(filePath) && IoUtils.GetFilesize(filePath) > 0) { return; } string fileContent = ""; int counter = 0; foreach (string file in FrameRename.importFilenames) { if (counter % 1000 == 0) { await Task.Delay(1); } fileContent += $"{file}\n"; counter++; } File.WriteAllText(filePath, fileContent); }
public static async Task MergeStreamsFromInput(string inputVideo, string interpVideo, string tempFolder, bool shortest) { if (!File.Exists(inputVideo) && !I.current.inputIsFrames) { Logger.Log("Warning: Input video file not found, can't copy audio/subtitle streams to output video!"); return; } string containerExt = Path.GetExtension(interpVideo); string tempPath = Path.Combine(tempFolder, $"vid{containerExt}"); string outPath = Path.Combine(tempFolder, $"muxed{containerExt}"); IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExists(tempPath); File.Move(interpVideo, tempPath); string inName = Path.GetFileName(tempPath); string outName = Path.GetFileName(outPath); string subArgs = "-c:s " + Utils.GetSubCodecForContainer(containerExt); bool audioCompat = Utils.ContainerSupportsAllAudioFormats(I.current.outMode, GetAudioCodecs(inputVideo)); bool slowmo = I.current.outItsScale != 0 && I.current.outItsScale != 1; string audioArgs = audioCompat && !slowmo ? "" : await Utils.GetAudioFallbackArgs(inputVideo, I.current.outMode, I.current.outItsScale); if (!audioCompat && !slowmo) { Logger.Log("Warning: Input audio format(s) not fully supported in output container - Will re-encode.", true, false, "ffmpeg"); } bool audio = Config.GetBool(Config.Key.keepAudio); bool subs = Config.GetBool(Config.Key.keepSubs); bool meta = Config.GetBool(Config.Key.keepMeta); if (!audio) { audioArgs = "-an"; } if (!subs || (subs && !Utils.ContainerSupportsSubs(containerExt))) { subArgs = "-sn"; } bool isMkv = I.current.outMode == I.OutMode.VidMkv; string mkvFix = isMkv ? "-max_interleave_delta 0" : ""; // string metaArg = (isMkv && meta) ? "-map 1:t?" : ""; // string shortestArg = shortest ? "-shortest" : ""; if (QuickSettingsTab.trimEnabled) { string otherStreamsName = $"otherStreams{containerExt}"; string[] trim = FfmpegExtract.GetTrimArgs(); string args1 = $"{trim[0]} -i {inputVideo.Wrap()} {trim[1]} -map 0 -map -0:v -map -0:d -c copy {audioArgs} {subArgs} {otherStreamsName}"; // Extract trimmed await RunFfmpeg(args1, tempFolder, LogMode.Hidden); string args2 = $"-i {inName} -i {otherStreamsName} -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:? -map 1:s:? {metaArg} -c copy {audioArgs} {subArgs} {mkvFix} {shortestArg} {outName}"; // Merge interp + trimmed original await RunFfmpeg(args2, tempFolder, LogMode.Hidden); IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExists(Path.Combine(tempFolder, otherStreamsName)); } else // If trimming is disabled we can pull the streams directly from the input file { string args = $"-i {inName} -i {inputVideo.Wrap()} -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:? -map 1:s:? {metaArg} -c copy {audioArgs} {subArgs} {mkvFix} {shortestArg} {outName}"; await RunFfmpeg(args, tempFolder, LogMode.Hidden); } if (File.Exists(outPath) && IoUtils.GetFilesize(outPath) > 512) { File.Delete(tempPath); File.Move(outPath, interpVideo); } else { File.Move(tempPath, interpVideo); // Muxing failed, move unmuxed video file back } }